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NAME: Nguyễn Thị Nhung

Question 1: From week 1 to week 4 I learned :
 4 topic :
Week 1 : Adaptability
Week 2 : Connecting to nature
Week 3 : Going places
Week 4 : Music
 TED talk
Week 1 :
- When is a pandemic over ?
- Embrace the shake
Week 2 :
- How to use paper towel
- Man vs Earth
Week 3 :
- A skateboard , with a boost
- Google’s driverless car
Week 4 :
- A visual history of social dance in 25 moves - Camillie A.Brown
- Why I take the piano on the road … and in the air
Week 1 : Distance can’t limit us
Week 2 : The 4th second
Week 3 : Inventions for a better life
Week 4 : Music connects people
 Skill I practice everyday :The first skill that I learned is listening and reading daily news on different
media like: reuters, youtube.. then I will take note of new words and learn them.The second is
speaking skills, confidently in front of the camera so that I can express to people to understand my
news content every day. through which I practice more phonics, body language and ask more
questions.and finally, the skill of teamwork every day, weekly project is our challenge and from there
I learn a lot of skills from my teammates, and at the same time accumulate a lot of knowledge for
myself .

Question 2 : Among all the topics I have done from week1 to week 4, The topic "Music" really make me
feel the most meaningful. The reason why is that music can connect people from all over the world. For
instance, when you come to a worldwide music concert like Blackpink, everyone just Feel the lyric and
enjoy the moment together. We do not care about the people who standing near, wherever they come from,
their background or culture. Everybody just enjoy the music that's why i think music brings people

Question 3
FACT 1 :Bop is a dance for communication , it has been around for a long time . African American social
dances originated as a way to help Africans preserve cultural traditions and keep the feeling of freedom
inside. Today these tunes continue to grow and spread to everyone.
FACT 2 :Sebastian Thrun participated in the DARPA challenge. He built a driverless car with the aim of
saving lives and reducing traffic accidents, besides it also helps reduce emissions in the environment.
FACT 1:In art school, Phil Hansen developed an unruly tremor in his hand that kept him from creating the
pointillit drawings he loved. . Until a neurologist made a simple suggestion: embrace this limitation ... and
transcend it. he did , he rushed home grabbing a pencil and making shaky drawings and he was surprised
when it created an artistic picture, from which he has many works of art through infinite objects simple
FACT 2 :On June 10, India recorded a record number of deaths from covid 19. The disease caused
infrastructure, medical equipment, a serious lack of medicine and was under a lot of pressure. Up to
now, India has started to vaccinate its people and that is the best solution

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