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Lord of flies

(If the story looks complete, this doesn't mean that an unknown continuation of the story has not
been hidden in ancient libraries…)

London, 2020.

The doorbell rang, Ralph tried to open his eyes and understand what's going on. His son Joy
reluctantly(нехотя) woke up too, so as not to miss something interesting. He was only 3 years
old, fair-haired and blue-eyed, a copy of his father. Joy was well-mannered, and his intelligence
seemed to be higher than that of some adults. Wait, a three-year-old boy has become your
crush? We leave from the description of the child of Ralph. Someone rang at the door. It was

We all remember that Ralph then on the island was in conflict with Jack. But one day in
Belgium, Ralph and Jack met again. They realized that the bad blood was over and it was time to
be friends. Ralph didn't think that the enemy would become such a close friend, but it’s a fact.
He even hinted(намекал) to Jack that it might be love. Their relationship developed slowly and
they still parted(расстались). But one day appeared Zoe. It was an ordinary Russian girl who
got the same job where Ralph worked. She was long-legged, dark-haired with short hair, with a
wide smile and a kind Russian heart. Ralph was blinded and charmed by her. Jack liked her too,
because he sincerely(искреннее) wanted Ralph to find a good fiancee. And now, the happy day
has come, the wedding of Ralph and Zoe. I don't want to describe the whole ceremony. I’ll just
say that everything was according to European standards. It Didn't look like a usual Russian
wedding at all.

Well, in general, that's why Jack came so early, he is a organizer of the wedding, he is also Joy's
godfather, and really wanted to see him. Jack brought a huge map of the world, as the
newlyweds(молодожены) had to choose a location for their honeymoon. Zoe offered to go to
Greece, Ralph wanted to America, in general, they did not come to a common decision. Then
Jack simply told them to take hands and with closed eyes poked(«тыкнуть») anywhere. Zoe
prayed, if only it was not Russia. Whoopsie(«тадам») , some island near Africa. Tickets were
bought. Jack decided not to book a hotel room in advance, hoping that they would book on the
The flight was so long and when they arrived the weather was extremely boiling. The newlyweds
with their son and their friend flew to an unknown island, then it turned out that it was
uninhabited and there were no hotels at all. Nice. Ralph felt déjà vu. Zoe did not care, she said
that she also went through this, living in her country. The lady began to settle down. Jack, Ralph
and Joy began to build the shelters and Zoe went to look for food in the forest. When she
discovered a huge amount of fruit, Zoe noticed that some of the fruit has been
nibbled(надгрызаны) . But she did not give importance.

Night. Ralph could not sleep in new place. This place seems very familiar to him, but he was
afraid to imagine that his family has arrived on that particular island... Some rustle. Ralph
jumped out of the hut and saw blood nearby. Zoe, when exploring the island, said that wild
animals are possible here. But it was still so weirdly. Ralph looked into the forest and saw a
silhouette of a human. He immediately ran to wake his family and Jack. Zoe offered to come
closer to that beast. Perhaps this is a simple person, at least will keep the company. “ARE YOU
CRAZY?” - everyone said in one voice.

The creature began to slowly crawl towards Ralph. When it was approaching, the torn
belly(разорванный живот) was clearly visible , there was no half of the head and everything
was bleeding. It was a dead man, definitely not a human. Who do you think is this prisoner of
this island? It was Piggy. He rushed after Ralph and Jack, wanting to kill them. Piggy chased
them all over the island. Finally, Joy ran to the zombie and started a conversation (yes, it was a
miracle child, he decided to talk to Piggy in sign language, because the dead only understand it).
Joy asked why the zombie was running after his father and godfather? The dead man answered
that he wanted revenge (отомстить) that they left him to die and did not save. Everyone had
thought that he was killed, but it was not. Zoe looked at all this and was in shock.Joy began to
explain that they were inexperienced at that time, so they couldn't do anything. The dead man
was so furious, stamped his foot and disappeared. It seems it's over. But then a whole swarm of
flies appeared. There were hundreds and thousands of them, nothing was visible.They began to
bite Joy, and then completely ate the skin of all the people of the island, so that they fell dead on
the sand.

Ralph woke up in a cold sweat(холодный пот) . Nearby, peacefully, but always on the
alert(начеку) , Zoya slept. He left the hut to calm down after the nightmare. He walked slowly
along the ocean. And then in the distance he saw something black on the shore. It was a corpse.
"My God, will what I saw start again?"

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