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Fighting-Style/Spec Changes

**Boxing Balances**

- Increase Meat Shield I Skill Point Cost from 1 to 2
- Increase Meat Shield II Skill Point Cost from 2 to 3
-Reduce Mastered Eye Gouge's blind duration from 9 seconds to 6 seconds.
-Give Boxing Gloves a blocking animation of visual effect to indicate that the user
is blocking.

**Vampirism Balances:**

- Make it so people hit by Life Drain are given iframes while having their blood
- When other Specs besides Vampirism use the Vampire Race, they will drain their
blood gauge when using Spec Moves.
- Make Vampire Spec users immune to the sun and remove Hamon dealing extra damage
to them. However, make it so people with Vampire race and a spec different from
Vampirism still get burned by the sun and take extra hamon damage.
- Replace Ultra Violet Resist Upgrades with upgrades that give passive Blood Gauge
regeneration when out of combat. (Not being hit for 40 seconds)

**Hamon Balances:**

"Scarlet Overdrive"
-Decreased windup so that it comes out faster. (Similar to Boxing's Jaw Breaker
ability for reference)
-Increase damage of initial punch by 40%.
-When used on vampires, they will have their blood gauge paused for 10 seconds.
Meaning they will not be able to use it to regenerate or gain any blood.

"Skill Point Decreases"

-Zoom Punch- 2 to 1
-Scarlet Overdrive- 2 to 1
-Sunlight Yellow Overdrive- 2 to 1
-Hamon Duration IV- 2 to 1
-Hamon Charge IV- 2 to 1

"Hamon Punch Upgrade"

-Move this upgrade beside the initial "Charge Hamon" skill node.
-Increase skill point cost from 1 to 2.

**Sword-Style Balances/Fixes**


- Fix Thrust Upgrades I and II, as they do not work at the moment
- Greatly reduce the lingering hitbox of the Pierce Strike ability
- Reduce the stun duration of the Crescent Slash ability
(Below are new additions to Sword Style that would make it way more creative/up to
- Add a new passive ability called "Riposte" that temporarily boosts your Spec
damage by 25% for 5 seconds after parrying someone.
- Replace Thorn Block passive with a new passive ability called "Resolve" that
heals you for 25 health and temporarily boosts your damage resistance by 50% for 5
seconds when breaking someone's block.
>3 second cooldown for the Resolve passive so that people can't spam heal.

**Spin Balances**

- Give Spin Punch the ability to block break rather than going through blocks.
- Change Spin Punch ability so that it's unable to be perfect blocked.
- Rework Golden Skin to be like Boxing's Tough Skin upgrades, where it lasts
forever and the upgrades boost the defense amount rather than the duration.

**Star Platinum Part 3 Balances**

- Nerf Inhale to make it so people getting sucked in can still Block while inside
the whirlwind.
- Buff Ora Kicks by increasing the speed of the animation to make it harder to
perfect block and dodge the final hit.

**Hermit Purple Balances**

- Change the Grapple + Vine Trap ability so that it cannot be perfect blocked. (The
one where you spin mid air)

**Hierophant Green Balances**


- Change Marionette Control so you may no longer use Spec abilities/attacks while
someone is under your control.

**The World Balances:**

- Buff Kick Barrage by increasing the speed of the FINAL kick because it's too
- Dramatically decrease the amount of knockback from all of the Roadroller
ability's hits besides the final one.

**Crazy Diamond Balances:**

- Make it so people trapped by Rock Trap are unable to barrage, but cannot have
their stands be forced away while in the trap.

**Red Hot Chili Peppers Balances:**

- Make Electric Jabs can only be normally blocked, not perfect blocked.

- Make it so when Electrify is active, that charged moves use less electricity

- Buff the speed at which electric charge gets faster based off of upgrading your
charge speed in skill tree.

- Give RHCP a very minor amount of passive regen on its electric charge meter(This
would be disabled while Electrify is active)

**Killer Queen/Killer Queen BTD Balances:**

- Give iframes to people who have First Bomb directly planted on them during the
implosion animation. (when they are bubbling up, stunned, and then explode)

**Gold Experience Balances:**

- Prevent any counters such as Epitaph and Raging Demon being used by victims of 7
Page Beatdown before the last punch.
- Boost Summon Lifeform eagle movement speed.
- Add a 10-15 damage poison effect to people hit by Summon Frog Lifeform's punch.
- Add a "Muda Kicks" ability, similar to The World's but with GE's voicelines.

**Sticky Fingers Balances:**

- Change Zipper Uppercut so that it can no longer be perfect blocked.
- Make it so when you're hit during the windup of Zipper Punch it gets cancelled.

**Aerosmith Balances:**

- Reduce the duration of the Vola Barrage ability to that of a normal punching
barrage, but compensate by increasing the damage to a reasonable amount.

**White Album Additions:**

- Add an "Icicle Throw" move that works similarly to Pocket Revolver from TWAU in
that it block breaks and deals medium damage with small stun.
- Add an ability called "Icy Grip" that works basically the same as the Bakugo
ability on Magician's Red, except of setting the victim on fire it slows their
walkspeed by 30% for 3 seconds.

**King Crimson Balances:**

- Give victims of the Impale ability iframes when they get up from its ragdolling,
so they cannot be immediately hit upon standing up.
- Reduce the stun duration of Epitaph's successive counter so you cannot guarantee
certain abilities on countered people.
**King Crimson Requiem Balances:**

- Disable posing for KCR users when they use Reality Marble. (so they can't trap
someone and then heal all their HP back while their opponent is trapped)
- Change Dimensional Slash so that it will be canceled if the user is ragdolled or
has their stand forced away during the windup.
- Reduce the stun duration of Epitaph's successive counter so you cannot guarantee
certain abilities on countered people.

**Gold Experience Requiem Balances:**

- Make it so people affected by GER's Return to Zero cutscene are forced to stay
completely still and cannot dash or block.
- Update the model on the Return to Zero cutscene.
- Make it so you can no longer use Return to Zero while being stunned.
- Reduce the duration of Nullification: Zero's stun on people who are countered by
1 second
- Reduce the cooldown of Nullification: Zero by 10 seconds.
- Reduce the cost of Return to Zero from 8 to 6 skill points.

**Silver Chariot Requiem Balances:**

- Boost overall stand damage by 17%
- Apply a cooldown to all other barrages after using Arrow Barrage.
- Make it so the last hit of Arrow Barrage knocks people down.
- Make it so you cannot pose while using Your Own Shadow
- Make it so that you cannot use Conquerer's Will while using the Your Own Shadow
- Increase global cooldown of Conquerer's Will
- Increase Conquerer's Will windup to be the same as timestop windups, to give
others a chance to cancel it.
- Nerf Conquerer's Will so that sleeping victims will not be affected by Stun when
they wake up.
- Buff Conquerer's Will by making it so that people who were blocking before they
were forced asleep will have their blocks broken so they can no longer block while
- Remove Pilot Mode's Shadow Atmosphere slowing down fellow members of your gang.

**C-Moon Balances:**

- Make it so Gravitational Shift does not work on ragdolled players or anyone with
- Change Uppercut to the Moon so it no longer forces the target's stand away when
they're hit by it.

**Made in Heaven Balances:**

- Change Time Acceleration so Double Accel's cooldown is not affected.
- Change Time Acceleration so Spec ability cooldowns are not affected.
- Make it so you cannot use Infinite Speed on ragdolled players.

**Star Platinum: The World Balances**

- Make it so Skull Crusher so that it is ONLY normally blockable, not perfect
- Disable Skull Crusher being able to be used during timestop.

**Scary Monsters Balances:**

- Reduce the amount of poison damage that Bite deals.
- Disable posing for the user while their Minions are alive.
- Give a slight wind up to the Headcharge ability as well as a sound or visual
effect of it being used.
- Give the Pounce ability slight end lag after landing on the ground.

**The World Alternate Universe Balance:**

- Remove Throw Knife Upgrade III from the skill tree.
- Add a windup sound effect to the Chop ability.

**Tusk ACTS 1-4 Nail Fix**

- Make it so all Nail projectiles go through walls, as right now they always get
stuck or do not work because walls get in the way.*

**All Pilot Abilities:**

- Change all pilot abilities so that you cannot go into pilot mode while being

**Scary Monsters, D4C , D4C - Love Train Fix:**

- Make it so vampires cannot get blood off of your minions and clones.

**Timestop Balances**
-Any ability that applies stun during timestops will not stun after the timestop
has ended.

- Make it so rage timestop stands' timeskip and timestop keys are different so they
can timeskip during rage mode.

-Reduce all timestop resistance durations by 50%.

-Fix the random glitch in timestop that makes it so you freeze randomly in the
middle of it.

-If you use the moves below and deal damage then your own timestop ability goes on
cooldown for 3 seconds. (This is to prevent a guaranteed timestop combo, if you
block break that should allow for a timestop however.)

>Heavenly Smite (TWOH ability)

>Ora Kicks (SP and SPTW move)
>Blood Drain (Vampirism ability)
>Vaporization Freeze Punch (Vampirism ability)
>Jaw Breaker (Boxing move)
>Scarlet Overdrive (Hamon ability)
>Crescent Slash (Sword ability)
>Platinum Slam (SPTW move)

**Counter Ability Balances**

- Add a 0.15 second windup to the following counter abilities that cancels the
ability if you're hit during the windup animation.

>Cursed Blade (Anubis)

>Gravitational Negation (C-Moon)
>Nullification: Zero (Gold Experience Requiem)

**Miscellaneous Balances:**

- Make it so the following moves prevent victims from being hit by outside damage.
That being nobody, except for the user can deal damage to the person who's hit by
these attacks.
> >Hierophant Green's Emerald Splash
> >Aerosmith's Vola Barrage
> >Sex Pistol's Multi Shot

- Remove the hit stun by weapons such as Pluck and its shiny variations, as it can
infinite stun people when using Made in Heaven's abilities.

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