ANA-PHY Lab Activity 9 Nervous System - A

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Laboratory Activity #9: The Nervous System – Brain – Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve

Name: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________

Student #: __________________________________ Date: __________________ / ___ / _______

I. Complete the table below:


1. ____________ ____________________ Entire cell forms myelin sheath around a segment of
an axon; helps regeneration of axons.
2. ____________ ____________________ Lines 4 brain ventricles; forms and circulates CSF.
3. ____________ ____________________ Engulfs invading microbes; clears debris; migrates to
injured nerves.
4. ____________ ____________________ Maintains environment around neurons; forms blood-
brain barrier.
5. ____________ ____________________ Covers sensory neuron cell bodies; maintains neuron
6. ____________ ____________________ Processes from cell form myelin sheaths around axons
of neurons.

II. Choose the key responses that best correspond to the descriptions provided in the following statements.
Insert the appropriate letter and term in your answer sheet
A. Autonomic nervous system
B. Central nervous system
C. Peripheral nervous system
D. Somatic nervous system
1. Nervous system subdivision that is composed of the brain and spinal cord
2. Subdivision of the PNS that controls voluntary activities such as the activation of skeletal muscles
3. Nervous system subdivision that is composed of the cranial and spinal nerves and ganglia
4. Subdivision of the PNS that regulates the activity of the heart and smooth muscle and of glands; it is
also called the involuntary nervous system
5. A major subdivision of the nervous system that interprets incoming information and issue orders
6. A major subdivision of the nervous system that serves as communication lines, =linking all parts of
the body to the CNS.

III. This exercise emphasizes the difference between neurons and neuroglia. Indicate which cell type is identified
by the following descriptions. Insert the appropriate letter and term on your answer sheet.
A. Neurons
B. Neuroglia
1. Support, insulate and protect
2. Demonstrate irritability and conductivity, and thus transmit electrical messages from one area of the
body to another area
3. Release neurotransmitters
4. Are amitotic
5. Able to divide; therefore, are responsible for most brain neoplasms

IV. Relative to neuron anatomy, match the anatomical terms given with the appropriate descriptions of
functions. Place the correct letter and term response in your answer sheet.
A. Axon
B. Axonal terminal
C. Dendrite
D. Myelin sheath
E. Cell body
1. Releases neurotransmitters
2. Conducts electrical currents toward the cell body
3. Increases the speed of impulse transmission
4. Location of the nucleus
5. Generally conducts impulses away from the cell body

V. Match the descriptions to nervous tissue cells. More than one cell type may apply to a description, and a cell
type may be used more than once.
A. Astrocyte
B. Ependymal cells
C. Microglia
D. Neuron
E. Oligodendrocytes
F. Satellite cells
G. Schwann cells
1. Supporting cells of PNS
2. Supporting cells of CNS
3. Form myelin sheaths (two answer apply here)
4. Regulate chemical environment of neurons
5. Generate and transmit nerve impulses
6. Line cavities of brain and spinal cord; form and move CSF
7. Phagocytes that destroy debris, dead tissue, and pathogens

VI. Using key choices, select the terms identified in the following description by inserting the appropriate letter
and term in your answer sheet
A. Afferent neuron
B. Association neuron
C. Cutaneous sense organs
D. Efferent neuron
E. Ganglion
F. Neuroglia
G. Neurotransmitters
H. Nerve
I. Nodes of Ranvier
J. Nuclei
K. Proprioceptors
L. Schwann cells
M. Synapse
N. Stimuli
O. Tract
1. Sensory receptors found in the skin, which are specialized to detect temperature, pressure changes
and pain
2. Specialized cells that myeline the fibers of neurons found in the PNS
3. Junction or point of close contact between neurons
4. Bundle of nerve processes inside the CNS
5. Neuron, serving as part of the conduction pathway between sensory and motor neurons
6. Gaps in a myelin sheath
7. Collection of nerve cell bodies found outside the CNS
8. Neuron that conducts impulses away from the CNS to muscle and glands
9. Sensory receptors found in muscle and tendons that detect their degree of stretch
10. Changes, occurring within or outside the body, that affect nervous system functioning
11. Neuron that conducts impulses toward the CNS from the body periphery
12. Chemicals released by neurons that stimulate other neurons, muscles, or glands
VII. Draw and label the parts the:
1. Neuron
2. Cerebral Cortex including the cerebellum and brain stem
3. Cross sectional view of the spinal cord
4. Brachial Plexus
5. Lumbar Plexus
6. Sacral Plexus

NOTE: FOR DRAWINGS: You should draw and submit your own drawings. Do not download drawings
from the internet. FOR NON-DRAWING ITEMS: You can type it. Make sure they are still arranged
according to order prescribe in Activity Sheet.

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