Info Sheet - No. 1 - Electronics

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Learning Outcomes:
1. define what is Electronics;
2. provide the necessary details of the
chronological timeline of history of Electronics;
3. give the different systems of electronics, its
importance and differences.
What is the difference
between electronics and
▪ The term Electrical deals with the flow of
electrical power or charge, whereas
electronics deals with the flow of electrons.
There is only a minute difference between
electrical and electronics, and both of them
more or less deal with electricity.
▪ Electronics is the branch
of science that deals with
the study of flow and
control of electrons
(electricity) and the study
of their behavior and
effects in vacuums, gases,
and semiconductors, and
with devices using such
▪ Electronics is defined
as devices run by electric
power or the field of
studying such items. An
example of electronics are
radios, computers, and
televisions. (physics) The
study and use of electrical
devices that operate by
controlling the flow of
electrons or other
electrically charged
Most electronic systems fall into
two categories:
▪ Processing and distribution of information. These
are called communications system.
▪ Conversion and distribution of energy. These are
called control system.
One way of
looking at an
system is to
separate it into
three parts:
▪ Electrical or mechanical
sensors, which take
signals from the physical
world (in the form of
temperature, pressure,
etc.) and convert them
into electric current and
voltage signals.
▪ These consist of
electronic components
connected together to
manipulate, interpret
and transform the
information contained in
the signals.
▪ Actuators or other
devices that transform
current and voltage
signals back into human
readable information.
timeline of the
“History of
(600 BC to 2007)

600 BC – Thales of Miletus discovered static electricity by rubbing fur

on amber.
1600 – William Gilbert coined the word electricus that was later
termed as Electricity by Benjamin Franklin in 1752.
1720 – Stephen Gray discovered insulator and conductor.

1745 – Ewald Georg von Kleist and Pieter van Musschenbroek invented
Leyden jars.
1752 – Benjamin Franklin discovered that lightning is electrical by
flying a kite and explained how Leyden Jars work.
1783 – Charles Augustin de Coulomb formulated Coulomb’s
1800 – Alessandro Volta invented battery (Dry Cell).

1820 – Hans Christian Orsted discovered magnetic field.

1820 – André Marie Ampère published his law of

electrodynamics called Ampère’s law.
1825 – William Sturgeon developed the first
1826 – Georg Ohm introduced Ohm’s Law.

1827 – Georg Ohm introduced the concept of electrical

1831 – Michael Faraday published the law of induction.

1931 – Michael Faraday invented transformer.

1831 – Joseph Henry developed a prototype DC motor.

1836 – Nicholas Callan invented transformer.

1844 – Samuel Morse developed telegraphy and the Morse

1856 – Charles Bourseul proposed telephony.

1862 – James Clerk Maxwell published four equations

bearing his name “Maxwell’s equations”.
1876 – Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone.
1877 – Thomas Alva Edison invented phonograph.

1878 – Joseph Swan invented Incandescent light bulb.

1879 – Thomas Alva Edison introduced a long-lasting

filament for incandescent lamp.
1888 – Heinrich Hertz proved that electromagnetic waves
travel over some distance.
1890 – Thomas Alva Edison invented fuse.
1897 – Karl Ferdinand Braun invented cathode ray
oscilloscope (CRO).
1901 – Guglielmo Marconi made first transatlantic radio
1904 – John Ambrose Fleming invented diode.

1906 – Lee de Forest invented triode.

1912 – Edwin Howard Armstrong developed Electronic

1928 – First experimental Television broadcast in the US.

1929 – First public TV broadcast in Germany.

1941 – Konrad Zuse developed the first programmable

1943 – Eisler invented the Printed Circuit Board.

1944 – John Logie Baird developed the first color picture

1958 – Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit (IC).

1960 – Theodore Harold Maiman invented the Laser.

1962 – Nick Holonyak Jr. invented the LED.

1962 – Hofstein, Heiman, and RCA invented MOSFET

1964 – Kemeny and Kurtz introduced the BASIC
programming language.
1970 – INTEL introduced the first Microprocessor.

1973 – John F. Mitchell and Dr. Martin Cooper of

Motorola invented the first mobile phone.
1976- Symour Cray defined the

2007- Apple introduced the first iphone

1946 -2021 (Going on)-Ray Prasad contributed

to Surface Mount Technology

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