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Weekly Report #2 – Teaching World Religion

Ferry Mahulette

Monotheistics Concept in Abrahamic Religion

In the Jewish view God is understood as a holy person and his existence is beyond human reach.

Humans know God to the extent that God introduces himself to humans. Judaism is also a group rooted

in Tradition and Covenants, especially when God made a covenant with Moses. So that the relationship

between humans and God is vertical with the Torah as a bridge connecting God with humans. Israel's

long history provides a deep lesson, especially the disobedience of the Israelites which made him exiled

to Babylon. From there was born a group of Jews who tried to return to the Torah and obey it, and there

is a prophecy that is remembered especially about the figure of the Messiah. The expected Messiah is the

Descendant of David who restores the Glory of David as of old. The reader sees that this concept is rooted

in the existence of a culture brought from the family of Abraham but the concept/style is similar to the

civilization of that time. As the name of the God of Israel is called El or Elohim which has similarities

with the name of the God of El in beliefs in the Mesopotamian valley at that time.

Augustine and many other Christians have puzzled over the mystery of God, not so much out of

curiosity, perhaps out of a desire for uniformity of belief among Christians. In Christianity it becomes

difficult to explain the concept of the Trinity either to Christians or to others? A common question and is

considered a weakness of Christians is "Your God there are three, right? ". Sometimes the point of view

used is the point of view of non-Christians so it becomes a failure of perception about it. The very basic

question that readers want to convey is "the Christian Trinity itself is a new doctrine or was it handed

down by the Jewish culture at that time?" considering the monotheism of the Jewish Group is not the

same thing as Christianity.

The first belief is in the absolute unity and sover- eignty of God, the doctrine known in Arabic as

tawh. ı¯d. This word has verbal force and literally means “to acknowledge as one” and “to make one.” At

the purely conceptual level, it points to the unity of God, but at the action level it is a commitment to

reflect that unity in religious allegiance. Put another way, Muslims seek unity of purpose and of their

community as a celebration of God’s oneness. The Islamic concept that rejects the Unity of God is

polytheism. How is the concept of Monotheism from Islam itself considering that the Arab group at that
time (Pre-Islamic) was a polytheist? How about the Correlation of Islamic Monotheism with the concept

of Christianity and Judaism? remember the root of Islam is to depart from Judaism.

Questions that must be re-reflected in class: Is it comparable to juxtaposing the concept of

monotheism of these three religions? In fact, Christians with their Trinity often get insults or questions

about Who is their God? why three? Readers realize the need for a comparable comparison or Apple to

Apple so that they can see in a wider perspective.

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