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1. Prayer of Baha'u'llah
2. Foreword
3. Poem – Stand in Faith
4. Clergy in the Baha'i Cause
5. Divine Laws of Baha'u'llah – Guest Article
6. Canvassing at the NSA Election in 1968, as a result of which the UHJ dissolved
the NSA and requested a new election – Guest Article
7. The Baha'i Religion and its enemy the Baha'i Organization - Part 12
8. Picture: 1912 - Abdu'l Baha in Lincoln Park, Chicago
9. Inspiring Quotes
10. Free Baha'i Activities
11. Blast from the Past
12. Some Questions Answered
13. Did you know?
14. Investigation of Reality
15. Know your Heritage
16. Websplore
17. Declarations
18. Throwback

1 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.


Praised be Thou, O my God, that Thou hast ordained Naw-Ruz!

Praised be Thou, O my God, that Thou hast ordained Naw-Ruz as a festival unto
those who have observed the Fast for love of Thee and abstained from all that is
abhorrent unto thee. Grant, O my Lord, that the fire of Thy love and the heat
produced by the Fast enjoined by Thee may inflame them in Thy Cause, and
make them to be occupied with Thy praise and with remembrance of Thee.

Since thou hast adorned them, O my Lord, with the ornament of the Fast
prescribed by Thee, do Thou adorn them also with the ornament of Thine
acceptance, through Thy grace and bountiful favor. For the doings of men are all
dependent upon Thy good-pleasure, and are conditioned by Thy behest.
Shouldst Thou regard him who hath broken the Fast as one who hath observed
it, such a man would be reckoned among them who from eternity had been
keeping the Fast. And shouldst Thou decree that he who hath observed the Fast
hath broken it, that person would be numbered with such as have caused the
Robe of Thy Revelation to be stained with dust, and been far removed from the
crystal waters of this living Fountain.

Thou art He through Whom the ensign “Praiseworthy art Thou in Thy works”
hath been lifted up, and the standard “Obeyed art Thou in Thy behest” hath been
unfurled. Make known this Thy station, O my God, unto Thy servants, that they

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 2

may be made aware that the excellence of all things is dependent upon Thy
bidding and Thy word, and the virtue of every act is conditioned by Thy leave
and the good pleasure of Thy will, and may recognize that the reins of men's
doings are within the grasp of Thine acceptance and Thy commandment. Make
this known unto them, that nothing whatsoever may shut them out from Thy
Beauty, in these days whereon the Christ exclaimeth: “All dominion is Thine, O
Thou the Begetter of the Spirit (Jesus)”; and Thy Friend (Muhammad) crieth out:
“Glory be to Thee, O Thou the Best-Beloved, for that Thou hast uncovered Thy
Beauty, and written down for Thy chosen ones what will cause them to attain
unto the seat of the revelation of Thy Most Great Name, through which all the
peoples have lamented except such as have detached themselves from all else
except Thee, and set themselves towards Him Who is the Revealer of Thyself
and the Manifestation of Thine attributes.”

He Who is Thy Branch and all Thy company, O my Lord, have broken this day
their fast, after having observed it within the precincts of Thy court, and in their
eagerness to please Thee. Do Thou ordain for Him, and for them, and for all
such as have entered Thy presence in those days all the good Thou didst destine
in Thy Book. Supply them, then, with that which will profit them, in both this life
and in the life beyond.

Thou, in truth, art the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

-Prayer of Baha'u'llah

3 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.


“Happy the one who entereth upon the first day of To start a new year, one must experiment with
the month of Bahá, the day which God hath numerous techniques to break old patterns
consecrated to this Great Name. And blessed be he and make a significant shift. It should be a
who evidenceth on this day the bounties that God transition from what we previously thought, a
hath bestowed upon him; he, verily, is of those who shift from popular belief to truth. Baha'u'llah
show forth thanks to God through actions preached a transformation of heart rather
betokening the Lord's munificence which hath than religious conversion. And
encompassed all the worlds. Say: This day, verily, transformation will only be possible if you
is the crown of all the months and the source adhere to Baha'u'llah's and the Master's pure
thereof, the day on which the breath of life is wafted word. The message should be free of bias and
over all created things. Great is the blessedness of
self-interpretation, unlike what Shoghi did
him who greeteth it with radiance and joy. We
following the Master's ascension. Shoghi, the
testify that he is, in truth, among those who are
purported Guardian, not only wrongfully
blissful.” – Baha'u'llah
assumed the Guardianship, but also changed
Team Caravan wishes a happy and joyous Baha'u'llah's teachings to suit his own
Naw-Ruz to all the readers! Naw-Ruz marks interests. Following Shoghi's lead, even the
the completion of the 19-day Baha'i Fast and current version of UHJ has always attempted
the start of a new year according to the Baha'i to distort Baha'u'llah's pure word for their
calendar for Baha'is all over the world. It is own personal gain. The consequences of these
observed on the day of the Northern changes may now be seen throughout the
Hemisphere's spring equinox, with Tehran, Baha'i world, with even Baha'is refusing to
Iran's capital and Baha'u'llah's birthplace, follow the Baha'i principles. How many
serving as the focal point. The Baha'is Baha'is have you encountered while reading
celebrate Naw-Ruz, which means 'New Day,' the Kitab-i-Aqdas? How many of them are
and falls between the 20th and 22nd of March. familiar with the Kitab-i-Iqan? These two
It's a day of fresh start, of hope and volumes were intended to be the Baha'is'
transformation. "Bible" or "Koran," but are we even half-aware

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 4

of what these books have to say to us? The the strength to persevere in our work and
UHJ wants us to be educated in such a way guide us to where he has always desired the
that we only read and obey what they say, and Baha'is to be.
that we avoid reading and following the
original Baha'i texts since they teach us things On the occasion of Naw-Ruz, we are delighted
that are contrary to the Administration's to present this new edition, which continues
interests. It is a terrible truth of today's Baha'is, our series of articles, with the first being the
but sadly, most Baha'is are not even troubled Laws from Kitab-i-Aqdas, followed by an
to think about it, and that is because we have excerpt from the book 'The Baha'i Religion
been educated in this manner. and Its Enemy, The Baha'i Organization.'
These two parts are in addition to Blast from
They've been taught not to challenge the Past, Throwback, Did You Know, Guest
authority. It is difficult to question authority, Articles, and Know Your Heritage, which are
but it is necessary. Let us push ourselves to all standard sections. We are ecstatic to be a
examine every response as we begin a new voice for the faithful today, and we encourage
year. Instead of being confrontational, the you to continue to send us your thoughts,
greatest strategy is to be nice and interested. suggestions, and questions about the religion
You may make your case and be adamant at, and we will be pleased
about the fact that anything is off-kilter. That to respond. Wishing you a wonderful Naw-
is how you intend to be among Baha'u'llah's Ruz once more.
and the Master's real followers.“Therefore, ye
friends of God! Appreciate ye the value of this Stay blessed,
time and be ye engaged in the sowing of the The Free Baha’i Team
seeds, so that you may find the heavenly
blessing and the lordly bestowal….” Abdu'l

We are proud of the fact that Free Baha'is have

always stood up to authority, fought hard
against those in power, and have never given
up in the face of injustice in the name of the
Cause. Lady Ruth White, the founder of the
Free Baha'is, received Baha'u'llah's teachings
at the Master's hands and only abandoned
Christianity after doubting the authority. She
was more Christian than any other Baha'i,
even after becoming a Baha'i, since she
believed in the authentic Jesus and his real
teachings, which are present in the Baha'i
faith. It has never been simple, and it will
never be easy, but you must confront your
own problems in order to attain the most
genuine belief. May Baha'u'llah grant us with

5 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.

Stand in faith

Stand in faith
Even when you can't see your way

Stand in faith
Even when you feel like you can't face another day

Stand in faith
Even when the tears want to ow from your eyes

Stand in faith
Knowing that our God will always provide

Stand in faith
Even when you feel that all hope is gone

Stand in faith
Knowing that He is always there for you to lean on

Stand in faith
Even when you feel like giving up

Stand in faith
Because He is there ... saying, "Just look up”

Stand in faith
Even in those times you feel so all alone

Stand in faith
Hold on and be strong, for He is still on the throne

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 6

Stand in faith
Even when it's hard to believe

Stand in faith
Knowing that He can change your situation, suddenly

Stand in faith
Even in those times you feel it's hard to pray

Stand in faith
And believe that He has already made the way
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

So stand in faith
Because you already have the victory!

– Johnnye V. Chandler

7 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.


In answer to a question as to whether or not there

would be any clergy in the Baha'i Cause?

“No. In this movement there will never be any

paid ministers, no appointed clergy, no bishops,
no cardinals, no popes, no ceremonies. A
clergyman, assuming that he is ordained to his
ministry, may think that he knows more about
God than anyone else, whereas the humble man
in his congregation may know more about God
than he does. The sacerdotal and theological
position makes a clergyman proud and haughty.
But there is one thing in this Cause; some people
may become greater than the rest, not through
appointment, but through the purity of their
hearts, their unselfish deeds, their heroic
sacrifices, and their knowledge of God. Such
illumined souls, like kind fathers or teachers, will
guide and teach those less fortunate. They are the
elder brothers of the members of the community.
They do not arrogate to themselves any title or
position. You will know them by their humility,
their sincerity, their deeds, their severance, their
knowledge, their spirituality, and their attraction.”
- Abdu'l Baha

(Source: Diary of Ahmad Sohrab, March 21,


Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 8


9 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.

In the name of Him who is the Ruler (al-hakim) over what was and what will be.

O Pen of the Most High, say: O multitudes of creation (al-insha'), we have ordained
the Fast for you, certain limited days. After the completion of them we have made al-
Nayruz (Nawruz) a feast for you. [Note 3] Thus has the Sun of Explanation shone
from the horizon of the Book from before the presence of the Possessor of the
Place of Beginning and Return. And place prior to the month of fasting the
(intercalary) days which are in excess of the months. We have, indeed, made them
manifestations of al-ha' among the nights and days. Therefore these five days are
not included in the year and the months. It is fitting, then, that in them the
People of Baha' (Splendour) feed themselves and their relatives, then the poor
and poverty-stricken. They must exalt, magnify, praise, and glorify their Lord
with joy and gladness. And whenever the days of giving [Note 3] are
completed, before the refraining (from food) let them enter upon the fast.
So has the Master of Mankind (mawla al- anam) commanded. This does
not cause difficulty for the one who is on a journey, for the ill, for the
pregnant woman, or the one who is nursing. God has exempted
them as a Grace on His part. He is the Mighty One, the Free

(Source: Al-Kitab Al-Aqdas by Baha'u'llah,

Translated from Arabic by Earl Elder &
William Miller)

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 10

The process of Baha'i elections, as we all know, Supreme Body's penalty against Dr.
is completely different from the methodology Bhargava, Mr. Vadji, Mr. Lad, and Mr.
and practices of elections in other political Tripathy. It was the clear instruction from the
systems. At least, it is what the Baha'i Supreme Body that the reasons for
authorities usually explain. The Baha'i reconvocation of the National Convention
Guardian has stated that if politicians' election and the re—election of the NSA should be
methods are followed, misunderstandings defined and the delegates to the Convention
and divisions would occur, turmoil and should be told of the sanctions imposed on
confusion will result, mischief will prevail, them. Mr. Rahmani and Dr. Salmanpour also
and God's confirmations will be shut off from joined the meeting and the matter was fully
that Baha'i community. Given these dire explained after the inspection was done. It
warnings, wouldn't a devout Baha'i go to great was wrote to the Supreme Body that indeed
lengths to ensure that the purity and spiritual there was 'corruption' and 'collision' of
integrity of Baha'i elections be preserved? But, monetary machinations in India, it has a direct
regrettably, we view things differently. link to Mr. Vadji and his utter humiliation.
Although we see these things occurring in the
Baha'i community with every year with every The absent delegates' ballots were one of the
other election, the only difference is that major elements publicly recognized by NSA
measures are done just once in a while. members. The Centre of canvassing is the area
where the majority of delegates are illiterate,
Former counsellor explained that somewhere either completely or partially. Traveling
in early 70's there was a huge canvassing in instructors are frequently hired to accept
NSA election. UHJ wrote to counsellors that ballots, and it is here that electioneering,
they should, decide on the problem right canvassing, and other nefarious activities take
away. Because of the gravity of the situation, it place. If a lot of delegates from the south of
was decided that all of the Counsellors should India want to attend the Convention, they will
travel to India. The five Counselors met with have to travel three days by train to New
India's National Spiritual Assembly to assess Delhi, necessitating at least a week to travel
the tragedy's impact and organize the next and remain in Delhi. For laborers, growers,
Convention's convocation. and low-wage staff, this is exorbitant. Despite
the fact that the NSA covers all expenses and
The news was then relayed to the public, lodging, the delegates from the South will
culminating in the announcement of the have a difficult time attending the

11 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.

Convention. Bhopal and Gwalior are home to continue but Dr. Ahmed Ansari was
the majority of the delegates. They are greeted undesired member so was asked to quit.
by visiting teachers. Unfortunately, there are a
few illiterates within this group. Mrs. Farideh Vahidi and Dr. Moghbelpour
Electioneering's multifaceted ramifications were undesired member and hence were too
may clearly be sensed in various areas. It was asked to quit.
also thought that Mr. Lad would initiate It should be mentioned that the preceding
entangling activities and contemplate to gain occurrence occurred about 50 years ago, and
accomplice in his vesture. And Dr. Bhargava no such action has been taken since then. If
would recede presently but finally he would you ask any Baha'i, they will tell you that
join Mr. Lad, and create ge trouble particularly similar things are still happening around
in regions of such as Bihar and Gwalior. It was them throughout the election season, but no
also said that looking at the potential of these one is doing anything about it. When you
two members there should be consideration observe certain inexperienced or immature
and tact, so that these members do not react. So Baha'is participate in electioneering, whether
where was the spirit of Bahai Election it shows publicly or surreptitiously, it is job of the
“Mighty wins the Race.” Counsellor present to stand up and aid in the
The same practices are still rampant but with eradication of such inclinations and the
the knowledge of the Supreme Body who sees purification of the Baha'i community from
that if the desired members are elected on the such bad influences. Rather than being drawn
NSA they overlook it but if undesired to mimic them, you should resolve to help in
elements are elected then they ask for his the eradication of such inclinations and the
resignation citing malpractices. purifying of the Baha'i community from such
bad influences by right administrative means.
Mr. Oliya was being elected on NSA for many Only then will we be able to cleanse our
years with all the above-mentioned system of such atrocities as Baha'is.
malpractices but still he was allowed to
-Former Member of NSA OF INDIA

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 12

(An extract from Lady Ruth White's book)
(…continued) keep away from me the foolish, the unjust,
and refer unto this lonely one all that about
which they differ in Thy Holy Book, so that the
HE IS GOD Truth may be revealed unto them, their
doubts may be dispelled and Thy manifest
O my Lord, my heart's Desire, Thou Whom I Signs be spread abroad.
ever invoke, Thou Who are my Aider and my
Shelter, my Helper and my Refuge! Thou seest Yet now Thou seest them, O Lord, My God!
me submerged in an ocean of calamities that with Thine eye that sleepeth not, how that
overwhelm the soul, of afflictions that oppress they have broken Thy Covenant and turned
the heart, of woes that disperse Thy gathering, their backs thereon, how with hate and
of ills and pains that scatter Thy flock. Sore rebelliousness they have erred from Thy
trials have compassed me round arid perils Testament and have arisen intent upon
have from all. sides beset me. Thou seest me malice.
immersed in a sea of unsurpassed tribution,
Adversities have waxed still more severe as
sunk into a fathomless abyss, afflicted by mine
they rose with unbearable cruelty to
enemies and consumed with the flame of their
overpower and crush me, as they scattered far
hate, enkindled by my kinsman with whom
and wide their scrolls of doubt and in utter
Thou didst make Thy strong Covenant and
falsehood hurled their calumnies upon me.
Thy firm Testament, wherein Thou biddest
Not content with this, their Chief, 0 my God,
them turn their hearts to this wronged one, to
hath dared to interpolate Thy Book, to

13 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.

fraudulently alter “Thy decisive Holy Text a target to the arrows of fate, their hearts were
and falsify that which hath been revealed by moved with com- passion, tears came to their
Thy All Glorious Pen. He did also maliciously eyes and they testified declaring: - "The lord is
insert that which Thou didst reveal for the one our witness naught have we seen from him
that hath wrought the most glaring cruelty but faithfulness, generosity and extreme
upon Thee, disbelieved in Thee and denied compassion. "The Covenant breakers,
Thy wondrous Signs, into what Thou didst foreboders of evil, however, waxed fiercer in
reveal for this servant of Thine that hath been their rancour, rejoiced as I fell a victim to the
wronged in this world. All this he did that, he most grievous ordeal, bestirred themselves
might beguile the souls of men and breathe his against, me and made merry over the
evil whisperings into the hearts of Thy heartrending happenings around me. I call
devoted ones. Thereunto did their second upon Thee, O Lord my God! with my tongue
Chief testify, confessing it in his own hand- and with all my heart, not to requite them for
writing setting thereupon his seal and their cruelty and their wrong-doings, their
spreading it throughout all regions. O my craft and their mischief, for they are foolish
God! Could there be a more grievous injustice and ignoble and know not what they do. They
than this? And still they rested not, but further discern not good from evil, neither do they
strove with stubborness, falsehood and distinguish right from wrong, nor justice from
slander, with scorn arid calumny to stir up injustice. They follow their own desires and
sedition in the midst of the government of this walk in the footsteps of the most imperfect
land and elsewhere, causing them to deem me and foolish amongst them.
a sower of sedition and filling the minds with
things that the ear abhorreth to hear. The O my Lord! Have mercy upon them, shield
government was thus alarmed, fear fell upon them from all afflictions in these troubled
the Sovereign, and the suspicion of the times and grant that all trials and hardships
nobility was aroused. Minds were troubled, may be the lot of this Thy servant that hath
affairs were upset, souls were perturbed. the fallen into this darksome pit. Single me out for
fire of anguish and sorrow was kindled within every woe and make me a sacrifice for all Thy
tile breasts, the Holy leaves (of the loved ones. O Lord Most High! May my soul,
Household) were convulsed and shaken, their my life, my being, my spirit, my all be offered
eyes rained with tears, their sighs and up for them. O God, my God! Lowly,
lamentations were raised and their hearts suppliant and fallen upon my face, I beseech
burned within them as they bewailed this Thee with all the ardour of my invocation to
wronged servant of Thine, fallen a victim into pardon whosoever hath hurt me, forgive him
the hands of these, his kindred, nay. his very that hath conspired against me and offended
enemies. me, and wash away the misdeeds of them that
have wrought injustice upon me. Vouchsafe
Lord! Thou seest all things weeping me and unto them Thy goodly gifts, give them joy,
my kindred rejoicing in my woes. By Thy relieve them from sorrow, grant them peace
Glory O my God Even amongst nine enemies, and prosperity, give them Thy bliss and pour
some have lamented my troubles and my upon them Thy bounty.
distress, and of the envious ones a number
have shed tears because of my cares, my exile Thou art the Powerful, the Gracious, the Help
and my afflictions. They did this because they in Peril, the Self-Subsisting!
found naught in me but affection and care and O dearly beloved friends! I am now in very
witnessed naught but kindness and mercy. As great danger and the hope of even an hour's
they saw me swept into the flood of life is lost to me. I am thus constrained to write
tribulation and adversity and exposed even as these lines for the protection of the Cause of

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 14

God, the preservation of His Law, the expressly recorded in the Book and bear upon
safeguarding of His Word, and the safety of daily transactions, so also it hath power to
His Teachings. By the Ancient Beauty! This repeal the same. Thus, for example, the House
wronged one hath in no wise borne nor doth of Justice enacteth today a certain law and
he bears a grudge against any one; toward enforceth it, and a hundred years hence,
none doth he entertains any ill feeling and circumstances having profoundly changed
uttereth no word saves for the good of the and the conditions having altered, another
world. My supreme obligation, however, of House of Justice will then have power,
necessity, prompteth me to guard and according to the exigencies of the time, to alter
preserve the Cause of God. that law. This it can do because that law
formeth no part of the Divine Explicit Text.
Thus, with the greatest regret, I counsel you
The House of Justice is both the Initiator and
saying: — “Guard ye the Cause of God,
the Abrogator of its own laws.
protect His law and have the utmost fear of
discord. This is the foundation of the belief of And now, one of the greatest and most
the people of Baha (may my life be offered up fundamental principles of the Cause of God is
for them). “His Holiness, the Exalted One (The to shun and avoid entirely the Covenant-
Bab) is the manifestation of the Unity and breakers, for they will utterly destroy the
Oneness of God and the Forerunner of the Cause of God, exterminate His Law and
Ancient Beauty. His Holiness the Abha render of no account all efforts exerted in the
Beauty, (may my life be a sacrifice for His past. O friends! It behooveth you to call to
steadfast friends) is the Supreme mind with tenderness the trials of His
Manifestation of God and the Dayspring of Holiness, the exalted One and show your
His Most Divine Essence. All others are fidelity to the Ever-Blest Beauty. The utmost
servants unto Him and do his bidding.” Unto endeavour must be exerted lest all these woes,
the Most Holy Book everyone must turn and trials and afflictions, all this pure and sacred
all that is not expressly recorded therein must blood that hath been shed so profusely in the
be referred to the Universal House of Justice. Path of God, may prove to be in vain. Ye know
That which this body, whether unanimously well what the hands of the Centre of Sedition,
or by a majority doth carry, that is verily the Mirza Muhammed Ali, and his associates
Truth and the Purpose of God himself. Whoso have wrought. Among his doings, one of them
doth deviate therefrom is verily of them that is the corruption of the Sacred Text whereof ye
love discord, hath shown forth malice and are all aware, the Lord be praised, and know
turned away from the Lord of the Covenant. that it is evident, proven and confirmed by the
By this House is meant that Universal House testimony of his brother, Mirza Badi'u'llah
of Justice which is to be elected from all whose confession is written in his Own
countries, that is from those parts in the East Handwriting, Beareth His Seal is Printed and
and West where the loved ones are to be Spread abroad. This is but one of his
found, after the manner of the customary misdeeds. Can a transgression be imagined
elections in Western countries such as those of more glaring than this, the interpolation of the
England. It is incumbent upon these members Holy Text? Nay, by the righteousness of the
(of the Universal House of Justice) to gather in Lord! His transgressions are writ and
a certain place and deliberate upon all recorded in a leaflet by itself. Please God, ye
problems which have caused difference, will persue it.
questions that are obscure and matters that
are not expressly recorded in the Book. In short, according to the explicit Divine Text,
Whatsoever they decide has the same effect as the least transgression shall make of this man
the Text itself. And inasmuch as this House of a fallen creature, and what transgression is
Justice hath power to enact laws that are not more grievous than attempting to destroy the

15 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.

Divine Edifice, breaking the covenant, erring O ye beloved of the Lord! Strive with all your
from the testament, falsifying the Holy Text, heart to shield the Cause of God from the
sowing the seeds of doubt, caluminating onslaught of the insincere, for souls such as
Abdu'l- Baha, advancing claims for which these cause the straight to become crooked
God hath sent down no warrant, kindling and all benevolent efforts to produce contrary
mischief and striving to shed the very blood of results.
Abdu'l-Baha, and many other things whereof
ye are all aware! It is thus evident that should O God my God! I call Thee, Thy Prophets and
this man succeed in bringing disruption into Thy Messenger,Thy Saints and Thy Holy
the Cause of God, he will utterly destroy and Ones, to witness that l have declared
exterminate it. Beware lest ye approach this conclusively Thy Proofs unto Thy loved ones
man, for to approach him is worse than and set forth clearly all things unto them, that
approaching fire. they may watch over Thy faith, guard Thy
Straight Path and protect Thy Resplendent
Gracious God! After Mirza Badi'u'llah had Law. Thou art verily, the All-Knowing, the
declared in his own handwriting that this man All-Wise!
(Muhammad Ali) had broken the Covenant
and had proclaimed his falsification of the To be continued…
Holy Text, he realized that to return to the
True Faith and pay allegiance to the Covenant
and Testament would in no wise promote his
selfish desires He thus repented and regretted
the thing he had done and attempted privily
to gather in his printed confessions plotted
darkly with the Centre of Sedition against me
and informed him daily of all the happenings
within my household. He has even taken a
leading part in the mischievous deeds that
have of late been committed. Praise be to God,
affairs recovered their former stability and the
loved ones obtained partial peace. But ever
since the day he entered again into our midst,
he began afresh to sow the seeds of sore
sedition. Some of his machinations and
intrigues will be recorded in a separate leaflet.

My purpose is, however, to show that it is

incumbent upon the friends that are fast and
firm in the Covenant and Testament to be ever
wakeful lest after this wronged one is gone
this alert and active worker of mischief may
cause disruption, privily sow the seeds of
doubt and sedition and utterly root out the
Cause of God. A thousand times shun his
company. Take heed and be on your guard.
Watch and examine; should anyone openly or
privily, have the least connection with him
cast him out from your midst, for he will
surely cause disruption and mischief.

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 16

1912 - Abdu'l Baha in Lincoln Park, Chicago.

17 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.


“Rid thou thyself of all attachments to aught except God, enrich thyself in God by
dispensing with all else besides Him, and recite this prayer:
Say: God sufceth all things above all things, and nothing in the heavens or in the
earth or in whatever lieth between them but God, thy Lord, sufceth. Verily, He is in
Himself the Knower, the Sustainer, the Omnipotent.”

― The Bab

“The door of the knowledge of the Ancient of Days being thus closed in the face of
all beings, the Source of innite grace…hath caused those luminous Gems of
Holiness to appear out of the realm of the spirit, in the noble form of the human
temple, and be made manifest unto all men, that they may impart unto the world the
mysteries of the unchangeable Being, and tell of the subtleties of His imperishable

― Baha'u'llah

" …It is certain and indisputable that the creator of man is not like man himself,
because a powerless being cannot create another being, and an active creator must
possess all perfections to produce his handiwork… Thus the contingent world is the
source of deciencies and God is the source of perfection. The very deciencies of
the contingent world testify to God's perfections.”

― Abdu'l Baha

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 18


Happy the one who entereth upon the first day of days have been very disturbing with regards
the month of Bahá, the day which God hath to the global peace. We however keep praying
consecrated to this Great Name. And blessed be he for the welfare for the entire mankind and
who evidenceth on this day the bounties that God urge everyone to hold tight to the teachings of
hath bestowed upon him; he, verily, is of those who Baha'u'llah and Abdul Baha. Whatever the
show forth thanks to God through actions geo-political differences maybe, but we entire
betokening the Lord's munificence which hath mankind are one nation and every human is
encompassed all the worlds. Say: This day, verily, its citizen.
is the crown of all the months and the source
thereof, the day on which the breath of life is wafted We have received news from different part of
over all created things. Great is the blessedness of the world about believers inviting their
him who greeteth it with radiance and joy. We neighbours during fast-breaking. They
testify that he is, in truth, among those who are utilised this opportunity to initiate their
blissful. conversation about their beliefs. Friends also
shared their ideas of how this occasion helped
Bahá'u'lláh, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 59
them get involved with their neighbouring
Dear Friends, families. This went further into explaining the
Baha'i beliefs. All this is possible only with
Allah'u'abha spiritual power bestowed by the fasting.

The month of fasting has given all of us a very 'Abdu'l-Bahá said “Fasting is the cause of
much needed spiritual boost. We all welcome awakening man. The heart becomes tender
the new year with a new set of religious and and the spirituality of man increases. This is
spiritual goals of self-upliftment. Past few produced by the fact that man's thoughts will

19 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.

be confined to the commemoration of God, east which does not have so conducive
and through this awakening and stimulation atmosphere to conduct such gatherings have
surely ideal advancements follow. This their plans to invite eminent speakers and
material fast is an outer token of the spiritual dignitaries on a virtual platform with a theme
fast; it is a symbol of self-restraint, the to speak on the need of a religion that unites
withholding of oneself from all appetites of entire mankind. Our efforts must be in sync
the self, taking on the characteristics of the with the teachings of Baha'u'llah and Abdul
spirit, being carried away by the breathings of Baha. We must persist in our efforts to lead the
heaven and catching fire from the love of world towards unity and peace. We must also
God.” pray for others to be blessed with the Divine
Words in order to make this world a better
Even though outwardly the Fast is difficult place. Lastly we pray for the safety for
and toilsome, yet inwardly it is bounty and everyone and urge everyone to pray and work
tranquillity. Purification and training are towards safety of others.
conditioned and dependent only on such
rigorous exercises as are in accord with the Warm Baha'i greetings
Book of God and sanctioned by Divine law,
not those which the deluded have inflicted Team Free Baha'i
upon the people. Whatsoever God hath
revealed is beloved of the soul. We beseech
Him that He may graciously assist us to do
that which is pleasing and acceptable unto

-Bahá'u'lláh, The Importance of Obligatory

Prayer and Fasting, XVI

Friends have been also preparing for Navruz

celebration as per the prevailing conditions in
their own localities. Friends from Australia,
USA, Angola shared their plans of conducting
small gatherings on the occasion of Navruz
inviting wider community to introduce them
with Baha'i New Year celebrations. Middle

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 20


(Reference: The New History Magazine, October 1931)

21 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.

Email 1:

What is the ruling for someone who is should avoid getting into any such habits.
involved in drugs, as per the Baha’is law? Are
drugs allowed in the teachings of Baha’u’llah? Kitab-i-Aqdas states, “The smoking of opium
has been prohibited to you. We have strictly
forbidden this to you in the Book. Whoever
smokes (it) is not one of us. Fear God, O people
of intelligence. By My Most Great, Most Holy,
High, and Most Splendid Name!”

Hi Neel, According to the Master, “As to opium, it is

foul and accursed. God protect us from the
Allah’u’Abha! punishment He inflicteth on the user.
Trust you’re doing great. We are glad to see According to the explicit Text of the Most
you writing back. Holy Book, it is forbidden, and its use is
utterly condemned. Reason showeth that
As per the teachings of Baha’u’llah, we can smoking opium is a kind of insanity, and
find rules regarding smoking of opium, experience attesteth that the user is
explicitly. According to his teachings, completely cut off from the human kingdom.
individuals stuck in the cycle of substance May God protect all against the perpetration
abuse can lose personal accountability, of an act so hideous as this, an act which layeth
freedom, a sense of purpose, a sense of self- in ruins the very foundation of what it is to be
worth, and spiritual orientation, and become human, and which causeth the user to be
disconnected from their family, and hence one dispossessed for ever and ever.”

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 22

Hence, looking into the reason mentioned
regarding opium, one must stay away from
such habits. However, it should be noted that
the above prohibition against taking certain
classes of drugs does not forbid their use
when prescribed by qualified physicians as
part of a medical treatment.

Hope that helps, if you have any more

questions, feel free to write back.

Thanks and regards,

Team Free Baha'is

23 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.

Email 2:

I heard somewhere about there being a (literally, sitting), which is identical to the
mention somewhere in the Writings of a 'sitting on one's heels' posture of Zen
“unity position”, which is sitting cross-legged Buddhism. The quud posture is most
on the ground, known in Hinduism as the commonly used when reciting those sections
lotus position. If you know of such a mention, of the Baha'i long obligatory prayer that call
please share. for the sitting position.

Hope that helps, if you have any more

questions, feel free to write back.
Thanks and regards,

Team Free Baha'is

Hi John,


Trust you’re doing great. Thanks for writing

to us with your question.

As per Kitab-i-Aqdas, the Arabic expression

“haykalu’t-tawhíd”, is translated as “cross-
legged”, means the posture of unity. It is by
tradition signified as a cross-legged position.
Besides this, Baha'u'llah also speaks of specific
postures in which the recital of verses is
recommended. If the obligatory prayer is
missed, for example, the believer is to
prostrate and repeat either: subhana llahi dhi
l-azamati wa l-ijlali wa l-mawhibati wa l-afdal
(Translation: "Praised be God, the Lord of
Might and Majesty, of Grace and Bounty") or
simply subhana llah (Translation: "Praised be

After this both men and women are to sit

cross-legged in the posture which he refers to
as the "Temple of Unity" (haykal at-tawhid)
and repeat eighteen times: subhana llah dhi l-
mulki wa l-malakut (Translation: "Praised be
God, the Lord of the kingdoms of earth and
heaven"). The posture of haykal at-tawhid is a
simple cross-legged sitting position popular
in Sufi practice. Another traditional posture of
Islam referred to in the Baha'i writings is quud

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 24

Email 3:

So we are told not to be politicians. Does that by following the commandments of

message go to everyone or just Bahais? If it is Baha’u’llah, with which he was raised. Abdu’l
just to the Bahais, don't God want everyone to Baha has said, “I have not appointed any
be Bahais? If everyone becomes Bahais or if officer in the faith.” Each and every Baha’i is
the message goes out to everyone at earth the Guardian of his own faith, and responsible
what political system are we suppose to use for spreading the message of Baha’u’llah. One
then? The same administrative system the should spread the message of love and peace,
Bahais use or does He expect us to figure out eliminate prejudice, and pray to Baha’u’llah
something new? for establishing the true Universal House of

The Master said in Boston, "The Baha'is must

not engage in political movements which lead
to sedition. They must interest themselves in
movements which conduce to law and order.
Hi Leah, In Persia at the present time the Baha'is have
no part in the revolutionary upheavals which
have terminated in lawlessness and rebellion.
Hope you’re doing good. Thanks for reaching Nevertheless, a Baha'i may hold a political
out to us, we are glad to see your email. office and be interested in politics of the right
type. Ministers, state officials and governor-
As per the Baha’i Laws, participation in generals in Persia are Baha'is, and there are
politics which lead to sedition is strictly many other Baha'is holding governmental
prohibited. However, Kitab-i-Aqdas says, one positions; but nowhere throughout the world
should obey the laws of the country he resides should the followers of Baha'u'llah be
in. Your other part of the question regarding engaged in seditious movements. For
political system that Baha’is would follow example, if there should be an uprising here in
when the entire world would become a Baha’i America having for its purpose the
– it will follow the teachings of Baha’u’llah establishment of a despotic government, the
and the laws of Kitab-i-Aqdas would be Baha'is should not be connected with it."
established around the world through the
Universal House of Justice. But one must note Hope that helps, if you have any more
that it would certainly be not the current questions, feel free to write back.
established Universal House of Justice, whose
Thanks and regards,
members are appointed and not elected. We
as Free Baha’is believe in the true Universal Team Free Baha'is
House of Justice which will be established
only when the Baha’is are free from the
shackles of administration. Imagine a new
world order which follows the teachings of
Baha’u’llah and the Master, and it is free from
all discriminations and prejudices. We are all
required to work hard to attain world peace

25 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.

“Where there is love, nothing is too much trouble and there is
always time.” – Abdu'l Baha

With this, I pray to God to help us follow in the footsteps of the

Master and take care of the poor and the needy, always. More power
to you!

Want to be a contributor for The Caravan?

Interested in contributing to the Caravan Magazine by writing a

guest article? Kindly send us your article at
'' and if we find your article unique,
knowledgeable and interesting enough for our readers, we will surely
publish it in our upcoming issue. If you have any other queries, you
can write to us at ''

Thank you!

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 26




Mason Remey criticizing Shoghi Effendi had said Shoghi Effendi was a very
“confused and “sick soul” he was “ego maniac”. He flaunted and disobeyed the laws of
the Aqdas and created all this confusion himself and that he (Shoghi Effendi) was guardian of
the Babi religion and was not the guardian of the Baha'i faith. Speaking of his administration as
a Babi, rather than Baha'i, administration.

Remey became intrigued, particularly, by two passages from Shoghi Effendi's, The Dispensation of

The first one was Shoghi Effendi's announcement that “upon the 23" of May of this auspicious year
[1934], the Baha'i World will celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Faith of
Baha'u'llah.” The 90 years would be from 1844, when the Bab declared his mission.

The sacred and youthful branch, the Guardian of the Cause of God, as well as the Universal House of
Justice to be universally elected and established, are both under the care and protection of the Abha

27 Volume 6 | Edition 1|
1 |Baha
Beauty, under the shelter and unerring guidance of the Exalted One (the Bab) (may my life be
offered up for them both) whatsoever they decide is of God. (Shoghi Effendi, The Dispensation of
Baha'u'llah, p. 57)

Remey reasoned from these passages that Shoghi Effendi had built his administration around the
Babi religion, since (according to Remey) the Babi and Baha'i faiths are distinct:

The Babi Dispensation was but 19 years and was ended and completed with the Declaration of
Baha'u'llah in 1863 in the Garden of Ridvan at Baghdad.

The Babi Faith and the Baha'i Faith are two distinct and different religions — this was not made clear
in the forming of the Administration of the Faith that was formed about the Babi Religion instead of
the Baha'i Faith. In other words... The first Guardian of the Faith so construed the Master Abdu'l
Baha's Will and Testament that he formed bis Administration upon the Babi Faith and not upon the
Baha'i Faith.

(The Guardian's Letter, Vol. 1, No. 2 [December, 1966], p. 1; the ellipsis after “Jn other words”
appears in the letter.)

Because Shoghi Effendi had “so construed” 'Abdu'l-Baha's will and testament, Mason Remey
believed something had to be done to correct matters. Hence, his formation of the Abha World
Faith: This mistake (Shoghi Effendi's building his administration upon the Babi religion] has caused
so much confusion and misunderstanding and trouble that the only thing for the second Guardian
to do, to set matters aright, is to discard all which Shoghi Effendi did and to institute a New Faith
which shall be the Orthodox Faith under the Holy Name of ABHA in order to carry out the
conditions that will lead to the establishment of the TRUE Baha'i Faith (of Baha'u'llah) which Faith
has not yet been established in the world. (Ibid)

Four paragraphs later in the same letter:

In my general letter to the Baha'i World, both Pro and Sans Guardian, of January 1967 | explain at
leagth how the First Guardian Shoghi Effendi built his Administration about the Babi Faith and not
about the Baha'i Faith. Shoghi Effendi was a very confused soul. He was an ego maniac. He flaunted
and disobeyed the laws of the Aqdas and created all this confusion himself. Therefore, the only
thing for me to do has been to explain the condition in my letters to the Friends telling them frankly
that the first step is to wipe out and to efface everything that Shoghi Effendi did and then to
inaugurate a new Faith based upon the teachings of Baha'u'llah (and not upon the Bab).

(Remey letter to James Meyer, July 18, 1967)

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 28


“God has given man the eye of investigation by which he may see and
recognize truth. He has endowed man with ears that he may hear the message
of reality and conferred upon him the gift of reason by which he may discover
things for himself. This is his endowment and equipment for the investigation
of reality. Man is not intended to see through the eyes of another, hear
through another's ears nor comprehend with another's brain… Therefore,
depend upon your own reason and judgment and adhere to the outcome of
your own investigation; otherwise, you will be utterly submerged in the sea of
ignorance and deprived of all the bounties of God.”

– Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, Volume 2, p. 287

29 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.


Revelation writing of Baha'u'llah's Tajalliyat, by Mirza Aqa Jan

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 30



31 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.

We the Free Baha'is do not believe in administration, he will fulfil his duties
declarations. We believe in spreading the true towards Baha'u'llah and not for NSA or UHJ.
teachings of Baha'u'llah and don't work for Thus, he will be rewarded by Baha'u'llah for
numbers. A Free Baha'i should purify himself his efforts. For this reason, Free Baha'is do not
from greed of attaining positions, and start believe in Officers or Office Bearers and one
working out of love for humanity and world must be the Guardian of his own faith and
peace. action.

Our Master has clearly stated, So, anyone who would wish to work for the
faith should follow the teachings of
"There are no officers in this Cause. I do not Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l Baha, serve the faith
and have not appointed any one to perform and promote world peace and harmony.
any special services, but I encourage everyone
to engage in the service of the Kingdom. The Why do you think the Baha'i Faith got split
foundation of this Cause is purely a into various groups after the passing away of
democracy, and not a theocracy." the Master? Don't you think the rule of the so-
called guardian Shoghi Effendi and his
(Reference: Star of the West, Vol. 8, pg. 116) Administration has played a very crucial role
These man-made assemblies and in the division and disunity of the Baha'is?
authoritative positions have pushed the
Baha'is to work out of greed of acquiring
positions which lead to fake reports and false
statistics. But, if a person frees himself from

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 32


1912 – Abdu'l Baha's message of peace in a newspaper

33 Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E.


All content in this Magazine is for information purposes only. "Free Baha'i
Faith" assumes no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate, delayed or
incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. The
information contained about each individual, event or organization has been
provided by such individual, event organizers or organization without
verification by us.

The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does not
necessarily reflect the opinion of "Free Baha'is". Therefore, "Free Baha'i Faith"
carries no responsibility for the opinion expressed thereon.

All trademarks, product names, and company names or logos cited herein are
the property of their respective owners and do not infringe any patent,
trademark, copyright, license or any other proprietary right of any third party.

We do not represent Haifa / Wilmette based mainstream Baha'i religion /

organization in any way.

Volume 6 | Edition 1 | Baha (Splendor) 179 B.E. 34

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