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1. Look at the words and match them to their definitions.

1. infrastructure a. a gas that is the lightest of all the elements
2. fossil fuel b. coal or oil that was formed over millions of
years from parts of dead animals or plants
3. cut in c. needing something to succeed or to survive
4. hydrogen d. not being able to continue at the same level
5. contribute e. systems and services that are necessary for
a country or an organization to run smoothly
(e.g. roads)
6. electrolyse f. to be one of the causes of something
7. unsustainable g. to interrupt somebody when they are
8. reliant h. to separate a liquid into its chemical parts
(by electric current)

1. You’re going to listen to a discussion on whether or not fossil fuel has a
future, between the head of an oil organisation and the founder of an
environmentalist group. Make a list of arguments that the two sides may

head of the oil organisation environmentalist founder

2. Now listen to the recording to check your predictions.

1. Decide if the following statements about the listening are True, False or
Not given.

1. The presenter doesn’t think there’s a future for fossil fuel.

2. The oil representative believes that fossil fuel does have a future.
3. The member of the environmental group doesn’t believe that replacing
fossil fuel is a burning issue.
4. The member of the environmental group thinks that green hydrogen
could replace current methods within the decade.
5. The oil representative thinks that green hydrogen isn’t a reliable source
of energy.
6. The member of the environmental group believes that governments can
build new solar plants and close the mining industry to aid the


Part A: Write the words or phrases next to the correct definitions.
abate ● bankrupt ● chaotic ● deploy ● issue ● temper ● urge ● wholesale
1. happening in a confused and orderless way:
2. to strongly advise or persuade:
3. to cause someone to have too little money to pay their debts:
4. related to the business of selling to other companies, rather than the
5. to use something effectively for a specific purpose, especially soldiers
or weapons:
6. to officially give something to someone:
7. to become less strong or severe:
8. one’s mood at a particular time, especially when angry:

Part B: Fill the gaps with the words from Part A.

1. I was in a foul ____________ after dropping my mobile in the pool, but I
felt better after I was able to recover my photos.
2. I was surprised to find out that the _____________ price of furniture is
much lower than the prices I see at the shop.
3. The patient’s dangerously high fever _____________ after he was
given antibiotics.
4. Before opening a bar, you must be _____________ a license to serve
5. The professor ____________ her students to start preparing for the
final project at the beginning of the term, not wait until the last week.
6. The scene of the accident was ____________ with first responders,
reporters and curious bystanders all trying to get closer.
7. The 2008 financial crash _____________ individuals and small
businesses alike.

8. The company ____________ its most experienced technician to handle
the bank’s secure

ty upgrade.
Reading comprehension
1. Look at the following words and phrases. Quickly scan through the
breaking news text and find what they relate to.

struggle to get to work
emergency measures
temporary visas

2. Complete the following sentences using no more than three words from
the text.

1. Some politicians have stated that was to blame.

2. Images shown in the media have suggested that the United Kingdom is a
3. There have been reports that fights have at petrol stations.
4. Since Brexit, there has been a truck drivers.
5. A sudden increase in prices has made the crisis worse.
6. Analysts are an increase in prices in the days leading up to Christmas.
7. The suspension of competition law means that companies can more easily.
8. One politician has suggested that Brexit was for the fuel crisis.


3. Skim through the text to find words or phrasal verbs which mean the
same as the following.

1. (para. 1) original
2. (para. 2) asked for
3. (para 2) nervous, excited or easily made angry
4. (para. 2) all used so that none is left
5. (para. 3) delayed
6. (para. 4) confronting

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