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These days the definition of culture is something that has been expanding, at the beginning

culture represented the evolution of man who is born endowed with instincts, these instincts must
be shaped, through the development of character and intelligence, in this sense the culture was
the cultivation of the spirit and the human mind to develop people fit to live in society.

The socialization of individuals can only be harmonious where there is an order and this order is
given by the culture in each society, in this way the processes of enculturation that are developed
by each individual act as training agents for their person.

But over time this definition has been expanding, today culture can mean from music, art, ways of
managing, development of work relationships, personal and endless other activities, regardless of
whether it builds the character and intelligence of people or it destroys them, in this sense and
from a structural point of view, we are undergoing processes of acculturation by North American
tendencies, which are implanted in most of the countries in order to convert them into suitable
markets for the marketing of endless new products.

I consider of the utmost importance for the development of democratic nations the fact that each
nation feels proud of its culture and, even more importantly, that it establishes the cultural model
that manages to develop individuals, healthy, full and developed, who are in harmony with their
environment and not a consumerist and superficial citizen like the trends imposed by WallStreet
and the big transnationals.

During the last three decades, this acculturation process that has taken place in Mexico has
resulted in the almost complete dismantling of the national industry, ceding market share to
transnational companies. The term malinchista is born precisely from what I mention, the
processes of acculturation that result in the embarrassment of your roots to prefer what is foreign,
I consider that these processes are not works of chance, the complicity of public institutions is
necessary, media mass communication, intellectuals of society or intellectual elite.

This is precisely what was happening in Mexico, we were losing the cultural values that identified
us for many years as Mexicans to open ourselves to new and deconstructing values that what they
really seek is the deconstruction of the Mexican nation project, to achieve a gradual loss of
autonomy and sovereignty by the country's public institutions, ceding power to foreign agents.

I consider fundamental the study of culture by the citizens of a country and more necessary the
structuring of a nation project that includes the participation of citizens in the administration and
legislation of the country's politics, in conclusion it is necessary that we return part of our culture
the study and optimization of it, since the fact of living is culture and if we do not pay attention to
that, we put national security at risk.

I think it is time to rethink our cultural values to return to our origins, honesty, respect, spirituality,
brotherhood and resilience, to forget about materialism and superficiality imposed from abroad, it
is worth emphasizing that we have been increasing the rates of depression and suicide in Mexico,
this clearly reflects the loss of mental stability generated by the fact that a deconstructive cultural
model is imposed on us that is alien to our history, ideology and vision as Mexicans.

I believe that these processes have had a turning point in 2018 from which the awakening of
nationalism and the democratization of the country's institutions will be irreversible, at least in the
short and medium term, this was evident since Mexico has an ancient culture which gives us the
tools to resist the current cultural battle that we are facing.


Jiménez-Ornelas, Cardiel-Téllez, R. A. L. (2013, julio). El suicidio y su tendencia social en

México: 1990–2011. Recuperado 1 de septiembre de

2022, de



National Library of medicine. (2013, 23 julio). NCBI - WWW Error Blocked Diagnostic. Recuperado 1 de septiembre de 2022, de

Organización Mundial de la salud. (2021, 13 septiembre). Depresión.

Recuperado 1 de septiembre de 2022, de


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