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ADVC IEC 60870-5-101/104 Protocol Technical

ADVC Controller Range

Document Status
As Implemented
Subject to Change


This document describes the IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-104 Protocols and Database
Implementation on ADVC controller range

Document Part No: ADVC IEC 60870-5-101/104 Protocol Technical Manual

Document Revision Level: R19

ADVC IEC 60870-5-101/104 Protocol Technical Manual

Copyright © Schneider Electric (Australia) Pty Limited 2013

Schneider Electric (Australia) Pty Limited.

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ADVC IEC 60870-5-101/104 Protocol Technical Manual

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Revision Control

Revision Author Date Comment

R00 CM 15/12/04 Forked off from N00-341

R01 GC 10/07/06 Removed Measured Value Points not yet implemented for the ADVC

R02 GC 10/07/06 Made document applicable to I104 protocol

R03 DPC 11/07/06 Update Parameter Command Appendix

R04 DPC 26/07/06 Update Command Points for ADVC

R05 PJM 01/08/06 Added 104 Interoperability Statement. General rearrangement to handle 104

R06 DPC 02/08/06 Changed IOA base addresses to avoid overlap with Read Command

R07 PJM 22/08/06 Corrected Interoperability statement to have supported baud rates

R08 RDM 15/02/07 Add IEC101 - Max ASDU Size, COT Size and IEC104 APDU Parameters

R09 RDM 22/02/07 Add ‘Auto Reclose’ to Double Command point list.

R10 PJM 26/02/07 Corrected formatting and numbering

R11 RDM 28/03/07 Amend IEC104 t3 parameter range and description, IEC104 Max ASDU

R12 RDM 16/04/07 Remove ‘For Comment’ watermark, correct IEC104 ASDU max size Document Tx-
Delay Transmission-2 field.

R13 RDM 12/06/07 IEC-101 section 5 Dial Out

R14 RDM 11/12/07 Show all IEC Transmission Default IEC104 OCPM pages. Correct point mappings,
for:- (A42-05.16)

R15 SJC 29/06/10 Show that we don’t support 104 test command. Rename t0 timeout parameter.

R16 YM 10/04/13 Remove SF6 reference and template update

R17 RDM 09/04/15 Manual amendments and functionality introduced for “SRS OCR-184-69 IEC-104”
released in A45-43.00+
R18 PJM 25/09/18 Removed Watermark and regenerated

R19 RDM 01/11/18 Amend IEC-104 Offline Period description.

ADVC IEC 60870-5-101/104 Protocol Technical Manual


1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 0

2. Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 0

2.1. Status Points ............................................................................................................................ 1

2.2. Controls .................................................................................................................................... 1

2.3. Point Configuration .................................................................................................................. 1

2.4. Terminology ............................................................................................................................. 1

2.5. Password Protection ................................................................................................................ 2

3. Applicability .......................................................................................................................................... 2

3.1. IEC870 Protocol........................................................................................................................ 2

4. Protocol Configuration.......................................................................................................................... 3

4.1. SCADA Points ........................................................................................................................... 3

4.2. Communications ...................................................................................................................... 4

4.3. Communication Statistics ........................................................................................................ 5

4.4. Transmission Services Configuration ....................................................................................... 6

4.4.1. Transmission Services Parameters .................................................................................. 6

4.5. Clock Synchronisation ............................................................................................................11

4.6. Summer Time .........................................................................................................................12

4.7. Data Points .............................................................................................................................12

4.7.1. Data Configuration Parameters ....................................................................................12

4.7.2. ASDU Data Type ............................................................................................................15

4.7.3. Event Data .....................................................................................................................16

4.7.4. Measured Values...........................................................................................................17

4.7.5. Quality Bits ....................................................................................................................19

4.7.6. Reset Process, ASDU <105>: .........................................................................................19

5. Dial Out ...............................................................................................................................................20

5.1. Overview ................................................................................................................................20

ADVC IEC 60870-5-101/104 Protocol Technical Manual

5.2. Details ....................................................................................................................................20

5.2.1. Event Buffering..............................................................................................................20

5.2.2. Dial Out Modem Support ..............................................................................................20

5.3. Configuration .........................................................................................................................21

5.3.1. OCPM ............................................................................................................................21

Appendix A Panel Layout .................................................................................................................................23

A.1 Communications .................................................................................................................................23

A.1.1 setVUE .................................................................................................................................................23

A.1.2 flexVUE ................................................................................................................................................27

Appendix B Protocol Timings ...........................................................................................................................29

Appendix C IEC870-5-101 Interoperability Statement .........................................................................................30

Appendix D IEC870-5-104 Interoperability Statement ....................................................................................37

ADVC IEC 60870-5-101/104 Protocol Technical Manual

1. Introduction
This document describes the IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-104 implementations for Automatic
Circuit Reclosers (ACRs) on Advanced Controllers.

This implementation is more complex than most telemetry protocols and thus it is essential to read
the Overview section in order to set up the SCADA system correctly.

2. Overview
The ADVC Controller combines the functions of a protection relay and a switchgear controller into a
single Intelligent Electronic Device (IED).

The controller provides a Human Machine Interface (HMI) LCD ‘local’ operator control panel that
allows configuration and control of the switchgear.

The controller generates time tagged “events” which are displayed on the control panels LCD. The
event-log displays a history of the switchgear operation for the benefit of a ‘local’ operator during
post fault analysis.

Examples would be:

• Operator Actions such as trip or close
• Protection Pick up
• Protection Trips
• Fault Current Levels
• Auto-reclose actions
These events are optimised and presented to give the operator the most useful information

Electricity supply utilities frequently link the controller into their SCADA systems as a Remote
Terminal Unit (RTU).

To make this simple the controller provides:

• Mounting room for a radio or modem in the control cubicle.
• Power supply for the radio or modem in the control cubicle.
• Embedded protocol handler for the required SCADA protocol in the controller firmware.

The IEC-60870 protocol allows digital and measured data events to be sent from the ADVC
Controller to the SCADA system with time tags attached. This allows comprehensive coverage of
controller operations and distribution system events and attributes.

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2.1. Status Points

This RTU provides a set of status information about the controller and switchgear that can be used
by a SCADA system to generate displays and events for operational purposes. This might be
described as the “traditional” set of SCADA system data and are called the “Status Points”.

For example:
• Open or Close Status
• Lockout Status
• Fault Flags
• Line Currents and Voltages
Time tags are optional for some ASDU (Application Specific Data Unit) object types.

2.2. Controls
SCADA controls supported by the protocol handler are listed in the N00-331 SCADA Protocol
Database document.

All controls have a corresponding binary status point. The master station must use these status
points for control action verification. Sometimes a control will be rejected because of an underlying
ADVC Controller condition preventing the control action being achieved, even if the IEC application
responds with an ‘Acknowledged Activation’.

The IEC870 protocol handler can invoke controls that trigger events that are recorded in the ADVC
event log - “IEC870 Trip Req” and “IEC870 Close Req” are two examples. This event log reporting
indicates only that the protocol handler has requested a trip or a close from the ADVC. It does not
mean that the action has necessarily been undertaken. As detailed above, the request may be
over-ridden by operational conditions.

The IEC870 protocol defaults to being a remote user. Refer to the equipment manual ‘‘Controller-
Mode: LOCAL/Remote’ for more information.

2.3. Point Configuration

Several means are provided to configure the data points selected. These include:

• Ability to change the points monitored and reported by the controller. This allows the
controller be configured to suit the communications and SCADA system constraints.

• Flexible data object addressing.

• ASDU object type selection for binary and measured input data.

2.4. Terminology
Earth Fault or Ground Fault is described as Earth / Ground Fault.

Sensitive Earth Fault (SEF) or Sensitive Ground Fault (SGF) is described as SEF/SGF.

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The bushing terminology used in this document is for U and W series switchgear i.e. I and X for the
switchgear terminals. For an N or RL series switchgear I should be interpreted as the 1 side and X
should be interpreted as the 2 side.

The phase terminology is ABC and refers always to the phase set by the Terminal Designation or
“Phasing” option, never to the physical bushing or terminal on the switchgear.

2.5. Password Protection

All IEC870 panel fields require password entry unless described as ‘Display only’ or otherwise

For more information on operator control panel usage refer to the equipment manual.

3. Applicability

3.1. IEC870 Protocol

The protocol version implemented is IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC60870-5-104 and is as described in
the following IEC international standard documents: -

• Telecontrol Equipment and Systems,

“Part 5: Transmission Protocols
Section 1 – Transmission Frame Formats”,
• Telecontrol Equipment and Systems,
“Part 5: Transmission Protocols
Section 2 – Link Transmission Procedures”,
• Telecontrol Equipment and Systems,
“Part 5: Transmission Protocols
Section 3 – General structure of application data”,
• Telecontrol Equipment and Systems,
“Part 5: Transmission Protocols
Section 4 – Definition and coding of application information elements”,
• Telecontrol Equipment and Systems,
“Part 5: Transmission Protocols
Section 5 – Basic application functions”,
• Telecontrol Equipment and Systems,

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“Part 5: Transmission Protocols

Section 101 – Companion standard for basic telecontrol tasks”,
• Telecontrol Equipment and Systems,
“Part 5: Transmission Protocols
Section 104 – Companion standard for IEC 60870-5-101 over TCP/IP”,

4. Protocol Configuration
This section details the various parameters that are available for configuration when using the
IEC101/4 protocol. The configuration can be performed via WSOS5, or the ADVC Controller (using
the flexVUE or setVUE panels). The location, on the panel pages, of the various fields detailed in
this section is given in Appendix A.

4.1. SCADA Points

The ADVC Controllers’ SCADA interface (Status and Control points) allows a set of data points to be
selected from the N00-331 SCADA Protocol Database. These are the data points that will be
communicated across the communications link.

The WSOS5 ‘Protocol Configuration Tool’ feature is used to select and configure an optimal set of
data points for one or more ADVC controllers. These points are contained in a map that is loaded
into the ADVC Controller using WSOS5. The same map is generally used in every ADVC Controller
that is connected to the SCADA system but it does not have to be. Until a map is loaded a default
map will be in use. The map is created with a maximum ADVC Controller firmware version. This is
done to ensure that only data points that the ADVC Controller knows about can be selected and is
needed because the data points available are added to as new features are created but the ADVC
Controller firmware in use will not have these points (i.e. WSOS5 may have been updated but the
ADVC Controller firmware has not been). It is possible to upgrade the map to the latest firmware
version at a later time if newer points are needed.

Refer to “Protocol Configuration Tool Help” and N00-331 protocol database “Points List” for details
of the points available for use. Both of these are accessible via the ‘WSOS5’: “Protocol
Configuration Tool” menu which is visible when Protocol Configuration Tool is selected from the

Customise menu.

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Display Field Description

I101/4 Available Available

To use a protocol it must 1st be made available as it NOT available by default.

Range: [“101/4 Not Available”, “101/4 Available”]

Default: “101/4 Not Available”.

Port Port <Port>

The particular port used by this protocol. It may be NONE if no port is used.
This field may be selected to allow scrolling though the list of available ports.

Range: [Not Selected,

Port A,
Port B,
Port C,
Port D,
If a serial port is selected the 101 protocol will be in use.

If the 10BaseT port is selected 104 protocol will be in use.

State Communications State:

Shows the present state of the IEC-101/104 protocol handler.

Range: [Inactive, Running]

This field is display only.

Map Configurable Protocol Map Description

Displays the name of the protocol map, or “Invalid Mapping” if no map can
be read. The map in use can only be configured via WSOS. Refer to WSOS5
for details of the contents of the default map.

Range: [“Invalid Mapping”, or the configured map name.]

Default: [I101 Standard ACR]

This field is display only.

4.2. Communications
The communications settings available for configuration are given in the following table.

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All IEC 60870-5-101 data link messages are transmitted with FT1.2 format frames.

4.3. Communication Statistics

The communication statistics give communication information, such as octets being sent and
received. The statistics available are listed in the following table.

Statistic Description

Tx Count Transmission Message Count

Note 1 The number of FT1.2 frames transmitted from the ADVC Controller into
the communication link.

Range: [0 to 99999]

Rx Count Rx Count

Note 1 The number of FT1.2 frames received by the ADVC Controller.

Range: [0 to 99999]

Rx CRC Error Receive Message CRC Error Count

Note 1 The number of FT1.2 frames received with a Checksum error.

Range: [0 to 99999]

Rx Length Err Receive Message Length Error Count

Note 1 The number of FT1.2 frames received with an incorrect length.

Range: [0 to 99999]

Rx TO Err Receive Message Frame Timeout Error Count

Note 1 The number of times that the receive time, Frame TO, for a frame is
exceeded before a valid frame is found after the start of frame is

Range: [0 to 99999]

Rx Sync Error Receive Message Sync Error Count

Note 1 The number of messages received that with unrecognised frame type
or second octet that is not correct for FT1.2 format.

Range: [0 to 99999]

Last Invalid IP Last Invalid IP Address

Note 3, 2 The IP address of the network node that sent the last IP packet with an
invalid (i.e. not authorised) IP address.

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Statistic Description

Range: ‘NONE’ (No invalid IP packets received)

‘’ (IP source address of last invalid IP packet)
Status display only.
Invalid Packet Count Invalid IP Packet Count

Note 3, 2 The quantity of invalid IP packets received from the Last Invalid IP
Range: [0 to 99999]

Status display only.

1. Status fields have the following characteristics;
• Reset when IEC-104 protocol does a warm/cold restart, or the port is reopened, or when explicitly reset by
• Pressing Select on the ADVC Controller operator control panel page will allow resetting of the stored
• Communication statistic counters are not password protected.
• When the maximum range is reached the counter rolls over to 1 and start counting again.
2. Supported in version A45-43.00 and later firmware.
3. Status fields have the following characteristics;
• Reset when
o IEC-104 protocol does a warm/cold restart
o Protocol turned On
o Port Selection changed to 10BaseT
o Turn monitoring of Invalid IP On
o Operator does a stats reset.
• Pressing Select on the ADVC Controller operator control panel page will allow resetting of the stored
• Communication statistic counters are not password protected.
• When the maximum range is reached the counter rolls over to 1 and start counting again.

4.4. Transmission Services Configuration

The protocol has a number of parameters that form transmission service functions. The ADVC
Controller permits configuration of a number of these depending on the communication channel
selected (101/104). These settings are detailed in this section.

4.4.1. Transmission Services Parameters

These parameters determine how the link and application layer of the IEC 60870-5-101 and
IEC60870-5-104 protocols transmit packets. Some fields are only relevant for 101 OR 104 and not
both. Refer to the table below for individual parameter and firmware version implementation
details. Refer to Appendix A for the location of the fields on the panel pages.

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Transmission Services Parameters

Parameter Description
Link Addr Size Link Address Field Size
(101 only) The number of octets in the link layer address field of all IEC870
messages on the communication link.
If the Link Addr is greater than the maximum permitted by a
new Link Addr Size setting then the ADVC will automatically
reset the Link Addr to the maximum for the new size.
Range: [1 or 2 octets]
Factory default: 2 octets
Link Addr Link Service Address
(101 only) The link layer’s service address of the ADVC on the
communication link.
This is often referred to as the hardware address of the ADVC on
the communication link.
Range: [1 – 255 or 1 – 65535]
depending upon Configured Link Addr Size
Factory default: 5
Common Addr Size Common Address Field Size
(101 only) The number of octets in the application layer ASDU common
address field of all IEC870 messages on the communication link.
If the Common Addr is greater than the maximum permitted by
a new Common Addr Size setting then the ADVC will
automatically reset the Common Addr to the maximum for the
new size.
Range: [1 or 2 octets]
Factory default: 2 octets
Common Addr Common Address
The application layers ASDU common address.
This is the logical address of the ADVC IEC870-101 protocol
handlers’ data.
It is recommended that the Common Addr and Link Addr of the
ADVC be configured to the same value in order to simplify
communication link addressing.
Range: [1 – 255 or 1 – 65535]
depending upon Configured Common Addr Size
Factory default: 5
Object Addr Size Information Object Address (IOA) Field Size
(101 only) The number of octets in the application layer information object
address field of all IEC870 messages on the communication link.
If any of the information object addresses are greater than the
maximum permitted by a new Object Addr Size setting then the
ADVC Controller will automatically reset the information object
address to the maximum for the new size.
If this field is set to a smaller value then all information object
address fields must be checked and assigned to user defined
addresses taking care that there is no overlap between object

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Transmission Services Parameters

Parameter Description
types. It is an IEC60870-5-101 protocol requirement that all
points have a discrete object address. No two points are
permitted to have the same information object address on a
communication link.
Range: [1, 2 or 3 octets]
Factory default: 2 octets
Time Size Time Stamp Size
If set to 24 bits then the time tag reported has minutes, seconds
and milliseconds (
If set to 56 bits then the time tag reported has date, hour,
minutes, seconds and milliseconds (MM/DD/YY
Range: [24 or 56 bits]
Factory default: 24 bits
Select/Exec TO Select/Execute Timeout
The Maximum time allowed, in seconds, between the ADVC
Controller receiving a select command and receiving an execute
command for the command to be valid. This time is used to
determine validity of both binary and setpoint commands.
Range: [1 to 900 seconds]
Factory default: 3 seconds
Frame TO Frame Timeout
(101 Only) The maximum time, in milliseconds, after receiving the first
octet that the ADVC Controller will wait for an entire frame from
the master station before determining a communication failure.
Range: [0 to 65535 milliseconds]
Factory default: 5000 milliseconds
Cyclic Dly Delay Between Cyclic Data(Class2) Reporting
The Minimum number of seconds between cyclic data
If non zero, Cyclic data are periodic updates of measured values
that are reported in Class 2 poll responses.
If set to 0, Cyclic reporting is disabled.
Refer to Sections 4.7.2, 4.7.3 for more information.
Range: [0 to 65535 seconds]
Factory default: 300 seconds.
Tx Delay The time in milliseconds that an IEC response will be delayed by
the protocol to allow for communication equipment latency.
Zero (0) milliseconds setting disables response transmission
Range: [0 to 65535 milliseconds]
Factory default: 0 milliseconds
One Octet Ack One Octet Acknowledge Usage
(101 Only) Enable/disable single octet Ack responses to Send/Confirm
expected primary link functions.
When enabled, if there is no buffered class 1 data (ie ACD = 0)

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Transmission Services Parameters

Parameter Description
then the ADVC Controller will respond to the following primary
function codes with a single character Ack (0xE5) instead of a
fixed length five character Ack.
• Reset remote link,
• Reset user process, and
• User data
Range: [ON, OFF]
Factory default: OFF
One Octet Resp One Octet Response Usage
(101 Only) Enable/disable single octet Ack responses to class 1 and class 2
If enabled the ADVC Controller will respond to any class 1 or 2
polls with a single character Ack (0xE5) instead of a fixed length
five character Nack.
Range: [ON, OFF]
Factory default: OFF
Link UNBALANCED Balanced/Unbalanced link usage
(101 Only) The communications for 101 can be sets as an unbalanced link
where all communications is driven by the controlling station or
balanced where communications may be initiated either by the
controlled or controlling station.
Factory default: UNBALANCED
Link Reset EOI ON Link Reset End Of Initialization Message Usage
Some communications situations in 101 and 104 provide for an
optional EOI message transaction. This setting allows
enabling/disabling of this feature.
Range: [ON, OFF]
Factory default: ON
Max ASDU Size The maximum number of octets the controller will use to form
Note 2 one or more Application Specific Data Units (ASDU) associated
with any one interrogation or spontaneous response message.
Separate configurable setting values are retained for IEC-101
and IEC-104. The display defaults to the IEC-101 value unless
the 10BaseT port is selected for the IEC protocol.
IEC-101 Range: [1...252 octets]
IEC-101 Factory default: 249
IEC-104 Range: [1...249 octets]
IEC-104 Factory default: 249
Cmd Max Dly Command Maximum Delay:
(104 Only) When a Controlled Station configured for IEC-104 receives a
Note 4 time tagged command, the time stamp is extracted and the
Command Maximum Delay setting value (seconds) is added to
If the summated time is later (greater) than the present

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Transmission Services Parameters

Parameter Description
Controlled Station time, the command is accepted and activated
in the normal manner.
If the summated time is ‘earlier’(less than) the Controlled
Station then the message is ignored (i.e. no response is sent)
and the command is discarded.

Range: [1..255 seconds]

Factory Default:10s
Setting Event Cmd Max Dly ###s
TCP/IP Port The TCP/IP port-number is defined for a complete IEC104
(104 Only) system, and has been confirmed by IANA (Internet Assigned
Note 2 Numbers Authority). It is configurable as a matter of flexibility
but would not normally be changed from the factory default.
Range: [1..65535]
Factory Default:2404
COT Size The size, in octets, of the Cause of Transmission field. This is a
(101 Only) System-specific parameter. When two octets are used the
Note 2 second octet is the originator address. Originator address is set
to zero if it is unused.
Range: [1..2]
Factory Default:1
k:Max UnCfm The maximum number of sequentially numbered I-Format
(104 Only) Application Protocol Data Units (APDU) that the transmitting
Note 2 ADVC Controller may have outstanding (i.e. unacknowledged by
receiving station) at a given time. The controller stops
transmission at k unconfirmed I-Format APDUs.
Range: [1..128]
Factory Default:12
w:Max UnAck The maximum number of unacknowledged sequentially
(104 Only) numbered I-Format Application Protocol Data Units (APDU) that
Note 2 the ADVC Controller may receive at a given time. The ADVC
Controller acknowledges at the latest - after receiving w
quantity unacknowledged I-Format APDUs
Range: [1..128]
Factory Default:8
t1:Confirm TO The time, in seconds, that the transmitting ADVC Controller will
(104 Only) wait for an outstanding confirmation from the receiving station.
Note 2 Range: [1..255]
Factory Default:15
t2:Ack TO The time, in seconds, that the receiving ADVC Controller will
(104 Only) hold-off sending a message(s) of acknowledgement to the
Note 2 transmitting station.
Range: [1..255]
Factory Default:10
Offline Poll Period The Interval, in seconds, between the ADVC Controllers

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Transmission Services Parameters

Parameter Description
(104 Only) attempts to open a connection. Recommendation: this value
Note 2, 3 should be greater than t1, as configured on the master station.
Range: [1..255]
Factory Default:30
t3:Idle TO The time, in seconds, that the ADVC Controller will wait for a
(104 Only) connected IEC104 session remaining silent before a U-Format
Note 2 Activation message is transmitted to test the condition of the
link. A zero (0) setting value disables Idle Test transmissions.
Range: [0..172800]
Factory Default:20
Check Master IP Select if controlled station is to check the IP address of IEC-104
(104 Only) controlling (master) stations messages against a configurable list
Note 4 of ‘valid’ IP addresses.
Range: [OFF, ON]
Factory Default:OFF
IP1 Five (5) IP addresses that are used for validating incoming IEC-
IP2 104 IP packets if the IEC-104 master IP address security feature
IP3 is enabled by setting ‘Check Master IP’ to ‘ON‘.
IP4 Range: [ to]
IP5 Factory Default:
(104 Only)
Note 4
1. If a measured value has undergone multiple change events in between reporting to
the master station then only a single up-to-date value for the point will be reported.
2. V42-05.00 and later firmware.
3. This setting was previously known as “t0: Connect TO”
4. Supported in version A45-43.00, and later firmware.

4.5. Clock Synchronisation

If an hour or date change has occurred since the time was last reported then the ADVC Controller
stores a spontaneous clock synchronisation event message in its event buffer. The clock change
event is transmitted to the master station in order for it to be able to distinguish between events of
the previous hour and those of the current hour. The clock synchronisation event will be stored
irrespective of the time format - 24 bits ( or 56 bits (MM/DD/YY

Time stamp data is invalid if one of the following conditions is true:

• The ADVC Controller has performed a cold start and has not received a clock synchronisation

• The ADVC Controller has not received any communications from the master station for 24

• The ADVC Controller has not received any clock synchronisation commands from the master
station for 72 hours

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4.6. Summer Time

For the Summer Time message bits of the IEC 104 protocol to operate correctly it is required the
ADVC Controller have the Time Zone feature enabled, Daylight Saving turned on and all the offsets
set correctly (refer to Figures xx1 and xx2).

Figure xx1 - Time Zone Feature Selection

Figure xx2 – Time Zone Settings on WSOS

Refer to the WSOS5 help information for information on configuring the Time Zone feature


1. The IEC-104 protocol operates with a 1 hour Summer Time Offset. This means that the
Daylight Saving Time Zone can only be set to 1 hour ahead of the Base Time Zone and the
Daylight Saving Offset must be equal to the Time Zone Offset.

2. The assumption is made that Clock Synchronisation is enabled and operational.

4.7. Data Points

The data configuration settings are given in the tables of the following sections. The location of the
settings fields on the panels is shown in Appendix A.

4.7.1. Data Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description
Binary Time Binary Time Tag Usage
Determines if time tags are included with all single and double

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Parameter Description
point information transmitted to the master station.
Range: ON, OFF
Factory default: ON
Measured Time Measured Time Tag Usage
Determines if time tags are included with all Class1 (spontaneous)
measured value information.
The inclusion of time tags affects the measured data reporting
method. Refer to Sections 4.7.2, 4.7.3 for more information.
This field is not used if Measured Data is OFF.
Range: ON, OFF
Factory default: OFF
Single Pts Single Point Base Information Object Address
The base address for the single point objects
Range: 1 – 255, 1 – 65535 or 1 – 16777215
depending upon configured Object Addr Size
Factory default: 1
Double Pts Double Point Base Information Object Address
The base address for the double point objects
Range: 1 – 255, 1 – 65535 or 1 – 16777215
depending upon configured Object Addr Size
Factory default: 200
Single Cmds Single Command Base Information Object Address
The base address for the single command objects
Range: 1 – 255, 1 – 65535 or 1 – 16777215
depending upon configured Object Addr Size
Factory default: 600
Double Cmds Double Command Base Information Object Address
The base address for the double command objects
Range: 1 – 255, 1 – 65535, or 1 – 16777215
depending upon configured Object Addr Size
Factory default: 700
Data type Reported Measured Data Type
The type of ASDU data values used by the ADVC:-
• scaled values (engineering units)
• normalised values, or
• short float (engineering units) Note 1
The Data Type determines the measurand, parameter and setpoint
data types.
Refer to sections 4.7.2 and 4.7.4 for more information.
Factory default: SCALED
Meas Vals Measured Values Base Information Object Address
The base address for the measured value objects
Range: 1 – 255, 1 – 65535, or 1 – 16777215
depending upon configured Object Addr Size
Factory default: 300
SetPt Cmds Setpoint Command Base Information Object Address

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Parameter Description
The base address for the set point command objects
Range: 1 – 255, 1 – 65535, or 1 – 16777215
depending upon configured Object Addr Size
Factory default: 800
Param Cmds Parameter Command Base Information Object Address
The base address for the parameter command objects
Range: 1 – 255, 1 – 65535, or 1 – 16777215
depending upon configured Object Addr Size
Factory default: 400
Integ Total Rep Integrated Total Usage
Determines if the integrated total object information is reported in
the data transmitted to the master station.
Range: ON, OFF
Factory default: ON
Integ Total Integrated Total Base Information Object Address
The base address for the integrated total objects
Range: 1 – 255, 1 – 65535, or 1 – 16777215
depending upon configured Object Addr Size
Factory default: 500

1. ADVC A45-43.00 and later firmware.

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4.7.2. ASDU Data Type

The following table lists the ASDU data types that may be contained in responses to IEC870-5-
101/104 poll commands.

IEC 870-5-101/104 Command

Class 1 Class 2 General Counter Read

Interrogation Interrogation
(ASDU 100) (ASDU 101) 102)

General Freeze/ Note 8

ASDU within response(s). Reset

Single/Double-point YES YES YES NO NO YES

information without time
Note 5
(ASDU 1 or 3)
Single/Double-point YES YES YES NO NO
information with time
Note 5
(ASDU 2 or 4)
Measured value points YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO NO NO YES
without time
Note 6,7 Note 1 Note 6
(ASDU 9, 11, or 13 Note 9.)
Measured value points YES YES/NO YES/NO NO NO YES
with time
Note 1 Note 6
(ASDU 10, 12, 14 Note 9,
34, 35, or 36 Note 9)
Integrated Totals point NO NO NO YES NO YES
(ASDU 15)
Note 4

Integrated Totals points NO NO NO NO YES YES

with time
Note 4
(ASDU 16 or 37)
Parameter points NO NO NO NO NO YES
(ASDU 110 or 111)
1. For Class = CY, configuring Cyclic Dly to zero (0), disables reporting of Cyclic data(Class 2). Setting
Cyclic Dly greater than 0 enables reporting of Cyclic data (Class 2).
2. Reporting of individual data points can be enabled/disabled via WSOS configuration. A disabled data
point will still retain its object address but will not be reported during any of the above polling.
3. ADVC Controller response to a Read command will contain the data for the single ASDU point
referenced in the command. The ADVC Controller does not support multiple data responses.
4. Inclusion of the integrated total object in the protocol handler’s database is optional via the
5. If the ADVC Controller received a class 2 poll and it has no class 2 data available but has class 1 data
available then it will respond with a class 1 response.
6. For Class = CY, disabling cyclic data reporting will result in ‘cyclic’ data being reported in General
Interrogation and Class1 command responses. Enabling cyclic data reporting will result in no ‘cyclic’
data being reported in General Interrogation.

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7. For Class = CY, enabling cyclic data reporting with the Measured Time tag ON will result in ‘cyclic’ data
being reported in Class1 and Class 2 command responses. Enabling cyclic data reporting with the
Measured Time tag OFF will result in no ‘cyclic’ data being reported in Class1 command responses.
8. Read request (ASDU 102) is not responded to with time tagged ASDU.
9. Short Floats supported in version A45-43.00, and later firmware.

4.7.3. Event Data Buffering
The ADVC maintains separate buffers for change of state event reporting for each ASDU data type
supported. Each buffer may be of a different depth.

Data Type ASDU Buffer Size (events)

Single-point information 1, 2 or 30 100

Double-point information 3, 4 or 31 100

Measured values 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 100

14, 34, or 35
Notes 0, 2, 3

Clock Change 103 24

Integrated totals 15, 16 or 37 50

Notes 4

1. If the ADVC is configured to have Measured Time tags ON then an event is stored in the change of
state buffer every time the value exceeds its dead band. All changes of state values are reported,
with their time tags, in response to a master station poll.
2. For Class = CY, disabling cyclic data reporting with the Measured Time tags OFF then no measured
values are stored in the change of state buffer.
3. For Class = CY, enabling cyclic data reporting with the Measured Time tags OFF then a single non-
time tagged event per measured value is stored in the change of state buffer. Only the one event is
stored irrespective of the number of times the value exceeds its dead band. The value for the event
that is reported to the master station is the current value at the time of transmission. Note that if a
measured value is rapidly changing during a multi-message exchange poll then a second report of the
spontaneous value change is possible.
4. The usage of clock change events is explained in section 4.5.

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ADVC IEC 60870-5-101/104 Protocol Technical Manual Buffer Overflow

The ADVC Controller uses separate event buffers for each ASDU data type enabled/configured for
use by the IEC protocol application.
From controller firmware version A45-43.00+ a data point is available to indicate that the buffers
have overflowed with the following characteristics;
o This point is SET when ANY IEC-101/104 ASDU data type event buffer becomes
o This point is CLEARED upon IEC protocol/controller restart, or when ALL previously
overflowed ASDU data type event buffers ‘used’ level falls to less than or equal to
50% of the respective ASDU event buffer capacity.
The data point can be set in ADVC Controller configurable data-point mappings from the N00-331
SCADA database, section ‘Appendix A.7.1’, ‘Protocol-Specific Digital status points’, point number
#13 "IEC Event Buffer Overflow”.

The "IEC Event Buffer Overflow" data-point is only operationally effective (i.e. will only do
anything) when the IEC101/104 protocol application feature is ‘Available’.

4.7.4. Measured Values

Measured values can be transmitted to the master station as either Scaled, Normalised, or
(Real) Short Float values.

ASDU data type Short Float, supported by firmware version A45-43.00+. SCALED VALUES

All measured values are transmitted as a signed 16 bit value. The value transmitted is calculated by:

Transmitted Scaled Value = Raw value  units

Raw Value Range Units Transmitted Scaled Value

0 to 16000A 2A 0 to 8000

0.0 to 100.0 % 0.1% 0 to 1000

0 to 131068 kVA 4kVA 0 to 32767

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Value Scaled Value

7FFFH (32767)
- (Range Max) 0

+(Range Max)

All measured values are transmitted as a signed 16-bit value (FFFFH to 7FFFH or -32767 to 32767).
0 (0)
The value transmitted is calculated as shown below:


Raw Value Range Units Transmitted Normalised Value Range

0 to 16000A 1A 0H (0) to 7FFFH (32767)

8000H (-32768)
0 to 30000V 4V 0H (0) to 1FFFH (8191)

0.0 to 100.0% 0.1% 0H (0) to 7FFFH (32767)

-14 to 44 PSI 1 PSI 28B9H (-10425) to 7FFFH (32767)

1 to 4 trips 1 trip 1FFFH (8191) to 7FFFH (32767) REAL (floating point) VALUES

Information element “Short Floating Point Number IEEE STD 754” (Refer 6080-5.4 Section 6.5)

The data is formatted as 4 Octets with the definition of each Octet given in the following table.

Octets Bit
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
F = Fraction
2-16 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-22 2-23

F = Fraction
2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15

F = Fraction
3 E
2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7
E =Exponent

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4 Sign
27 26 25 24 23 22 21

Fraction = F:= UI23[1..23] < 0..1-2-23>

Exponent =E:= UI8[24..31] <0..255>
Sign =S:= BS1[32] S<0>:= positive

Range: -2128 + 2104 … +2128 - 2104 -3.4 x 1038 … +3.4 x 1038

Smallest negative number: -2-149 -1.4 x 10-45
Smallest positive number: -2-149 +1.4 x 10-45

4.7.5. Quality Bits

ASDUs marked in the interoperability guides, for process information in the monitored
direction, with a quality descriptor, support the following quality bits where applicable:-


4.7.6. Reset Process, ASDU <105>:

This ASDU allows the Controlling Station to cause the Controlled stations IEC-104 protocol process
to be restarted. Once the command is sent to the Controlled Station the communications session
will be lost and will need to be restabilised once the Controlled Station IEC104 process has
restarted. The reset of the IEC 104 process does not interrupt or affect the normal operation of the
ADVC Controller in any way other than to restart the IEC104 process.

The ADVC Controller logs an event when a ‘Reset Process’ is requested...

• "IEC 60870-5-101/4 Process Restart Requested"

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5. Dial Out
5.1. Overview
When the protocol hander determines that it has change of state events to be reported to the
master station it requests the Hayes compatible modem driver to initiate a dial-out sequence.

Refer to the communications section of the ADVC Operations Manual for further
details on the controllers Hayes modem driver.

5.2. Details

5.2.1. Event Buffering

The protocol handler monitors its change of state (Class 1) buffer. If it detects that one or more
change of state event(s) are buffered, and one of the follow conditions are true, then a dial out
sequence is initiated:-

• The ‘Class 1’ notification count maximum is exceeded, or

• The ‘Class 1’ notification delay timer expires

If the master station establishes communications with the controller during dial-out
commencement but before a communications link is established, then the dial out sequence is

5.2.2. Dial Out Modem Support

A compatible modem with dialing / auto answer capability is connected to the port selected by the
protocol handler and the Hayes modem driver is enabled for the same port. The Hayes modem
driver uses the state of the DCD input from the modem to determine the modem’s status. The
modem must be setup to auto answer an incoming call.

The modem must not return results codes or echo commands. When the protocol determines a
connection to the master is required it will initiate a request to the Hayes modem driver to
establish a connection. If the modem is offline the Hayes modem driver will dial the master station.
If the modem is already online - a dial out sequence is not triggered and an IEC-101 communication
session is commenced. When the modem is online the protocol handler will examine any received
data and decode it as IEC-101 packets.

After a successful communications session (i.e. a link has been established) the Hayes modem
driver will hang up the modem after a configurable delay period during which no valid 101
packet(s) were received or transmitted. The first phone number to be dialled is set to the head of
the list of Dial-Out Numbers. If the Class 1 buffers are not emptied before the communications link
is broken, another dial-out sequence is initiated.

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5.3. Configuration

5.3.1. OCPM
The protocol handler page for IEC-101 Dial-Out:

-------- IEC870-101 Dial Out 1 -------S

C1 Count 3 C1 Delay 5s
C1 Buffered 0 C1 Timeout 0s

Setting Description

C1 Count Class 1 Notification Max Count

The number of change of state events that must occur in Class 1 before a dial
out sequence is triggered.

Range: 1 to 255

Factory default: 3 events.

C1 Delay Class 1 Notification Delay

The maximum time a change of state event will wait before a dial out
connection sequence is triggered.

Range: 1 to 86400 seconds

Factory default: 5s.

C1 Buffered Class 1 Buffered Events

The number of queued change of state events in the class 1 buffer.

Display only

C1 Timeout Class 1 Notification Time

The number of seconds remaining before a dial out sequence is initiated.

Display only

Dial-out is only available when the IEC protocol handler is using 60870-5-101 mode
and the protocol handlers selected communications port has the Hayes modem driver

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Appendix A Panel Layout

A.1 Communications
This appendix details the layout of the pages for configuring the IEC-101 and IEC-104 protocols.

A.1.1 setVUE
Make the protocol Available via the options page


WSOS Available DNP3 Available
MITS Not Available
101/4 Available

View and edit the protocol setup via the Communications Setup 1 page. The port currently in use is
displayed alongside the protocol.


Configure Ports WSOS Port RS232-A
DNP3 Port 10BaseT I101/4 Port 10BaseT
Trace Port NONE

Panel pages for IEC101 Panel pages for IEC104

The port selected will determine whether IEC-104 or IEC-101 protocol is in use. Selecting
10BaseT makes IEC-104 the protocol otherwise it is IEC-101. The titles of the pages change to
display the running protocol.

----- IEC870-101 COMMUNICATIONS ----C ----- IEC870-104 COMMUNICATIONS ----C

Port RS232-C Running Port 10BaseT Running
I101 Standard ACR I101 Standard ACR

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Panel pages for IEC101 Panel pages for IEC104

IEC870-101 Communication Statistics C IEC870-104 Communication Statistics C

Tx Count 582 Rx Count 582 Tx Count 582 Rx Count 582
Rx CRC Error 0 Rx Length Err 0 Rx CRC Error 0 Rx Length Err 0
Rx TO Err 0 Rx Sync Error 0 Rx TO Err 0 Rx Sync Error 0

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Panel pages for IEC101 Panel pages for IEC104

---- IEC870-104 INVALID IP STATS ----C

Last Invalid IP NONE
Invalid Packet Count 0

Only displayed if the Master IP Validation is enabled.

- IEC870-101 Transmission Services 1 C - IEC870-104 Transmission Services 1 --C

Link Addr Size 2 Link Addr 5
Common Addr Size 2 Common Addr 5 Common Addr 5
Object Addr Size 2 Time Size 24 Time Size 24

- IEC870-101 Transmission Services 2 C - IEC870-104 Transmission Services 2 --C

Select/Exec TO 3s Frame TO 5000ms Select/Exec TO 3s
Cyclic Dly 300s Tx Delay 0ms Cyclic Dly 0s
One Octet Ack OFF One Octet Resp OFF

- IEC870-101 Transmission Services 3 C - IEC870-104 Transmission Services 3 --C

Link Reset EOI ON Link Reset EOI ON Cmd Max Dly 5s
Max ASDU Size 249 Max ASDU Size 249 TCP/IP Port 2404

- IEC870-104 Transmission Services 4 --C

k:Max UnCfm 12 w:Max UnAck 8
Offline Poll 30s t1:Confirm TO 15s
t2:Ack TO 10s t3:Idle TO 20s

-- IEC870-104 Transmission Services 5 –C

Check Master IP OFF IP1 0 .0 .0 .0
IP2 0 .0 .0 .0 IP3 0 .0 .0 .0
IP4 0 .0 .0 .0 IP5 0 .0 .0 .0

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Panel pages for IEC101 Panel pages for IEC104

----- IEC870-101 Configuration 1 --–-C ----- IEC870-104 Configuration 1 ---–C

Bin/Dbl Time ON Measured Time OFF Bin/Dbl Time ON Measured Time OFF
Single Pts 1 Double Pts 200 Single Pts 1 Double Pts 200
Single Cmd 600 Double Cmd 700 Single Cmd 600 Double Cmd 700

----- IEC870-101 Configuration 2 ----C ----- IEC870-104 Configuration 2 ----C

Data type SCALED Meas Vals 300 Data type SCALED Meas Vals 300
Set PT Cmd 800 Param Cmd 400 Set PT Cmd 800 Param Cmd 400
Integ Total Rep ON Integ Total 500 Integ Total Rep ON Integ Total 500

-------- IEC870-101 Dial Out 1 -------S

C1 Count 3 C1 Delay 5s
C1 Buffered 0 C1 Timeout 0s

Only displayed if the Hayes modem driver is enabled and selected

on the IEC-101 port. Additionally the port must be C or D to e
able to use the driver due to hardware requirements.

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A.1.2 flexVUE
Panel pages for IEC101 Panel pages for IEC104
The port selected will determine whether IEC-104 or IEC-101 protocol is in use. Selecting 10BaseT makes IEC-
104 the protocol otherwise it is IEC-101. The titles of the pages change to display the running protocol.


IEC870-101/4 MENU IEC870-101/4 MENU
Port RS232-C Port 10BaseT
I101 Standard ACR I101 Standard ACR


Tx Count 0 Tx Count 0
Rx Count 0 Rx Count 0
Rx CRC Err 0 Rx CRC Err 0
Rx Length Err 0 Rx Length Err 0
Rx TO Err 0 Rx TO Err 0
Rx Sync Err 0 Rx Sync Err 0
Last Invalid IP NONE *
Invalid Pckts 0 *
* Displayed if Master IP Validation is enabled


Link Addr Size 2
Link Addr 5
Common Addr Size 2
Common Addr 5 Common Addr 5
Object Addr Size 2
Time size 24 Time size 24
Select/Exec TO 3s Select/Exec TO 3s
Frame TO 5000ms
Cyclic Dly 300s Cyclic Dly 300s
Tx Delay 0ms
One Octet Ack OFF
One Octet Resp OFF
COT Size 1
Link Reset EOI ON Link Reset EOI ON
Max ASDU Size 249 Max ASDU Size 249
TCP/IP Port 2404
K:Max Uncnfm 12
W:Max Unack 8
Offline Poll 30s
t1:Confirm TO 15s

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Panel pages for IEC101 Panel pages for IEC104

t2:Ack TO 10s
t3:Idle TO 20s
Cmd Max Dly 5s

Check Master IP ON


Bin/Dbl Time ON Bin/Dbl Time ON
Measured Time OFF Measured Time OFF
Single Pts 1 Single Pts 1
Double Pts 200 Double Pts 200
Single Cmd 600 Single Cmd 600
Double Cmd 700 Double Cmd 700
Data Type SCALED Data Type SCALED
Meas Vals 300 Meas Vals 300
Set PT Cmd 800 Set PT Cmd 800
Param Cmd 400 Param Cmd 400
Integ Total Rep ON Integ Total Rep ON
Integ Total 500 Integ Total 500

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Appendix B Protocol Timings

Initialisation Time
The protocol handler will not respond to master station requests for several seconds after power
up while the ADVC Controller database initialization is pending.

Turnaround Time
The turnaround time for the protocol, from the end of receiving a message until the start of the
pre-transmission time, is typically < 30 milliseconds with a range of 5 to 100 milliseconds.

Latency of Data
The protocol task examines the real-time database every 500 milliseconds to see if anything has
changed and to construct the underlying protocol database which is sent to the master station. This
introduces a delay between the actual event and updating the protocol database of up to 500
milliseconds. This is the data latency.

Accuracy of Time Tags

For points tagged to 500 milliseconds accuracy, the time tag accuracy is – 10 / + 500 ms relative to
the ADVC Controller processor clock.

For points tagged to 10 millisecond accuracy, the points correspond to those displayed within the
operator panel event records.

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Appendix C IEC870-5-101 Interoperability Statement

Network configuration

 Point-to-point  Multipoint-party line

 Multiple point-to-point  Multipoint-star
Physical layer
Transmission speed (control direction)

Unbalanced interchange Unbalanced interchange Balanced interchange

circuit V.24/V.28 circuit V.24/V.28 circuit X.24/X.27

Standard Recommended if >1 200 bit/s

 100 bit/s  2400 bit/s  2400 bit/s  57600 bit/s

 200 bit/s  4800 bit/s  4800 bit/s  64000 bit/s

 300 bit/s  9600 bit/s  9600 bit/s

 600 bit/s  19200 bit/s

 1200 bit/s  38400 bit/s

Transmission speed (monitor direction)

Unbalanced interchange Unbalanced interchange Balanced interchange

circuit V.24/V.28 circuit V.24/V.28 circuit X.24/X.27

Standard Recommended if >1 200 bit/s

 100 bit/s  2400 bit/s  2400 bit/s  56000 bit/s

 200 bit/s  4800 bit/s  4800 bit/s  64000 bit/s

 300 bit/s  9600 bit/s  9600 bit/s

 600 bit/s  19200 bit/s

 1200 bit/s  38400 bit/s

Link layer
Frame format FT 1.2, single character 1 and the fixed time out interval are used exclusively in this
companion standard.

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Link transmission procedure Address field of link

 Balanced transmission  Not present (balanced

transmission only)

 Unbalanced transmission  One octet

 Two octets
Frame length  Structured
255 Maximum length L (control direction)  Unstructured

1..255 Maximum length L (monitor direction) configurable [249] default setting.

Application Layer
Transmission mode for application data

Mode 1 (Least significant octet first), as defined in clause 4.10 of IEC 870-5-4, is used exclusively in
this companion standard.

Common address of ASDU

 One octet  Two octets

Information object address

 One octet  structured

 Two octets  unstructured

 Three octets
Cause of transmission

 One octet  Two octets (with originator address)

Selection of standard ASDUs

Process information in monitor direction

 <1> := Single-point information M_SP_NA_1

 <2> := Single-point information with time tag M_SP_TA_1

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 <3> := Double-point information M_DP_NA_1

 <4> := Double-point information with time tag M_DP_TA_1

 <5> := Step position information M_ST_NA_1

 <6> := Step position information with time tag M_ST_TA_1

 <7> := Bit string of 32 bit M_BO_NA_1

 <8> := Bit string of 32 bit with time tag M_BO_TA_1

 <9> := Measured value, normalised value M_ME_NA_1

 <10> := Measured value, normalised value with time tag M_ME_TA_1

 <11> := Measured value, scaled value M_ME_NB_1

 <12> := Measured value, scaled value with time tag M_ME_TB_1

 <13> := Measured value, short floating point value M_ME_NC_I

 <14> := Measured value, short floating point value with time tag M_ME_TC_1

 <15> := Integrated totals M_IT_NA_1

 <16> := Integrated totals with time tag M_IT_TA_1

 <17> := Event of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TA_1

 <18> := Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TB_1

 <19> := Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TC_1

 <20> := Packed single-point information with status change detection M_PS_NA_1

 <21> := Measured value, normalised value without quality descriptor M_ME_ND_1

 <30> := Single-point information with time tag CP56Time2a M_SP_TB_1

 <31> := Double-point information with time tag CP56Time2a M_DP_TB_1

 <32> := Step information with time tag CP56Time2a M_ST_TB_1

 <33> := Bit string of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2a M_BO_TB_1

 <34> := Measured value, normalised value with time tag CP56Time2a M_ME_TD_1

 <35> := Measured value, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2a M_ME_TE_1

 <36> := Measured value, short floating point value with time tag CP56Time2a M_ME_TF_1

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 <37> := Integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2a M_IT_TB_1

 <38> := Event of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2a M_EP_TD_1

 <39> := Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aT M_EP_TE_1

 <40> := Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with M_EP_TF_1

time tag CP56Time2a

Process information in control direction

 <45> := Single command C_SC_NA_1

 <46> := Double command C_DC_NA_1

 <47> := Regulating step command C_RC_NA_1

 <48> := Set point command, normalised value C_SE_NA_1

 <49> := Set point command, scaled value C_SE_NB_1

 <50> := Set point command, short floating point value C_SE_NC_1

 <51> := Bitstring of 32 bit C_BO_NA_1

 <58> := Single command with time tag CP56Time 2a C_SC_TA_1

 <59> := Double command with time tag CP56Time 2a C_DC_TA_1

 <60> := Regulating step command with time tag CP56Time 2a C_RC_TA_1

 <61> := Set point command, normalized value with time tag CP56Time 2a C_SE_TA_1

 <62> := Set point command, scaled value with time tag CP56Time 2a C_SE_TB_1

 <63> := Set point command, short floating point value with time tag CP56Time 2a C_SE_TC_1

 <64> := Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time 2a C_BO_TA_1

System information in monitor direction

 <70> := End of initialisation M_EI_NA_1

System information in control direction

 <100> := Interrogation command C_IC_NA_1

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 <101> := Counter interrogation command C_CI_NA_1

 <102> := Read command C_RD_NA_1

 <103> := Clock synchronisation command C_CS_NA_1

 <104> := Test command C_TS_NB_1

 <105> := Reset process command C_RP_NC_1
ASDUs 104, & 105 supported since firmware version A45-43.00
 <106> := Delay acquisition command (Load Delay only) C_CD_NA_1

Parameter in control direction

 <110> := Parameter of measured value, normalised value P_ME_NA_1

 <111> := Parameter of measured value, scaled value P_ME_NB_1

 <112> := Parameter of measured value, short floating point value P_ME_NC_1

 <113> := Parameter activation P_AC_NA_1

File transfer

 <120> := File ready F_FR_NA_1

 <121> := Section ready F_SR_NA_1

 <122> := Call directory, select file, call file, call section F_SC_NA_1

 <123> := Last section, last segment F_LS_NA_1

 <124> := Ack file, ack section F_AF_NA_1

 <125> := Segment F_SG_NA_1

 <126> := Directory F_DR_TA_1

Basic application functions

Station initialisation

 Remote initialisation

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General Interrogation

 global

 group 1  group 7  group 13

 group 2  group 8  group l4

 group 3  group 9  group 15

 group 4  group 10  group 16

 group 5  group 11

 group 6  group 12

Clock synchronisation

 Clock synchronisation

Command transmission

 Direct command transmission

 Select and execute command

 Direct set point command transmission

 Select and execute set point command


 No additional definition

 Short pulse duration

 Long pulse duration

 Persistent output

Transmission of Integrated totals

 Counter request  General request counter

 Counter freeze without reset  Request counter group 1

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 Counter freeze with reset  Request counter group 2

 Counter reset  Request counter group 3
 Request counter group 4
Parameter loading

 Threshold value

 Smoothing factor

 Low limit for transmission of measured value

 High limit for transmission of measured value

Parameter activation

 Act/deact of persistent cyclic or periodic transmission of the addressed object

File transfer

 File transfer in monitor direction

 File transfer in control direction

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Appendix D IEC870-5-104 Interoperability Statement

Network configuration

 Point-to-point  Multipoint-party line

 Multiple point-to-point  Multipoint-star

Physical layer
Transmission speed (control direction)

Unbalanced interchange Unbalanced interchange Balanced interchange

circuit V.24/V.28 circuit V.24/V.28 circuit X.24/X.27

Standard Recommended if >1 200 bit/s

 100 bit/s  2400 bit/s  2400 bit/s  56000 bit/s

 200 bit/s  4800 bit/s  4800 bit/s  64000 bit/s

 300 bit/s  9600 bit/s  9600 bit/s

 600 bit/s 19200 bit/s

 1200 bit/s 38400 bit/s

Transmission speed (monitor direction)

Unbalanced interchange Unbalanced interchange Balanced interchange

circuit V.24/V.28 circuit V.24/V.28 circuit X.24/X.27

Standard Recommended if >1 200 bit/s

 100 bit/s  2400 bit/s  2400 bit/s  56000 bit/s

 200 bit/s  4800 bit/s  4800 bit/s  64000 bit/s

 300 bit/s  9600 bit/s  9600 bit/s

 600 bit/s  19200 bit/s

 1200 bit/s  38400 bit/s

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Link layer
Frame format FT 1.2, single character 1 and the fixed time out interval are used exclusively in this
companion standard.

Link transmission procedure Address field of link

 Balanced transmission  Not present (balanced transmission


 Unbalanced transmission  One octet

 Two octets
Frame length  Structured
Maximum length L (number of octets)  Unstructured

When using an unbalanced link layer, the following ASDU types are returned in class 2 messages
(low priority) with the indicated causes of transmission:

The standard assignment of ASDUs to class 2 messages is used as follows:

Type identification Cause of transmission

9, 11, 13, 21 <1>

A special assignment of ASDUs to class 2 messages is used as follows:

Type identification Cause of transmission

Note: (In response to a class 2 poll, a controlled station may respond with class 1 data when there is no class 2 data

Application Layer

Transmission mode for application data

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Mode 1 (Least significant octet first), as defined in clause 4.10 of IEC 870-5-4, is used exclusively in
this companion standard.

Common address of ASDU

 One octet  Two octets

Information object address

 One octet  structured

 Two octets  unstructured

 Three octets

Cause of transmission

 One octet  Two octets (with originator address)

Length of APDU

An individual node setting that limits the maximum length of the ASDU for any given APDU octet
group. The default Maximum ASDU size is 249 octets. The length of the ASDU may vary depending
upon message requirements.

249 Maximum length of ASDU per system, range 1…249

Selection of standard ASDUs

Process information in monitor direction

 <1> := Single-point information M_SP_NA_1

 <2> := Single-point information with time tag M_SP_TA_1

 <3> := Double-point information M_DP_NA_1

 <4> := Double-point information with time tag M_DP_TA_1

 <5> := Step position information M_ST_NA_1

 <6> := Step position information with time tag M_ST_TA_1

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 <7> := Bit string of 32 bit M_BO_NA_1

 <8> := Bit string of 32 bit with time tag M_BO_TA_1

 <9> := Measured value, normalised value M_ME_NA_1

 <10> := Measured value, normalised value with time tag M_ME_TA_1

 <11> := Measured value, scaled value M_ME_NB_1

 <12> := Measured value, scaled value with time tag M_ME_TB_1

 <13> := Measured value, short floating point value M_ME_NC_I

 <14> := Measured value, short floating point value with time tag M_ME_TC_1

 <15> := Integrated totals M_IT_NA_1

 <16> := Integrated totals with time tag M_IT_TA_1

 <17> := Event of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TA_1

 <18> := Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TB_1

 <19> := Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TC_1

 <20> := Packed single-point information with status change detection M_PS_NA_1

 <21> := Measured value, normalised value without quality descriptor M_ME_ND_1

 <30> := Single-point information with time tag CP56Time2a M_SP_TB_1

 <31> := Double-point information with time tag CP56Time2a M_DP_TB_1

 <32> := Step information with time tag CP56Time2a M_ST_TB_1

 <33> := Bit string of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2a M_BO_TB_1

 <34> := Measured value, normalised value with time tag CP56Time2a M_ME_TD_1

 <35> := Measured value, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2a M_ME_TE_1

 <36> := Measured value, short floating point value with time tag CP56Time2a M_ME_TF_1

 <37> := Integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2a M_IT_TB_1

 <38> := Event of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2a M_EP_TD_1

 <39> := Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aT M_EP_TE_1

 <40> := Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with M_EP_TF_1

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time tag CP56Time2a

Process information in control direction

 <45> := Single command C_SC_NA_1

 <46> := Double command C_DC_NA_1

 <47> := Regulating step command C_RC_NA_1

 <48> := Set point command, normalised value C_SE_NA_1

 <49> := Set point command, scaled value C_SE_NB_1

 <50> := Set point command, short floating point value C_SE_NC_1

 <51> := Bitstring of 32 bit C_BO_NA_1

 <58> := Single command with time tag CP56Time 2a C_SC_TA_1

 <59> := Double command with time tag CP56Time 2a C_DC_TA_1

 <60> := Regulating step command with time tag CP56Time 2a C_RC_TA_1

 <61> := Set point command, normalized value with time tag CP56Time 2a C_SE_TA_1

 <62> := Set point command, scaled value with time tag CP56Time 2a C_SE_TB_1
 <63> := Set point command, short floating point value with time tag CP56Time 2a C_SE_TC_1
  ASDUs 61, 62, & 63 supported since firmware version A45-43.00 

 <64> := Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time 2a C_BO_TA_1

System information in monitor direction

 <70> := End of initialisation M_EI_NA_1

System information in control direction

 <100> := Interrogation command C_IC_NA_1

 <101> := Counter interrogation command C_CI_NA_1

 <102> := Read command C_RD_NA_1

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 <103> := Clock synchronisation command C_CS_NA_1

 <104> := Test command C_TS_NB_1

 <105> := Reset process command C_RP_NC_1

ASDU 105 supported since firmware version A45-43.00

 <106> := Delay acquisition command (Load Delay only) C_CD_NA_1

 <107> := Test command with time tag CP56time2a C_TS_TA_1

ASDU 107 supported since firmware version A45-43.00

Parameter in control direction

 <110> := Parameter of measured value, normalised value P_ME_NA_1

 <111> := Parameter of measured value, scaled value P_ME_NB_1

 <112> := Parameter of measured value, short floating point value P_ME_NC_1

 <113> := Parameter activation P_AC_NA_1

File transfer

 <120> := File ready F_FR_NA_1

 <121> := Section ready F_SR_NA_1

 <122> := Call directory, select file, call file, call section F_SC_NA_1

 <123> := Last section, last segment F_LS_NA_1

 <124> := Ack file, ack section F_AF_NA_1

 <125> := Segment F_SG_NA_1

 <126> := Directory F_DR_TA_1

Basic application functions

Station initialisation

 Remote initialisation

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Cyclic data transmission

Cyclic data transmission

Read procedure

Read procedure

Spontaneous transmission


Double transmission of information objects with cause of transmission spontaneous

(station-specific parameter, mark each information type ‘X’ where both a Type ID without time
and corresponding Type ID with time are issued in response to a single spontaneous change of
a monitored object)

The following type identifications may be transmitted in succession caused by a single status
change of an information object. The particular information object addresses for which double
transmission is enabled are defined in a project-specific list.

 Single-point information M_SP_NA_1, M_SP_TA_1, M_SP_TB_1 and M_PS_NA_1

 Double-point information M_DP_NA_1, M_DP_TA_1 and M_DP_TB_1

 Step position information M_ST_NA_1, M_ST_TA_1 and M_ST_TB_1

 Bitstring of 32 bit M_BO_NA_1, M_BO_TA_1 and M_BO_TB_1 (if defined for a specific project)

 Measured value, normalized value M_ME_NA_1, M_ME_TA_1, M_ME_ND_1 and M_ME_TD_1

 Measured value, scaled value M_ME_NB_1, M_ME_TB_1 and M_ME_TE_1

 Measured value, short floating point number M_ME_NC_1, M_ME_TC_1 and M_ME_TF_1

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Station Interrogation

 global

 group 1  group 7  group 13

 group 2  group 8  group l4

 group 3  group 9  group 15

 group 4  group 10  group 16

 group 5  group 11

 group 6  group 12

Clock synchronisation

 Clock synchronisation

Command transmission

 Direct command transmission

 Select and execute command

 Direct set point command transmission

 Select and execute set point command


 No additional definition

 Short pulse duration (duration determined by a system parameter in the outstation)

 Long pulse duration (duration determined by a system parameter in the outstation)

 Persistent output

 Supervision of maximum delay in command direction of commands and set point

Maximum allowable delay of commands and set point commands

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Transmission of Integrated totals

Mode A: Local freeze with spontaneous transmission

Mode B: Local freeze with counter
Mode C: Freeze and transmit by counter-interrogation
Mode D: Freeze by counter-interrogation command, frozen values reported

 Counter request  General request counter

 Counter freeze without reset  Request counter group 1
 Counter freeze with reset  Request counter group 2
 Counter reset  Request counter group 3
 Request counter group 4
Parameter loading
 Threshold value

 Smoothing factor

 Low limit for transmission of measured value

 High limit for transmission of measured value

Parameter activation

 Act/deact of persistent cyclic or periodic transmission of the addressed object

Test procedure

 Test Procedure

File transfer

File transfer in monitor direction

 Transparent File

 Transmission of disturbance data of protection equipment

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 Transmission of sequences of events

 Transmission of sequences of recorded analog values

File transfer in control direction

 Transparent File

Background scan
(station-specific parameter, mark ‘X’ if function is only used in the standard direction, ‘R’ if only used
in the reverse direction, and ‘B’ if used in both directions)

 Background scan

Acquisition of transmission delay

(station-specific parameter, mark ‘X’ if function is only used in the standard direction, ‘R’ if only used
in the reverse direction, and ‘B’ if used in both directions)

Acquisition of transmission delay

Definition of time outs

Parameter Default value Remarks Range

t0 30s Time-out of connection establishment 1..255

t1 15s Time-out of send or test APDUs 1..255

Time-out for acknowledges in case of no data

t2 10s 1..255
messages t2 < t1

Time-out for sending test frames in case of a

t3 20s 1.. 172800
long idle state
Maximum range of values for all time outs: 1 to 255 s, accuracy 1 s

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Maximum number of outstanding I format APDUs k and latest acknowledge APDUs (w) and IP
port number.

Parameter Default value Remarks Range

Maximum difference receive sequence

K 12 APDUs 1..128
number to send state variable

Latest acknowledge after receiving w I-format

W 8 APDUs 1..128

IP Portnumber 2404 Parameter is configurable – non default 1..65535

values are outside of IEC-104 standard.
Maximum range of values k: 1 to 32767 (215-1) APDUs, accuracy 1 APDU

Maximum range of values w: 1 to 32767 APDUs, accuracy 1 APDU (Recommendation: w should not
exceed two-thirds of k).

RFC 2200 suite

RFC 2200 is an official Internet Standard which describes the state of standardization of protocols
used in the Internet as determined by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB). It offers a broad
spectrum of actual standards used in the Internet. The suitable selection of documents from RFC
2200 defined in this standard for given projects has to be chosen by the user of this standard.

 Ethernet 802.3
 Serial X.21 interface

 Other selection from RFC 2200

List of valid documents from RFC 2200

1. ……………………………………………..

2. ……………………………………………..

3. ……………………………………………..

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IEC 60870-5-101 Protocol – Technical Manual - LBS

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