Faith-Experience December - Guillermo - BSN

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Christian Formation Office

Monthly Value-Exercise in Rel 101: The Revelation of God in the Old Testament

This is to record the personal activities of students as they journey towards self-discovery that includes
their spiritual aspect. For faith is always personal, maturing and inculturated (CFC), this form aims to
trace the development of their faith which is personally experienced and lived out in their respective
homes and families.

The form is divided into three columns: Learning Value/Virtue; Value in Action; and Our Celebration.
Learning Value/Virtue will be the student’s record of Personal Reflections s/he obtains in Sunday
Masses, Biblical Reading Exercises or Personal Prayers. Value in Action describes the experience of the
student in manifesting a specific value or virtue in his/her daily life. And Our Celebration is the column
for captured moments of joy and togetherness of the family.

Name:Chelsea Reinne Guillermo Age and Gender: 19-Female

Course and Year: BSN 1A No. of Family Members:6
Religious Affiliation:Roman Catholic____ Month: December

Learning Value/Virtue Value in Action Our Celebration

December 05 2021 As we waiting to celebrate the photos simbang gabi
-The gospel reading above Christmas day. We attend
mentions very important Simbang gabi. In 9th days of
people yet it is to a man in the sacrifice .
wilderness that the Word of First and foremost, the true
God was revealed. A great meaning of Christmas is to
lesson to be learned here. John celebrate the birth of Jesus
the Baptist lived in the desert Christ. That is the meaning that
seeking only the presence of everyone, no matter their age,
God while the great men of his should be focusing on. While
time lived in their palaces the true meaning of Christmas
seeking the adulation of remains with someone their
people. The desert is a whole life, how they feel and
desolate place away from the their thoughts on Christmas
bustle and hustle of city life Day become different as they
where the voice of God is age.Some people feel happy
drown out by noises from emotions because they are
every direction. John the with their loved ones, while
Baptist could not have chosen others might be thinking of
a better place to prepare him Christmas's past when certain
for his ministry. Indeed, family.
modern life is not only hectic
but noisy and full of
distractions. That is why it is
always best to go for a walk in
a desolate place, perhaps in a
forest, where we can focus all
our attention on God alone. If
it is not possible, we can just
shut the door of our room
(Matthew 6:6), switch off the
television and stuck away our
mobile phone in a drawer so
we can concentrate on
listening to the voice of God.
The point is we need complete
silence because common sense
dictates that it is in quietness
that we hear God’s voice.

December 12 2021

-Gospel Reading and

Reflection: Luke 3:10-18

John’s message is primarily a

call for change of mind
repentance or metanoia and a
change of direction conversion.
Practically, he is telling us to be
sorry for our sins and to turn
back to God. In order to
prepare for the coming of the
Lord, he has given specific
instruction for everyone such
as sharing and being just to
others. Otherwise, we will face
the grave consequence of
being burn with unquenchable
fire.The instruction of John the
Baptist is not too difficult to do
unless we have hardened our
heart. Sharing our time, talent
and treasure with the needy is
a good start. Then we look into
our behavior and see what
injustices we have been
inflicting on others. With the
help of the Holy Spirit, we will
have the courage to admit
them and the will to stop doing
them. Not only that, we will
make restitution by returning
what is not rightfully ours and
compensating the loss of
others due to our actions. In
short, John is telling us to do
what is good that we have not
been doing and to stop doing
the bad things that we have
been doing.

December 19 2021
The Gospel
Upon hearing of the pregnancy
of her cousin Elizabeth, Mary
went to visit her. Aware of
Elizabeth’s old age, Mary
thought her cousin’s pregnancy
must be delicate and she
wanted to be there not just to
give comfort but also to help
her in any way she can. During
those times, Elizabeth’s
husband Zechariah was mute
and we can imagine the
difficulties in their household.
May we be like Mary who is
always ready to help and
comfort others especially those
who are in great need. May
God use us to be His channel of
blessings to other people.
Those who believed in the
word of the Lord are truly
blessed . The word of God is
always good news. Because
God keeps His promises,
trusting in Him is the best we
can do. Like Elizabeth and
Mary, let us allow ourselves to
be instruments for the divine

December 26 2021
During Christmas season we
savor the many good things
about life. Such as food,
gifts and other beautiful
things that would satisfy us.
However, there will come a
time that we will be called
to live our faith to the
fullest. This simply means
that we’ll have to witness
for our love and faith for
Jesus. This witness for Jesus
may require us to pass
through hard times or it
may even require us to even
give our very own life.Saint
Stephen the first martyr of
the church whose
martyrdom we remember
today. Is one of those who
witnessed for Jesus until
the very end of his life. He
advanced the faith and did
great things in the name of
Jesus. But he was
eventually savagely killed
for witnessing for
Jesus.Until now we are still
called to witness for our
faith in Jesus. We are called
to use the internet so that
Jesus will become more
relevant. More relevant in
the hearts and minds of the
modern people of today
most especially the young
ones for they are the future
of the church.

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