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(Patterned After MMC Oral Competitions)

A. The Math Quiz is an oral – individual competition. It shall be conducted in a Virtual Quiz
Show format via Zoom. There will be one participant/contestant per grade level per public
school from Grade 4 to 11.

B. Participating schools/teachers/students need to prepare desktop / laptop / tablet / android

phones, headphones, thirteen 8.5” by 6.5” answer sheets (half short bond paper), broad
marking pens and ballpens.

C. Teachers/Coaches need to orient and work with parents/guardians in assisting the student –
participants in technical matters before the contest proper and see to it that the following
guidelines are observed:
(1) The contestants are situated in a place where power and internet connection are not
deficient. Power and internet interruptions are considered as automatic default. Contestants
may re – enter the Quiz Show but the missed questions will not be re – read for the
(2) The contestants’ face and space (table) shall be ‘caught’ by his/her camera. This shall
be checked by the assigned proctors before the start of the Quiz Show. Proper lighting must
also be secured.
(3) Contestants are required to properly wear headphones.

D. The Quiz Show Link will be given to the coaches but they will not be allowed inside the
“Quiz Room”. Only the contest officials and participants shall be admitted. Only one
account is allowed for every contestant. The NAMING of participants shall follow the
format once inside the “Quiz Room” for identification: School – Family Name – Grade
Level. Students are highly encouraged to wear their school uniforms.

E. There shall be Easy, Average and Difficult Rounds. The number of items per category are
as follows:
i. EASY = 5 items (with choices)
ii. AVERAGE = 5 items (with choices)
iii. DIFFCULT = 3 items (supply the answer)
F. Students are given time limit to solve the questions per round:
i. EASY = 30 seconds
ii. AVERAGE = 45 seconds
iii. DIFFCULT = 60 seconds

G. For the Average, Difficult and Clincher Rounds, the contestants will be allowed to make
solutions using the back page of the prepared answer sheets. Contestants may begin solving
as soon as they wish.

H. Each correct answer for the easy round is given two (2) points, Average round three (3)
points, and Difficult round five (5) points.

I. ln case of tie(s), “Clincher” or “Do or Die” questions will be given until the tie is broken.

J. The Quiz Master will read the question twice after which he/she gives the “GO” signal.
The timer starts when the quizmaster gives the GO signal. Answers must be written legibly
on the answer sheet using a broad pentel pen.

K. The buzzer sounds after the given time limit. As soon as the buzzer rings, everybody must
stop writing. The contestants will raise their answers IN FRONT OF THEIR CAMERAS
for recording and verification by the proctors and Board of Judges. Once answers are
raised, participants are NOT ALLOWED to put down their papers and change their

L. Answers must be given complete with units and to the required accuracy. However, if the
unit is already given in the way the question is asked, it need not be given in the answer.

M. If the proctor cannot determine the validity of the answer, the Board of Judges will decide
on the matter immediately. The decision of the board of Judges is final.

N. The duly registered contestant is only the authorized person to make a protest.

O. Protests should be referred to the Board of Judges before the Quiz Master reads the next
question. No protests will be entertained after the Quiz Master has read the next question.

P. Any violation of the aforementioned rules shall cause the disqualification of the
contestant(s) concerned.

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