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What do you think or consider as the greatest impact or effect of Jesus to the
world, then and now?

Many sociologists and historians agree that Jesus was one of the greatest influencers
in human history—yet by today’s standards, he’s the most unlikely world-changer
(Bruce, 2018 ). As Christians, He is our saviour and our living God. It’s the spiritual
impact in people’s hearts and minds that makes Him very powerful and divine.
Moreover, His resurrection brought healing and forgiveness to world from our sins.
This provided us a chance for the Holy spirit to act in our lives and in humanity that
alter us completely. Since the beginning of time and up until our generation now, He
still has great impact in lives of the youth, the elder, the poor and marginalized, and
all the of the people who believes in Him. He had many followers when He lived on
earth and those numbers continue to multiply and grow each day. His teachings are
passed on from generation to generation. No other great leader has inspired so
many positive changes and impacts in the lives of His followers.

2. What do you consider as your own Resurrection Experience in Life? Please


We are all capable of experiencing various sorts of death or crucifixion. Some day to
day examples we can relate and experience death is when we succumb to hatred,
resentment, jealousy, greed, and anger. With this, part of us dies and that’s when we
crucify and destroy ourselves. Part of that, we can also ruin and destroy other
people’s lives. However, through the resurrection experience, we can convert and
move beyond these “deaths” and challenges and step into the light. I then can have
a sense of awareness about what life is really all about- which is to love one another
as God love us. I open my heart and mind to the people and all my brothers and
sisters. Learning to forgive someone and being able to bring hope into someone’s

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