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Health - 1

Name: Emmanuel James Z. Gonzales Grade & Section: 9 - Obedience Date: 5/12/22

Let Us Try - Know Me

Intentional Injuries Unintentional Injuries

- Broken arm from falling off the stairs

- A man committing suicide
- A customer choked while eating
- Overdosing of prescribed medicine inside the restaurant

- Injured when thrown from a running - A guy posting a malicious picture of

car another guy on social media

- A student being kidnapped - A guy pushed down a girl under the


Guide Questions:

1. What is your basis in categorizing the given situations into intentional and unintentional injuries?

Intentional injuries are injuries that happens on purpose. For example, someone planned to hurt you in
a harmful way. While unintentional injuries are injuries that occur without purposeful intent, and are a
leading cause of death and disability.

2. Is it easy to categorize whether the situation is intentional or unintentional injury?

Yes, because intentional injury purposely happens while unintentional injury is unplanned and not on


Use the Venn diagram below and write the differences and similarities of intentional and unintentional

injuries that occur with purposeful

injuries that occur without
intent and include homicide,
purposeful intent,and are a
suicide, domestic violence, sexual
leading cause of death and
assault and rape, bias related
violence and firearms.
Let Us Practice More

Direction: List down 2 situations that fall to intentional injuries and another 2 situations that will fall to
unintentional injuries, then explain why you consider these injuries intentional and unintentional.

A. Intentional Injuries:

1. Pushing someone on the stairs.

2. Punching an individual in the face.


This is considered an intentional injury because the action happened purposely.

B. Unintentional Injuries:

1. Fell from the ladder

2. Got electrocuted


This is considered as unintentional injury because it occurred without purposeful intent and could lean
for a cause of death or disability.

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