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Key Word Transformations Exercise 1

In these exercises, you need to take the information in the first

sentence and re-write it, using the word in bold so that the second
sentence has exactly the same meaning. You cannot change the word
in bold in ANY way. You must use a minimum of TWO and a
maximum of FIVE words for each space. Contractions, which count as
two words, should only be used for negatives: e.g. don't / hadn't /
wouldn't, etc.

1. Many people think Steve stole the money.


Steve   the money.

2. The strong winds blew down the two ancient trees during the

The two ancient trees   the storm.

3. He doesn't have enough money to buy the computer.


The computer   to buy.

4. "You should start a new hobby, Mr. Jenkins", the doctor said.

The Doctor advised   a new hobby.

5. We have been waiting here since half past ten.


We have been waiting   one hour.

6. The man suddenly realised that the neighbor was watching him.

The man suddenly realised that he   the neighbor.

7. I could never have passed that exam without your help.


I could never have passed that exam   me.

8. We paid some people to landscape the garden for us last year.


We   last year.

Key Word Transformations Exercise 2

In these exercises, you need to take the information in the first sentence and re-write it, using
the word in bold so that the second sentence has exactly the same meaning. You cannot
change the word in bold in ANY way. You must use a minimum of TWO and a maximum of FIVE
words for each space. Contractions, which count as two words, should only be used for
negatives: e.g. don't / hadn't / wouldn't, etc.

1. "How about going to the cinema tonight?", said Anne


Ann   to the cinema.

2. My advice to you is to talk to your parents.


If   talk to my parents.

3. Barry wasn't strong enough to lift the box.


Barry didn't   to lift the box

4. They started the company in 1997.

The company   1997

5. I think Jean really likes Simon.


Jean   Simon.

6. I was made responsible for foreign sales.


They put   foreign sales.

7. The brothers really enjoyed themselves in Spain last summer.


The brothers really   in Spain last summer.

8. The Queen is opening the new school tomorrow afternoon.


The new school   Queen tomorrow afternoon.

Key Word Transformations Exercise 2

In these exercises, you need to take the information in the first sentence and re-write it, using
the word in bold so that the second sentence has exactly the same meaning. You cannot
change the word in bold in ANY way. You must use a minimum of TWO and a maximum of FIVE
words for each space. Contractions, which count as two words, should only be used for
negatives: e.g. don't / hadn't / wouldn't, etc.

1. "How about going to the cinema tonight?", said Anne


Ann   to the cinema.

2. My advice to you is to talk to your parents.


If   talk to my parents.

3. Barry wasn't strong enough to lift the box.


Barry didn't   to lift the box

4. They started the company in 1997.

The company   1997

5. I think Jean really likes Simon.


Jean   Simon.

6. I was made responsible for foreign sales.


They put   foreign sales.

7. The brothers really enjoyed themselves in Spain last summer.


The brothers really   in Spain last summer.

8. The Queen is opening the new school tomorrow afternoon.


The new school   Queen tomorrow afternoon.

Key Word Transformations Exercise 3

In these exercises, you need to take the information in the first sentence and re-write it, using
the word in bold so that the second sentence has exactly the same meaning. You cannot
change the word in bold in ANY way. You must use a minimum of TWO and a maximum of FIVE
words for each space. Contractions, which count as two words, should only be used for
negatives: e.g. don't / hadn't / wouldn't, etc.

1. Marcus started learning French two years ago.


Marcus has   two years.

2. Harry isn't here. He went to lunch twenty minutes ago.


Harry isn't here. He   lunch.

3. Do you own that stereo?


Is  ?
4. Look at how black the sky is! There is rain arriving.

Look at how black the sky is! It  .

5. What a shame. There is no food left!


I   left!

6. What a shame. They ate all the food.


I   all the food.

7. The teenagers were stealing my car when I arrived.


My car   teenagers when I arrived.

8. You use that little hammer to crack the stones.


This little hammer  .

Key Word Transformations Exercise 4

In these exercises, you need to take the information in the first sentence and re-write it, using
the word in bold so that the second sentence has exactly the same meaning. You cannot
change the word in bold in ANY way. You must use a minimum of TWO and a maximum of FIVE
words for each space. Contractions, which count as two words, should only be used for
negatives: e.g. don't / hadn't / wouldn't, etc.

1. The last time John came to my house was in 1999.


John hasn't   1999.

2. No dinner for me, thanks. I ate half an hour ago.


Thanks, but I  .

3. I haven't been swimming for nearly a year.


The   was nearly a year ago.

4. I regret not speaking to Marge sooner.

I wish   sooner.

5. Yesterday, they cut down two old trees in the local park.

Yesterday, two   in the local park.

6. The army were treating the prisoners well.


The prisoners   the army.

7. I walked quietly because I didn't want to wake the baby.


I walked quietly   wake the baby.

8. I think we will arrive at 7pm if the weather remains good.


We   if the weather remains good.

Key Word Transformations Exercise 5

In these exercises, you need to take the information in the first sentence and re-write it, using
the word in bold so that the second sentence has exactly the same meaning. You cannot
change the word in bold in ANY way. You must use a minimum of TWO and a maximum of FIVE
words for each space. Contractions, which count as two words, should only be used for
negatives: e.g. don't / hadn't / wouldn't, etc.

1. This is the first time I have ever drunk rum.


I   rum before.

2. The bank closed before I arrived.


When I got to the bank, it  .

3. You press the green button to start the mixer.


If you press the green  .

4. Do you know how many letters are delivered by the post office every year?

Do you know how many letters   year?

5. Stop interrupting me all the time!

I wish   all the time.

6. We should leave for the disco now.


It's   disco.

7. "Remember to give Alan the card," Beryl shouted at me.


Beryl   the card.

8. He locked the door to prevent the prisoner escaping.


He locked the door   escape.

Key Word Transformations Exercise 6

In these exercises, you need to take the information in the first sentence and re-write it, using
the word in bold so that the second sentence has exactly the same meaning. You cannot
change the word in bold in ANY way. You must use a minimum of TWO and a maximum of FIVE
words for each space. Contractions, which count as two words, should only be used for
negatives: e.g. don't / hadn't / wouldn't, etc.

1. How long have you had your new car?


When   your new car?

2. Is this your first time driving a Volvo?


Have   before?

3. Leave the shop or I will call the police.


I'll call the police  .

4. I would like to be able to speak Arabic.


I wish  .
5. The Lord of Brecon built this castle in 1286.

This castle   of Brecon in 1286.

6. Our teachers never let us leave the school.


We were not   by our teachers.

7. I graduated from college a year ago today!


I graduated from college   year!

8. I couldn't reach the shelf. It was too high.


The shelf  .

Key Word Transformations Exercise 7

In these exercises, you need to take the information in the first sentence and re-write it, using
the word in bold so that the second sentence has exactly the same meaning. You cannot
change the word in bold in ANY way. You must use a minimum of TWO and a maximum of FIVE
words for each space. Contractions, which count as two words, should only be used for
negatives: e.g. don't / hadn't / wouldn't, etc.

1. Jane dyed her hair orange two months ago and it has been that color ever since.

Jane's hair   two months.

2. During the film on TV, the phone rang.


While I  , the phone rang.

3. Do you have any plans for next Wednesday evening?


What   next Wednesday evening?

4. Please don't smoke in this room.


I'd   in this room.

5. Everyone thinks that someone murdered Harry.


It   murdered.
6. I visited Paris with the idea of improving my French.

I visited Paris  .

7. I didn't answer the phone, even though I knew it was my husband calling.

I didn't answer the phone   husband.

8. The weather was beautiful but we never went on the picnic.


We never went on the picnic   weather.

Key Word Transformations Exercise 8

In these exercises, you need to take the information in the first sentence and re-write it, using
the word in bold so that the second sentence has exactly the same meaning. You cannot
change the word in bold in ANY way. You must use a minimum of TWO and a maximum of FIVE
words for each space. Contractions, which count as two words, should only be used for
negatives: e.g. don't / hadn't / wouldn't, etc.

1. I am sure it will snow tomorrow.


It   tomorrow.

2. My car keys are possibly in the kitchen.


My car keys   the kitchen.

3. Can I come over to your house at about 7pm?


Is   come to your house at about 7pm?

4. Is it a problem if I open the window a little?


Do   the window a little?

5. This car costs $10,000 and so does that one.


This car   that one.

6. Kate is a teacher 

Kate   teacher.

7. I met your sister by chance at the airport last week.


I   the airport last week.

8. The doctor told me to give up smoking.


The doctor told  .

Key Word Transformations Exercise 9

In these exercises, you need to take the information in the first sentence and re-write it, using
the word in bold so that the second sentence has exactly the same meaning. You cannot
change the word in bold in ANY way. You must use a minimum of TWO and a maximum of FIVE
words for each space. Contractions, which count as two words, should only be used for
negatives: e.g. don't / hadn't / wouldn't, etc.

1. If I were you, I would go and speak to your boss.


You   your boss.

2. It wasn't obligatory to go to work today. I thought it was!


I   gone to work today.

3. It was a mistake of you to lose your passport.


You   your passport.

4. Why don't we leave after breakfast on Saturday?


How   on Saturday?

5. This is the most boring film I have ever seen!


I have   film!

6. We will have to leave early tomorrow.


We will   tomorrow.
7. The robbers escaped with a thousand dollars without being caught.

The robbers   dollars.

8. I told them not to cross the park at night.


I   the park at night.

Key Word Transformations Exercise 10

In these exercises, you need to take the information in the first sentence and re-write it, using
the word in bold so that the second sentence has exactly the same meaning. You cannot
change the word in bold in ANY way. You must use a minimum of TWO and a maximum of FIVE
words for each space. Contractions, which count as two words, should only be used for
negatives: e.g. don't / hadn't / wouldn't, etc.

1. You should have finished that report, not John!


You   that report, not John!

2. Is this the right bus for San Diego?


Could   is the right bus for San Diego?

3. "Sorry I'm late," Mark whispered as he took his seat in the cinema.

Mark apologised  .

4. This train is late. It was supposed to arrive five minutes ago.


This train   five minutes ago.

5. If you continue to drink, you will get drunk.


, the drunker you will get.

6. Bring me the phone book if you happen to find it.


If   book, bring it to me.

7. I have no memory of my first day at school.

I   to school on my first day.

8. I didn't forget to buy the bread. Here it is!


I  . Here it is!

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