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SMCC Criminal Justice Journal Volume 2 · June 2019 • Peer Reviewed Journal

ISSN Print: 2508-0555 · ISSN Online: 2508-0563

Volume 2 · June 2019

The Effectiveness of Barangay

Peacekeeping Action in Nasipit Agusan
del Norte, Philippines
REINARD L. CALIGUID 0000-0003-2971-2952
Saint Micahel College of Caraga
Nasipit Agusan Del Norte, Philippines

CLARK G. NALLA 0000-0002-8266-8017
Saint Micahel College of Caraga
Nasipit Agusan Del Norte, Philippines

RUTHSEN S. PAQUERA 0000-0003-1177-0310
Saint Micahel College of Caraga
Nasipit Agusan Del Norte, Philippines

ROLAND N. PEREZ 0000-0002-3392-7094
Saint Micahel College of Caraga
Nasipit Agusan Del Norte, Philippines

Saint Micahel College of Caraga
Nasipit Agusan Del Norte, Philippines

Gunning Fog Index: 17.34 Originality: 99% Grammar Check: 99%

Flesch Reading Ease: 28.06 Plagiarism: 1%

SMCC Criminal Justice Journal


Peacekeeping is the essential function of the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team

in their respective barangay BPAT visibility is the one main thrust of this peacekeeping
activity. This study determined the performance of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team
(BPAT) about crime prevention of selected Barangay in Nasipit Agusan del Norte.
The researchers employed a descriptive type of research characterized by gathering
data on BPAT performance on Crime prevention in identifying Barangay in Nasipit
Agusan Del Norte. The investigation revealed that on the apprehension of criminals,
deterrence of crime, drug demand, and supply reduction, as well as the identification of
dependent for rehabilitation, conclude that the Barangay peacekeeping action team is
effective in apprehending criminals and conducting a checkpoint in respected barangay.
The BPAT is the Barangay-based anti-crime strategy to intensifying public safety
information campaigns through regular police bulletins of crime modus operandi. It
was recommended that the community commitment and participation on the BPATs
through the assistance of the PNP in the conduct of checkpoint would be a must.


Crime prevention, criminal justice, Barangay peacekeeping action team, Philippines


The Philippine National Police explain their function to organize and mobilize
various sectors of the community in support of the maintenance of peace and order and
safety. They should conduct crisis management, disaster mitigation, and search, rescue,
and relief operations within the community. They will strengthen and support the
Barangay Justice System (Lupong Tagapamayapa). They will conduct crime prevention
and deterrence measures to protect the community’s vulnerable sectors (Philippine
National Police, 2018).
The connection with the community and the police is exercised as a weapon system
by itself in the movements against crime. Supposedly, the police cannot manage today’s
crime problem alone. No matter how well systematic, it cannot perform effectively
in its fight upon criminality without the community’s active cooperation through the
creation of the Barangay peacekeeping action team. The law enforcement efforts are
secure on the fact that police officers are not universal to all places. The rate of the
residence and the police claim a support system, like the activation and organization of
BPATs (San Juan, 2013).
The Philippine National Police (PNP) recognizes the task of Barangay Tanods,
Bantay Bayan, CVOs, Barangay Auxiliaries, NGOs and people’s organizations

Volume 2 · June 2019 • Peer Reviewed Journal

as Force Multipliers to the battle against criminality, insurgency and terrorism.

These organizations are also precious in a partnership of government in community
development (Philippine National Police, 2018).


This study is anchored to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need Theory. One of the

considerations of the different levels of an individual’s needs and one of Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs is Security and Safety.
According to Maslow, self-actualization is a procedure by which individuals may
ascend a linear hierarchy of needs as opposed to a discussion. Expressively robust and
healthy self-actualizing individuals prolong the advanced levels of this hierarchy.
Also, Maslow struggles that these self-actualizing individuals are highly resourceful
and establish a capacity to settle contrasts inherent in ultimate antitheses, such as life
versus death and freedom versus determinism, as samples. This discussion does not
test Maslow’s theory as much as it spreads the ideas postulated by him. This argument
mostly stresses the synergism of dialectical perfection implicit in the type of personal
development that Maslow contends is self-actualizing. Further, it claimed that one need
not exceed these levels of self-actualization in straight linear and succeeding stages.
Lastly, it assumed that all creative individuals might be capable of self-actualization,
sovereign of their mental healthiness, or lack of it.
Maslow (1943, 1954), stated that people are prompt to achieve firm desires and
that some needs take priority over others. Our most basic need is for physical survival,
and this will be the first thing that inspires our behavior. Once that level is fulfilled, the
next level up is what motivates us, and so on.
Safety is one of our basic, evolutionary needs. Most of our decisions and actions are
based on sustaining or improving our circumstances. While we may not be in constant
danger like early man, we are no less driven by the need for safety for us and our
loved ones. This drive is carried over into user, and consumer behavior and safety is an
evolution need, which is often manifested in what we refer to as the “fight or flight”
response (Komninos, 2018).


The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the barangay

peacekeeping action team in Nasipit Agusan Del Norte.

SMCC Criminal Justice Journal


Research Design
A descriptive comparative research design was employed in the study. This design
involved description, recording, analyzing, and interpreting the conditions that exist
for the situation. This was also a correlation study which investigating and find out the
relationship between respondent (Shields & Tajalli, 2006). This research decision could
be made for improving, maintaining, and rejecting the focus making it effective and

Research Locale
This study was conducted in the Barangays of Nasipit Agusan Del Norte, namely
Barangay 1, Barangay 2, Barangay 3, Barangay 5, Barangay 7, Barangay punta, Barangay

Research Respondents
The respondents of the study were the Team and Barangay officials of the seven (7)
Barangays of Barangay I, Barangay II, Barangay III, Barangay V, Barangay Tringulo, and
Barangay Punta Nasipit Agusan Del Norte.

Table 1.Total number of Respondent

Barangays Community Sample size Barangay Barangay Total
Peacekeeping Officials population %
Action Team

Barangay I 1,205 32 8 8 48 8.14%

Barangay II 1,876 49 6 8 63 12.60%
Barangay III 983 26 5 8 39 6.64%
Barangay V 1,608 42 7 8 57 10.81%
Barangay VII 2,178 57 10 8 75 14.63%
Tringulo 2,998 78 16 8 102 20.14%
Punta 4,039 106 9 8 123 27.03%

Total 14,887 390 61 56 507 100%

Research Instrument
This study used adapted questionnaire from the study of Jonathan O. Etcuban
and, et al. research entitled “The effectiveness of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team
in Crime Prevention” published on June 6, 2018, and was enhanced by the researcher
besides the assistance of the instructor to fits to the research. The questionnaire has two
(2) parts: Part 1 Respondents’ Profile which Formulated by the researcher that deals the

Volume 2 · June 2019 • Peer Reviewed Journal

profile of the respondents such as Age, Educational Attainment, Gender, while Part II
dealt with the effectiveness of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team in NasipitAgusan
Del Norte with four identified variables containing five questions each.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers observed the following procedures in gathering data.
Step1. Letter of Request – The letter was sent to and approved by the Head of the
Barangay Officials.
Step2. Distribution of Questionnaire - The questionnaire was distributed to the
respondents. For the respondents’ profile, age, affiliation, educational attainment,
training attended, and many years as a member are being asked for.
Step3. Gathering Questionnaires - The questionnaires were collected one by one
after the respondents answered it.
Step4. Consolidation of Data - The data collected was checked, tallied, and
tabulated, presented, analyzed and interpreted with the application of the statistical

Statistical Analysis
In presenting, interpreting, and analyzing the data gathered by the researcher’s
percentage, Weighted Mean Chi-square were used.


Table 2. Age Profile of the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team

Brgy Brgy
Age Brgy. 1 Brgy 2 Brgy 3 Brgy 5 Brgy 7 f %
Punta Triangulo
21 below 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1.64
22-30 0 2 1 1 0 3 2 9 14.75
31-40 2 4 3 1 2 5 6 23 37.71
40 above 6 0 1 5 8 1 7 28 45.90
Total 8 5 5 7 10 9 16 61 100

Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the Effectiveness of

Barangay Peacekeeping action Team (BPAT) member of Barangay 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, Tringulo,
Punta in Nasipit Agusan del Norte. That the data shows there are twenty-eight (28) or
45.90% of the sixty-one (61) respondents belong to the age bracket of 40 years old
above; twenty-three (23) or 37.71% of the respondents belong to the age bracket 31-40
years of age; nine (9) or 14.75% of the respondents belong to the age bracket 22-30
years of age; one (1) or 1.64% belongs to the age bracket 30 below years of age.

SMCC Criminal Justice Journal

As to the age factor, it is a well-known perception that older people fail to perform
specific tasks at younger people’s performance. For example, an older person can’t run
at the rate of teenagers. But at some assignments, the older people can do better than
youths (Belal et al., 2010). For example, older people can give better advice against
young ones in general.

Table 3. Educational Attainment of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team

Educational Brgy. Brgy. Brgy Brgy. Brgy. Brgy. Brgy.
f %
Attainment 1 2 3 5 7 Punta Triangulo
High School Level 7 1 1 1 8 3 9 30 49.18
High School Graduate 1 3 2 3 2 3 4 18 29.51
College Level 0 2 2 1 0 2 3 10 16.39
College Graduate 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 4.92
Total 8 6 5 7 10 9 16 61 100

Table 3 shows the educational attainment of the respondent. Further, it shows that
the highest is High-school level with a total of 30 or gets 49.18 % which rank 1st, and
High school graduate had a total of 18 or 29.51 percent. Next, the college-level had a
total of 10 and gets 16.39 %, and the last is college graduates with an overall total of
three and gets 4.92 percent.
Therefore most of the respondent’s Educational Attainment is High-school level. In
general, education opens your mind towards avenues you have never thought to venture.
Life comes down to learning, advancing, and challenging one’s potential. Education will
help you develop the much-needed self-discipline to succeed in your goals parallel to the
statement of Cohen’s (2012) education: to support developing the skills, the knowledge,
and the dispositions that will allow them to be responsible, contributing members of
their community-their democratically inform the community, which means to be good
friends and mate, to be able to work and to contribute to the community’s well-being.

Table 4. Number of training attended as Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team

Educational Brgy. 1 Brgy. 2 Brgy Brgy. Brgy. Brgy. Brgy.
f %
Attainment 3 5 7 Punta Triangulo
1-5 6 6 4 6 4 4 5 35 57.38
6-10 1 0 1 1 4 1 7 15 24.6
11-12 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 8 13.11
13 above 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 4.91
Total 8 6 5 7 10 9 16 61 100

Table 4 shows the training attended by the respondents. The highest number of
training of the respondents that have attended is 1-5 trainings with a total of 34 or

Volume 2 · June 2019 • Peer Reviewed Journal

55.74 percent, the second one is 6-10 trainings with a total of 16 or 26.23 percent,
followed by 11-12 training which total of 8 or 13.11 percent, last is 13 above with the
total of 3 or 4.91 percent of the respondents. Therefore most of the respondents have
attended 1-5 trainings. That coincides with the claim of that (Dessler, 2008).

Table 5. Number of years as members of the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team

Educational Brgy. 1 Brgy. 2 Brgy Brgy. Brgy. Brgy. Brgy.
f %
Attainment 3 5 7 Punta Triangulo
1-2 years 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 24 39.34
3-5 years 4 2 1 2 3 3 6 21 34.43
6-10 years 1 1 0 1 1 1 4 9 14.75
11 above years 0 0 0 1 2 1 3 1 11.48
Total 8 6 5 7 10 9 16 61 100

Table 5 show the number of years as a member of the respondent. The highest is 1-2
years of as a member with a total of 24 and gets 39.34 percent of them, second is 3-5
year with a total of 21 and gets 34..43 percent, third is 6-10 years with a total of 9 and
gets 14.75 percent, and the last is 11 above with a total of 7 and gets 11.48 percent of
the respondent. Therefore most of the respondents are newly in service.
Also, Kazan (2000), showed differences in self-perceptions as number of years as a
member of Barangay peacekeeping action team.

Table 6. Apprehension of Criminals

A. Apprehension of BPATS Community Brgy. Average Verbal
Criminals Officials W/M Description
Mean Mean Mean Mean
Question Number 1 3.57 3.63 3.52 3 .57 Agree

Question Number 2 3.47 3.52 3.27 3.42 Agree

Question Number 3 3.52 3.53 3.30 3.45 Agree
Question Number 4 3.44 3.51 3.30 3.42 Agree
Question Number 5 3.40 3.51 3.34 3.42 Agree
Total 3.46 Agree

Table 6 show the area of Apprehension of Criminals with effectiveness of barangay

peacekeeping action team in Crime Prevention as perceived by themselves, Community,
Barangay Officials and members in Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, has an area mean 3.46
percent or verbal description agree. Among the five (5) items, the item. “Encourages
the participation of community-based organizations to enable the PNP to cover all
matters of community safety and security. Got the highest mean of 3.57 with a verbal

SMCC Criminal Justice Journal

description of agree. The second to the highest with a mean of 3.45 with a verbal
description of agree which is the” Consults with local village officials on problems and
threats from criminal elements in the village so that proper strategic approaches are
developed to counter the problem. “Three (3) items out of five (5) were considered as
the lowest with a mean of 3.42 with the verbal description of agree which includes the
following items” Intensifies public safety information campaign through regular police
bulletins on criminal modus operandi; Support the development of police-community
partnership by carefully coordinating and communicating with such groups to establish
open lines of communications; Sustains visitation as an approach to crime reporting to
inform them of the status of cases lodged against suspects/offenders.”
Decreasing apprehension of wrongdoing has dependably been a vital piece of group
policing. This applies particularly to psychological warfare, where the essential objective
is to make fear (Sabijon, 2017).

Table 7. Deterrence of Criminals

B. Deterrence of BPATS Community Brgy. Officials Average W/M Verbal
Criminals Description
Mean Mean Mean Mean

Question Number 1 3.36 3.41 3.30 3.36 Agree

Question Number 2 3.45 3.47 3.30 3.41 Agree
Question Number 3 3.38 3.50 3.34 3.41 Agree
Question Number 4 3.43 3.46 3.29 3.38 Agree
Question Number 5 3.55 3.45 3.36 3.45 Agree
Total 3.4 Agree

Table 7 shows the area of Deterrence of crime. Further, it shows that the item
“Deploys additional personnel to cover all” has the highest mean of 3.45 with a verbal
description of agree. Followed by the two (2) item “Answers mobilization all organized
community sectors to help in the prevention of crimes; Encourages the community or
the populace to participate in crime preventions to the police or authority as watchers”
with a mean of 3.41 with a verbal description of agree. And the “Upgrades the quality
of communication equipment for police patrollers with the mean of 3.38 with a
verbal description of agree. While the item with the lowest mean of 3.36 with a verbal
description of agree “Conduct the patrol in their respective villages such as checkpoint.”
Community policing is a philosophy of full service personalized policing. The same
officer patrols and works in the same area permanently, from a decentralized place,
working in a proactive partnership with citizens to identify and solve problems (Ferreira,

Volume 2 · June 2019 • Peer Reviewed Journal

Tables 8. Drugs Demands and Supply Reduction

C. Drug Demands BPATS Community Brgy. Average Verbal
and Supply Officials W/M Description
Reduction Mean Mean Mean Mean
Question Number 1 3.39 3.50 3.32 3.40 Agree

Question Number 2 3.45 3.44 3.38 3.42 Agree

Question Number 3 3.47 3.32 3.32 3.37 Agree
Question Number 4 3.40 3.87 3.36 3.54 Agree
Question Number 5 3.45 3.50 3.34 3.43 Agree
Total 3.43 Agree

Table 8 shows the area of Drug Demand and Supply Reduction. The item “Builds
trust and confidence by the public to irradiate drug demand” has the highest mean of
3.54 with a verbal description of agree. Followed by the “Initiates political intervention
must be stopped the supply of drugs in and out of the village” with a mean of 3.43 with
a verbal description of agree. And the “Prevents drug abuse by investing and providing
them with accurate effects of drug information” with the mean of 3.42 with a verbal
description of agree. And the “Helps the village in recognizing the effects of the use of
drugs by shifting resources to prevention, treatment, and education” with the mean
of 3.40 with a verbal description of agree. While the item with the lowest mean of
3.37 with verbal a description of agree “Focuses law enforcement resources on the most
dangerous and violent drug criminals.
Develop written store policies about sales of harmful legal products to children and
youth. But increased knowledge and concern are not sufficient to reduce the availability
of such products through retail markets. Establish policies are more likely to limit sales
of the harmful legal product (Holder et al., 2000).

Table 9. Identification of Dependents for Rehabilitation

C. Identification BPATS Community Brgy. Average Verbal
of Dependents for Officials W/M Description
Rehabilitation Mean Mean Mean Mean
Question Number 1 3.40 3.45 3.23 3.36 Agree

Question Number 2 3.38 3.45 3.27 3.37 Agree

Question Number 3 3.45 3.46 3.32 3.41 Agree
Question Number 4 3.40 3.49 3.25 3.38 Agree
Question Number 5 3.47 3.45 3.29 3.40 Agree
Total 38 Agree

SMCC Criminal Justice Journal

Table 9 shows the five (5) areas under of Identification of  Dependents for
Rehabilitation. Further, it shows that out of the five (5) items, the item “Initiates anti-
criminality programs/projects in partnership with the LGUs, village officials and the
community.” has the highest mean with 3.41 with a verbal description of agree. One
(1) item, the item “Initiates anti-criminality programs/projects in partnership with
the LGUs, village officials and the community.” has the second to the highest mean
with 3.41 with a verbal description of agree. The items “Disseminates awareness of
the residential community of the list of activities of a drug rehabilitation program.”
the third rank with the mean of 3.38 with a verbal description of agree. The items of
the “Cooperates with the Police Officers and the Village Council in identifying drug
dependents.” with a mean of 3.37 with a verbal description of agree. The lowest mean
of 3.36 with a verbal description of agree is the item “Says what is on his or her mind
in a direct, tactful manner.”
Scientific research since the mid-1970s shows that drug abuse treatment can help
many drug-using offenders change their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors towards drug
abuse, avoid relapse, and successfully remove themselves from a life of substance abuse
and crime. Many of the principles of treating drug addiction are similar for people
within the criminal justice system as for those in the general population. However,
many offenders don’t have access to the types of services they need. Treatment that is of
poor quality or is not well suited to offenders’ needs may not be effective at reducing
drug use and criminal behavior (Nida, 2019).

Table 10. Apprehension of criminal

Apprehension 4 3 2 1 Total Computed Critical Decision
Of Criminal X2- value Value
BPATS Member 37 17 5 2 61
Community 264 105 18 3 390
Barangay Official 31 15 9 1 56
Total 332 137 32 6 507 14.98 12.592 Reject Ho

= 0.05 level of significance

Table 10 shows in the Apprehension of Criminals, which has a computed x2-Value

of 14.98, is greater than the critical x2-value of 12.59 at 0.05 level of significance set for
statistical analysis. The results indicate a difference. Hence, the null hypothesis value that
“there is no significant difference in the Effectiveness of Barangay Peacekeeping Action
Team by themselves, the community and barangay officials” was “rejected.” The finding
implies that Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team, Community, and Barangay Officials
have different perceptions toward the apprehension of criminals of the barangays in
Nasipit Agusan del Norte.

Volume 2 · June 2019 • Peer Reviewed Journal

Decreasing apprehension of wrongdoing has dependably been a vital piece of group

policing. This applies particularly to psychological warfare, where the essential objective
is to make fear (Sabijon et al., 2017).

Table 11. Deterrence of Criminals

Apprehension 4 3 2 1 Total Computed Critical Decision
Of Criminal X2- value Value
BPATS Member 35.4 18.4 5 2.2 61
Community 236 125 28 1 390
Barangay Official 27.6 19.6 7.8 1 56
Total 299 163 40.8 4.2 507 12.17 12.592 Accept Ho

=0.05 level of significance

Table 11 shows the Deterrence of Criminals. It can be gleaned from the data that
the computed x2-Value of 12.17 lesser than the critical x2-value of 12.59 at 0.05 level
of significance set for statistical analysis. The result did not reveal a significant difference.
Hence, the null hypothesis that “there is no significant difference in the Effectiveness of
Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team by themselves, community and barangay officials”
was “accepted.” The finding implies that BPATS, community and barangay officials
have similar perceptions toward Criminals’ Deterrence.
Also, carefully analyze these crimes of misery within each of the five philosophical
grounds that traditionally justify and guide punishment: a variety of retribution theories,
general deterrence, specific deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. From this
analysis, Mitchelle concludes that none of the traditional philosophical theories can
justify the crimes of misery and, as such, those crimes are morally unsupportable and
unjust. As perceived by the village officials, the table shows that the village officials
evaluated the performance of BPAT as effective (Mitchelle, 2012).

Table 12. Drug Demand & Supply Reduction

Apprehension 4 3 2 1 Total Computed Critical Decision
Of Criminal X2- value Value
BPATS Member 36 172 5.2 2.2 61
Community 233.4 128.2 27.2 1.2 390
Barangay Official 29.8/ 16.6 8.6 1 56
Total 298.48 162 41 4.4 507 12.35 12.592 Accept Ho

=0.05 level of significance

SMCC Criminal Justice Journal

Table 12 shows the Drug Demand and Supply Reduction. It can be gleaned
from the data that the computed x2-Value of 12.35 lesser than the critical x2-value of
12.59 at 0.05 level of significance set for statistical analysis. The result did not reveal a
significant difference. Hence, the null hypothesis that “there is no significant difference
in the Effectiveness of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team by themselves, community
and barangay officials” was “accepted.” The finding implies that BPATS, community,
and barangay officials have similar perceptions toward Drug Demand and Supply
The problem of drug abuse and illicit drug trafficking is one that has devastating
consequences on all sectors. Supply reduction is a useful tool for demand reduction
because when drugs cost more and challenging to acquire, there are few drug users and
less demand for illegal drugs. Demand reduction is also a useful tool to supply reduction
because when the number of drug users falls, drug supply fails correspondingly as the
market for illegal drugs compress. Combine these complementary approaches maximizes
the impact of the national strategy on illegal drug use by attacking the drug economy
from both sides (Institute for Behaviour, and Health, 2019).

Table 13. Identification of Dependents for Rehabilitation

Apprehension 4 3 2 1 Total Computed Critical Decision
Of Criminal X2- value Value
BPATS Member 36.4 16 6 2.4 61
Community 23.2 133 23 2 390
Barangay Official 27.4 17.4 10.2 1 56
Total 295.8 166.4 39.2 5.4 507 18.13 12.592 Reject Ho

=0.05 level of significance

Table 13 shows in Identification of Dependents for Rehabilitation, which has a

computed x2-Value of 18.13 is greater than the critical x2-value of 12.59 at 0.05 level of
significance set for statistical analysis. The results indicate a difference. Hence, the null
hypothesis value that “there is no significant difference in the Effectiveness of Barangay
Peacekeeping Action Team by themselves, the community and barangay officials” was
“rejected.” The finding implies that Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team, Community,
and Barangay Officials have different perceptions toward the Identification of Dependent
for Rehabilitation of the barangays in Nasipit Agusan del Norte.
In addition, the level of Identification of Dependents for the rehabilitation of
BPATS, Community, and Barangay officials as perceived by themselves. It reveals that
the computed x2-value of 18.13 is greater than the critical value x2-value of 12.592 at
0.05 level set for statistical analysis. The results indicate a significant difference, hence
the null hypothesis that “there is no significant difference in the level of effectiveness

Volume 2 · June 2019 • Peer Reviewed Journal

among BPATS as perceive by themselves, community and barangay officials” was

accepted. The finding implies that BPATS, community, and barangay officials have
different perceptions toward Drug Demand and Supply Reduction.
Also, community policing goals are to reduce crime and disorder, promote citizens’
quality of life in a neighborhood, reduce the fear of crime, supply and enhance the
police-citizen relations. Problem-solving should be based on real concerns for those
issues that citizens, not the police, emphasized as priorities. Organizational changes
include decentralization of the police, relationships between police officers and the
community they serve, as well as various forms of joint work (joint meetings, education,
counseling, and concrete activities) (Fridell, 2004).


Based on the study’s findings, the researchers conclude that the Barangay
peacekeeping action team is effective in apprehending criminals and conducting
checkpoints in respected barangay.
Because of BPAT’s in the community it is a gesture of PNP’s commitment to pursue
an effective community partnership in support of sustained barangay–based anti-crime
strategy in collaboration with the BPATS by intensifying public safety information
campaign through regular police bulletins on criminal modus operandi, also, BPAT’s
agree in the conducting of patrol in their respective barangay. They must involve giving
the community the best possible policing system, particularly in the deterrence of crime
such as checkpoints. Because through this, it helps promotes an environment of mutual
trust and confidence while maintaining tranquillity and order and providing safety
service. The strength and weaknesses of BPATs help guide the community in controlling
the drug demand and supply reduction in the Barangay in Nasipit Agusan del Norte.
Thus, the BPATs’ skills are updated to provide enough logistical support, which will
enhance the performance of BPATs. Through this, BPAT can help to stop the supply of
drugs in their respective Barangays.


The researchers strongly recommend strengthening the community commitment

and participation in the BPATs through the assistance of the PNP in checkpoint
conduct. The BPATs, through the aid of the PNP and local officials, should display on
their bulletin boards visible to the residents on precautionary measures regarding the
criminal modus operandi. The local government units, non-government, must provide
the Barangay peacekeeping Action Team full equipment so they can fully perform their

SMCC Criminal Justice Journal

The community should participate in keeping peace and order to minimize the
violence and reduce crime with the assistance of the Barangay Action Team. The
respective barangay officials should request community meetings to apprehend the
deterrence criminal.
The Barangay official should provide resolutions that abide protection for the
barangay peacekeeping Action team and community. Conduct a seminar that gives more
knowledge to Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team by themselves, the community, and
barangays officials by the Philippines National Police (PNP) against crime prevention,
drugs, and checkpoints.


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