Mid Term Test Gendre Writing

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Mid Term Test Gendre Writing

Make A Summary Of All The Topics That Have Been Studied

Oleh :
Sherly Tiara Dita (A1b020033)
Class : 3 A





Recount Text ………………………………………………………………………………………...1


Descriptive Text……………………………………………………………………………………..2


Narrative Text……………………………………………………………………………………….3


Procedure Text………………………………………………………………………………………4


Analitiycal Exposition………………………………………………………………………...……5


Hortatory Exposition ………………………………………………………………………………6


Biographical Recount Text…………………………………………………………………………7

For the final project, please summarize and unify all the topics (types of text) that we have
discussed including:
1. Recount text

Recount Text is a type of text that contains stories about our experiences in the past. The purpose
of recount text is usually to retell and provide information and entertain the reader.

Recount text has three main structures or generic structure as follows.

1. Orientation :
Contains information about the character, the place of the incident, when the incident
took place and so on. The information provided by the author is expected to provide the
knowledge or information needed by the reader in order to understand the storyline.
2. Events :
Content of the text or in the form of stories about events or experiences that the author
wants to convey to the reader.
3. Reorientation :
Contains conclusions and summaries or repetitions of information in the orientation

The language features of recount text are as follows :

1. Using nouns and pronouns as pronouns for people, animals or things in the text. Example:
Bella, the Cat, the Villa, etc.
2. Using action verbs (verb). Example: walk, run, talk, shop, etc.
3. Written in the past tense. Example: We shopped in the market yesterday, I was excited, etc.
4. There are conjunctions and time connectives, the point is that the events written are in sync
and coherent. Examples of frequently used words: and, but, then, after that, next, etc.
5. Involves adverbs and adverb phrases that explain the setting of place, time and additional
information. Example: At the hospital, yesterday, quickly, etc.
6. Using adjectives that describe nouns. Example: handsome, rich, expensive, etc.

Example :
Fishing on The River

Yesterday, my father didn’t work and he took me to spend time going fishing to the river. In the
morning, my father took me to the market to buy all fishing equipment. After that, we rushed to the

Arriving at the river, I saw many people fishing too. I can’t wait to start. But, I can’t install the
hook properly so my father helped me put a hook with the worm that was used as bait.

Then, the father practiced how to throw hooks into the river. I tried it too. I was getting bored
because there were no signs of getting fish. Suddenly, I felt the hook move. I immediately moved
the hook up and down. I picked up the hook slowly and managed to get a big enough fish. I’m
happy and proud because I can enjoy the catch.

After being satisfied with fishing, we went home. When I got home, I gave the fish to the
mother to cook. We ate the fish ravenously.

2. Descriptive text

Descriptive text is text that explains, describes things, people, animals, places or things in detail
starting from colors, very special detailed shapes so that readers can guess in their minds what the
author is describing.

Social Function: to describe a particular person, place, or thing.

 Generic Structure of procedure
1. Identification : identify phenomenon to be described.
2. description : describe parts, qualities, characteristics.

Language Features:. The use of Simple Present Tense, often in an imperative form.
1. Focus on specific participants
2. Use of attributive and identifying processes
3. Frequent use classifiers in nominal groups
4. Use of simple present tense

Example :
My Amazing Mom

Mom is the person I love the most in this world. She is the reason why i live in this world. I
think mama is an amazing woman, she is very strong but her heart is very soft and loving.

My mom is 46 years old this year but she still looks so young. She is very beautiful,
especially when she is smiling. My mom's body is not skinny but not too fat either. My mom's
height is about 156 cm. She has tan skin . My mom's face is oval in shape with large dark brown
eyes. My mom’s hair color is darkish brown. She looks good in her bob haircut. She really likes to
wear a negligee in the evening, with a natural-looking face that makes her even more beautiful.

My mom is a very friendly person, she can be my joke friend, my confidant, and my place
to complain. Not only that, she is also very good with my friends. My friend said that I was very
lucky to have a mother like that. I also think like my friends, I am very lucky to have a mother like
my mom. I love her more than anything.

3. Narrative text

Narrative text is a text that contains fairy tales, legends, fiction whose truth is still in question,
usually this text contains stories that have been exaggerated. The purpose of this text is to entertain
the reader.
Genric structure: The structure of narrative text focuses on a series of stages, namely:

1. Orientation,Orientation or commonly referred to as the introduction, contains about

who, when, where a story is set.
2. Complication,Complication tells the beginning of the problem that causes the peak
of the problem or what is commonly called the climax. This section usually involves
the main character of the story.
3. Resolution,This part is the end of the story or a solution to the problem that occurs.
Problems can be solved for better or worse which will make the story have a happy
ending or vice versa.

Language Features:.

1. Focus on specific and usually individalised participants

2. Use material processes, (and in this text, behavioural and verbal processes
3. Use of relational processes and mental processes
4. Use of past tense
Example :

Tale of Hua Mulan

Thousands of years ago in ancient China, there lived a beautiful young woman named
Mulan. He lives with his parents and a dog named Little Brother. Mulan's father was once a great
fighter, but was wounded in battle. As an only child, Mulan feels responsible for the honor of the

One day, a man came with bad news from the Emperor. The Huns, enemies of China, have
invaded. The Emperor had ordered that one person from each family should join the Clash Army.
Mulan knows dad is too old to fight. Late that night, he made a big decision. While her parents
were sleeping, Mulan, now dressed as a young man, was on her father's horse. Then he ran to join
the Army using his father.

When Mulan arrived at the Army training camp met, met Captain Li Shang. There, Mulan
recognizes his name as Ping, Shang and the other soldiers believe that he is a man. Shang worked
hard to teach his soldiers strength and discipline. Mulan makes some friends there. Then he is
assigned to travel and write a fake letter ordering Shang and his army to go after the Huns to trap
the Huns. in that battle, many Han people died.

During the battle, Mulan is injured. While treating her wound, a medic realized that "Ping"
was a woman. Shang has no choice but to leave Mulan and say that Mulan is a swindler. Mulan
heard Hun's voice. Mulan runs to the City to catch up that the Huns are still alive. But Shang feels
betrayed by Mulan and doesn't trust her. Mulan tries others, but no one will believe her. Then the
leader of the Huns, kidnaps the Emperor, but Mulan and Shang manage to save him.

The Huns have been exiled, and the City is safe. The emperor was very grateful to Mulan.
Emperor to Mulan. Everyone in the square is also available on Mulan. The emperor asked him to
keep it as his concern, but Mulan knew it was time to return to her family.

At home, Mulan presents her father with a sword that was given to her by the Emperor.
When Mulan goes on a date to her house, everyone there reveals Mulan, then she misses her
family. Not long after that, some soldiers went on a date to meet Mulan to give some gifts given by
the Emperor to Mulan and her family.

4. Procedure Text

Procedure text is a text aiming to inform the readers about the steps to do something.

Generic structure : Procedural texts consist of a sequence of instruc- tions, designed with some
accuracy in order to reach a goal (e.g. assemble a computer). Procedural texts may also include
subgoals. Goals and sub- goals are most of the time realized by means of titles and subtitles.
1. Aim/goal,It is located in the title of the text and is used to indicate the purpose of the
text. Example: How to Make Fried chicken.
2. Ingredient,It is contains materials or tools that needed in the steps to carry out the
process. Example: The materials to make an fried chicken are chicken, onion, cooking
oil, salt, baking powder, etc.
3. Steps/method,It is contains the ways, methods, or steps taken to achieve the goal in the
procedure text.
Language Features:.

1) Use temporal conjunctions or order adverbs. Example: first, second, last

2) Use imperative/command sentences. Example: chop the garlic (cut the onion), boil the
water (boil the air).
3) Using adverbs to describe the time, place or accurate way. Example: for ten minutes (for 5
4) Use action verbs. Example: boiling, pouring (boil, cut, pour).
5) The tenses used are Simple Present Tense.
6) Using numbers to show the sequence of activities.

Example :

How To Make Ice Tea

Well, if the title of our procedure text is how to make ice tea, then the purpose of this procedure
text is to tell the reader how to make iced tea.

Tools :

1. Glass

2. Teaspoon

Ingredients :

1. 1 Tea Bag

2. 2 tsp Sugar

3. 50 ml Hot Water

4. 100 ml Cold Water

5. Ice Cu
How to make :

1. Firstly, prepare a pot and add 100ml of water, let it boil.

2. Then, prepare a glass, add 1 tea bag.

3. And text, add 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar

4. Pour boiling water into the glass as much as a quarter cup.

5. Finally, add ice cubes according to taste.

That was how to make ice tea. Hopefully this procedure text can help you make delicious ice
tea. Happy practicing !

5. Analytical exposition

Analytical exposition :analytical exposition is text that contains arguments from the author, also a
type of text that explains in detail the author's opinion on a phenomenon or issue that occurs
without intending to influence the reader to agree or do something.so, what is the purpose of
analytical exposition text? This text gives more confidence to the reader that the topics discussed
are indeed important to be discussed together.
Generic structure:The generic structure of analytical exposition usually has three components: (1)
Thesis, (2) Arguments and (3) Reiteration or conclusion.

1.  Thesis : Introduces the topic and shows speaker or writer’s position; Outlines of the arguments
are presented.

2.  Arguments : It consists about Point and Elaboration. a point states the main argument; and
an Elaboration develops and supports each point of argument.

3.Reiteration : Conclusion (restatement), restates speaker or writer’s position.

Language Features
1.      An analytical exposition focuses on generic human and non human participants.
2.      It uses mental processes. It is used to state what the writer or speaker thinks or feels about
something. For example: realize, feel etc.
3.      It uses emotive and evaluative words
4.      It often needs material processes. It is used to state what happens, e.g. ….has polluted… etc.
5.      It usually uses Simple Present Tense and Present Perfect Tense.
6.      Enumeration is sometimes necessary to show the list of given arguments: Firstly, secondly
…, Finally, etc.
Example :

Smoking Should be Banned

Smoking should be banned because smoking is useless. As we all know, in addition to

creating pollution, smoking also causes many diseases and even death. Nearly a quarter of smokers
die from diseases caused by smoking. There are many other harmful effects of smoking.

First, many researchers have proven that smoking increases the risk of various diseases,
such as heart disease, lung cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, throat cancer, esophageal cancer,
oral cancer, kidney cancer, digestive cancer, impotence, coronary heart disease, and other health

In addition, there are several medical disorders that can also be caused by smoking, namely
high blood pressure (hypertension), fertility problems, worsening asthma, and inflammation of the
airways, having a higher risk of macular degeneration (gradual loss of vision), cataracts, becoming
more frequent. sore, full of stains on the teeth and gums, develops thrush in the intestines.

Third, the effects of smoking are not only for smokers but also for the surrounding
environment. When smoking, smokers exhale smoke that contains many toxins into the air that
pollute the surrounding environment such as, air pollution, decreased air quality, water pollution,
water quality degradation, fires, garbage problems, spread of toxins, destroying ecosystems, killing
other living things.

Lastly, smoking is dangerous for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Women who
smoke are more likely to experience infertility and miscarriage. When a pregnant woman smokes,
some of the toxins from cigarettes can be passed on to the fetus. These toxins can later affect the
development and function of the baby's lungs. Babies of mothers who smoke are more likely to be
born prematurely, be underweight, and have slower early growth.

In conclution, Smoking should be banned because smoking is useless. Based on the facts
above, it is clear that smoking has many harmful effects not only for smokers but also for the
environment and other people.

6. Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition :Hortatory exposition is a text which represents the attempt of the writer to
have the addressee do something or act in certain way.

Generic structure:Hortatory exposition is used to persuade the reader or listener that something
should or should not be done.
Thesis : Thesis is the announcement of issue concern.
Arguments : Argument is reason for concern, leading to recommendation.
Recommendation : Recommendation is statement of what ought or ought to happen.

Purpose of Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition is used to persuade the reader or listener that something should pr should not
be the case.
The Characteristics / Language Feature of Hortatory exposition Text
 Focusing on the writer
 Using abstract noun; policy, advantage, etc
 Using action verb
 Using thinking verb
 Using modal adverb; certainly, surely, etc
 Using temporal connective; firstly, secondly, etc
 Using evaluative words; important, valuable, trustworthy, etc
 Using passive voice
 Using simple present tense

Example :
Study Alone or Study in Groups ?
In learning, we can choose to study alone or study in groups. Some students prefer to study
alone, while others prefer to study with others. It depends on the opinion of each person. If you ask
me, I prefer to study alone. However, each type of learning has its own advantages.
Self-study advantage. First, more calm and more focused. A calm feeling with no
conversation with other people make us more focus and calm. Second, we are free to set how and
when to learn. We can learn by playing favorite songs so that it makes us study more spirited and
we are also free to set when we want to learn. Third, by self-study we can practice problem solving.
Solve your own problems that make you think logically and analytically.
Group learning advantages. First, we can exchange ideas and learn to discuss. We can learn
to communicate well with others and can get new ideas. Second, more insight that can be
understood. We can ask others about material we don't understand.
Each type of learning has its own advantages, it depends on each individual. For me, self-study
is the best way to learn. Because by studying on my own I can understand my own abilities and can
focus more because I don't chat with other people.

7. Biographical recount text

A biography is the story of a person's life that is more complex than just a curriculum vitae and
work data. A biography tells a deeper story about the feelings a person faces in dealing with an
event or a person's life.
1. Generic Structure
The purpose of a biographical recount is to inform by retelling past events and achievements in a
person’s life. The texts consist of three parts:
a) Part 1: orientation
It given the reader the background information as two why this person is
Noteworthy and should have a biography written about the. The opening paragraph should answer
the questions: who, what, where, when, and how.
b) Part 2: series
It presents a series of events, usually told in chronological order. Here the writer might refer to a
certain time on line.
c) Part 3: reorientation
It consists of a type of conclusion with a comment on the contributions this person has made or a
summary and evaluation of the person’s achievement.
2. Language Features
·         A biographical recount uses specific names of the people involved in the biography.
·         It is mainly written in the simple past tense (the final paragraph could also include the
present tense). 
·          A biographical recount also uses liking word to do with time.
·          A biographical recount describes events, so it uses many verb or action verb.

Example :


Prof. Dr. Ing. H. BacharuddinJusufHabibie, FREng or as we know B.J. Habibie was the
third president of Indonesia, and also we know he was mechanical technologist. He was born on
June 25, 1936 in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. He was half of Java and Makasar, his mother was
from Java, and his father was from Makassar or Pare-Pare.

B.J Habibie spent his childhood in Pare-Pare. He was known as active and smart kid. Since
child, he really like to read book. need to know that he was be a witness of world war two, where
warplane destroyed his village in Pare-Pare, his homeland. Because of that incident, he really hates
airplane, But his father always said that not all of airplane is wicked, airplane is can help many
people to meet they family who distant. Little Habibie was started interested on airplanes.

B.J.Habibie was a strong person. When he was on elementary school, his father was died.
Therefore he and his family moved to the Bandung. He was finished his junior high school on
1951, in Bandung namely Junior High School Number 5 Bandung, and continued at Senior High
School Kristen Dago, Bandung, and finished on 1954. After he graduated from senior high school,
he continued his study at Bandung Institute of Technology. He did not finished his study at ITB,
because he got scholarship from The Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia to study in
Germany. He decided to take Aerospace Engineering with Aeroplane Construction Specialty at
RheinWestfalen Aachen TechnischeHochschule (RWTH), an Institue of Technology in Germany
in 1960, he received a diploma ingenieur with cumlaude. Because his study background, he worked
in the German railway industry, Talbot Firm.

Habibie then continued his studies for a doctorate at the Technischule Die Facultaet Fuer
Maschinenwasen Aachean, and got a summa cumlaude degree in 1965.

In 1962, he returned to Indonesia and married Hasri Ainun Besari. After marriage, Habibie
returned to Germany with his wife and went through various ups and downs with his wife.

In 1973, he was asked to return to Indonesia, to develop Indonesian industry. Before returned to
Indonesia, he worked in a leading industry in Germany, but because of his love for Indonesia, he
decided to return to Indonesia.

In 1995, Habibie succeeded in making the first airplane for Indonesia. The plane was named N250
Gatotkaca. Along with his contribution to developing Indonesian industry, he also served as
Minister of State for Research and Technology from 1978 to 1998.

BJ Habibie was ordered to become vice president replacing Try Sutisno on March 14, 1998
to May 21, 1998. When the crisis occurred in Indonesia on 1998, Habibie was elected by the
Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly to replace President Soeharto, who resigned from his
position, and he became to the 3rd president of the Republic of Indonesia on May 21, 1998 to
October 20, 1999.

After he no longer served as president, he briefly lived and settled in Germany, and returned
to settle in Indonesia and was active as a presidential adviser during the Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono presidency from October 20, 2004 to October 20, 2014.

On May 22, 2010 at the age of 72, his wife namely Ainun, died from cancer, at Ludwig
Maximilians Universitat Hospital, Klinikum, Munchen, Germany. Ainun's death is a deep sadness
for him, but he is not down, he continues to contribute to Indonesia.

finally, on 11 September 2019 at the age of 82 years, B.J Habibie passed away, there was
no illness, the cause of his death was due to old age. Until now, the figure of B.J Habibie is still
remembered because he is an extraordinary figure.

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