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Form and Structure:


Four 8-lined verses with a regular rhyme and meter
This is where the father groups his advice into sets.
The first four line all rhyme. Ending in; you, you, you, too.
Stressing the personal nature of the poem.
From line 5 onwards there is a rhyme scheme; ababcdcd
This maintains the momentum of the repetitive structure.

The poem develops through a series of suggestions, using opposites to clarify themessage.
There is only one complete stop in the poem: the exclamation mark at the end.

The poem develops through a series of suggestions, using opposites to clarify themessage

Prayer Before Birth

Free verse 

8 verses

No rhyme scheme,

But does contain internal rhyme

The shape of the poem resembles the shape of Pslams.

Repetition of as a ritualistic refrain

The structure is:

Statement: “I am not yet born, console me”
Imperative tense command
Ends with a final commandLanguage:

Each stanza begins with “if”. This is a conditional word so makes the reader feel
what’s coming isn’t a command but advice.
Second person throughout the poem.
This has a universal appeal because it could be addressing the man’s son, or
it could be directed to the readers.
Being directly referred to helps maintain the reader’s atten
There are a lot of imperatives
These are not intrusive or strongly commanding, making it look more like afather giving advice to his son.

Makes the poem flow, this continuous flow makes it seem like it will take along time to achieve this.

Triumph and Disaster”, “Will

which says”
This personification emphasises the importance of these.

Prayer Before Birth


Displayed in verse 2
Creates a rolling, inevitable pace.

“Wise lies lure me… black racks rack”
Has a fearsome chant like quality adds emphasis to the terror andfear
“Wise lies”
Enforces the idea of trickery

Short-syllabled words

Verse 3, imitates the language used but the baby and emphasises theinnocence.

Verse 3 is happier and focuses on the joys of life which adds effect as itcontrast with the rest of
the poem and the next verse, making what alreadysounded ad sound worse.

Short sentence to end

End the poem dramatically

Simple language instilling finality

Last verse.

This is very effective as it shows that the unborn child would chose deathinstead of life, but the life
described seems worse than death.Tone


The tone is positive as it makes the reader think that being a “man” is possible if you

vercome life’s hardships.


Prayer Before Birth
The tone helps the reader sense the horror of modern day society and they begin toquestion the
selfishness and cruelty portrayed by the ''unborn child''.Content

If is
the advice of a father to his son about what it means “be a man”.
He tells his son that there are certain characteristics needed to be a man. Theseinclude; self-belief,
patience, kindness and modesty.
The advice is given by a series of statements each b
eginning with “if”. This is a
conditional word that shows that the poem is advice as it is not commanding.

Each statement is built up on using opposites that are paired together to build astrong knowledge or
understanding of what the father is saying.

Prayer Before Birth


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