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) ectuc °{Jt&a Q a\.. . l~n
norr, . '-atsa , f.fv "'Vt1 e ~ .. J\
re . IC Pro ~, /}'Jq /) r flha f)~l
'Ptder n;c.s;'9re/'¼; o~Or, Cfir,Ca/:Jitl'IJ /Jl')o t lho !l lc",-10~ h
by ~ {) $ff~ Ol)O ff ' Oc j~, ' oAs ~
>ntrib n-,di fllion Cfive1 ,.~ no, - 'y {)~f -.:::.0 Qu
'f. J.... #J.... Utes to Sitn11~:
t::"' nra;,,,f}n . f€lke /Ja ()Illy fh~ ( ~r1r1 rJr r~C\f
~S, 10Ns
,e .
I I l.t C: Co ~ Pers Y, a I rt In ' w'1Ar , IJte
grven nol'l'l, Ona, h _1ea1th ~ a~rrio . h111 At.-::0
Conte Sfl3tern IC Growth 'YQtene a y Person Crat;c, Pro,.,'"'~ ~or.,At,
rs h ir,J,. . enr. € .' Do f')d san;t ~rev~nt.g ~~ <:;5 An('j : 1r; ~en~r::i1
'fe r S ~ , ier e ducat' You a at,on ()pr'=1Arr fJntnbut
Ocia / 8rt)in IOn Co . Qree7 . rnq r.,f r.orir ,g to
>n e f O Stanr.J . g capa . ntnbute aq,olj.,
u Jr,g City S to
rn make bett and Pride· on People; econorn;c grow,h
oivfe ag . er Choic . ' bec~usB
e to · es in Ii~
!ates . under st e;
innov pti· and the ch
'O ns • ang
, es taking Pia .
n ot new te h ce m society;
'1ditu re on . . . c nofogies.
· M.,grahon' ·
,gration,is a sour◄ ts a source of huma . .
' the increa se, . ce of human capital forimant· capital formation?
· in costs d
. ue to migratio ion as enh
. n• anced earnings in the ..,.,
re Iat,on between Hum .
an Capital and Economic Growth can be easilv No~e,
t 15
. .
r, incorr ect. Due to measurement problems, it is difficult to establish a re,at1,
from the growth of human capital (education and health) to economic growth. f
meas ured in terms ofyears of schooling, teacher-pupil ratio and enrolment rates n
,of education. Similarly, health services measured in monetary terms, lite expecta,
1ay not reflect the true health status of the people in a country

;tivity of h,uman reso Urces

. be increased?
: h h I of human capital tormat,o•
. . resou
,uman - -. rces. can be increased with t e e P
r ·kill to availabfe /abour force. rcentof GDPmustbe1
s. . om mended that at l~ast 6 ~e (CBSE. samplePaper
1964 -66 had rec . . the said goal.
,on ' & - -. rt a hJA to achieve

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