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D IABLO: A Distributed Analytical Blockchain Benchmark

Framework Focusing on Real-World Workloads

Harold Benoit Vincent Gramoli Rachid Guerraoui Christopher Natoli∗

EPFL University of Sydney EPFL University of Sydney

Abstract 1 Introduction
With the growing adoption of blockchain technol-
The plethora of blockchain proposals raises the ogy, the number of readily-available solutions have
question of selecting the ideal blockchain for a given multiplied dramatically. As of March 2021, ap-
decentralised application (DApp). Most blockchain proximately five thousand distinct cryptocurren-
performance evaluations are obtained through tai- cies have been reported on a single website [3].
lored environments under unknown experimental Each of these implementations aim at offering im-
settings documented through whitepapers or blog provements through distinctive features, focused on
posts. Unfortunately, the few blockchain benchmark the performance and application to various use-
efforts typically generate workloads either from a cases. Although a number of these variants could,
central location, or, purely based on synthetic re- in theory, be running on multiple instances of the
quest patterns. same blockchain, they are often packaged as their
own standalone implementation with distinctive
We propose a benchmark framework, D IABLO, to features. A recent survey [12] highlights the breadth
reason about the performance of blockchains un- of the blockchain landscape through classifications
der realistic workloads. D IABLO is extensible, al- of blockchains, listing 8 different protocols to se-
lowing DApp programmers to define new work- lect nodes that are tasked with proposing blocks,
loads, and blockchain designers to integrate and test 13 different consensus protocols and 9 data struc-
their own blockchain. D IABLO currently supports tures to store transaction information. This diver-
6 blockchain implementations and 4 built-in work- sity illustrates a probably small subset of all possible
load DApps. Our results indicate that blockchains blockchain implementations that exist today.
with lower fault tolerance can achieve higher per- This plethora of blockchain proposals raises the
formance, confirming that speculative execution of question of which proposal is the ideal blockchain
transactions might drastically impact performance. for a particular application. Unfortunately, most of
These results also show that one implementation can these proposals are not reported in scientific pub-
offer significantly better performance than another lications. They are at best presented in the form
implementation of the same blockchain protocol. of white papers that present a 10-000-foot-view of
their implementation details. As an example, the
Ethereum yellow paper [16] presents the technical-
∗ The authors are listed in the alphabetical order of their last- ities of the Ethereum Virtual Machine but does not
name. Christopher Natoli is the primary author of this publica- explain how Ethereum participants can reach con-
tion. sensus on a unique block at a given index of the

Blockchain Consensus Fault tolerance
DApp Trace Feature
Go Ethereum PoA Clique Byzantine
Microblogging Twitter load burst
Open Ethereum PoA Aura Byzantine
Exchange Nasdaq herd behavior
CollaChain DBFT Byzantine
Supply chain Aviation low demand
Quorum IBFT Byzantine
Constant Synthetic tunable
Quorum Raft Crash
Hyperledger Fabric Raft Crash
Table 1: The Decentralized application (DApps) of
D IABLO and their features
Table 2: The blockchains evaluated with D IABLO

chain. In order to analyse the underlying proto- sively crash faults, (ii) OpenEthereum is consistently
cols of such blockchains, researchers typically had slower than Go Ethereum and (iii) Hyperledger
to look at the available source code before being Fabric (HLF) suffers more from contention than
able to reason about the correctness of the proto- blockchains based on traditional (non-speculative)
cols [6]. Another approach is for researchers to eval- executions.
uate blockchain as black boxes by generating work- The rest of the paper is organised as follows. In
loads and measuring their performance. In compar- Section 2 we present D IABLO. In Section 3 we
ison with the variety of blockchain proposals, very present the experimental evaluation of the existing
little evaluations have been made on blockchain and blockchains. In Section 4 we present the related
most of these evaluations [5, 2, 11, 9, 13, 4] evaluate work and we conclude in Section 5.
few blockchains on synthetic workloads that are not
representative of realistic use-cases.
In this paper, we propose the DIstributed Analyt-
2 Diablo
ical BLOckchain benchmark framework called D IABLO, This section introduces D IABLO, the DIstributed An-
to reason about the performance of blockchain un- alytical BLOckchain benchmark framework, that al-
der realistic workloads. D IABLO is extensible in that lows to compare different blockchains on the same
it allows users to defined their own Decentralised ground under realistic and tunable workloads. D I -
Application (DApp) and offers built-in workloads as ABLO is extensible in that it allows users to define
depicted in Table 1, including (i) Microblogging, more workloads and plug new blockchains easily.
featuring bursts of simple requests, (ii) Exchange, Figure 1 provides a visual representation of the
featuring herd behaviors in financial markets and components of D IABLO. D IABLO includes two main
(iii) Supply chain, featuring a Poisson distribution elements, the Primary (Section 2.1), tasked at orches-
of requests, and a (iii) Constant, featuring a tun- trating the workload and performing benchmark
able fixed rate of requests. D IABLO comes with var- flow, and the Secondary (Section 2.2), tasked at in-
ious blockchains indicated in Table 2 including Go teracting with the blockchains and collecting bench-
Ethereum or Geth, Open Ethereum (formerly known mark statistics.
as parity), CollaChain a new blockchain combin-
ing Red Belly Blockchain optimisations [4] with
Ethereum smart contracts, Quorum, the blockchain 2.1 D IABLO Primary
originally designed by J.P. Morgan and maintained
The Primary is the conductor machine of the bench-
by Consensys, and Hyperledger Fabric [1] hosted by
mark, orchestrating the timing and operations. Its
the Linux Foundation.
main function is to generate and distribute the work-
We show empirically that (i) tolerating Byzantine load data to the secondary machines, sending com-
faults is typically more costly than tolerating exclu- mands to start benchmarking, and once complete,

Workload Generator mation, but also standardises the way information
Benchmark Configuration
is represented across all chains, so as to facilitate the

• Workload Name Result Handler
• Number of secondaries
comparison between blockchain systems. The ob-
• Number of threads TCP Server
Blockchain tained results indicate both the performance of the
• Intervals Nodes
whole system under consideration and the perfor-
Comm. Response
• Transaction Type mance of each D IABLO Secondary. This fine-grained
Chain Configuration TCP Client information about per-machine transaction latency

• Blockchain Name and throughput is typically instrumental in identi-
Workload Handler
• Node information fying slow machines impacting the overall perfor-
• Key information mance.
Blockchain Interface

2.2 D IABLO Secondary

Figure 1: D IABLO Architecture.
The Secondaries are responsible for communicat-
ing directly with the blockchain under test through
retrieving the results. The Primary hosts the com- a blockchain client interface. With the ability to
munication server for the secondaries to connect to, have a number of worker threads running in paral-
communicating over TCP, sending commands and lel, it allows further concurrent sending of transac-
retrieving the responses that indicate success or fail- tions from the source. Each Secondary connects to
ure of the operation. the D IABLO Primary, awaiting the appropriate com-
mands and information to start the benchmark ex-
Workload Generator. Each blockchain integration ecution. Upon initialisation and connection, each
requires the implementation of a workload gener- secondary is given a unique identifier, denoting
ator. The sole responsibility of the generator is to which blockchain node it connects to for informa-
parse information from the benchmark configura- tion, and how it will be distinguished. Each of the
tion, such as transaction information and number of Secondary’s threads is a separate instance, connect-
total transactions to create, and generate data relat- ing to the blockchain under test and interacting in its
ing to the workload that is usable by the blockchain own work loop. It comprises of two major compo-
system. This generation phase also initialises related nents, the Workload Handler, responsible for direct-
smart contracts by deploying them to the chain if re- ing the flow of the benchmark, and the client interface
quired. Often, this generator interacts directly with used to connect to the blockchain.
the blockchain under test by requesting informa-
tion that is used through for workload generation, Workload Handler. The workload handler man-
such as account information, chain-related transac- ages the distribution of workload information to the
tion information and any other key details that are worker threads running on the secondary machine.
required for workload generation. The handler is responsible for initialising the worker
threads, setting up the workload schedule, and oper-
Result Handler. Once all D IABLO Secondary ma- ating the worker loop that performs the benchmark.
chines have signalled completion of the benchmark, The workload handler also format the results.
the Primary will request to retrieve all the results.
At this point, all results are passed to the result han- Client Interface. For the sake of modularity and
dler, which aggregates and formats outputs to us- similar to the workload generator on the Primary, each
able information and the related JSON files. The re- blockchain integration requires the implementation
sult handler not only provides a central point to col- of an interface, allowing D IABLO to support basic
lect, aggregate and perform calculations on all infor- operations and interact with the blockchain under

test. The client interface is key to the modularity 12

tx/second made
of D IABLO, it integrates the different functionalities 1 bench : 10
2 type : " simple " 8
abstracted from the benchmark flow, making it pos- 3 txs :
sible to perform various actions, like connecting to 4 0: 1
5 10: 11
a node, sending a transaction, etc. Another task 6 20: 11 2
handled by the client interface is to obtain the re- 7 28: 6
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
sults, throughput and latency, and return these re- seconds
sults when asked upon by the workload handler, for
these results to be then forwarded to the Primary. Figure 2: Benchmark Configuration Example

2.3 Configurations workload, where all transaction information and dis-

tribution of requests is preconfigured, allowing the
Defining a benchmark consists of two things: work and intensity per secondary to be heteroge-
(i) defining the workload as patterns of request in- neous.
tensity and timing and (ii) the experimental setup,
denoting the configuration of machines to make the
network of the blockchain. For simplicity, D IABLO 2.3.2 Chain
provides two configuration files specifying each of
these characteristics making it easy to record and The chain configuration denotes the location of the
measure precisely, the benchmark configuration file blockchain nodes to contact from the benchmark.
and the chain configuration file. This configuration is the primary means of under-
standing how the blockchain is able to connect, and
defines the account information for the transactions
2.3.1 Benchmark to be generated for. The unique aspect of this con-
figuration, is that the modular design allows extra
The benchmark configuration file is fundamental
data to be defined in a way that can be interpreted
in the operation of D IABLO, defining the workload
directly by each blockchain integration. If a specific
and all key aspects of how the benchmark runs. It
blockchain requires additional key material, or spe-
contains general information about the benchmark,
cific configuration requirements, then they can be
defining the distribution of D IABLO Secondaries and
defined as part of the chain configuration.
the number of worker threads, but also the pattern
of transactions. To define a workload curve, the
benchmark has a time-series representation of the
transaction request intensity, showing the change 3 Experiments
of request intensity over time. As depicted in Fig-
ure 2, the transaction curve is defined in per-second This section presents the results from running D IA -
granularity and allows a dynamic intensity of re- BLO against various blockchain systems as depicted
quests. This gives rise to importing real-world re- in Table 2. We intentionally selected blockchain of-
quest curves obtained through time-series datasets fering different guarantees, we classified them in
observed and captured in other systems, or pro- three groups: the CFT ones that tolerate only crash
grammatically designed. failures, the BFT ones that can also tolerate f <
The benchmark configuration also details trans- n/3 byzantine failures and the PoA (or proof-of-
action information, containing the function calls, authority) ones that can tolerate some byzantine fail-
data types and variants of what data is passed into ures as long as all messages delays take less than a
the transaction. If further complexity is required, known and bounded amount of time [6] (i.e., these
the benchmark configuration also denotes a premade latter blockchains assume synchrony).

modifier checklen ( string memory data ) { 1 func ( s * SmartContract ) Tweet (
require ( bytes ( data ). length <= maxlen , 2 ctx contractapi . TransactionContextInterface ,
" tweet too large " ); 3 message string , owner string ) error {
_; 4 if len ( message ) > MaxLen {
} 5 return fmt . Errorf ( " tweet too large , % v " ,
function tweet ( string memory data ) 6 len ( message ))
public checklen ( data ) { 7 }
tweets [ msg . sender ] = data ; 8 b := [] byte ( message )
emit NewTweet ( msg . sender , data ); 9 return ctx . GetStub (). PutState ( owner , b )
} 10 }

Twitter code snippet in solidity for EVM-based blockchains Twitter code snippet in golang for Hyperledger Fabric

Figure 3: The D IABLO Twitter DApp is written as a smart contract and a chain code

3.1 Setup new block events and confirms the existence of

a transaction when receiving the block header.
We perform all experiments on a local OpenStack
cluster, where all virtual machines are connected • Hyperledger Fabric: D IABLO interacts with
through a virtual network over 4 host machines. Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 LTS through http re-
We utilise “m1.xlarge” instances, having 8 vCPUs quests. New blocks are created after a default
and 16 GB Memory for distributed experiments, and timetout of 2 seconds or a threshold of 500
“c5.2XLarge” having 8 vCPUS, 16GB RAM, and a transactions per block. Hyperledger’s Golang
700GB disk for experiments running local experi- API supports the functionality for transaction
ments. confirmation, so all new commits are observed
through a channel linked to the transaction
• PoA blockchains: A set of predefined val- event.
idators seal each block one at a time in a
round robin fashion. We set the period be- The Microblogging DApp consists of a D IABLO con-
tween blocks to 1 second to match the pa- figuration that follows the request pattern of Twit-
rameters of other blockchains. D IABLO inter- ter1 , except that we lowered the average throughput
acts with these blockchains through Websocket of 5700 transactions per second to 3% or 171 transac-
JSON RPC, subscribes to new block events and tions per second with a one second peak of 4296. Its
confirms the existence of a transaction when re- code is written as a smart contract for EVM-based
ceiving the block header. blockchain and a chain code for Hyperledger Fab-
ric whose code snippets are given in Figure 3. The
• Quorum: Both for Quorum-IBFT and Quorum- Exchange DApp consists of a D IABLO configuration
Raft, the block period is set to 1 second. D I - (Section 2.3) that follows the request pattern of the
ABLO interacts with these blockchains through trace of observed trades on the Nasdaq stock ex-
Websocket JSON RPC, subscribes to new block change. Similarly to the MicroBlogging Dapp, its
events and confirms the existence of a transac- code is also written as a smart contract and chain
tion when receiving the block header. code. The Synthetic application consists of a simple
fixed sending rate of 250 basic transactions per sec-
• CollaChain: Similar to Red Belly ond for 150 seconds, also written in smart contract
Blockchain [4], CollaChain appends new and chain code. Each plotted value of the curves re-
blocks only when needed (based on a timeout sults from the average over at least 5 runs, the shade
and the number of transactions in the mem- 1 This experiment mimics the phenomemon ex-
pool) so the period between blocks varies based perienced during the release of Castle In the Sky:
on the load. D IABLO interacts with CollaChain
through Websocket JSON RPC, subscribes to new-tweets-per-second-record-and-how.html

around curves indicate the minimum and maximum under high load, this is the case of Quorum-IBFT
values. when running the Microblogging application: we
can see that the throughput drops to zero and we
confirmed that some of the requests were lost as
3.2 Overall Performance Comparison we will discuss later. This is seemingly due to
In this section, we present the throughput and la- the contention induced by the burst of requests
tency of all the built-in blockchains. First, we de- generated by the Twitter workload, which exceeds
pict their throughput as a time series on different the capacity of Quorum-IBFT. Finally, Quorum-Raft
applications. Then, we describe their latency as and Hyperledger Fabric seems to offer comparable
a Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) on the results, even if Quorum-Raft is faster at times. We
same workloads. As mentioned before, we compare will see later that this depends on the experimental
blockchains depending on their guarantees: CFT for settings and cannot be generalized to all settings.
the ones that tolerate crash failures, BFT for the ones
that tolerate Byzantine failures and PoA for the ones Latency. Figure 5 depicts the CDF latencies of all
that tolerate Byzantine failure only in synchronous blockchains when running the Exchange, the Mi-
networks. croblogging, the Synthetic DApps. As before, each
column includes the results obtained with a differ-
Throughput. Figure 4 depicts the throughput of ent application while each row includes the results
all blockchains—computed over a 1-second sliding for each group of blockchains (CFT, BFT, PoA).
window—as time elapses when running the Ex- We observe, at first glance, a large variation of
change, the Microblogging, the Synthetic applica- transaction latencies across most settings as it varies
tions. Each column includes the results obtained from seconds to minutes. In particular, we can
with a different application while each row includes see that the PoA blockchains have in general a
the results for each group of blockchains (CFT, BFT, larger latency than the CFT and BFT blockchains.
PoA). We also note that PoA-openethereum and Quorum-
The first observation is that all blockchains offer a IBFT loses some requests which explains why their
varying throughput under the exchange application, CDF never reaches 100%. In particular, the graphs in
a burst throughput under the Microblogging appli- the Twitter column shows that PoA-openethereum,
cation and a constant throughput under the Syn- PoA-geth and Quorum-IBFT loses requests due to
thetic application. This follows from the nature of contention bursts, which confirms the reason why
the rate at which these applications send requests to the throughput of Quorum-IBFT drops rapidly as
the blockchain systems: varying rate for Nasdaq, in well in Figure 4. By contrast, CollaChain does not
burst for Twitter and constant for Tunable. Note that experience any losses even under bursts, however,
the request rate of each application is represented its latency increases due to the Twitter load burst.
as a purple dashed line on each of these graphs,
which is followed closely by the throughput of most 3.3 The Impact of Contention
blockchain systems.
We observe that in all applications, the through- Figure 6 depicts the throughput and latency of Hy-
put of PoA-geth (Go Ethereum) is higher than perledger Fabric and Quorum-Raft. The workload
the throughput of PoA-openethereum (Open curve is a low constant send rate of 20 transac-
Ethereum), this indicates that Go Ethereum per- tions per second. The duration is 30 seconds. The
forms generally better. Note that we will confirm workload is purposefully very simple to showcase
this observation by investigating their respective that transaction conflicts may arise even in low ar-
latency later. Another interesting observation is rival rate situations. The contention percentage de-
that some blockchains start losing requests when notes the percentage of transactions which modify

Nasdaq Twitter Tunable
quorum-ibft quorum-ibft 400 quorum-ibft
300 collachain 1000 collachain collachain

200 500 200

0 0

quorum-raft quorum-raft 1000 quorum-raft

200 500
0 0 0

poa-geth poa-geth 2000 poa-geth
300 poa-openethereum 1000 poa-openethereum poa-openethereum

200 1000
00 00 0
25 50 75 100 125 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
time (seconds) time (seconds) time (seconds)

Figure 4: Throughput time series

Nasdaq Twitter Tunable
chain chain
Cumulative Distribution

0.8 quorum-ibft quorum-ibft quorum-ibft
0.6 collachain collachain collachain


Cumulative Distribution


0.4 chain chain chain

0.2 quorum-raft quorum-raft quorum-raft

1.0 chain
Cumulative Distribution

0.8 poa-geth poa-geth
0.6 poa-openethereum poa-openethereum

0.4 chain
0.2 poa-openethereum
0.00 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 0 25 50 75 100 125
latency (seconds) latency (seconds) latency (seconds)

Figure 5: Cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of the latency

the same asset.

3.3.1 Drawbacks of speculative executions

As a permissioned blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric

can have parallel pre-order execution on a subset of
network nodes (subset defined by the endorsing pol-
icy). However, a model that executes each transac-
tion in parallel is inherently unable to detect trans-
action conflicts (e.g., concurrent modifications of a
same asset) during execution.
As an example, suppose the system supports a
throughput of 1000 transactions per second. Addi-
tionally, suppose 20 transactions try to modify the
same asset in each block of 100 transactions. Then,
only one of the 20 transactions will be valid and
the rest invalid. The ”valid” conflicting transaction
out of the 20 is the first one to appear in the block
of 100 transactions. Subsequently, suppose all 19
aborted clients attempt to re-execute their transac-
tions. These add up to the 20 new conflicting trans-
actions in the next block. This leads to 38 invalid
transactions in the next round, and so on.
More generally, with a cumulative re-execution,
the number of aborted transactions grows linearly
until it surpasses the throughput of the system.
Thus, if clients re-execute invalid transactions as
their default behaviour, this effectively becomes
an unintentional denial of service attack on the
blockchain [7]. Although the idea of re-executing
transaction was proposed to bypass this limitation,
it appears that such solutions are not ready for pro-
duction as they are not durable (cf. Section 4).
Figure 6: Throughput and latency comparison of
Hyperledger Fabric and Quorum over contention
3.3.2 Benefits of pessimistic executions percentage

Most blockchains, including CollaChain, Ethereum,

Quorum, execute transactions pessimistically, or- every node in the network will execute the trans-
dering transactions before executing them. We fo- actions in the same order. Every node should thus
cus here on Quorum-Raft that is crash fault toler- end with the same results (as long as the smart con-
ant and can thus be compared to Hyperledger Fab- tract is deterministic). As a result, the performance
ric. Quorum-Raft, being a fork of geth, also imple- of these blockchains should not be affected by the
ments this order-execute pattern in its transaction example mentioned above. In particular, Figure 6
flow. Therefore, even under fully contentious work- shows that the performance of Quorum-Raft is sta-
loads, it is not susceptible to transaction conflicts as ble in this workload, no matter the contention per-

centage. the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and other
agencies. Each part must be documented with a
complete history of its ownership, use, and repairs.
3.4 The Impact of Fault Tolerance Online buying of aircraft pieces in the style of Ama-
In order to assess the inherent cost of tolerating zon thus requires trust and this is done by having
Byzantine faults we compared the performance of a trusted ledger with data integrity which enables:
the two versions of Quorum: Quorum-Raft that only tracking of the entire lifecycle of a part and all its
tolerates crash failures but cannot tolerate Byzantine previous owners and anti-counterfeit measures via
(arbitrary) failures and Quorum-IBFT that also tol- certification and persistence. Because aircraft pieces
erates Byzantine failures. Figure 7 shows the dif- are expensive and large, deals tend to be made us-
ing purchase orders and not card payments. For
users to be confident in their purchases, every pur-
250 quorum-ibft chase order is stored indefinitely on the ledger to

200 quorum-raft provide traceability. The corresponding chain code

has 3 main functions:
Latency (s)

150 • CreatePart() which creates an aviation part and

adds it to the ledger.
• QueryByOwner() which queries all parts owned
50 by a certain owner. Depending on the smart
contract language, this may not be easily imple-
00 200 400 600 800 1000 mented.
Request Rate • TransferPart() which transfers an aviation part
from owner to a new one by modifying the
Figure 7: The BFT and CFT versions of Quorum owner field of the part and also adds a purchase
order in the ledger to provide traceability of the
ference in performance between the BFT and CFT aviation part.
versions of Quorum (Quorum-IBFT and Quorum- As the trace is not publicly available, we defined the
Raft) and presents the performance of PoA-geth and curve following a non-homogeneous Poisson pro-
PoA-OpenEthereum as baselines for comparison. In cess (NHPP). The assumption made here is that the
particular, the graph indicates the evolution of la- intensity (mean arrival per second) of the Poisson
tency as we reach higher throughput. We can clearly process changes with a cubic rate as a function of
observe that Quorum-IBFT is slower than Quorum- time. The justification behind this assumption is that
Raft. In particular, the latency of Quorum-IBFT it mimics the very quick change in traffic between
starts booming at a lower throughput than Quorum- peak hour (e.g. day time just after work) and quiet
Raft. This tends to indicate that the BFT consensus hour (e.g. night time). Here we scaled it down to
induces a higher overhead than the CFT consensus. minutes for benchmarking purposes but the justifi-
cation remains the same. It can be noted that the
3.5 Aviation Supply Chain curve stays at its peak for 6 seconds before going
down. The experiment includes 9 different work-
We now present performance result of Hyperledger loads obtained by changing two parameters: the
Fabric when running an aviation supply chain ap- length (1, 2, or 3 minutes) and the peak intensity of
plication inspired by the Honeywell Aerospace use- the Poisson Process (100, 200, or 250). The transac-
case [10]. Since the aviation industry is heavily reg- tions invocations are made up of 50% CreatePart(),
ulated, sales in the U.S. require certification from 25% QueryByOwner() and 25% TransferPart().

Figure 8: Aviation supply chain workload

Figure 9: Average throughput in the aviation work-

loads. “100”, “200” and “300” represent the peaks,
Each set of experiments were run 3 times, ensur-
“1m”, “2m” and “3m” denote the duration and
ing averages were taken during the calculation of re-
number of peaks.
sults. Figure 8 depicts the sending rate for each ex-
periment with differing peaks. In these experiments,
we modified (i) the number of peaks and duration of
the tests, and (ii) the intensity of the peaks. Figure 9 Existing blockchains benchmarks. Hyperledger
presents the average throughput observed through- Caliper [2] is a blockchain benchmark frame-
out these experiments. We can observe that the du- work enabling users to evaluate the performance
ration of the workload has little impact on the aver- of blockchains developed within the Hyperledger
age throughput. project, such as Fabric, Sawtooth, Iroha, Burrow and
Besu. It also supports Ethereum and has plans to
extend to other blockchains in future. Caliper pro-
vides pre-defined workloads, specifying the calling
contract, functions and the rate of transaction send-
4 Related Work ing over time. Caliper is not designed to add DApps
It is no surprise that benchmarking and performance Blockbench [5] is one of the most notable bench-
evaluation has caught the interest of many, assisting marking frameworks for blockchains, as it supports
in the understanding of the many blockchain solu- a number of micro and macro benchmarks. The
tions currently available. Correct performance eval- most significant aspect of Blockbench is that it ports
uation is critical in the identification of advantages over the notable YCSB workload from the database
and challenges faced by different systems, and their systems community. Aimed at private blockchains,
applicability to numerous use cases. Unfortunately, Blockbench benchmarks the different layers of the
a majority of the results available to the public are blockchain, such as consensus or data storage, with
released through non peer-reviewed channels, often tailored workloads, allowing fine-grained testing
through blogs or whitepapers where the evaluations and measurement of the effectiveness of each of
were tailored for optimal environments. This gave these layers. The evaluation metrics available show
rise to a number of benchmark frameworks that tar- throughput and latency, but also the tolerance of
get multiple blockchains. faults through injected delays, crashes and message

corruption. Blockbench’s complexity introduces dif- step to enable correct performance even in the pres-
ficulty when extending to other blockchains or in- ence of contentious workloads. In a later paper [14],
troducing new workloads as well as moving to dis- Fast Fabric was mentioned to feature “optimizations
tributing the workload across multiple machines. [that] are not practical for a production environment
The variety of Ethereum adapted blockchains [...] there is no disk IO which is not suitable for a
motivated the development of Chainhammer [11], production setup.” XOX seems to be a complicated
a benchmark tool focused on the performance of solution to a specific use-case that may not be fre-
Ethereum-based blockchains under extremely high quently encountered.
loads. Chainhammer, unlike others, does not
follow a workload curve but provides continu-
ous high load generation, aiming to measure the 5 Conclusion
throughput in extreme situations. The design is
extremely specialised, meaning that there is little We presented D IABLO an extensible benchmarking
flexibility in modifications to support other work- tool for blockchain systems. It includes build-in
loads. Conversely, as Chainhammer is exclusively workloads that are realistic and synthetic but allows
for Ethereum, it can perform post-benchmark anal- DApps designers to add new workloads easily. We
ysis and obtain metrics on information critical to illustrated D IABLO by comparing the performance
the Ethereum infrastructure, such as transaction cost of six different blockchain implementations offering
analysis and the structure of blocks. crash fault tolerance, byzantine fault tolerance with
and without assuming synchrony.
Future work includes adding more blockchains,
Ad-hoc blockchain evaluations. Most evaluations like Algorand and Facebook’s Diem, and evaluating
that were made on blockchains are ad hoc and do the scalability and security of blockchain systems.
not aim at comparing very different blockchain de-
signs on the same ground. Previous works have, for
example, focused on permissioned blockchains as
one can find in the context of Internet of Things [9],
others have evaluated exclusively Byzantine fault
[1] Elli Androulaki, Artem Barger, Vita Bortnikov,
tolerant blockchains [13].
Christian Cachin, Konstantinos Christidis,
A comprehensive performance study [15] led to Angelo De Caro, David Enyeart, Christo-
the identification of bottlenecks in Hyperledger Fab- pher Ferris, Gennady Laventman, Yacov
ric v1.0 and provided guidelines to design appli- Manevich, Srinivasan Muralidharan, Chet
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