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Avatar:The Last Airbender

Have you ever scrolled on a streaming platform and searched for something to
watch.I found Avatar:The Last Airbender in that kind of stuation. When I
started to watch it I didnt wait a masterpice.It was going nice, the pace of the
story was well, the characters were neat.Then the story started to progress
and we started to learn the characters past.At that point I realized this story
had great caharacters arcs and they will improve throughout the story.But the
story is not the only thing great in Avatar.The worldbuilding of Avatar is great
and here is why.

The Worldbuilding
Water,Earth,Fire,Air.These are the four elements in Avatar and the whole life
of people, the nations(which being Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation,
Air Nomads) ,the architecture,the cultures are based around these. The
elements are used by benders who can control them.There are lot of benders
in this universe but not everyone is lucky enough to be a bender and with that
they become non-benders.Every bender can bend one element and that
elemnt is their nations elemnt.That means an air nomad can bend air or a
earth kingdom citizen can ben earth.But there is one person in the world who
can bend all four elements and that person is the Avatar.Avatars are
reincarnated and there is an avatar cycle.When an Avatar dies another one
reborns. The Avatars are selected from every nation in an order. (the order
being Fire,Air,Water,Earth)

The Bending
Bending in Avatar is not some random body movements, it is inspired by
martial arts.For example water bending is inpired by Tai Chi. The crew behind
the show studied martial arts to give the audience better quality bending

The Story
Avatars story is about a 12 year old kid travelling to save the world with two
other teenagers.When I use this sentence the story seems so basic and it kind
of is. The real magic of this story is telling a wonderful journey story.But what
is the begining of the story:
"Water. Earth. Fire. Air. My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old
days, a time of peace when the Avatar kept balance between the Water Tribes,
Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. But that all changed when the
Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could
stop the ruthless firebenders. But when the world needed him most, he
vanished. A hundred years have passed and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in
the War. Two years ago, my father and the men of my tribe journeyed to the
Earth Kingdom to help fight against the Fire Nation, leaving me and my brother
to look after our tribe. Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn
into the Air Nomads, and that the cycle is broken. But I haven't lost hope. I still
believe that somehow, the Avatar will return to save the world.’’
This is the speech that Katara gives to teach us the current situation of the
Our story starts with a brother and sister ,Katara (a 14 year old waterbender)
and Sokka (a 14 year old nonbender) finding an iceberg. Katara crackes it
accidently out of anger.In the iceberg they find Aang (a 12 year old airbender)
the last airbender.They meet eachother and katara takes Aang to her
village.While Zuko (a 16 year old firebender) the prince of fire nation is in
search for the Avatar to redeem his honor. Zuko sees a signal that shows the
Avatar has returned after 100 years.

This is the first episode of avatar.It introduces us to the world of avatar in a

really great way.The story starts slowly but surely to give us a masterpiece.In
the story I think the most important thing is character arcs.The characters
grow in the show in a realistic way.I’ll talk more about it in the characters
section.The story is divided in 3 seasons or we can say what the show uses
books.In every book show focuses on a different nation.For example in season
3 AKA book Fire the show focuses on the fire nation.Another great aspect of th
eshow is fillers.In most shows viewers hate filllers because they don’t effect
the plot and aren’t fun but in Avatar the fillers are sometimes the funniest and
most enjoyable to watch episodes.There much to talk about story but I dont
want to spoil anything so lets have a look at the characters.

The Characters
I think the characters of Avatar is the best aspect of the show.Characters grow
naturally troughout the show,there are some great arcs.Even in second season
two characters join the main cast.Thats something most shows think that it is
risky and don’t do.The thing show does great is introducing the new
characters,It feels really natural.

Aang is the main caharacter of the show and he is AKA the Avatar.He is a 12
year-old airbender kid.These are the general stuff about Aang but what is his
character arc and past.When Aang was 12 the war clouds were gathering and
the elder monks of southern air temple had to reveal the next avatar.But there
was a big problem, the Avatar was too young.Usually Avatars are revealed at
16 years old but this was an urgent situation. One of the monks called Aang in
to a room with 5 other elder monks.While monk called Aang,he was showing
other kids a movel that he invented ‘’the air scooter’’. Aang was already a
master airbender at age 12 and this make him the youngest airbending master
at his time after his grandaughter Jinora gets that title from him.Aang goes in
with the monk and learns that he is the Avatar.First he denies, he doesn’t want
to be the Avatar but the truth is he is the Avatar and he has to do his task. He
returns to his friends and they say they invented a game to play with air
scooters bu he is not invited cause he is the Avatar.Altoughg he is the Avatar
he is still the same person. His master Monk Gyatso starts training him and he
also plays some games with him.Another airbneder master finds this
unproffesional and he talks with the council to get them seperated.Aang hears
this converecation and storms out. When he is out with his flying bison Appa a
big storm starts and they fall to the ocean. Aang goes into the Avatar state and
creates an iceberg. He stays there unconciously for 100 years.In these 100
years the fire nation starts a war and they are so close to winning it.One day a
girl named Katara crackes the iceberg and free’s Aang.After some time he
learns what happened and understands the fact that he is the Avatar and he
must save the world.This truth is hard to take and also the fact that he is
accualy 112 years old makes it harder.Nothing has changed he is still the same
little kid but he will grow up like a 100 years in his journey just in nearly 3
months.He,Katara and Sokka starts their journey to the south pole to master
waterbending. In this journey he learns that he has only 3 months to defeat
the fire lord because the fire lord will use a meteor named as ‘’ Sozin’s Comet’’
to destroy the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe.Also in this journey he deals
with the exiled prince of the Fire Nation , Zuko and Admiral Zhao who is a Fire
Nation admiral.When they reach the south pole Aang destroys a fleet of ship in
his Avatar state.After he learns waterbending it is time for him to learn
earthbending at Earth Kingdom.After finding an earthbending teacher he goes
to Ba Sing Se the Earth Kingdom capital.He engages a fight with his new and
old enemy Azula and Zuko.He dies from a lightning attack from Azula but
luckily Katara has some spirit water from southern water tribe that returns
Aang to life.Ba Sing De goes down and Fire Nation technically wins the war.The
world thinks that Aang is dead. Aang wakes up in a fire nation ship that has
been captured bu the gaang after two weeks of sleeping.When another ship
aproaches Aang tries to tell the world he is alive but Sokka stops him.He thinks
that Aang being dead to the world means Fire Nation will be more chill about
the whole situation.Aang being hidden from the world makes him
unconfortable.He thinks that his mistake is the only reason they lost the
war,but there is still a hope The Invasion Plan Sokka and his father made.
Unfortunatly Aang refuses the plan.He thinks that they shouldn’t risk their lives
for his mistake.He storms out, again. He does the same mistake he did 100
years ago.Another storm starts and he sinks but he rises up again this time.But
still, he thinks he failed. He thinks he failed the world again,he thinks
abondoned the world again.Then Avatar Roku appears again to give him
advice.He says that all of this is his false and he has done a great job he gets
motivated and goes to an island in Fire Nation and faints. After sun rises the
gaang (Karara,Sokka,Toph) comes and hugs him.At that moment Aang realises
there are his friends to help him make his mistakes right.He burns his staff the
thing that reveals his identity immidiatly.Cause he should gide from the world
to save it another day.The Invasion Plan fails but he tried everything.He and
the gaang hides in a secret hideout.After some time passes he fights the
firelord.But he had some doubts.Should he kill the fire lord.He is a bad gut
afterall.He damaged the world like no one,but he is still unconfortable with
killing.He learns a secret technique form a Giant Lionturtle and he takes the
bending of the firelord.He does what is right for him he doesn’t kill anyone but
he still saves the world. That is the character arc of Aang he saves the world
even he doesn’t beline in himself.He grows troughout the show to become an
older person mentally. This is Aang The Last Airbender,The Avatar and the 12
year old kid that saved the world.
Katara is a 14 year old waterbender from norhtern water tribe.She is the
daughter of Kya and Hakoda, and sister of Sokka.She is the spiritual mother of
the gaang even she lost one.Her mother, Kya gets killed in an attack from fire
nation to protect the last waterbender from northern Water Tribe.A man
comes to their home when Kya is alone while Hakoda is trying to defend the
tribe.He asks her who is the last waterbender of norther water tribe and even
though she isn’t, Katara is she sacrifices her self and says she is the last
waterbender.After that Katara has been dealing with her mothers loss. She
always mentions her troughout her journey but she is always supportive with
everyone. For example she is the master of Aang to teach waterbending. When
they reach south pole to both master waterbending Aang doesn’t master it
bubt Katara does like no one else.So it is Katara’s mission to teach Aang
waterbending.But it wasnt easy.When they reached the southern water tribe
the waterbending master, Master Pakku refused to teach her waterbending

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