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Revision 6

Security Manager Date


Emergency Preparedness Manager Date

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RBSC Board Approval Date


President Effective Charter Date


The Charter allowing hunting privilegeson Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C., (Entergy)
propertywas granted on October19, 1990, and will remain in force uninterrupted unless
rescinded by the Vice President, River Bend Station (reference: letter, J.C. Deddens to J. Fullerton, dated
10/19/90). Deer hunting was recommended by Louisiana Wildlife & Fisheries District VII Game Supervisor
based on APC parasite studies done in 1988 & 1989 which documented severe overpopulation of the deer
herd with many deer testing positive for Bluetongue or EHD virus
(reference: letter to G. Alan Bysfield from LDWF, dated 7/31/90 with attached parasite study
results). Fishing on the lakes and pondson the Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C. property
was allowed beginning May 1,1994. No fishing allowed during deer hunting season. (The only
exclusion is the pond on Hwy 61 acrossfrom the Entergy Center.)
This Charter is extended to allow permanent, full time (includes those on temporary leave of
absence), Entergy personnelto participate in voluntary, game management practices, including
harvesting of deer and turkey on River Bend Station (RBS) property in accordance with memo
RBEXEC-02-030 dated 12/11/02 from RBS Vice President to RBSC President. These practices are
to be consistent with the fulfillment ofapplicable environmental commitments contained in the
River Bend Station License, the game laws ofthe State of Louisiana andthe Deer Man a gement
Assistance Program administered by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.
NOTE: “River BendSportsman’s CIub”, URBSCJ, and”Club”are the same.
RBS Emergency Planning and Security must review and approve all revisions to the Charter
prior to the new revision being effective.
Ill. A Board of Officers is created to administer this Charter, Conditions, Laws and By -Ia ws a nd to
promote the safe, environmentally conscious use of this sportsman’s club. The Board shall
consist of the following ELECTED officials:
• President
• Vice-President
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• 14 Board Representatives
A minimum of seven (7) Board representatives shall be elected from River Bend and seven (7)
from locations outside of River Bend. Officers and Boarti Representatives shall be elected by
a simple majority vote cast by all paying members of record. Election shall be by secret
ballot. All Officers and Board Representatives shall serve a term of four (4) yea rs. Officers
and Board Representatives may be reelected to serve consecutive terms. In case of
resignation or loss of a Board Member (including officer) in mid-term, the person receiving
the next highest vote count from the last election will replace them. Should there not be
another candidate the President may appoint an interim Board member to serve the
remaining term. The same conditions apply to any new board positions.
• Nominations for Officer and Board Representatives will be solicited by the Secretary
beginning February 1st with the election to be held byApril land new Officers and Board
Representatives in place by the Spring General Membership meeting and everyfour (4) years
thereafter. Nominations must be in writing to the Secretary, email is accepted.
IV. The President, Vice-President and Treasurer of RBSC shall be River Bend employees. This is
required due to the continuing business relationship between the Board and the Vice-President,
River Bend Station and the location of the RBSC checking account.

(1) RBS Management at any time may suspend access to the property due to heightened
security conditions, plant conditions or discretionary reasons.
(2) Members will follow all instructions provided by RBS Security personnel, RBS
Management, Law Enforcement personneland Emergency Response personnel.
(3) Only RBSC members meeting property access requirements may hunt andfish.
(4) Firearms, open fires, drugs and alcohol are strictly forbidden on Entergy property while hunting, fishing or
performing any club activities.
(5) Hunting will be by bow and arrow only. Huntingandfishingarerestrictedtothepropertyoutsideof
the Exclusion Area Boundary(EAB 0.6 miles) around the nuclear
plant (marked with yellow”EAB Do Not Enter” signs) No hunting is allowed within 200
feet of the security firing range. No stands are to be placed within 150 feet of any
property line per parish law, within lOOfeet of Fancy Point Switchyard, or 200 feet from
the Security Firing Range.
(6) The maximum number of Club members allowed per hunting season is one hundred
(100) plus 2 honorary memberships for the Vice-President River Bend Station and
General Plant Manager. All members shall have clearlyvisible a current R BSC win dow
decal. The vehicle must be parked in designated areas such that the RBSC decal can be
clearly seen by personnel approaching from the road.
(7) Check In and Check Out procedures are required forsafety and include:
a) An official logbook must be maintained, and a record kept of members entering
Entergy propertyto hunt, fish or travel beyond the immediate area aroundthe club
house grounds.
b) No pinning in prior to 4:30 a.m.! The club logbook must have the time entering th e
woods recorded, and the mapmust be appropriately pinned for hunting, fishing,
scouting, work or any other activity. When returning from above activity th e tim e
must be logged upon leaving the woods and the pin removed from the mapat th at
time. (If you are not in the woods remove your pin!)

(8) All members shall fill outand signan RBSC Emergency ResponseAction Form. Membets
are required to comply with the instructionsonthisform.
(9) Safety is the primary concern of this Clubandbecause most hunting accidents involve
elevated tree stands the following restrictions are made.
a) When hunting from an elevated stand a safety belt or harness is required. Lifelines are encouraged.
b) It isthe hunter’s responsibilityto maintaintheirstandsand equipment in safe workingorder.Anysets
found to be unsafe or growing into a tree are to be reported
to a board member or officer. The officer or board member can authorize remcial of
the stand as needed. Failure to maintain your equipment in a safe order could result
in a temporaryor permanent loss of hunting privileges.

(10) The following requirements are necessaryto protect the timber and define what type of
stands and blinds are allowed on the property.
a) No stands, structures, blinds, or roofs are to be attached to trees with screws or nails.
b) Tree stands shall be affixed to the tree or structure using rope, chain, wire or other
non-permanent means.
c) No objects of any size may be driven into trees. An exception is made to allow “corkscrew”
type, removable steps to be screwed into trees. However, the size of the tree and the location
of the step must be considered. All screw-in tree steps must be removed when stands are
d) The numberoftree stands per membershall be limited to four(4), Each stand shall
be identified with the member’s identification number OR their name visible from
the ground.
e) No whole trees may be cut or damaged. Trimming limbs for shooting lanes is
f) No stands, blinds, or platforms that would be considered permanent or constructed
of wood are allowed.
g) Portable stands and blinds are allowed. For the purpose ofthis regulation portable is
defined as something that can be easily carried and set up without the aid of a
vehicle or other mechanical means.
Examples of portable: climbing stands, hang-on stands, ladder stands, metal tripods
or quadpods meeting the definition of portable, popup ground blinds or snap
together plastic blinds, metal platforms for said blinds that meet the definition of
portable. (If there is a doubt the member should consult with the President or Vice
President for approval prior to bringing the stand/blind on the property.)
(11) State of Louisiana hunting regulations will be strictly adhered to. These regulations
include requirements of the “Deer Management Assistance Program” (DMAP),
a) The harvesting of deer shall be regulated by the issuance of “DMAP tags” by
LDWF biologists. All animals harvested (deer & turkey) must be properly
recorded in the official club logbook and the deer properly recorded in the
LDWF Kill Record Sheets located at the check station.
b) A DMAP tag must be affixed to your deer prior to it being moved. You do not
have to carrya tagon your person. Upon harvesting a deer, obtain a DMAP tag
from the clubhouse and affix it to your deer.
c) RBSC is on a buck and doe DMAP program. Ensure you grab the correct sex tag
for your harvest.
d) The lower jawbone from each deer shall be saved and deposited in the basket
provided. It is acceptable to turn in the jawbone to the basket after taking the
animal home for pictures. When mounting deer, the jawbone must be turned in
to the LDWF office by the DMAP deadline.
(12) The RBSC will maintain a broad form liability insurance policy valued ata minimum of
$2,000,000 or as specified by lease agreement as long as members are allowed on Entergy

(13) The Board shall set Club dues each year prior to membership ren ewal. The a mount of
regular dues per person/per year shall Be set by the Board of Director based on
anticipated expenses and lease rent amount. The dispersion of Club funds will be
determined and approved bythe Board by a simple majorityvote.
(14) The Charter, Conditions and Laws and By-laws are allowed to be changed or deleted
every four years after an election by the Board using a simple majority vote provided a
quorum (2/3) is present. Abstaining is not allowed. Changes during this four year
period requires 2/3 of the board members to agree that an issue be discussed and voted
on. This should not be a normal practice andthe rules should be maintained as consistent
as possible. The president onlyvotes in the event of a tie.
(15) Proposalsto change the Charter, Conditions and Lawsand By-laws may be submitted by
any club member. The proposalmust be in writing and submitted to a board member.
The intent is these are to be voted on and incorporated after an election and priorto the
season start. (See 14 above)
(16) Violation ofthe ClubCharter, ConditionsandLawsandBy-laws by any member may
resultin disciplinaryaction, includingsuspensionof hunting privileges for a period of
time determined bythe Board, based on the severity of the incident.


(1) The Clubyear beginson March 1 and extendsto thelastdayofFebruarythefollowing

(2) Any permanent Entergy emplciiee (including leave ofabsence), is considered a member
of the RBSCwhena,b,c, d, e and fare completed:
a) Annual Club dues paid by the established deadline.
b) Club Charter & Laws & By-laws read and agreed to by signature.
c) Waiver of Entergy liability signed with updated member information form.
d) An RBSC Emergency Response Action form has been completed and returned with
membership packet
e) Member cell phone has been set up to receive Everbridge notifications
f) Eight hours of documented work (per member)are required to maintain
the club house, land and Clubaccess, completed before October 1 of each
year. Hours worked are to be documented in a work log.
• Any member who supplies a tractor or riding mower to work Club
property is allowed to double the actual time worked.
• Members may be allowed to pay a $lOOfee in lieu of work hours/days
based on the needs ofthe Clubatthattime.
• Board may schedule a designated workdaybeyond Oct 1’ and grant
an extension for work hours.
g) After a, b, and c, above are completed, a permanent identification number
is assigned the new member, along with a memberl.D. card and vehicle
sticker. The member cannot access the property until d and e are
completed and memberscannot hunt until a—f above are met.
(3) Annual membership dues are $200 which indudes the lease payment share per member.
Any other fees (work time) are due by October 1’. Membership dues are subject to
change based on lease agreement price.
(4) A waiting list was established when the membership roll filled in 1990. (100 regular
members). As openings develop, the first name on the waiting list will be invited to
become a member provided requirements in item 2 (a-c) above are met. Active members
who are laid off willgo to the front of the waiting list should they be rehired
(5) Antlerless deertags (doe tags), buck tags,jawbone tags and DMAP instructionsfor their
use will be contained in the club house log room. Each member is responsible for proper
use of the antlerless deer tags and bucktags and for providing a jawbone properly and
securely labeled.
(6) Possession of a camera on Entergy property for wildlife and Club photography is
permitted. You must have your employee l.D. or Club l.D. in your possession at all
times. Photography of the River Bend Station buildings and facility are forbidden.
Please use discretion when photographing near roads and public areas.
(7) Courtesy between fellow Entergy hunters is expected and required.
(8) A distance of 200 yards is required between hunters unless agreed upon between the individuals.

(9) There is no specified allowed time for scouting, baiting, and checking cameras. The intent
is for this not to be a bused. It is encouraged that you use common sense and good hunter
etiquette when picking thetimesyou enter the woods forthese activities. A dista nce of 500 yards
should be maintained between anyone hunting while doing any of these activities.
If you are unsure what is considered common sense orgood hunter etiquette, please ask.
If you receive some coaching by a seasoned hunter, board member, or officer please be
receptive to the feed back.
(10) If a deer is shot near an Entergy property line and travels across the line to adjacent
property, DO NOT ENTER the adjacent propertyfor any reason until accompanied by a
Board member. The Board member will call the landowner and arrange for permission
to enter the property and search for the deer. No exceptions! Wounded deer may be
retrieved from “no hunting” areas outside the EAB (0.6 miles) on Entergy property
without Board member assistance. Only badged RBS personnel are allowedto track and
retrieve wounded animals inside the EAB.
(11) If a hunter sees an individual trespassing on Entergy property, be observant of any
means of identification (vehicle, unusual hat, gun, etc.). Do not confront the individual
for any reason ifthey are carrying a firearm. Reportthe sighting to the highest-ranking
Club Officer available to determine course of action.
(12) Tracking dogs are allowed to be used lAW LDWF regulations. The dog owner does not
have to be a member of RBSC as long as theyare with an RBSC member while tra cking
and retrieving the deer.
(13) A member is allowed 3 doetags for the entire season.
(14) A member is allowed 3 buck tags for the entire season (see buck criteria below)
(15) Bucks must have a 12” inside spread OR 15” main beam length on one side. A $100 fine will be imposed
forall non-legal bucks. If a button buck istaken it will result in a $lOOfineAND countas oneofthe members
three bucks for the season.
(16) Nofeedersof anytype are allowed during deer season. Handthrowing feed is allowed.
Feeders used for hog hunting outside of deer season are to be removed by September
(17) No driving down interiorroadwaysduringdeer season unless it isto retrieve an animal.
(18) No ATV5/UTVs are allowed outside of workdays/time. The use of an ATV/UTV for work time must be approved
by an RBSC Officer prior to use.
(19) Food plotsareto be paid for by the individual hunter. Newfood plots can be made on the propertyonce
they are approved by a board member or officer.


1> Set general, board and “special” meeting dates
2) Conduct meetings
3) OverseeallClubactivities
4) Sign RBSCchecksinTreasurr’sabsence
5) Assure RBSC Charter requirements are not violated should the Board vote to change the Laws & By-laws.
6) Provide the primary interface between the RBSC and the Vice-President of River Bend Station.
7) Administer the DMAP program, interface with LDWF, receive and control antlerless deer tags and disseminate
wildlife study results to the club.
8) Promotethe Club—definethe rolethe Clubshould play in stewardship of the land we are allowed to hunt.

1) Assistthe President
2) Assume the duties ofthe President when he is a bsent or unavailable.
3) Maintain order at meetings and social gatherings.
4) Review the Club financial status with the Treasurer and President
a) Atthebeginningoftheyear(March 1)
b) Just before the start of archery season (September 25)
c) Just after the archery season closes (February 1)
5) Promotetheclub

1) Control Club membership—maintain accurate list ofClub members with addresses
2) Maintainthewaitinglist
3) Collect log in sheets, track work time, ensure LDWF log sheets are correct.
4) Establish a means to keep all members informed of the Club news, Charter/By-law changes, rulechanges
5) Track completion of RBSC Emergency Response Actionforms
6) Maintain a list of members eligible to access and hunt on the property.
7) PromotetheClub.

1) Collectallfeesassetinthe Laws&By-laws.
2) Establish and maintainthe Club checking account
3) Sign all RBSC checks not signed by President
4) Maintain accurate record of Club expenditures, including those not by check.
5) Balance the Club checkbook each month
6) Prepare a financial report for each Board and General Membership meeting. Dis tribute an annual financial
reportto all membersof record.

1) Assistthe Officers in the performance of their duties.
2) Maintain active communication between Club members.
3) Coordinate club workdays.
4) PromotetheClub
5) Be present for Board meetings in person or teleconference

RBSC Emergency Response Action

The River Bend Sportsman’s Club (RBSC) property is part of the River Bend Nuclear Station Owner
Controlled Area (OCA). This requires all members to carrya cell phone setup to receive Everbridge
messageswhileon the RBSCpropertyand understandactionsto be taken in the event a messageis
received for an emergency.
If an emergency is declared, you will receive a message stating, “This is an emergency message from
River Bend Station”. If you receive this message at ANY time, you must immediately return to the club
house, unpin, sign out, and attemptto contact other members still signed in via cell phone. You areto
then leave the property.
Also, upon hearing any emergency announcements or emergency sirens (excluding the monthly siren
test conducted at 1000 on the first Wednesday of each month) you must immediately return to the club
house, unpin, sign out, and attemptto contact other members still signed in via cell phone. You areto
then leave the property.
The evacuation route is highway 965 to highway 61 unless directed otherwise.
During an emergency River Bend Security will do an accountability check of the OCA, including the RBSC
camp house.
To ensureyou receive messages via cell phone you are required to have adequate cell coverage while on
RBSC property. Area coverage maps and tests have proven that three major providers have adequate
coverage. These are AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint. If you have a provider other than those three you are
required to demonstrate you receive messages throughout the property.
By signing this document, you understand and agree to the terms stated above.
Failure to comply with these instructions could result in suspension or termination of your

Printed name Signature Date

Cell Provider: AT&T_ Verizon Sprint_ Other_ (___________________

This document replaces the requirementfor any additional Plateau training items. The form is required to
be signed annually by all members and kept on record with other membership documents.

Revised 8/22/22 Revision 1

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