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European Commission - Press release

Commission sets out actions to digitalise the energy sector to improve

efficiency and renewables integration
Strasbourg, 18 October 2022
The European Green Deal and the REPowerEU Plan require a deep transformation of our energy
system, which needs to become more interactive and smarter to help consumers embrace the
benefits of the green transition. Today, the Commission is presenting an Action Plan highlighting how
new technologies can help improve the efficient use of energy resources, facilitate the integration of
renewables into the grid, and save costs for EU consumers and energy companies. The Commission
is setting out actions to boost data sharing, promote investments in digital electricity infrastructure,
ensure benefits for consumers and strengthen cybersecurity. With data centres and the growing
appetite for online services demanding ever more resources from our energy system, today's plan
also outlines ways to decouple the energy footprint of the ICT sector from the exponential growth of
data. The green and digital transition must go hand in hand.
Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson said: “The European Green Deal and making Europe Fit for
the Digital Age are two central priorities of this Commission and go hand in hand. The aim is to make
our energy system more efficient and ready for increasing share of renewable energy sources. For
this, we need more innovative digital solutions and a grid that is much smarter and more interactive
than it is today. Today's Action Plan will help unlock the potential of digitalising the energy sector
and the important energy savings that this can provide, benefitting all consumers.”
Key actions to digitalise the energy system
In some areas of the energy sector, such as electric vehicles, photovoltaic installations and heat
pumps, digital and smart technologies are already in place and need support to scale up. In other
areas our energy system is just beginning to reap the benefits of digitalisation. In the coming
months and years, the Commission intends to take various steps to boost digital energy services
while ensuring an energy-efficient ICT sector, including:
helping consumers increase control over their energy use and bills through new digital
tools and services, with a strong governance framework for a common European energy data
controlling the energy consumption of the ICT sector including through an environmental
labelling scheme for data centres, an energy label for computers, measures to increase
transparency on the energy consumption of telecommunication services and an energy
efficiency label for blockchains;
strengthening the cybersecurity of energy networks through new legislation including
a Network Code for cybersecurity aspects of cross-border electricity flows under the EU
Electricity Regulation and Council Recommendation to improve the resilience of critical
The Commission will keep providing financial support for R&I and boost the uptake of digital
technologies in the energy sector through the Digital Europe Programme, LIFE, cohesion funds and a
flagship programme for Digitalisation of Energy under Horizon Europe. In cooperation with the
European Green Digital Coalition , it will also continue developing tools and methodologies to
measure the net environmental and climate impact of enabling digital technologies in the energy
As part of the European Green Deal, the Commission presented an EU Strategy for Energy System
Integration on 8 July 2020, where it committed to adopt a Digitalisation of Energy Action Plan to
develop a competitive market for digital energy services that ensures data privacy and sovereignty,
and supports investments in digital energy infrastructure.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine and current high energy prices have increased the need for the EU to
achieve its independence from Russian fossil fuel imports and its strategic sovereignty and security,
which can be boosted by the creation of a digital energy system. Increasing the digitalisation of the
EU's energy system is also essential to achieve the EU's 2030 and 2050 climate targets in a cost-
effective way.
For More Information
Digitalising the energy system: EU Action Plan
Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the EU Action Plan
Memo (Q&A)
CORDIS Results Pack on the digitalisation of the energy system
Digitalisation of the energy sector (

Press contacts:
Tim McPHIE (+ 32 2 295 86 02)
Giulia BEDINI (+32 2 295 86 61)
General public inquiries: Europe Direct by phone 00 800 67 89 10 11 or by email

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