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Cynthia Herrera 10/18/2022

Class rules Rationale Consequences Rewards

1. Follow teacher directives 1. It is important to understand 1. Verbal warning 1. Active participator-10 bonus
when entering the classroom what you will be doing while 2. In class time out points towards lowest grade
2. Come prepared with supplies in class. 3. Parent contact 2. Homework completed on
and completed homework 2. It is easier to complete tasks 4. Office referral time- 10 bonus points
3. Keep hands, feet and objects when you have all items towards lowest grade
to yourself necessary. 3. “Free time Friday”
4. Be an active participator in 3. It is important that you can 4. Free seating day
class hurt someone or make
5. Do not interrupt others when someone feel uncomfortable
talking, raise your hand if you place your hands, feet
or throw something at them.
4. In order to understand and
to be an active listener you
will need to ask questions,
be involved in the class
5. It is rude to interrupt
someone who is trying to
either respond to a question
or as a question,
Cynthia Herrera 10/18/22


TEKS: (C2) Objective: (C3)

Relationships of Organisms and environment ability to identify the differences and similarities of
both organisms and the environment.

Specific Measureable Attainable Relevant _Time

Grade: 7 Subject: Science

Task Analysis: (C4) What lang. must be taught: Strategy to teach Language: (C4)
Organism and
What skills must be taught: environment Class discussion regarding the new
Learning vocabulary words before reading the text vocabulary words, use study groups to
further understand the vocabulary

Assessment: (C5)
Poster presentation on the subject- in pairs of 2, students will demonstrate their knowledge and the provided
organism and the environment. After presentations are completed the students will be given a comprehensive test
on the subject to further evaluate their understanding

Strategies for Success: (C6) Element of Technology: (C6)

Compare and contrast the organisms to the Texts from textbook, online search engines
environments; Utilize cues and questions when Utilizing, CANVA, Sparkpage, google sheets
conducting lecture on the material
Learning Styles Addressed: (C6) Resources / Materials needed: (C6)

Visual – Graphs, pictures Information on top organisms and the environments

they belong to, illustrations of top organisms, texts from
Auditory – book, information pulled from online search engines.
Class discussions and lecture
Kinesethic –
Going outside or re-creating organisms for
hands on approach
Higher Order Questions to ask: (C6)

1. Are there 3 or more organisms that may relate to the same environment?

2. Why can an organism modify itself in one environment when another can’t?
How does an organism select the environment it lives in?

Hook: (C7) Closure: (C7)

Conversation starters and touch box 3:2:1 on an index card
3 things learned
2 questions
1 something the teacher needs to know
Cynthia Herrera 10/18/22

1. Teacher Input / Direct Instruction / Modeling: (C6)

Activate the brain by having students use the 9 R’s. Utilizing Recognizing, Retaining, Relationship between the
organisms and the environments. Follow writings and lectures regarding the material to be studied, going off of the
texts. Showing key elements to keep in mind for each subject to further understanding the connection and to
retain the information.

2. Student Activities / Guided Practice: (C6)

Having students get into groups of 2-3 to further expand their knowledge in the subject. During groups, have
students think of other type of organisms not yet discussed within their own group to share with the class to
further recognize other ideas.

3. Independent Practice: (C6)

For independent practice students will work on their own discovering the relationships of the organisms prior to
getting in groups to explore classmates organisms chosen.

Modifications / Accommodations: (E6) Comprehensible Input Techniques: (R6)

1.Quantity- adapt the number of items that the Utilizing graphs, pictures and examples of the subject
learner is expected to learn- adjusting the number of and the lesson.
organisms assigned.
2.time- adapt the time allotted and allowed for
learning, task, completion/testing- adjusting the
amount of time (+) for the student for better
3. output- adopt how the student can respond to
instruction- utilize open dialogue during class, utilizing
groups for better understanding.
Cynthia Herrera 10/18/22

1. During the course of the subject, students will be able to identify the differences and similarities of both
organisms and the environment. 2. Through class discussion, student will be able to describe their
reflection the subject. 3. By the end of the subject, students will be able to illustrate their understanding of
the relationship of organisms and environment.

Retrieval Conversation starters and touch box-
Discussing with the students on what they will be learning, by utilizing the touch box to make a correlation
to the subject and let the topic of conversation begin by asking the students questions on what they think
the lesson will be.
Relevance Having the students understand the vocabulary of the subject, utilizing word banks to help understand
how to distinguish the information.
Routing Showing key elements to keep in mind for each subject to further understanding the connection and to retain
the information.

Retaining / Rehearsing
Getting the students into groups of 2-3 to discuss their take and their understanding with each other while discussing
others not mentioned.

Prior to getting into groups, students will work on their own, discovering the relationships of the organisms prior to
getting in groups to explore classmates organisms chosen.


Prior to having students get into the groups, a class discussion regarding the top organisms and how to incorporate the
importance of the environment, how to come to the conclusion of the similarities to help the student understand how to
In order to assess what students have learned a project will be completed for the student and the organism of their choice,
it will be a 75% part of the grade, while an assessment will be the remaining 25%. To master the material and to assess what
the students has learned a passing grade of a 80% will be considered acceptable of knowledge in the subject.
Information on top organisms and the environments they belong to, illustrations of top organisms, texts from book,
information pulled from online search engines.

After assessment and project the students will complete the following
3:2:1 on an index card
3 things learned
2 questions
1 something the teacher needs to know
Cynthia Herrera 10/18/22

Core Values (TIU3)

Dependability Optimism

Learning Styles (TIU4) Learning styles with 2 examples – place a star by your preferred styles

Style: Visual Style: auditory Style: Kinesthetic *

ex. ex. ex.

Using chart/graphs Listening to audio Hands on

ex. ex. ex.

Using flash cards Making rhymes Learn by doing

Activate the Brain – The R’s (TIU7)

1. Relationship 4. Retrieval 7. Re-exposing

2. 5. 8.
Rigor Routing Re-hearsing
3. 6. 9.
relevance Retaining Recognizing

Teach the Vocabulary (SS1)

1. Repetitive exposure to words 3. Indirect learning of vocabulary, using them in many

different contexts

2. 4.
Learning vocabulary words before reading Learning vocabulary in both written and oral speech.
the text

Strategies for Differentiation (SS2)

Tiered instruction- changing the level of complexity
Flexible grouping- allow children to learn from others
1. or required readiness of a task or unit of study in 3. and not just the group they are in.
order to meet the developmental needs of the
students involved.
Compacting curriculum- assessing a student’s
2. Anchoring activities- as students complete an 4. knowledge and skills. Providing alternative activities
assignment, they can be given a different activity for students who have already mastered curriculum
Strategies for Success (SS2-7) Provide 2 examples of each
while teacher is working with other students. content.
Cynthia Herrera 10/18/22

Strategies for Success (SS2-7) – Provide 2 examples of each

Think- pair share Project

Mind map Venn diagram

KWL chart

Compare and contrast Metaphors and analogies

For summarizing, using the “5, 5, 5”

Using the Cornell method to take notes method

Allow students to process questions and Use cue words to help the student
follow up with other questions while understand the material and help them
calling on other students. learn the material
Blooms Verbs (SS8 and SS9)
Create generate, conclude, produce, decide, defend, justify, and support.

APPS: Canva; spark video

Evaluate critique, categorize, collaborate, combine, contrast, formulate, integrate, reorganize, and
APPS: Padled; notion

Analyze diagram, differentiate, illustrate, infer, prioritize, and correlate.

APPS: Thinglink; google sheets

Apply chart, collect, predict, produce, provide, report, solve, and use.

APPS: Sparkpage; sway

Classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate
Sparkpost; feedly
Define, duplicate, list, memorize, repeat, state
Vocaroo; popplet
Cynthia Herrera 10/18/22

Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM5)

1. What are we doing to do better today?

How can we do better today?

Is what I am doing a good example of how a student should behave in class?

What are we supposed to be doing in class?

Modifications and Accommodations (E6)

Quantity Time Level of Support
Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the number of items that Adapt the time allotted and allowed Increase the amount of assistance to
the learner is expected to learn. for learning, task completion or keep the student on task or to
testing. reinforce/prompt use of specific skills.

Example Example Example

Limiting the number amount of Adjusting the amount of time the Utilizing groups to help the student,
organism the student is to learn student has on understanding and completing one on one interaction with
at a time. learning the organisms. the groups during class time.

Input Difficulty Output

Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the way instruction is Adapt the skill level, problem type, or Adapt how the student can respond to
delivered to the learner the rules on how the learner may instruction
approach the work.

Example Example Example

Using groups for assignments. Allow students to utilize texts and Have students have an open dialogue on
Utilizing hands on during group online search to research the different the assignment with others in class.
assignments. organisms chosen. Using groups to discuss what they have

Participation Notes:
Definition Alternate goals: Adapt the goals or outcome expectations while using the same
Adapt the extent to which a materials. EX.- have a student be able to distinguish different organisms while other
learner is actively involved in the students learn to understand the organism.
Example Substitute curriculum: provide different instruction and materials to meet alearner’s
Assigning one student from each individual goals. (moderate to severe disabilities)
group to be the speaker. Have all
students discuss what they did
during their group sessions.
Cynthia Herrera 10/18/22
Suggestions for working with Students in Poverty (E12)

If you notice that a student does not have lunch

Stop quickly when a child is being harassed in school money, check to make sure that a free lunch is an
option for the child.

Keep expectations for poor students high, poverty does Take time to explain the rationale for rules and
not mean ignorance procedures in your classroom

Don’t make comments about students clothes or Make it clear that you value all your students for
belongings unless they are violation of dress code their character and not for their possessions

Reading Strategies to Strengthen Literacy Skills (R8)

During reading- groups of 3-5, dividing A group of students studies a different

Jigsaw into home groups, within the groups assign aspect from same assignment and
expert groups that will provide share information with group
information to home group

During , before and after reading; introduce Experience that occurs when students
Shared reading
the information being read, KWL chart can be either join or share a reding of text
utilized while guided and supported by teacher

Concept of word games Before, during, after reading; utilizing word Match spoken words to written
walls and other activities that will help a child words while reading
to understand words being read

Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9)

Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content

1. Prepare the lesson

1.Graphic Organizers; 2. Outlines;; 3. Jigsaw text reading
2. Build background
1.Personal dictionaries; 2. Content word wall; 3. Concept definition map
3. Make verbal communication understandable
1.Explanation of Academic Tasks; 2. Use variety of techniques that include scaffolding and graphic organizers. 3.
Appropriate Speech
4. Learning strategies (this one should be easy!)
1.scaffolding techniques; 2. GIST summarizing strategy; 3. Questioning techniques
5. Opportunities for interaction
1.encouraging more elaborate responses; 2. Fostering student-student interaction; 3. Groping configurations
6. Practice and application
1.Hands on materials and/or manipulatives for practice; 2. Playing games for content review; 3. Social interactions

7. Lesson delivery
1.Content Objectives; 2. Students engaged in lesson; 3. Pacing

8. Review and assess

1.Reivew of Key vocabulary; 2. Review of key concepts; 3. Provide feedback
Name: Cynthia Herrera
Cynthia Herrera 10/18/22

After reviewing the characteristics and qualities of effective educators as identified by research,
write out 2 characteristics that will be easy for you to implement in your classroom and 2 that
you will consciously work on.

Glows Grows

The Effective Teacher as a person…

Speaks with appropriate tone and volume Invest time before and after school
Models ethical/ respectful behavior in all Practices self reflection for improvement.

The Effective Teacher as a professional…

Communicates clearly to engage students Implements changes as suggested by peers
Facilitates learning with best practice and admin
Is responsive to situations and students’ needs

The effective Teacher established classroom

management and organization that…

Maintains daily routines and procedures Maintains up to date seating chart

Maintains a clean and orderly classroom Has materials for substitutes readily available.

The Effective Teacher implements instruction

Maintains a positive attitude in difficult Requests technical support when necessary
situations. Prepared for emergencies in the classroom
Submits required reports and paperwork on
The Effective Teacher monitors student progress
and potential by…

Distributing student progress reports in a Using data to inform short and long term
professional manner. learning goals
Displaying consistency in grades- no extremes Implementing formal and informal
Cynthia Herrera 10/18/22
White board

Teacher Desk
Teacher Desk


Work table

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