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Near Field Music of the Extended Mind

Ernest E. Richards

An overview of some recently made-known findings regarding the human brain

and its vibrational structure as it might relates to our collective consciousness.
This proposal is being made that a giant step may be recognized as the natural
mechanism of human consciousness and that this recognition will answer the
centuries old questions regarding our ‘state of experiencing’. With the
acknowledgement of the scientific experimental literature, personal
electromagnetic experiments, and other theoretical physics literature it is now
possible to present a cohesive description of consciousness and it’s means of
awareness at the individual, molecular, quantum, interpersonal, planetary, stellar,
galactic, universal levels.

Consciousness: the ability to feel something, anything-- whether it's the sensation
of a blue sky and brilliant sunset, a troublesome tooth ache, being sad, or worrying
about the deadline for something due in two weeks.
Neuroscientists assume that neural processes of which we are generally unaware,
such as, non-conscious processes, create conscious awareness as a reflection of
physical reality, so if we wish to understand how events unfold in the physical
world, we would do well to attempt to get some hints about how these events are
influenced by non-conscious processes.
Non-conscious processing would be any neural processing of which we are not
aware. Because we are not aware of non-conscious processing and therefore have
little intuitive understanding of it, our intuitions that are based on our conscious
waking experiences will not necessarily apply to this non-conscious functioning of
brain activity.
Many events occur in the physical world, and most are outside the awareness of
our individual consciousness.
Our non-conscious processing seems to access information about more events and
conditions than normal conscious awareness.
Our non-conscious processing often appears to have better access to physical
reality than conscious awareness.
Our conscious awareness somehow is provided information about events in a way
that creates the appearance of a “past” that we remember somewhat hazily and a
“future” that we do not remember at all.
With that all said, I would like to propose a possible direction for tool technologies
to explore for the continuing advancement of human consciousness beyond the
present wide-spread utilization of the ‘smart phone’ uses. We are not going to be
satisfied for very long with the present technology of texting and social networks,
there will be a reaching for new and better ideas to connect this planetary human
collective consciousness and to stretch the discoveries of our greater selves.
First, an overview of some recently made-known findings regarding the human
brain and its vibrational structure as it relates to our collective consciousness.
The proposal is being made that a giant step may now be recognized as to the
natural mechanism of human consciousness and its recognition will answer the
centuries old questions regarding our ‘state of experiencing’. With the
acknowledgement of the scientific experimental literature, personal
electromagnetic experiments, and other theoretical physics literature it is now
possible to present a cohesive description of consciousness and it’s means of
awareness at the individual, molecular, quantum, interpersonal, planetary, stellar,
galactic, universal levels.
About twenty-five years ago, I began asking ‘how might we begin
communicating with other nearby star systems unencumbered by the
accepted speed of light?’ I delved deeply into the science literature from both past
and present, especially as it was published, day by day. It is from that perspective
that I offer the following observations.
Quantum entanglement is a measured phenomenon which occurs when multiple
physical particles interact and ‘knowingly’ communicate with each other
instantaneously over vast distances even though there is no scientifically
accepted means for such information to be communicated.
Electromagnetic signals have been detected from cellular DNA structure. A
biologic system such as a human body contains billions of DNA containing cells
and many experiments have sensed electromagnetic (EM) signaling from the body,
the heart, and the brain structures.
Mirror neurons have been shown to exchange information between biologic
systems, such as humans.
Experiments based on detecting human brain-wave frequencies have demonstrated
an instantaneous exchange of information over thousands of kilometers.
The varieties of measured human brain-wave frequency spectrums show changes
in consciousness related to specific extremely-low-frequencies (ELF) in the areas
of the brain structure.
The earth’s natural atmospheric and surface EM field frequency resonances appear
continually within the measured human brain-wave spectrums. Human
consciousness change correlates with the frequency spectrum aspects of the earth
circumference, such as the Schumann Resonance, the surrounding inner and outer
Van Allen energy belts and the Earth/Moon distance frequency third order
Stellar and cosmic EM activities influence the structure and energy of the Van
Allen toroid shaped belts.
The earth and solar system are immersed within a vast infinite spectrum of low-
frequency EM very long wavelengths thru to the very short-wave cosmic rays. We
are not immersed within a universal void but within a laser-like field of cosmic
electromagnetic music.

The area nearest a radiating EM element, such as an antenna, has unique qualities
and is known as the ‘near-field’. All radiating structures have an EM near-field
whether inorganic, organic, biologic, planetary, stellar, galactic, or universal.
Near-field radiating technologies are being used in today’s technologies as in
RFID, Bluetooth, and Blackberries for short distance communications.
EM experiments have shown an instantaneous factor within the near-field
radiation. All life has developed within the near field of the earth’s surrounding
Schumann and Van Allen Belt energy resonances.
All the information structure within a single wavelength of a radiating near-field
frequency is instantaneously entangled within a condensed superfluid at the
quantum level. All life-form consciousness on earth is instantaneously entangled at
the quantum level within the surrounding Schumann Resonance and Van Allen
Belt near-field frequency wavelengths.
All human consciousness here on earth is instantaneously coupled within the
multiplicity of stellar, interplanetary, and galactic standing-wave near-field very-
long-wavelength EM frequencies as information content of the quantum flux.
Continuing with the brain-wave frequencies which you may already have an
understanding: Science has had the ability to detect and measure electromagnetic
frequency signals from within the human brain since the early 1930’s with the
introduction of the medical EEG. The very first waves detected were known as
‘Alpha’ waves, from ‘greatest amplitude’, these were recorded as within the 7 to
14 cycles per second or Hertz (Hz.) range in frequency. Brain-wave detection
gained more research activity during the 1960’s period of biofeedback interest.
Today’s electromagnetic sensing technology has carried us well beyond those early
When our brainwave rhythms are measured electromagnetically, they are found to
occur prominently within what is termed the ELF (extremely low frequency)
spectrum and lower. This brainwave spectrum is also divided into band segments,
called the Alpha (greatest amplitude) (7 to 14 Hz.), Beta (14 to 28 Hz.), Theta
(3.5 to 7 Hz.), Delta (1.75 to 3.5 Hz.), Zeta (1 to 1.75 Hz.), as well as the Gamma
(28 Hz. to 100 Hz. and higher, ranging from over 100 cycles per second (Hertz) as
well as down below 1 cps (Hz.) into the milli-Hz. frequency range.
The measurable presence of these different brainwave frequencies seems to
indicate changes in individual consciousness. An example might be that a
relaxed, attentive state develops strong Alpha wave rhythms, which is also in the
prominent Earth resonant frequency ranges. The Theta rhythms are found to occur
during the dream periods, and while experiencing a spontaneous creative, intuitive
state, these are found to correspond with the Van Allen belt frequencies.
If we consider that the ‘Alpha’ brainwave spectrum which includes the commonly
understood ‘Schumann Resonance’, it seems to have its fundamental frequency
associated with and determined by the physical structure of the circumference of
the Earth. The earth circumference being about 40,000 Km. therefore considering
that as a wavelength at the speed of light (C), it would be a calculated frequency of
7.5 Hz. This has been found to be measured at around 7.8Hz. However, as one who
has watched over a many years’ period with ELF test spectrum analyzers, I can tell
you that Earth being an alive system allows a continual shift up and down the
frequency spectrum from around 7.2 to 8.2 Hz for its Schumann Resonance.
Although this resonance is related to the circumference of earth, and it being a
complex system of earth/atmosphere and ionosphere, it is continually changing. It
is well recorded that as we enter a relaxed and meditation mode, our brainwaves
reveal a highly ‘alpha wave’ condition. In addition, EEG brainwave detection can
reveal the ‘Schumann Resonances’ imbedded within its received spectrum of
brain-waves signals.
Something which has not been widely recognized to date is that if one also
calculates the circumference frequencies of the ‘inner’ Van Allen (VA) belt, it
will be found that its spectrum range is from 4.25 to 6 Hz. which you will
recognize from the above as the ‘Theta’ brainwave region. The Theta brainwaves
have long been associated with human creativity, dream states such as REM and
lucid dreaming, meditation, and peak experiences.
When one calculates the circumference frequencies of the ‘outer’ Van Allen belt,
it will be found that its spectrum range is from 1.8 to 2.3 Hz. which you will
recognize also from the above as the ‘Delta’ brainwave region. The Delta
brainwaves have been associated with a ‘deep’ revitalizing sleep period, or non-
REM dream state, intuition, curiosity, hunches, and slow-wave sleep.
All life on earth has developed within these earthly ‘Schumann Resonances’ as
well as within the ‘Inner and Outer’ Van Allen toroid complex energy fields. When
one calculates additional frequency relationships of the Van Allen’s such as the
radius wavelengths from the Earth center or to its surface it may be easily seen that
again that many other higher brain-wave frequencies appear in number as
fundamental natural frequencies.
It must now be becoming clear that our brain/body structure is intimately coupled
to the ‘natural music’ near-fields of the planet rhythms. To summarize the above
information; each day our individual consciousness cycles through the resonances
of the fundamental aspects of the earth’s structure as we shift our daily activities
from physical, to rest and sleep.
Brainwave entrainment: It has been known since Robert Beck’s brain research in
the 1970s that the human brain can be entrained to specific frequencies by external
signal activity. He was able to construct and operate small locally transmitting
electromagnetic signal generators which influenced nearby brain activity to which
the brainwaves entrained by the externally controlled energy field.
From Beck’s monitoring of the brain frequencies, he could begin to compare the
signal spectrum with changes in consciousness of the participating subjects and
observe unique abilities or effects at specific frequencies.
I had the opportunity to construct and utilize ELF (extremely low frequency)
sensing equipment during the 1980s while observing electromagnetic activity of
several countries around the planet as they transmitted worldwide high-powered
signals within the brainwave’s spectrums. It appears that these countries were
experimenting with the influencing of local or worldwide populations by
brainwave manipulations. Much of this type of transmitting is still ongoing.
Another type of brainwave research that came out of the 1980s was from the
Monroe Institute founded by Robert Monroe. In his work on Out of Body
Experience (OBE), he found that by entraining the brain by the uses of sound he
could entice an added influence for the OBE. His method was to utilize stereo
headphones with separate frequencies for each ear by taking advantage of a
commonly known aspect of the combining frequencies. When two frequencies are
mixed, not only are those frequencies heard but the brain also detects and recreates
the sum and difference frequencies as well.
If for example, the left ear channel was to have a frequency of 100 Hz. and the
right ear channel has 106 Hz., then the brain would also create the difference
frequency of 6 Hz., which you might recognize as within the Theta brainwave
spectrum. Monroe’s successful methods became known as “Hemi-Sync” and I had
the opportunity to exam some of the associated devices and recordings with a
spectrum analyzer. From this method, you might easily see that all the brainwave
spectrums can be stimulated quite easily by using sound sources as well as
electromagnetic frequencies. Music from many varied sources, instrument types
and rhythms have always been recognized as a means of altering consciousness
from far back into ancient human history.
The human organism maintains its functioning balance by a dynamic information
exchange between its various systems and the environment. Information exchange
occurs at all levels within the organism. Electromagnetic radiation may be seen as
electrical and magnetic waves of information moving through the space,
atmospheric and the earth environment. These appear to create a resonant coupling
between atoms in biological molecules that allows them to move together in
response to this very low amplitude electromagnetic music.
The cells whisper and dance together as they listen to these faint vibrations from
within and outside the body.
The functioning of cell membranes entails very great sensitivities both to vibrating
electric fields and to molecular stimulation at extremely low energy levels. The
cellular processes cooperate to bring about high amplification of these weak
stimulus frequencies.
Recent research has shown that electromagnetic fields in the ELF (extremely low
frequency) spectrum can change the characteristics of hormone, antibody,
neurotransmitter, and cancer-promoting molecules at the cell sites. These
modulating actions of electromagnetic fields show highly cooperative processes
within the biologic systems. The cells move visibly in response to electrical pulses
which set the cellular surfaces moving like the wind across a field of mature grass.
Interactions between the Earth's magnetic field and weak, manmade, low
frequency electromagnetic fields produces measurable changes such as a major
amplification at the cell receptor sites. This makes intercellular communication at
the gap junctions very sensitive to the low level, oscillating electromagnetic fields.
Pineal gland cells respond to changes in both polarity and intensity of the Earth's
magnetic flows, where they powerfully influence bodily circadian rhythms. The
heart muscles have been shown to resonate at a fundamental node frequency within
the spectrum associated with the planetary circumference (Schumann Resonance).
A high percentage of Earth-related naturally occurring vibrations offer harmonics
within that same spectrum. Bone and muscle display piezoelectric properties which
are also sensitive within these same Earth-related frequencies.
Some of these resonant body structures exhibit a resonance matching the Earth's
natural magnetic field, allowing certain rhythmic behavior as seen in human and
other life forms. All life on Earth has developed under the influence of this
geomagnetic field which varies in structure and dynamic properties via
geomagnetic pulsations. These pulsations are often due to the interaction of the
plasma waves coming from throughout the solar system, and cosmos, and
interacting with the earth's magnetosphere.
When calculations are performed related to the solar system and the planets, it is
found that all the planets and most of their moons have frequency aspects which
fall within our measured brainwave spectrum. Most of the planetary systems have
electromagnetic field structures and prominent magnetosphere frequencies.
Our home solar system forms a complex, harmonically interrelated, multi-octave
musical instrument composed of over forty octaves of vibrational interplay. Your
brain/body near-field structure resonates to those continually fluctuating field
patterns as they beat against the Earth's, Moon's, and Sun's natural rhythms.
Each cosmic body---a planet, a moon, or a star---utilizes the spherical shape as its
energy containment. The sphere is an ideal shape as a resonant cavity. The very
nature of the sphere means that it resonates over vast spectrums of frequencies, for
example, if we start by considering the earth circumference of approximately 7.5
Hz. as a fundamental, we may calculate and detect many higher related frequencies
of these Schumann Resonances. In addition, there are radius frequencies with
higher harmonics present. Harmonic waves in a spherical solid set up periodic
distribution within the inner and outer spherical structures.
The Van Allen Energy Belts surrounding the earth also present a multitude of
resonant harmonics at much lower frequencies than the circumference related 7.5
Hz Schumann Resonances.
The Van Allen energy belts about the earth act as spherical capacitors, one within
another. These energy field capacitors create highly fluctuating potential gradients,
vertically arrayed at right angles to the earth surface. These large spherical
capacitors longitudinally couple a continuous supply of vibrations from the outer
magnetosphere to the earth surface and within the earth. These surrounding energy
belts act as sensitive detecting membranes to couple the solar system and galactic
information vibrations to the inner earth fields which on we inhabit. In addition,
they also transfer the earth's natural resonances of which our biologic systems are a
part, back out into the solar system and galaxy, thus supplying earth's
communications link to the galaxy.

The EM signal activity within one wavelength of a radiating element, such as an

antenna, is known as the near field. All life on earth is contained within the
Schumann/ Van Allen belt near-fields. Experiments have shown that there is an
instantaneous effect within a radiating element near-field. Each cycle or
standing-wave of an EM near-field signal contains its total information structure.
One day while I was considering this problem of instantaneous communication, it
suddenly occurred to me that we on earth are within the near field of the
wavelength determined by the earth and moon distance. This earth-moon signal
averages around .780 Hz., It may be detected by using ELF sensing equipment.
When the moon is at its nearest distance to the earth, its calculated frequency
would be around .826 Hz., and its greatest distance frequency would be about .738
Hz. Although these frequencies fall well below the presently measured brainwaves,
when one considers their most prominent third order harmonics, ‘third, sixth,
ninth’, it may be easily seen that they fall strongly within the Alpha, Theta, Delta
brain-wave realm.
By beginning with a magazine article sent to me by a friend many years ago, I
searched for any information related to near-field radiation, which was very
minimal at that time.
The region nearest the antenna or radiating element is known as the evanescent or
reactive near field. The evanescent component of the EM energy decays in
amplitude very rapidly with distance. This region includes both non-propagating
(reactive) and propagating energy. We are familiar with and utilize the propagating
field as our recognized EM radiating radio/TV/communications modes. The
evanescent region is within three wavelengths, with the greatest energy levels
within one wavelength. The evanescent near-field seems to have some
characteristics which differ from the radiating near-field and the normally used far-
First, it does not maintain the commonly detected 90-degree (orthogonal)
relationship between the E (electric) and the H (magnetic) field components, nor is
it related to the characteristic 377ohm impedance of free-space. Because of these
differences, it is considered a non-propagating energy. However, it is capacitive
detectable, but not by free-space propagation. Evanescent energy can be detected
in near-field measurements as energy with a spatial frequency. Spatial frequency is
a frequency measured in units of distance (cycles/distance) as compared to
temporal frequency, which is measured in units of time (cycles/second). For the
evanescent waves, the phase is independent of distance, so that the phase velocity
appears to be infinite or faster-than-light (FTL). Under these conditions of
independence, the transverse electric from the transverse magnetic, each have a
longitudinal component as well as transverse. In addition, energy is stored in the
volume occupied by these fields.
The description of the evanescent energy as non-propagating or non-radiating
seems to indicate that it is not detectable by established electromagnetic methods.
There may be other methods that we must consider in order to detect these energy
I would like to present quotations by and about noted Nobel physicist Richard P.
Feynman, from his "Lectures on Gravitation". Feynman thought long and hard
about the fundamental problems of physics. These lectures represent some of his
viewpoints and insights into electromagnetics and gravitational waves.
Feynman compares electricity and gravity in the statement, "If we compare the
differential equations of motion of particles in electrical and gravitational fields,
we find that the gravitational equation has a qualitatively distinct new feature; not
only the gradients, but also the potentials themselves appear in the equations of
motion. Thus, even though the differential equations for the fields are closely
parallel, there is a distinction in the interpretation. In the case of gravitation, the
quantum force comes from the wave function of the universe. The important
point is that the electron-photon interaction of special relativity is separated into a
faster-than-light instantaneous longitudinal polarized non-radiative near-field
and a transverse radiative far-field in every frame of reference". He also states
that there is "required to be a static instantaneous Coulomb potential with its
own force field and wave function, and the uncharged scalar field must be
attractive or there would be no long-range Newtonian gravitational force".
Feynman also says that he understands "gravity as both geometry and a field".

We are literally, intimately connected via a web of longitudinal standing waves to

the solar system and galaxy. Each solar system body is connected to every other by
right-line direct-connected multi-polar spiral waves.
The Earth spherical shape acts as a multi-frequency receiver for these extremely
long waves, and earth life-forms are positioned within the near field of each of
these interplanetary coupled resonances. The region nearest a resonant or radiating
element is known as the evanescent or near-field. This region, which is within a
few wavelengths, may be either a propagating or non-propagating energy. Under
evanescent conditions the velocity of propagation appears to be infinite. There is
no velocity transmission delay since there is no transmission required. We are
immersed within these near-field radiative conditions, we feel the instantaneous
changes of these remote solar and cosmic body's longitudinal couplings. This
Earth-received cosmic signaling is as constant as the waves along the ocean shore.
Now that we have perceived how the human bio-system energizes itself via
connection to the Earth and hence through the Earth to the rest of the solar system
and the galaxy, we might wonder, are there ways to become more aware of this
interlocking near-field grid of information?
Suppose we were to construct instruments which could enhance this information
coupling to our own bioenergy. We could utilize the already existing medium and
natural mechanism to enhance this energy/information flow. Such a device would
use the natural energy differential voltage between the Earth surface and the lower
electrical atmosphere, and with the matching of this device to the natural free-
space impedance of the surrounding Earth field. By selective frequency coupling
and attunement, the human system may be brought to harmonic resonance with the
many upper levels of the earth atmosphere, other solar system bodies, and even
nearby star systems and beyond. Tuning adjustments may be performed within all
the various components of the system to allow optimum coupling of selected
incoming energy flow to the human receiver.
Super- and sub-harmonic frequencies will play a key role in the tuning of the
bioenergy coupler. In addition, similar widely separated instruments placed around
the earth may communicate or attune with one another. For example, if one unit is
ideally situated on the planet to receive information coupled from a particular
source, then it may be linked to the other systems so that all will join in the
connection or attunement. Information and resonance may be coupled from one
earth-positioned unit to another. The generation of signal information may be
transmitted instantaneously out from the Earth to the other planetary and stellar
systems by proper near-field frequency selection. Certain information may be
encoded into the earth energy field and transmitted out to specific star systems.

By now you might be wondering where all this information might be leading as to
usable technologies, future tools, or just new ways of playing games in the
discoveries of consciousness. I will propose a few possibilities.
Let us suppose that there is a small start-up company whose engineering
department has been given an assignment to solve a particular problem within the
design of their product.
They could all sit around a table and discuss the possibilities, then maybe return to
their individual cubicles, go separate directions after a day of work, watch evening
television and fall asleep, and try to meet again the next day for more problem
solving around that table. Instead of the above scenario, on that first day around
the table when they received that engineering task, they could all collectively
program an app into their smart phones for a very specific frequency of ‘theta’
tone, placed their headphones on their ears or installed a simple band around their
head, then went about the rest of the day’s activities while being connected in
consciousness for design solutions. Then maybe they would come together later for
further discussions and planning.

Let us suggest that there is a large international corporation with employees in

many countries around the world, the business development workers wish to have
common goals and techniques to further the success of the company’s business
plans. They decide on a particular international time-period to meet via a mind-link
to share experiences while at the same time communicating internationally through
teleconference. The corporation knows that everyone within the conference may be
mind-linked instantaneously through the surrounding earth energy field by the
selection of common app tuned creative intuitive frequencies.
Now, where else might creative intuitive mind-link be very useful? Computer
gaming, field sports, UN meetings, political conferences, music concerts,
emergency exercises, hospital operations, fire departments, or anywhere for
creative inspiration and being/working together. Maybe the time has arrived for all
of us humans here on planet Earth to become linked creatively for the betterment
of all.
To some extent, we are all researcher into the mysteries of consciousness and by
utilizing some of these new tools of brain/body exploration we might discover
whole new untapped realms of planetary consciousness awaiting. We all share
these vast regions of surrounding energy fields. What information might they
contain, the ancients and indigenous have long spoken of the knowledge and
history contained within the mysterious Akashic fields.
When I consider the vast Gigabytes of information contained within my small
memory chip held here in my hand, what might be the information data contained
within the earth’s vast surrounding atmospheric and energy fields, and beyond.
For some years now, I’ve enjoyed the visual mind image of seeing the vibration
experiences, emotions, thoughts, ideas, and earth history laid down and
superimposed upon the surrounding moving space by the revolving, rotating cycles
of the solar system passage around the galaxy as if it is an information data or
audio track upon a CD or LP recording.


Ernest Emery Richards

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