Answer Key of Class 8

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Answer key of class 8

Passage 1 answers

a Calorific Value

bThe ignition temperature is the minimum temperature at which the material will ignite
without a spark or flame being present.
C The characteristics of a good fuel are as follows:
 It should have a high calorific value.
 It should be environment-friendly and burn completely without leaving any solid or
gaseous residue.
 It should be cheap and readily available.
dThe increase in Earth's average temperature over a long period of time. Carbon dioxide: A
gas released by the burning of coal, natural gas, oil, and wood that traps heat in the
e Food is a fuel for our body because inside our body food is broken down into simpler form
by reaction with oxygen and with the release of heat and energy.
Passage 2
a Disease-causing microorganisms are known as pathogens. They are also called germs.
b Viruses are non-living in nature until they come in contact with the living cells. Most of the
viruses are infectious in nature. Whereas some of the other microorganisms are useful in
nature. Viruses can multiply very rapidly than the microorganisms.
c Pathogens can be transmitted a few ways depending on the type. They can be spread
through skin contact, bodily fluids, airborne particles, contact with feces, and touching a
surface touched by an infected person.
D flies carrying germs with them. Such an unhygienic condition lead to spoilage of food
which when consumed can lead to serious illness.
3 Virtual and Virtual
4 None of these
5 Smooth ER
6 Hydogen
7 option a
10 a
Diagram based
11 (1) flies carrying germs with them. Such an unhygienic condition lead to spoilage of food
which when consumed can lead to serious illness.
(2) For energy production, microbes offer efficient and sustainable ways to convert plants or
other biomass into liquid fuels, hydrogen, methane, electricity, or chemical feedstocks
currently derived from fossil fuels.
(b)  Bacteria, protozoa and fungi act as decomposers. These decomposers break down
organic matter present in the bodies of dead plants and animals into simple substances and
mix them in the soil. A plant growing in this soil absorbs the nutrients and passes them to the
animals that consume the plant products.
© Microbes are useful for us in various ways like: 1) Helps to make many food items like
cheese, Curd etc. 2) Yeast cells are used to convert sugar into alcohol. 3)They also have
immense potential in the field of medicine
12 (a) The particles of fluids are constantly moving in all directions at random. As the
particles move, they keep bumping into each other and into anything else in their path.
These collisions cause pressure, and the pressure is exerted equally in all directions.
(b) The pressure in a liquid does not depend on the shape or size of the container. The
pressure in a liquid acts in all directions. Pressure exerted increase with depth of liquid.
Pressure at all points at equal depth is equal.
© Pressure increases as the depth increases. The pressure in a liquid is due to the weight of
the column of water above. Since the particles in a liquid are tightly packed, this pressure
acts in all directions
One word answers ;
13 25 pascal
14 Contact force occurs due to the contact between two different objects. Non-contact force
occurs due to either attraction or repulsion between two objects such that there is no contact
between these objects.
15 To minimize the friction between road surface and wheel surface, Wheels are designed
16 4 images
17 Because they have more tendency to lose electron than other element. this reaction is
called displacement reaction.
18 The non-metal and oxygen gas (O2) are the reactants in reaction. The product is a non-
metal oxide which is acidic in nature. For example, carbon and sulphur reacts with oxygen to
form non-metal oxide (dioxide).
19 Metal + acid → salt + hydrogen
When a metal is put in acid, it gets smaller and smaller as it gets used up in the chemical
reaction . At the same time, bubbles of gas can be seen.
20 Water is a conductor of electricity, so it can easily conduct electric current and cause
danger of electric shocks or short-circuits.
21 When carbon dioxide is released, it expands enormously and cools down. Due to this
temperature it brings down and this helps in controlling the fire.
22 Outer Zone because it is the hottest zone
23 Plant cell needs cell wall whereas animal cell do not because the plants need rigid
structure so that they can grow up and out . 
24 The smallest unit that can live on its own and that makes up all living organisms and the
tissues of the body.  Robert hook in 1665
25 Cells have different shape and size because different cell types have different functions.
For example : Red blood cells are shaped like a doughnut to carry more hemoglobin, and to
fit through small spaces, and neurons are long and skinny to span wide places to send
signals around the body .
26 A communicable disease is one that is spread from one person to another through a
variety of ways that include: contact with blood and bodily fluids; breathing in an airborne
virus; or by being bitten by an insect.
27 Rod . cocci, bacillius
28 sugar helps to prevent or slow the growth of bacteria, moulds and yeast in food like jam
and preserves.
Answers in 10-15 words
29 The pressure at the base of each vessel is given by ρgh where ρ is a density of
water, g is acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of water column in that vessel.So
pressure at a base is directly proportional to the height of water level.So decreasing order of
pressure is D>B>A>C
30-Rod A will sink more because less area more pressure
31 As pressure at the bottom of the ocean is very high, deep- sea divers wear special diving
suits to prevent their bodies from being crushed by the tremendous pressure of water
exerted on all sides.
32 Curd is made out of lactic acid. In the fridge, the temperature is low, and bacterial activity
is slowed down, creating difficulty in curd formation.
33 a Food preservation is the technique to prevent food spoilage, food poisoning, and
microbial contamination in food.”
b If food isn't handled, prepared or stored properly, it can become spoiled with germs
34( c)

(b)  It mostly contains all the unburnt wax. So when the candle is lit up the unburnt vapours
move away upward from the wick.
© Due to complete combustion, the outer zone is blue. This zone is the hottest in temperature
when compared to the other zones. This blue coloured zone is the non-luminous part of the

36(a) But it is not used as domestic fuel, due to several reasons : Hydrogen is not easily
available and cost of production is high Unlike other gases, hydrogen is not readily available in
the atmosphere. It requires processes like electrolysis of water for its production. This is a very
costly process and time consuming.
(b) The inadequate supply of oxygen during the combustion of the piece of paper produces
solid carbon particles that rise up in the flame. They become hot and glow to give off
yellowish light



(b) When magnesium is burnt in the air, it reacts with oxygen in the air and forms
magnesium oxide.
© A displacement reaction is the one wherein the atom or a set of atoms is displaced by
another atom in a molecule. For instance, when iron is added to a copper sulphate solution,
it displaces the copper metal. A + B-C → A-C + B.
39(a) When an object having a streamlined body shape moves very fast, then the fluid can
flow past the moving objects smoothly, reducing the fluid friction or drag. For example: (1)
Cars are built with streamlined body shape to reduce air resistance or drag caused by a air
(b) Friction reduces the speed of the moving objects and it even stops the motion of the
object. Friction between the objects produces heat. This results in the wastage of energy in
the machines. There will be wear and tear of the machine parts due to friction.
© STATIC FRICTION : is the friction exerted on an object at rest. . ROLLING Friction: is the
friction exerted when an object rolls over another surface.

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