SPT B2 Vocabulary

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No. Word Pronunciation English meaning Example
an idea, a feeling or an opinion that you get about What was your first impression
1 /ɪmˈpreʃn/ somebody/something, or that somebody/ Ấn tượng of HN?
something gives you
Would you like any
Recommendation an official suggestion about the best thing to do
2 /ˌrekəmenˈdeɪʃn/ Đề xuất recommendations for food to
Compare to examine people or things to see how they are Can you compare HN and HCM
3 /kəmˈper/ So sánh
(v) similar and how they are different City?
Memorable special, good or unusual and therefore worth Have you eaten anything really
4 /ˈmemərəbl/ Đáng nhớ
(adj) remembering or easy to remember memorable?
Witness to see something happen (typically a crime or an She was shocked by the violent
5 /ˈwɪtnəs/ Chứng kiến
(v) accident) scenes she had witnessed.
Have you witnessed anything
a series of actions that are always performed in the
Ritual out on the street, like activities
6 /ˈrɪtʃuəl/ same way, especially as part of a religious Nghi thức
(n) or rituals that you didn’t
Advice an opinion or a suggestion about what somebody Let me give you a piece of
7 /ədˈvaɪs/ Lời khuyên
(n) should do in a particular situation advice.
Effort the physical or mental energy that you need to do Have you made any effort to
8 /ˈefərt/ Nỗ lực
(n) something; something that takes a lot of energy learn Vietnamese?
Holiday a period of time when you are not at work or I'm afraid Mr. Joe is away on
9 /ˈhɑːlədeɪ/ Kỳ nghỉ
(n) school holiday this week
Business Is the trip to Rome business or
10 /ˈbɪznəs/ work that is part of your job Công việc
(n) pleasure?

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