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Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics

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Simulation of the cavity-binding site of three bacterial

multicopper oxidases upon complex stabilization:
interactional profile and electron transference
a a b
Martiniano Bello , Jose Correa-Basurto & Enrique Rudiño-Piñera
Laboratorio de Modelado Molecular y Bioinformática de la Escuela Superior de Medicina ,
Instituto Politécnico Nacional México , Plan de San Luis y Diaz Mirón S/N, Col. Casco de
Santo Tomas, Mexico City , CP. 11340 , México
Departamento de Medicina Molecular y Bioprocesos , Instituto de Biotecnología,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , Avenida Universidad 2001, Col. Chamilpa,
Cuernavaca , Morelos , CP 62210 , México
Published online: 16 Jul 2013.

To cite this article: Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics (2013): Simulation of the cavity-binding site of three
bacterial multicopper oxidases upon complex stabilization: interactional profile and electron transference pathways, Journal
of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2013.817954

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Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 2013

Simulation of the cavity-binding site of three bacterial multicopper oxidases upon complex
stabilization: interactional profile and electron transference pathways
Martiniano Belloa*, Jose Correa-Basurtoa and Enrique Rudiño-Piñerab
Laboratorio de Modelado Molecular y Bioinformática de la Escuela Superior de Medicina, Instituto Politécnico Nacional México,
Plan de San Luis y Diaz Mirón S/N, Col. Casco de Santo Tomas, Mexico City, CP. 11340, México; bDepartamento de Medicina
Molecular y Bioprocesos, Instituto de Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Avenida Universidad 2001,
Col. Chamilpa, Cuernavaca, Morelos CP 62210, México

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma

(Received 16 May 2013; final version received 16 June 2013)
Downloaded by [University of Haifa Library] at 18:43 19 July 2013

Previous studies have shown that multicopper oxidases (MCOs) oxidize organic and inorganic compounds through
oxidation–reduction reactions in which three structurally and functionally arranged copper centers coordinate the uptake
of an electron from a reduced substrate. Structural comparisons among three bacterial MCOs, with high structural homol-
ogy and available three-dimensional information, reveal that the primary structural differences between these MCOs are
located near the mononuclear copper center (T1Cu), where substrate oxidation occurs, as opposed to where the reduction
of oxygen to water occurs at the trinuclear center. Nevertheless, this substrate oxidation is achieved through an outer-
sphere electron transfer mechanism that does not generate a stable substrate–enzyme complex. In this study, MCOs from
Thermus thermophilus (Tth-MCO), Bacillus subtilis (CotA), and Escherichia coli (CueO), which have been previously
determined through X-ray crystallography, were used as models to analyze the binding modes of these MCOs to three
organic molecules, with specific interest in the substrate-binding site. The binding mode of the electron-donor molecule
to the electron transfer binding site was primarily attributed to hydrophobic contacts, which likely play an important role
in the determination of substrate specificity. Some complexes generated in this study showed an electron donor molecule
conformation in which an electron could be directly transferred to the histidines coordinating T1Cu, while for others
additional electron transference pathways were also possible through the participation of charged residues during electron
Keywords: multicopper oxidases; dynamic Simulations; transient complexes; electron transfer mechanism; protein–ligand

Introduction These copper centers coordinate the uptake of an

Multicopper oxidases (MCOs) are enzymes containing a electron from a reduced substrate. First, the one-electron
multiple copper center that catalyze the oxidation of a oxidation of the substrate occurs in the vicinity of mono-
broad range of substrates, including polyphenols, nuclear copper center type 1 (T1Cu) or the blue copper
substituted phenols, diamines, and inorganic compounds site, whose tight coordination to cysteine generates an
(Kosman, 2010; Solomon, Sundaram, & Machonkin, intense adsorption band of approximately 600 nm, giving
1996), concomitantly with the four-electron reduction of the enzyme a blue color. The oxidation is coupled to the
O2 to H2O (Quintanar et al., 2007; Solomon, Augustine, four-electron reduction of O2 to H2O at a trinuclear cop-
& Yoon, 2008). MCOs play roles in diverse physiologi- per center (TNC) comprising copper ion type 2 (T2Cu)
cal processes, such as lignin synthesis and degradation and the binuclear copper ion type 3 (T3Cu) Solomon
(Askwith et al., 1994; Hakulinen et al., 2002; Kosman, et al., 2008.
2010; Messerschmidt et al., 1992; Roberts et al., 2002), The co-crystallized complex between the fungal
pathogenesis (Dick, Torpey, Beveridge, & Tebo, 2008), laccase Trametes versicolor and 2,5-xylidine was the
and morphogenesis (Mayer & Staples, 2002). first MCO complex with organic compounds identified
The copper ions present in MCOs are structurally (Protein Data Bank (PDB) entry 1KYA). The inspection
and functionally arranged into three copper centers. of this complex shows that the electron transfer cavity

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2 M. Bello et al.

is rather wide, facilitating binding to larger substrate catalysis for MCOs occurs through an outer-sphere
molecules (Bertrand et al., 2002). This complex is electron transfer mechanism, in which the substrate and
primarily stabilized through hydrophobic interactions the enzyme do not necessarily establish stable chemical
and two polar residues, H458 and D206, and the two interactions (Marcus & Sutin, 1985). Therefore, this
residues establish hydrogen bonds with the amino group characteristic could be responsible for the few
of 2,5-xylidine. Based on this information, Bertrand substrate-MCO complexes available in the PDB. In fact,
et al. suggested that H458 could act as the primary as far as we know, the CotA-2,2-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzo-
acceptor of electrons from the substrate, whereas D206 thiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) complex is the only
is conserved in fungal laccases (Piontek, Antorini, & bacterial MCO substrate complex for which the crystal-
Choinowski, 2002). Furthermore, comparing the lographic structure has been determined (Enguita et al.,
substrate-binding sites between different fungal laccases 2004). For this complex, it was difficult to define the
revealed several similarities (Zhukhlistova, Zhukova, precise details of adduct binding at a resolution of
Lyashenko, Zaitsev, & Mikhailov, 2008). To date, 2.4 Å (Enguita et al., 2004), and the poor quality of its
several crystallographic structures of MCOs have been electron density made it difficult to determine the actual
determined and are available in the PDB: ascorbate incorporation of ABTS into the crystal (Bello et al.,
oxidase (Messerschmidt et al., 1992), ceruloplasmin 2012). A comparison of the substrate-binding sites
Downloaded by [University of Haifa Library] at 18:43 19 July 2013

(Bento, Peixoto, & Zaitsev, 2007), fungal laccases between the complexes of the fungal laccase from T.
(Antorini et al., 2002; De la Mora et al., 2012; Ducros versicolor bound to 2,5-xylidine and CotA-ABTS,
et al., 2001; Ferraroni et al., 2012; Ferraroni et al., revealed differences with respect to the ligand confor-
2007; Garavaglia et al., 2004; Hakulinen et al., 2002; mation in the ETBS, primarily reflecting substantial
Kallio et al., 2011; Lyashenko et al., 2006; Polyakov differences in the shape and dimension of both ligands
et al., 2009), Fet3p (Taylor, Stoj, Ziegler, Kosman, & (Zhukhlistova et al., 2008). Furthermore, the aromatic
Hart, 2005), CueO (Roberts et al., 2002), CotA (Engui- system of the 2,5-xylidine in the crystal structure of the
ta, Martins, Henriques, & Carrondo, 2003), phenoxazi- laccase from T. versicolor is virtually perpendicular to
none synthase (Smith, Camara-Artigas, Wang, Allen, & residue H458, and the imidazole ring of residue H457
Francisco, 2006), Tth-MCO (Serrano-Posada, Valderra- in the CotA protein structure is nearly perpendicular to
ma, Stojanoff, & Rudiño-Piñera, 2011), and MCOc the triazole ring of ABTS.
(Silva et al., 2012). According to the three-dimensional Consequently, MD simulations have been used to
structures of MCOs (Antorini et al., 2002; Bento et al., characterize transient complex formation (Bello et al.,
2007; De la Mora et al., 2012; Ducros et al., 2001; 2012) and attempt to improve the substrate specificity
Enguita et al., 2003; Ferraroni et al., 2012; Ferraroni toward a specific ligand (Gupta & Farinas, 2010). Never-
et al., 2007; Garavaglia et al., 2004; Hakulinen et al., theless, more information is necessary to understand the
2002; Kallio et al., 2011; Lyashenko et al., 2006; flexibility and dynamics of the MCOs’ binding sites and
Messerschmidt et al., 1992; Polyakov et al., 2009; identify the keys residues that stabilize the transient
Serrano-Posada et al., 2011; Silva et al., 2012; Smith complex. To address this problem, in this work, we per-
et al., 2006; Taylor et al., 2005), the structural topology formed long MD simulations (0.1 μ) for each bacterial
of these MCOs consists of three cupredoxin domains MCOs, as well as modified forms of CueO (CueOm) and
connected by linker peptides, where the T1Cu is Tth-MCO (Tth-MCOm). From which, 50 ns were
localized in the third domain, while the TNC is located performed for the copper-coordinated formations (Tth-
between the first and the third domain (Murphy, Lind- MCO, CueO, CotA CueOm, and Tth-MCOm) and another
ley, & Adman, 1997). Furthermore, in our previous 50 ns for the bound species, to evaluate the molecular
work, we used molecular dynamics (MD) simulations mechanisms and identify the key residues involved in
to show that proper copper coordination is essential to transient complex stabilization, and the energetic and the
observe the conformational mobility coupled to the dynamical properties relevant for the formation of the
biologically active form, with all the copper sites occu- electron transfer complex under aqueous conditions. The
pied (Bello, Valderrama, Serrano-Posada, & Rudiño-Piñ- three bacterial MCOs examined in this study share a
era, 2012). Based on the three-dimensional information, high degree of structural homology and adequate experi-
all MCOs present a well-defined hydrophobic binding mental evidence exists to support the oxidizing activity
site pocket of variable depths near T1Cu (Bertrand of these molecules toward three common organic com-
et al., 2002; Enguita et al., 2004). pounds: 2,6-dimethoxy phenol (3DM), syringaldazine
The available co-crystallized complexes have helped (SGZ), and ABTS Bello et al., 2012; Gupta & Farinas,
to characterize the nature of the electron transfer 2010; Gupta, Lee, & Farinas, 2010; Kataoka et al.,
binding site (ETBS) and the key residues that stabilize 2007; Messerschmidt & Oxidases, 1997. However, in
the complex transient formation. However, the chemical contrast to most of the MCOs, the substrate-binding site
nature of these complexes is not classical, and the of CueO is deeply buried under a methionine-rich helical
Cavity-binding site of three bacterial multicopper oxidases 3

region comprising α-helices 5, 6, and 7, which inhibits whether deleting these loops affects the ligand stabiliza-
the access of potential substrates (Kataoka et al., 2007; tion. These two MCOs were chosen because they had
Singh, Grass, Rensing, & Montfort, 2004). Interestingly, been reported for their the inability to obtain crystallized
the activity of these compounds, although at low levels, complexes between both MCOs and organic compounds,
toward ABTS, SGZ, and 3DM has been shown which have been attributed to the loop (β21-β24) and
(Kataoka et al., 2007; Singh et al., 2004). Our results α-helix 4 for Tth-MCO and CueO, respectively, two
indicate that, for most of the generated complexes, a protein regions that occlude the ETBS (Bello et al.,
similar enzyme–substrate complex is formed, in which 2012; Kataoka et al., 2007). Furthermore, although for
hydrophobic forces play a central role. In addition, the CueOm an increment in activity toward organic com-
electron donators for some complexes were located at a pounds, revealing that the lack of α-helix 4 favored the
distance to potentially donate an electron to one of the access of organic compounds (Kataoka et al., 2007) has
two coordinating histamines of CuT1. In other cases, been experimentally demonstrated, structural information
additional pathways are possible that involve direct about the complex form is not available. Therefore, this
electron transfer or involve charged residues that contribution could aid in designing a mutant for
coordinate the uptake and subsequent transfer of an Tth-MCO (Tth-MCOm), with which it would be possible
electron to CuT1. to obtain a crystallized complex. But for CueOm, whose
Downloaded by [University of Haifa Library] at 18:43 19 July 2013

tridimensional structure is available, our study will con-

tribute to get insights into the map of interactions
Methods involved in increasing the activity of CueOm with respect
The crystal structures of the hyperthermophilic MCO to Cueo and based on this information to propose new
from T. thermophilus (Tth-MCO, PDB entry 2XU9) and mutants. The coordinates for the amino acid residues that
the MCO from B. subtilis (CotA, PDB entry 1UVW, this had no density in the electron density map were
PDB entry has recently been replaced (Enguita et al., generated using the CPHmodels-3.0 server (Nielsen,
2003) new PDB entry 3ZDW) were used; however, the Lundegaard, Lund, & Petersen, 2010). PROCHECK
structural analysis between both entries does not show (Laskowski, MacArthur, Moss, & Thornton, 1993) was
significant changes (RMSD = 0.13 Å), and the interac- used to validate the stereochemistry of the resulting
tions between the ligand and the ETBS are similar (sup- three-dimensional models (supplementary material
plementary material, fig. 1S). The MCO from E. coli (Table 1S)).
(CueO, PDB entry 1N68) and the mutant form of CueO, All the MD simulations were performed in the
for which the α-helix 4 has been deleted (CueOm, PDB presence of explicit water molecules and Na+ counteri-
entry 2YXV), was used to build our MD models. A ons using GROMACS 4.0.5 software, with the
mutant form of Tth-MCO (Tth-MCOm) was created by GROMOS 53A6 force field (Oostenbrink, Villa, Mark,
deleting the linker connecting the β-strands 21 and 24 of & van Gunsteren, 2004). The simulation protocol used
the second domain (loop (β21-β24)D2) residues 287– for our system was identical to that described in our
312). The complexes between the Tth-MCO, CotA, previous study (Bello et al., 2012). Through the
CueO, CueOm, Tth-MCOm, and the organic compounds production runs, the trajectory data were saved every
ABTS, SGZ, and 3DM were built by taking out the last 1 ps, and the duration of the simulations was 50 ns for
conformation obtained from the 50 ns-long MD simula- holo forms and 50 ns for each complex form, summing
tion of the copper-coordinated forms above depicted and 0.1 μ for each system. For each system, the analysis
docking them with each one of the organic molecules in was performed after reaching equilibrium. Several
the ETBS to create the following theoretical complexes: geometrical properties, such as the root-mean-square
Tth-MCO-SGZ, Tth-MCO-3DM, CotA-SGZ, CotA- deviation (RMSD), root-mean-square fluctuation
3DM, CueO-ABTS, CueO-SGZ, and CueO-3DM for (RMSF), hydrogen bonding, radius of gyration (RG),
which another 50 ns-long MD simulation was run. Crys- and apolar, and polar solvent accessible surface areas
tallographic information was only available for the com- (SASA), were calculated according to our previous
plex CotA-ABTS (PDB entry 3ZDW has superseded studies (Bello et al., 2012). Average structures were
entry 1UVW since December 2012); therefore, it was determined for the complex forms over the last 30 ns of
not needed to construct the theoretical complex, and the a 50 ns-long simulation, using the GROMACS program
electron density deposited for the ABTS moiety was g_covar. Energy calculations were obtained through
weak and noncontinuous. The coordinates for the equili- short Lennard-Jones (LJ), and Coulomb energy (Coul)
brated copper-coordinated form of Tth-MCO (Holo) and calculations were performed using the g_energy
the Tth-MCO-ABTS complex were obtained from our module. The analysis was calculated using GROMACS
previous MD simulation study (Bello et al., 2012). For tools and homemade software. All the graphical
the mutant species, only the CueOm-ABTS and Tth- representations were obtained using PYMOL version
MCOm-ABTS complexes were constructed to determine 0.99rc6 (DeLano, 2002).
4 M. Bello et al.
Results and discussion
Interactional analysis and average properties
Stability and geometrical properties
The case of Tth-MCO
CotA-ABTS, CotA-SGZ, CotA-3DM, CueO-ABTS, Tth-MCO is one of the few MCOs with available
CueO-SGZ, CueO-3DM, and CueOm-ABTS formed three-dimensional information concerning its copper-
stable protein–ligand complexes. Before the ligand coordinated (holo) and free (apo) forms. Therefore, this
reached a stabilized conformation in the ETBS, a differ- system has been used in studies characterizing the asso-
ent region around the electron transfer site was scanned ciation between copper and protein mobility (Bello et al.,
for several ns. For almost all systems, the ligand reached 2012). These studies revealed that the presence or
a stable conformation inside the binding site for the last absence of copper coordination affects the conforma-
30 ns of a 50 ns-long simulation. Furthermore, through tional mobility of the loop (β21-β24) Bello et al., 2012.
that period of simulation, the RMSD oscillated approxi- However, crystallographic data for complexes between
mately 0.18–0.41 nm (Table 1). The comparison of the Tth-MCO and organic compounds have not been
plots between the apo and holo forms (data not shown) obtained, reflecting difficulties in obtaining the catalytic
indicates that in general all the apo forms required less nature of MCOs. Thus, MD simulations provide a
time to reach equilibrium (15 ns), whereas the complex remarkable method to study these transient complexes
forms reached equilibrium within the first 20 ns. and have been used in the present study to characterize
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However, apo forms were characterized by slightly the potential binding modes and important residues
higher RMSD values, which suggests that despite com- involved in this complex formation using the open
plex forms reaching equilibrium in longer simulation conformation of Tth-MCO (Bello et al., 2012). MD
times, under equilibrium times the complex forms were simulation revealed that ABTS is stabilized through
less flexible than the apo forms, revealing that the ligand hydrophobic, hydrophilic, and charged residues, but the
confers more stability to the protein structure. The only major forces that drive the complex arrangement are
exception was observed for Tth-MCOm and Tth-MCOm- hydrophobic in nature (Bello et al., 2012). Furthermore,
ABTS where a slight RMSD value characterized the although the thiazoline group is not located near the
complex form. Table 1 also shows the RG, SASA, and H450 residue, a charged residue, D390, could participate
hydrogen bonds (HB). Overall, these results are consis- in electron transfer to T1Cu, as proposed for fungal
tent with the nanosecond time scale and show that the lacasses (Zhukhlistova et al., 2008). However, in the
copper-coordinated (Tth-MCO, Tth-MCOm CotA, CueO, present study, we explored the ligand-binding mode of
and CueOm) and bound states each protein did not show SGZ or 3DM in the ETBS (see methods) of Tth-MCO
significant differences, were stable during the MD simu- because the catalytic activity of both organic compounds
lations and remained near the starting crystallographic has been previously reported (Bello et al., 2012; Mess-
coordinates. Taken together, these parameters show that erschmidt & Oxidases, 1997). Furthermore, to determine
the systems did not exhibit any significant conforma- whether this enzyme could conserve substrate affinity,
tional changes during the simulations. although a part of the substrate transfer site was not

Table 1. Geometrical properties of the free copper-coordinated and bound states.

System HBintra RG (nm) Apolar SASA (nm2) Polar SASA (nm2) RMSD equilibrium (nm)

Tth-MCO 202 ± 2 2.15 ± 0.01 192 ± 3 133 ± 2 0.41 ± 0.01
Tth-MCO-ABTS⁄ 204 ± 4 2.15 ± 0.01 195 ± 4 136 ± 3 0.19 ± 0.01
Tth-MCO-SGZ 202 ± 4 2.13 ± 0.01 190 ± 3 136 ± 2 0.19 ± 0.01
Tth-MCO-3DM 201 ± 5 2.14 ± 0.01 188 ± 3 136 ± 4 0.18 ± 0.01
Tth-MCOm 192 ± 4 2.1 ± 0.01 183 ± 4 127 ± 3 0.27 ± 0.01
Tth-MCOm-ABTS 192 ± 4 2.1 ± 0.01 185 ± 4 124 ± 2 0.33 ± 0.02
CotA 200 ± 11 2.3 ± 0.01 213 ± 3 165 ± 3 0.34 ± 0.01
CotA-ABTS 200 ± 11 2.3 ± 0.01 223 ± 4 172 ± 2 0.24 ± 0.01
CotA-SGZ 200 ± 4 2.3 ± 0.01 215 ± 4 166 ± 2 0.18 ± 0.01
CotA-3DM 201 ± 4 2.3 ± 0.01 215 ± 4 165 ± 3 0.18 ± 0.01
CueO 149 ± 4 2.2 ± 0.01 187 ± 4 150 ± 3 0.34 ± 0.01
CueO-ABTS 147 ± 4 2.18 ± 0.01 188 ± 4 152 ± 2 0.30 ± 0.014
CueO-3DM 147 ± 4 2.2 ± 0.01 188 ± 3 152 ± 2 0.32 ± 0.020
CueO-SGZ 149 ± 4 2.17 ± 0.01 186 ± 4 149 ± 3 0.25 ± 0.010
CueOm 142 ± 4 2.1 ± 0.01 176 ± 4 132 ± 3 0.30 ± 0.01
CueOm-ABTS 142 ± 4 2.0 ± 0.2 177 ± 3 132 ± 2 0.26 ± 0.015

These data were obtained from Bello et al. (2012).
Cavity-binding site of three bacterial multicopper oxidases 5

present, we created a variant form of Tth-MCO, where tion after 4 ns. Figure 4(C) and (D) show the average
the loop (β21-β24) was deleted (see methods). conformation and detailed interactions for the
In the Tth-MCO-SGZ complex, SGZ was docked in Tth-MCOm-ABTS complex, respectively. This complex is
a similar position as observed for ABTS in the stabilized through polar and charged residues, but
Tth-MCO-ABTS complex (Bello et al., 2012). In the charged residues primarily drive the arrangement of the
substrate electron transfer site, the SGZ reached a complex. Several contacts observed for Tth-MCO-ABTS
constant conformation after 18 ns of MD simulation. (Bello et al., 2012) are lost and the ligand conformation
Subsequently, until the end of MD simulation, the com- is changed, placing the electron donor group at a distance
plex was maintained primarily through hydrophobic of 9 Å from T1Cu (Figure 5(E)). However, D390 and
interactions (Table 2) between the second and third D392, which could participate in electron uptake, are
domains (Figure 1(A) and (B)). This ligand conformation located in close proximity to the ABTS (Figure 4(D)), as
placed the donor group at a distance of 6 Å from H450 observed for Tth-MCO-ABTS. Thus, despite the trunca-
(Figure 5(A)). Furthermore, D390 and D392 were tion of loop (β21-β24), Tth-MCOm maintained its binding
located near the electron-donor molecule and could properties.
participate in the uptake of electrons from the electron-
donor molecule (Figure 1(B)).
The case of CotA
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The Tth-MCO-3DM complex showed two constant

conformations for the 3DM molecule. The ligand Although diverse number of substrates oxidized through
reached a stable conformation during the first 4 ns of CotA have not been identified, the oxidation of ABTS
simulation, and this conformation was maintained until and SGZ through MCO has been well documented
20 ns of MD simulation (conformation 3DM1). Subse- (Gupta et al., 2010). Both, the substrate-free and ABTS-
quently, that ligand conformation was lost and another bound crystal structure are available, and the ABTS-
conformation (3DM2) was present at a more distant loca- bound structure is nearly identical to the native enzyme
tion (Figure 1(C) and (D)). Interestingly, both conforma- (Enguita et al., 2004; Enguita et al., 2003), suggesting
tions were located in hydrophobic regions, the second that no significant conformational changes occur in the
more than the first (Table 2), and shared almost the same bound state. The bound structure shows that 18 amino
distance and number of histidines that coordinate T1Cu acids (at a distance criterion of <5 Å) surround the sub-
(Figure 5(A)). Furthermore, despite these distances, strate, and most of these residues are hydrophobic in nat-
3DM1 was located 7.4 Å from D392 (residue shown as ure (Enguita et al., 2004; Enguita et al., 2003). However,
orange stick), sequential in sequence to H393, which the residues that stabilize the complex have not been
coordinates T1Cu. In contrast, 3DM2 is approximately defined (Enguita et al., 2004). Therefore, we performed a
11 Å from D392, in a ligand conformation not geometri- structural analysis of the MD simulations (50 ns) for the
cally optimized to donate an electron to D392. Moreover, complexes CotA-ABTS, CotA-SGZ, and CotA-3DM.
although 3DM shows a constant conformation in both Our results showed that within the first 5 ns of MD sim-
depicted sites, this ligand shows higher mobility com- ulation, the ligand scanned the ETBS for approximately
pared with SGZ and ABTS (Bello et al., 2012), suggest- 5 ns and subsequently reached a stable conformation,
ing that the ETBS in Tth-MCO facilitates bulky ligands. establishing contacts into 5 Å with 14 residues (Table 2).
The Tth-MCOm-ABTS complex shows that ABTS, Figure 2(A) and (B) show that the average complex
which was docked in a similar manner as in the between CotA and ABTS is stabilized through polar,
Tth-MCO-ABTS complex, reached a constant conforma- apolar, and charged residues, but mainly through apolar

Table 2. List of residues at 5 Å from each ligand, with a residence time of up to 2 ns.

Complex Residue
Tth-MCO-SGZ M195, N196, N229, A230, Y232, R290, P265, M354, M391, D390, D392, P394
Tth-MCO-3DM-1 Y232, R234, L262, P287, Y288, D289
Tth-MCO-3DM-2 R410, P411, F412, Y414, L252, A247, V404, V407, V421
Tth-MCOm-ABTS R231, Y232, A230, E199, G197, N196, D392, D390, M195, M354
CotA-ABTS P226, A227, F228, C229, C322, G323, G324, P384, L386, T415, R416, G417, T418, H419
CotA-SGZ C229, C322, G323, G230, A227, F228, P226, P212, E213, N214, L219, G382, P384
CotA-3DM P296, E298, T418, T466, I467, Q468, A469, I494
CueO-ABTS L298, V300, G378, MET379, H465, R466
CueOm-ABTS P274, S301, E476, N458, K460
CueO-3 dm S243, P274, L276, M277, V300, M385, G386, H387, M388, L442, K474
CueO-SGZ S243, V256, L264, V268, V270, L273, P274, L276, F281, S301, H381, L442, N458, R466, K474, E476
6 M. Bello et al.
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Figure 1. Average conformations and detailed interactions between Tth-MCO and two different compounds. Complex Tth-MCO-
SGZ (A and B) and Tth-MCO-3DM1 and 3DM2, (C and D). The residues in close proximity (0.5 nm) to the two ligands (blue
spheres or stick models) are represented as green stick models. Although at a distance below 0.5 nm, CuT1 (blue sphere) and its
coordinating histidines are shown in Figures 1–4 to show its proximity with respect to the ligand.

residues. One half of the ligand was stabilized through initial ligand conformation within the first ns of MD sim-
the loops of the second domain, and the other half of the ulation, and experienced different ligand conformations
ligand was stabilized through residues in the third in the ETBS for approximately 7 ns. Subsequently, and
domain, in close proximity to T1Cu. The sulfonate until the end of the MD simulation period, the electron-
moiety approached the disulfide bridge between C229 donor molecule reached a stable conformation, establish-
and C322, as reported for the co-crystallized complex ing contacts into 5 Å with 13 residues (Table 2). Figure 2
(Enguita et al., 2003). The remaining sulfonate group (C) and (D) show that SGZ is stabilized in an almost
was stabilized through several hydrophobic residues and linear conformation, similar to that observed for the
R416 (Figure 2(B)). This geometry places the thiazoline CotA-ABTS complex. Indeed, one half of SGZ is stabi-
ring near H497 (Figures 2(B) and 5(B)), favoring the lized through similar residues as those that coordinate
direct transfer of an electron from the electron-donor the CotA-ABTS complex (Figure 2(C) and (D)),
molecule to T1Cu, subsequently transferring the electron although with a different ligand–enzyme contact, reflect-
to the TNC through C492. ing the chemical differences between both substrates.
In the CotA-SGZ complex, SGZ, which was docked The other 2,6 dimethoxyphenol group interacts with a
in the electron transfer cavity in a similar conformation different set of apolar residues than those observed for
as that observed in the CotA-ABTS complex, loses its the CotA-ABTS complex. This latter interaction places
Cavity-binding site of three bacterial multicopper oxidases 7
Downloaded by [University of Haifa Library] at 18:43 19 July 2013

Figure 2. Average conformations and detailed interactions between CotA and three different compounds. Complexes CotA-ABTS
(A and B), CotA-SGZ (C and D), and CotA-3DM (E and F). The residues in close proximity (0.5 nm) to the three ligands (blue
spheres or stick models) are represented as green stick models.

the donor group at a further distance than those from the SGZ with respect to ABTS (Gupta & Farinas, 2010;
ABTS (Figure 5(B)). Because of this conformation, the Gupta et al., 2010).
SGZ donor group was approximately 11 Å distant from In the CotA-3DM complex, we observed that 3DM,
H497 (Figure 5(B)). However, the two charged residues, situated in a structural position similar to that of the
E496 and D499, are localized at 6 and 8 Å from SGZ CotA-ABTS and CotA-SGZ complexes, lost its initial
(residues shown as orange stick, Figure 2(D)), conformation after the first 2 ns, then reached a stable
respectively, and are both sequential in sequence with conformation surrounded by a group of residues totally
H497, which coordinates T1Cu. Therefore, this confor- different from those identified for the complexes
mation could lower the substrate specificity reported for CotA-ABTS and CotA-SGZ, in which the hydrophobic
8 M. Bello et al.
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Figure 3. Average conformations and detailed interactions between Cueo and three different compounds. Complexes Cueo-ABTS
(A and B), Cueo-SGZ (C and D), and Cueo-3DM (E and F). The residues in close proximity (0.5 nm) to the three ligands (blue
spheres or stick models) are represented as green stick models.

ligand section established hydrophobic interactions with placed at a distance (9 Å) that did not allow to establish a
several hydrophobic residues (Table 2), whereas the polar direct electron transference to H497 (Figure 5(B)), a
atom of 3DM formed a hydrogen bond with that of A469 charged group (E496) was localized at 7 Å from 3DM,
(Figure 2(F)). Interestingly, a similar behavior as that and sequential in sequence with H497 (residue shown as
described for CotA-SGZ was observed for the CotA-3DM orange stick, Figure 2(F)), which could participle in the
complex where, despite the donor group of 3DM being electron uptake and subsequent transfer to T1Cu.
Cavity-binding site of three bacterial multicopper oxidases 9

The case of CueO Our results showed that in the CueO-ABTS complex,
CueO oxidizes a wide variety of substrates, including ABTS, which was docked in a small substrate cavity
3DM (Kataoka et al., 2007; Roberts et al., 2002). under α-helix 4, lost this ligand conformation after the
Intriguingly, little oxidase activity occurs in the absence first 1 ns and then the ABTS reached a conformation that
of excess copper (Kataoka et al., 2007). There is was maintained for the rest of the MD simulation
adequate three-dimensional information concerning the (Figure 3(A)). Figure 3(B) shows the residues involved
free state of CueO, despite sharing a high degree of in complex stabilization, where one half of ABTS is
structural homology with CotA and Tth-MCO (Bello coordinated through a neutral (H465) and a charged
et al., 2012). CueO possesses a methionine-rich helix residue (R466), the middle of ABTS is coordinated
(residues 355–371, in which seven methionines are pres- through two hydrophobic residues, and another region of
ent) and loop (residues 372–379, in which two methio- the sulfonate moiety forms interactions with M379
nines are present) that lies over the T1Cu site and a (Table 2). In this ligand conformation, the thiazoline ring
peptide region, which connects the end of this helix to of ABTS is approximately 19 Å from H505 (Figure 5
H404 (residues 380–403, five methionines) near the C- (C)). Interestingly, this latter residue forms part of the
terminal of this helix and the T1Cu center (Kataoka cluster of methionines likely involved in the putative
et al., 2007). However, only methionines 303, 355, 364, Cu+/Cu2+ traffic exchange and electron transfer to T1Cu.
Downloaded by [University of Haifa Library] at 18:43 19 July 2013

368, 376, 379, and 385 from the CueO insert, and For the CueO-SGZ complex, for which SGZ was
methionines 440 and 441 from the neighboring β-strand, docked in a similar manner as in the CueO-ABTS
form a seven-methionine cluster at the entrance to the complex, SGZ explored the small substrate cavity under
T1Cu site, which might be important for copper-depen- α-helix 4, reaching a stable conformation after 10 ns.
dent activity (Roberts et al., 2002). Although, this region Figure 3(C) and (D) show the binding conformation for
could function as a barrier to the access of bulky organic the CueO-SGZ complex and the residues involved in
substrates (Roberts et al., 2002), the binding of copper to complex stabilization, respectively. As shown in Figure 3
these methionine residues could lead to the ordering of (D), the number of residues that stabilize the complex is
this loop and the formation of a substrate-specific bind- important (Table 2), and most of these residues are
ing site (Roberts et al., 2002). hydrophobic in nature. However, charged residues are
For most MCOs, the imidazole edge of one of the also involved in complex stabilization, creating favorable
histidines coordinating T1Cu (Tth-MCO (H450), CotA electrostatic potential to facilitate complex formation.
(H497), CueO (H505)), which is solvent-exposed and in Although, this ligand conformation places the donor
close distance from the substrate-binding pocket, functions group at approximately 12 Å from H505 (Figure 5(C)), a
as an effective pathway for electron transfer between the charged residue (E476) is located near the donor group
substrate and T1Cu (Bertrand et al., 2002; Messerschmidt of SGZ (Figure 3(D)), which could participate in the
et al., 1992; Zhukhlistova et al., 2008). However, for uptake and subsequent transfer of an electron to T1Cu.
CueO, α-helix 4 occludes this amino acid (H443) from the Furthermore, although there are two charged residue in
solvent, avoiding direct interaction with organic substrates close proximity to T1Cu (E476 and D439), based on
(Roberts et al., 2002). Based on the crystallography data, crystallography evidence, D439 has been discarded to
D439 could be the corresponding amino acid residue participate in electron transference because its side chain
involved in electron transfer to T1Cu. However, this forms hydrogen bonds with H443, which remains in a
notion was discarded because of the side chain of D439 native and mutant form (Kataoka et al., 2007).
hydrogen bonds with H443, which remains in a native and For CueO-3DM, 3DM scanned the small substrate
mutant form (Kataoka et al., 2007). However, the trun- cavity under α-helix 4 of CueO for 15 ns and subse-
cated mutant also demonstrated an increment in activity quently achieved a constant conformation (Figure 3(E)
toward ABTS and the newly identified activity for SGZ, and (F)). Figure 3(F) shows that 3DM was stabilized
indicating that the truncation favored the access of these through several hydrophobic and one charged residue
organic substrates to the region near the T1Cu site (Kat- (K474). Indeed, K474 forms a hydrogen bond with the
aoka et al., 2007). Nevertheless, because of the lack of methoxy group, whereas the donor group hydrogen
structural information for the co-crystallized complexes, bonds with polar backbone atoms of L276. The donor
we performed MD simulations to analyze the residues group was located approximately 13 Å from H505 (Fig-
involved in the complex stabilization between the native ure 5(C)), and although SGZ is constructed by two 3DM
form of CueO, the three organic compounds showing groups, this ligand was placed at a distance further (7 Å)
substrate activity, CueO-ABTS, CueO-SGZ, and CueO- from E476 (residue shown as orange stick) than that
3DM (see methods), and CueOm bound only to ABTS observed for SGZ (Figure 3(D) and (F)), suggesting that
(CotAm-ABTS). a bulky group is more likely to enhance complex stabil-
ization. Furthermore, 3DM was also located near two
10 M. Bello et al.

methionines, which could participate in the copper coor- Energetics of complex stabilization
dination and electron transfer to T1Cu (Figure 3(F)). Table 3 shows the evolution of the interaction energies
For the CueOm-ABTS complex, the ligand explored between the ligands and the rest of the protein during
the ETBS for approximately 20 ns and subsequently equilibrium (20–50 ns). Although the energy values were
reached a constant conformation for the remainder of the unstable upon initiating the MD simulations, these values
MD simulation. Figure 4(A) and (B) show the complex reached equilibrium at 20 ns for almost all complexes.
conformation and the detailed interactions that stabilize Interestingly, for most ligands, the total energy
the complex, respectively. Figure 4(B) shows that one interaction was dominated through the favorable LJ inter-
half of the ligand is coordinated through two charged actions, whereas the electrostatic contributions, although
residues, as observed for the CueO-ABTS complex, the favorable, slightly contributed to complex stabilization.
middle region is coordinated through a hydrophobic resi- However, the opposite effect was observed for
due and the other half interacts with a polar residue. The Tth-MCOm-ABTS, CueO-ABTS, and CueOm-ABTS, in
ligand conformation places both thiazoline groups at an which the electrostatic interactions were the major contri-
average distance of 16.5 Å from H505 (Figure 5(D)). bution. This latter behavior was not surprising, as these
Despite the deletion of α-helix 4, a group of methionines complexes were stabilized through charged residues, and
remain, which could participate in copper coordination a few hydrophobic residues contributed to ligand coordi-
Downloaded by [University of Haifa Library] at 18:43 19 July 2013

and potential electron transfer to T1Cu through E476, nation. Furthermore, these results suggested that the
although direct contacts with ABTS (>5 Å) were not more bulky the ligand was, the more favorable the LJ
established (Figure 4(B)), and these interaction might interactions between the MCOs and the electron-donor
underlie the experimentally observed incremental activity molecule were. Furthermore, the Tth-MCOm-ABTS
toward ABTS (Kataoka et al., 2007). complex showed an opposite behavior, where the
electrostatic contributions guided the complex formation,

Figure 4. Average conformations and detailed interactions between the mutant forms of Tth-MCOm or Cueo and ABTS. Complexes
Cueom-ABTS (A and B) and Tth-MCOm-ABTS (C and D). The residues in close proximity (0.5 nm) to the ligand (blue spheres or
stick models) are represented as green stick models.
Cavity-binding site of three bacterial multicopper oxidases 11
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Figure 5. Average distance between the electron-donor molecules and the histidines coordinating T1Cu. (A) Tth-MCO and its
complexes Tth-MCO-SGZ, Tth-MCO-3DM1 or Tth-MCO-3DM2. (B) CotA and its complexes CotA-ABTS, CotA-SGZ, and CotA-
3DM. (C) Cueo and its complexes Cueo-ABTS, Cueo-SGZ, and Cueo-3DM. (D) Cueom with its respective complex Cueom-ABTS.
(E) Tth-MCOm and its respective complex Tth-MCOm-ABTS.

suggesting that even this deleted form bound to the In contrast, an increment in the conformational mobility
ABTS. Notably, this idea must be examined through of the complex forms was observed for the Tth-MCO
co-crystallization studies for this system. Moreover, and Tth-MCOm complexes (Figure 6(A) and (D)) in the
although both CueO-ABTS and CueOm-ABTS show residues that form the ETBS (supplementary material
electrostatic interactions that stabilize their complexes, it (table 2S)), suggesting that the formation of these
is clear that there is almost twice the number of complexes could be entropically driven, as observed in
interactions for CueO-ABTS, suggesting better ligand other reports (Gutiérrez, Bello, Portillo-Téllez, Rodrí-
affinity for this complex. guez-Romero, & García-Hernández, 2013). However,
this behavior is opposite to that observed for the
Conformational mobility upon complex formation
Accumulated RMSF analyses for the equilibrated MD
simulations for the complexes studied here (see methods) Table 3. Interaction energies for different complexes.
show that the CotA, CueO, and CueOm complexes System Coul-SR (kJ) LJ-SR (kJ)
undergo a decrement in their conformational mobility
with respect to their unbound forms (Figure 6(B)–(D)). Tth-MCO-ABTS 49 ± 16 182 ± 21
A reduction in the conformational mobility was experi- Tth-MCOm-ABTS 331 ± 34 58 ± 18
Tth-MCO-SGZ 9±4 147 ± 10
enced not only for the residues forming the ETBS but Tth-MCO-3DM 3 ± 3first 60 ± 123DM1
also in the regions far from the ETBS (data not shown). 2 ± 2second 87 ± 133DM2
Furthermore, this behavior could contribute to the favor- CotA-ABTS 51 ± 9 170 ± 11
able enthalpy component through the favorable energetic CotA-SGZ 2±3 133 ± 16
CotA-3DM 1±2 85 ± 11
interactions and the reduction in the degrees of freedom
CueO-3DM 4±3 79 ± 12
upon complex formation, as observed in other MD simu- CueO-ABTS 800 ± 3 7 ± 28
lation studies (Bello, Gutiérrez, & Garcia-Hernandez, CueOm-ABTS 400 ± 73 21 ± 24
2012; Bello, Portillo-Tellez, & Garcia-Hernandez, 2011). CueO-SGZ 4±4 127 ± 14
12 M. Bello et al.
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Figure 6. Accumulated RMSF for the free and bound forms of Tth-MCO, Tth-MCOm, CotA, Cueo, and Cueom. (A) Tth-MCO and
its complexes Tth-MCO-SGZ, Tth-MCO-3DM1 and Lth-MCO-3DM2. (B) CotA and its complexes CotA-ABTS, CotA-SGZ, and
CotA-3DM. (C) Cueo and its complexes Cueo-ABTS, Cueo-SGZ, and Cueo-3DM. (D) Tth-MCOm and Cueom with their respective
complex forms Tth-MCOm-ABTS and Cueom-ABTS, respectively.

Tth-MCO-ABTS complex, for which a reduction of the and Tth-MCOm complexes, which showed the opposite
conformational mobility was observed upon complex for- behavior. For Tth-MCO-SGZ and Tth-MCOm-ABTS com-
mation (Bello et al., 2012). These results suggest that plexes, both ligands were placed in a conformation that
complex stabilization is not entirely similar for the three might facilitate direct electron transference to H450
bacterial MCOs and that the ligand could be responsible through D390 or D392, which are close to the ligands and
for the overall conformational mobility experienced upon are followed in sequence by H393, as observed for the
complex formation. Tth-MCO-ABTS complex (Bello et al., 2012; Enguita
et al., 2004). Furthermore, despite Tth-MCOm-ABTS
complex showing an opposite behavior with respect to
Conclusion Tth-MCO-ABTS, where the electrostatic contributions
We characterized the successive binding modes of three guided complex formation, the total energy was higher
bacterial MCOs in native forms and truncated variants to for Tth-MCOm-ABTS, revealing that this mutant could be
ABTS, SGZ, and 3DM. Although the electron-donor mol- a good candidate to perform crystallographic studies. For
ecules initially explored different conformations during the Tth-MCO-3DM complex, although two conformations
simulation, the obtained complexes generated stable tra- are present, only one conformation (3DM1), which was
jectories that remained in the ETBS. An analysis of the located 7.4 Å from D392, could donate an electron to
binding orientation, together with their energetic and D392, sequential in sequence to H393, which coordinates
mobility contribution, demonstrated that for the majority T1Cu. Among the complexes generated using CotA, the
of complexes, the hydrophobic interactions were the most CotA-ABTS complex showed that its ligand was in a con-
abundant and played an important role in the determina- formation that facilitated the direct transfer of an electron
tion of electron-donor molecule specificity. Furthermore, to H497, which coordinates T1Cu. For the CotA-SGZ
a reduction in the conformational mobility of residues in complex, SGZ showed a conformation in which the donor
the ETBS and the extra binding site regions were group was placed further from H497. However, there
observed for most of the complexes, except for Tth-MCO were two charged residues (E496 and D499) localized
Cavity-binding site of three bacterial multicopper oxidases 13

near SGZ at 6 and 8 Å, respectively, and both residues T1Cu Copper center type 1
were sequential in sequence with H497, which coordi- T2Cu Copper ion type 2
nates T1Cu. The results were similar for the CotA-3DM T3Cu Binuclear copper ion type 3
3DM 2,6-dimethoxy phenol
complex, in which 3DM is placed at a 9 Å distance from SGZ Syringaldazine
H497, and the only charged group involved in the elec- ABTS 2,2-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic
tron uptake was E496, located approximately 7 Å from acid
3DM. With respect to the complexes performed using RG Radius of gyration
CueO, the CueO-ABTS complex showed a ligand confor- SASA Solvent accessible surface areas
LJ Lennard-Jones
mation in which electron transfer to T1Cu could only be Coul Coulomb energy
achieved through the cluster of methionines involved in
putative Cu+1/Cu+2 traffic. For the CueO-SGZ and CueO-
3DM complexes, both the ligand conformations placed Acknowledgments
the donor group at approximately 12.5 Å from H505.
This work was supported in part by DGAPA, UNAM [PAPIIT,
However, a charged residue (E476) near the donor group
IN 204611, CONACyT [Grants 102370, 128156 and
of either electron-donor molecule could participate in the 132353] and ICyTDF (PIRIVE09-9, COFAA-SIP/IPN). MB
uptake and subsequent transfer of an electron to H505. acknowledges the Program of Postdoctoral Scholarships from
Downloaded by [University of Haifa Library] at 18:43 19 July 2013

The CueOm-ABTS complex showed a ligand conforma- DGAPA (UNAM) and CONACyT. This work was carried out
tion in which the donor group was approximately 16.5 Å using a KanBalam supercomputer, provided by DGTIC, UNAM.
from H505, and despite the truncation of α-helix 4, a
group of methionines remained that, in coordination with Supplementary material
E476, might participate in the electron transfer to H505. The supplementary material for this paper is available
In addition, although both CueO-ABTS and CueOm- online at http://dx.doi.10.1080/07391102.2013.817954.
ABTS were stabilized through electrostatic interactions,
the total energy stabilizing the CueO-ABTS complex was
almost twice than CueOm-ABTS, suggesting better ligand
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Journal of Bacteriology, 186, 7815–7817.

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