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Inglês - Test – 55% of Total Assessment

Docente: Rosana Durão

Nome: ………………………………………………………………………………… Nº: ……....…………………………. Duração: 1,30H
Curso: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Tolerância: 0,30 min.

Instruções gerais

A) O teste está cotado para um total de 20 (vinte) valores.

B) Não é permitido o uso de dicionário.
C) Nas respostas com limite de palavras, para efeitos de contagem considera-se uma palavra qualquer sequência limitada por espaços em branco.
D) O não cumprimento do limite máximo de palavras implica penalização.

A. Reading and Comprehension

1. Read the following text and answer the questions below.

1 At age 13, Juliet Nkunika already knows exactly what she wants to do. “I want to be a teacher,
because I admire the work they do,” she says.
This afternoon, Juliet is standing outside her dusty classroom at the Ngowe primary school in
rural central Malawi, where she attends the seventh grade. CARE began partnering with a local
5 organization in 2003 to help the school address the needs of AIDS orphans, fight stigma associated with
the disease and build greater community support for education.
Juliet herself is an orphan. At the Ngowe school, where more than 13 percent of the students
have lost one or both of their parents, the project has helped teachers and students strengthen HIV
prevention clubs, which disseminate information and offer support to pupils and other community
10 members affected by the disease.
For Juliet, getting a good education is of paramount importance. “Some of my classmates have
dropped out of school because they lost interest and others because they got married. But I don’t want
to get married until I have completed my education. I never miss class unless I am sick.”
To enable Juliet and her schoolmates to receive a better education, CARE helped the Ngowe
15 school establish a parent-run school management committee. The committee monitors teachers’
performance and raises money for the school. The funds have been used to buy school materials and
to build latrines. The parents want to raise enough to build a sustainable water source for the school.
“We are happy to be part of the committee because we are helping our children get a better
20 education. Many parents here did not complete primary school, but now they understand the value of
education. This is a change from the past,” says Selena Kachale, a school management committee
Juliet knows that education is her ticket to a better life. “I want to finish school so that I can be
financially independent. I want to be able to pay for my little sister’s school fees and help her buy new
clothes. I admire women who are working,” she says.
25 By helping teachers, parents and students build stronger schools, CARE is working to ensure
that Juliet and other girls like her in Malawi get the opportunity to fulfil their ambitions. Juliet already
possesses intelligence and determination. Equipped with a good education, she will go on to teach
other young girls how to achieve their goals. (2007) (abridged and adapted)
1. Identify the paragraph in which the writer (Write only the paragraph numbers):
a. refers to the opinion of Ngowe’s adults on schooling.

b. states Juliet’s aim in life.

c. mentions the role of parents in the improvement of school conditions.

d. says Juliet, through her own education, will be able to educate others.

e. mentions CARE’s cooperation with another institution.

2. Explain the meaning of the following expressions in the text.

a. stigma associated with the disease (ll. 5-6)

b. of paramount importance (l. 11)

c. ticket to a better life (l. 22)

3. Reread the following sentences from the text. Match the verb forms in bold with their uses in context. Two
of the uses do not apply. Write only the corresponding matching numbers.
a. they lost interest (l. 12) USES
1. past action with consequences for the present
2. action completed at a specific time in the past
b. I never miss class (l.13)
3. past action happening before a specific time in
the past
c. The funds have been used (l. 16)
4. habit
5. fixed event in the future
d. we are helping our children (l. 19) 6. event in progress at the moment of speaking
B. Grammar and Vocabulary

1. Use present simple or present continuous.

1. It ……………………………………………………………... (usually / not snow) at this time of the year but today it
………………………………………...(snow) very hard.
2. I ………………………………………………………… (always / play) tennis on Sunday morning but right now
I………………………………………………………….(wacth) T.V.
3. My mom ………………………………………..…….. (usually / work) on Saturdays but today she is at home. At the
moment she ……………………………………………………….... (watch) her favourite show.
4. Right now John ………………………………………………………..(read) a story about aliens.
5. I …………………………………………………. (use) the mobile phone at the moment because I
…………………………………………………….(want) to send a message.
6. My father ……………………………………….……….. (know) a lot about Science, so today he …………………………………………..
(help) me with my science project.
7. Right now the girls ……………………………………………. (have) lunch.
8. How often …………………………………………………………… (you / visit) your grandparents?
9. I’m sorry. I …………………………………………………. (not/understand) what you are trying to say.
10. My colleagues ………………………………. (not/be) nice to me, so I …………………………..….. ( look) for a new job at the

2. Fill the gaps in the dialogue below with suitable verb forms:
Ben: .................................................................................. (you/save) enough money to buy a new computer yet?

Liz: Yes, in fact I .........................................(buy) one this weekend. I ................................................ (go) to that big

Computerland store on the outskirts of town.

Ben: Oh, .................................. (be) careful! I .................................. (buy) one there last year and

it ....................................... (break down) after a few months. I .................................. (take) it back but they

wouldn’t give me my money back.

Liz: Oh, that doesn’t sound too good. Maybe I ............................... (try) that smaller shop in town first.

Ben: Hmm, I .................................... (hear) that shop is really expensive. Why not try shopping online?

Liz: Yes, I ................................... (think) about that but I’d really like to actually see the computer before I buy it!
3. Complete the sentences with the present simple or the past simple.
1. I ______________________________ (go) to the cinema last night.

2. What film ______________________________ (you/see)?

3. I ______________________________ (see) The Lord of The Rings.

4. Really? ______________________________ (you/like) it?

5. It ______________________________ (be) really fantastic.

6. I ______________________________ (think) you should go and see it.

7. You know, I never ______________________________ (go) to the cinema,

8. I ______________________________ (prefer) to read a book;

9. I ______________________________ (read) a romantic story last week, and yesterday, I

______________________________ (go) to the opera.

Choose one of the three options to write a text of 150 – 180 words. Please put the letter of the chosen option.
A. Write a text for the UNICEF site giving your opinion on the benefits of education in developing countries.
B. Write a letter to Humana giving your opinion on the business of used clothes.
C. Write about the plot of the film “Disconnected”.
Option: ______________

















Good Luck!

Test Scoring
Part A 7 points
1. 5 x 0,6 3 points
2. 3 x 0,5 1,5 points
3. 4 x 0,625 2,5 points
Part B 10 points
1. 10 x 0,3 2 points
1. 10 x 0,4 4 points
1. 10 x 0,3 3 points
Part C 3 points
Total 20,0 points

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