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Vocal Music Participation Rubric

90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 Failing

·Consistent excellent posture ·Uses good posture when ·Notes are taken, but ·Student must be reminded ·Student distracts him or
reminded may not always be de- not to use phone in class. herself and others by talk-
·Extensive, self-directed note taking. tailed. ing, using an electronic
·Accurate notes taken ·Student distracts him/herself device inappropriately or
·Enthusiastically immediately takes when specifically told. ·Takes part in all activi- and/or others by talking in otherwise participating in
part in all activities. ties but may need direc- class. off-task behavior.

·Takes part in all activities. tions repeated.

·Assignments are completed with ·Notes may be inaccurate. ·Student refuses to adjust
extensive detail, revealing a depth ·Completes all assignments · Completes assign- posture or take part in
of comprehension. with an appropriate level ments, but may lack ·Student has poor posture. activities.
of detail. detail or complete sen-
·Sings out confidently in such a way tences. ·Student rarely participates in ·Student choices cause
that others can depend on their ·Sings out confidently, but or completes kinesthetic or distraction or disruption to
leadership and accuracy. may occasionally need ·Sings audibly, but needs written activities. class & may need to be
assistance in correcting or assistance to reinforce removed from class.
solidifying passages. many passages. ·Student needs reminders to
be on task.

·Materials out & ready by or before ·Materials out & ready ·Student needs to be · Student often forgets mate- ·Student rarely has materi-

the bell. when the bell rings. reminded to take out rials. als.
·Has completely & accurately learned ·Has learned notes ahead · Student shows no evidence ·Student freely admits to a
notes ahead of time in order to of time in order to focus on ·Has attempted to learn of looking at music outside lack of preparation or prac-
focus on technique and musician- technique, but is still work- notes ahead of time but of class. tice outside of class.
ship. ing on confidence. may need assistance
with accuracy/ memory.

Consistently focused on the group’s Student is focused on the Student is generally fo- Student needs reminders to Student is rarely on task,
overall goals. Takes detailed notes, goals, and self-corrects anycused on the goals, but stay on task. resulting in class distrac-
listens carefully to instructions and momentary shift attention. may momentarily distract tions.
Student needs to be reminded
other sections. Remains silent when someone near them
The student uses time wise- to use class time wisely and Student rarely uses time
not singing in order to assist the class before self-correcting.
ly and remains quiet when distracts him/herself or others wisely, and is often conse-
in focusing on the task at hand.
not actively singing. The student remains when his/her section is not quently behind in their
The student uses each moment of quiet when not actively actively singing. music and/or assignments.
class time wisely, including reviewing singing.
and looking ahead in music before
we begin or when the section is wait-

·Displays a consistent positive & ·Displays a positive atti- ·Displays a neutral atti- ·Occasionally displays a nega- ·Displays a negative attitude

helpful attitude, often volunteering tude. tude-neither positive or tive attitude, but apologizes in towards the subject, group,
to take on extra duties or responsi- negative. a timely manner. or an individual.
bilities. ·Is supportive of class-
mates. ·Is quiet towards class- ·Refrains from interaction with
·Builds others up. mates. peers even when doing group
·Accepts feedback gra- work unless prompted.
·Accepts feedback graciously and ciously and uses it con- ·Sometimes needs help
uses it constructively, asking ques- structively. understanding how to ·Needs help understanding
tions when needed. appropriately apply how to appropriately apply
·Respectful of other’s opin- feedback. feedback.
·Always respectful of other’s opin- ions.
ions. ·Respectful of other’s ·Respectful of others
·Clearly a peer leader.
Week of: ________________________________________________________
Class: __________________________________________________________

Designate 1, 1/2, or 0 points to each category each day you have class. Total possible points each day are
5 (five), with a maximum total of 20 points per week. Be honest with yourself. This is a chance to reflect,
improve, and coordinate with me to reach your personal goals for class participation.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



Total Points for the week: __________________________________________

Information that contributed to your scoring:

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