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To, Joaquin Rayford

Who it may concern More Juvenile Justice

Children under 16 are given adult sentences that take no account of their youth. Most kids are

denied rehabilitation in the juvenile system and miss out on education treatment, and consoling.

In 1995 the law that allows trying children under 16 as adults was passed and the years leading

up to the law involved false predictions of “increased crime and the rise of “super-predator”


children who are tried in the adult system have proven to do a lot more harm than good such

as increases in rates of violence, sexual assault, and rape. One example of a dreadful act is

Lionel Tate who was trialed at 13 years old and was sent to prison for 1st-degree murder for

beating and killing his little sister. Then 3 years later Tate was tried again because they believed

life in prison was too harsh so Tate was put on parole for 10 years. And a year and a half into his

parole Tate was arrested for robbing a pizza man at gunpoint. Even after Tate got “a second bite

at the apple” he ended up back in prison.

Many children prosecuted as adults suffer from mental illness. Unlike adults with mental illness,

children have very limited experience managing their disabilities, anxieties, fear, and trauma.

They often act impulsively, and recklessly. And in adult jail or prison, this behavior will only


Many kids who are transferred to adult court for criminal prosecution are automatically placed in

adult jails and prisons. where "they are at the highest risk of being sexually assaulted. Thousands

of young people have been assaulted, raped, and traumatized as a result “Some statutes require

the “sight and sound” separation of children in adult facilities to shield them from physical and

sexual violence.”

This is my conclusion as to why children should be tried as adults which I respond with no. My

evidence for why I think this is the best course of action is in paragraph 4 when it talks about what

it is like in prison for the children, most children experience assaulted, raped, and traumatized.

My second reasoning is in paragraph 3, the court needs to take more consideration of a child's

mental and physical state before prosecuting a kid in court kids are still new and learning about

the rights and worngs and most kids need to be punished but not through the use of assaulted,

raped, and traumatized.

Thank you sincerely,

Joaquin Rayford

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