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STUDENT’S NAME_____________________________________________________________________



1- (PUC – PR) Fill in the blanks with the correct alternative:
# Where __________ they ___________ ?

A) Did – Go B) Do – Did C) Did – Went

D) Did – Did E) Go – Did

2- Analise os verbos irregulares a seguir:

A forma correta no Past Simple Tense é
A) had, goed, speakt, won, got, made
B) hove, went, spoken, winne, got, maked
C) had, went, spoke, win, gat, made
D) has, went, spoke, won, gat, make
E) had, went, spoke, won, got, made

The FIFA World Cup was founded in 1971. It was designed by Silvio Gazzanigi of Italy. Made of 18- carat
gold and malachite, the cup is 36,5 cm tall and weighs 6,2 kg. The sculpture depicts two triumphant football
players holding a globe in their raised hands. The trophy is passed on to each winning team that gets to
keep an identical (but gold-plated) replica. The making of the statue cost about $50,000, today its value is
estimated to over $10,000,000. ..

3- O assunto tratado no texto é

A) O texto trata a respeito da Copa do Mundo, em que ano foi fundada, quem a fundou. Fala sobre o
tamanho e peso da taça, somente.
B) O texto fala somente da Copa do mundo e quando ela foi fundada, não menciona o tamanho, nem o
peso da taça.
C) O texto fala sobre a Copa do Mundo. Quando ela foi fundada, quem a fundou. Relata sobre o troféu,
sobre a construção de uma estátua que custará 10.000.000 milhões de dólares.
D) O texto fala sobre a Copa do Mundo, seu fundador. Descreve o tamanho da taça, seu peso. O que essa
escultura retrata, seu valor estimado hoje que é 10.000.000.
E) O texto apresenta informações a respeito da escultura que retrata dois jogadores de futebol segurando
um globo raso em seus braços.
4- Complete o texto com o passado simples dos verbos entre parênteses.

Marie Curie _______ (be) a physicist and a chemist. She _________ (begin) her studies in

Poland but in 1891 she _______ (leave) for France. She ________ (study) there and later
_________ (work) as a scientist at the Sorbonne in Paris. She _________ (meet) and
________ (marry) a French scientist, Pierre Curie. They ________ (have) two children, Irene and
Ewa. Maria and Pierre ___________ (discover) two radioactive elements, radium and polonium.
Pierre ______ (die) in 1906 in an accident in Paris. Maria _______ (get) two Nobel Prizes, in 1903
and in 1911. She _____ (die) in 1934.
Did you know?

Leonardo da Vinci wrote from right to left - you needed a mirror to read his handwriting.
He was a genius - he could write one sentence with his right hand and a different sentence with
his left hand.
He invented scissors.
He drew architect's plans but never built a building.
He lost most of the paintings and drawings he did in Milan.
He had many talents. He made models and in his notebooks there were plans for a tank, a
helicopter and a submarine.
His scientific observations were a hundred years before his time.

5- Encontre no texto as formas verbais no passado simples dos verbos irregulares:

write, make, have, build, lose, do, draw.


6- Change to negative form.

a) You paid attention to her words. _____________________________________________
b) The students organized the book in the library last week. __________________________

7- Change to interrogative form.

a) The students understood the lessons.
b) He read a book about computers.

8- Supply the verb to be in the Past Form (affirmative).

a) Mary Ann ________ my first girlfriend.
b) I ________ in Rio in February.
c) That cat ______ sick last week.
d) We ________ at John’s house last weekend.
e) They ________ on vacation last July.
f) You ______ not a good student two years ago.
g) Jack and Bill ________ very good friends.
h) Jack _________ at school last year.
i) She ________ happy with the new dress.
j) They ______ not in class yesterday.


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