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Niagara Falls Construction Project.


Byron Rikert just returned home from meeting at the town of Niagara Falls. He had applied for what
he assumed to be a typical licence for a detached double garage, when he dropped off his application
along with the required plans and charges, he had discussed the plans for the proposed garage with
the staff at the department, nobody at the department thought that there would be an issue, as
several neighbouring properties had similar garages. Rikert know that this method required to get
approval of the variance. However, the method would take seven weeks, there was a chance a
neighbour might object (which would cause further delay or perhaps cancelation), and there was an
additional cost of $1050 Once the variance was approved, he would want to reapply for the license.
Byron Rikert and his family wanted to maneuver to a different neighborhood,they offered there direct
the market,A buyer presented a conditional offer on his home,condition: Must include a detached
double garage,buyer is willing to pay extra $10k
 Planning Phase:Longest phase because of long application processes.Total days: 10 weeks
 Foundation Phase:The foundation phase is arguably the foremost important phase in the
project.Any problem which will arise during this phase may jeopardize the integrity of the
building,Total days: 15-21 days
 Structure Phase:During this phase, walls and roof are going to be erected.Exterior wood
sheathing for walls installed,Total days: 3 days
 Finishing Phase:The finishing touches are performed and also the final garage inspected.Total
days: 14 days

Cost Estimation
Total Material Cost $ 6,883.5 CDN
Total Labor Cost $7,720 CDN (Labor)+ $1,250 CDN (Planning Phase)
Total Cost $15,853.5 CDN
● Rikert would find yourself spending over he would make within the entire process.
● Rikert is charging a lower cost than he would generally charge ($10,000).
● Forgoes $40/hour wage (a cost).
● If Rikert finishes, he still spends a minimum of $5,853.50 above budget, but he can get in the new

Ideal Timeline
If Rikert decides to continue with the project:
● He would wish to follow this timeline to get the project done by August 23
● would require crashing so as to complete each phase on time
● Only has 6.5 weeks to make the garage
Application Period: (~10 weeks) Foundation Phase: (14-17 days) Structure Phase: (4-6 days) Finishing
Phase: (10-16 days) Landscaping: (4 days)

Problem in the case

Rikert wouldn't be able to meet the deadline for surrendering the property to the proposed buyer if
he wouldn't be able to catch the event deadline of detached double garage. There are various factors
that effects the completion of the desired construction project within the estimated time-frame. If
Rikert had not delivered the project before 30th august, he might default the sale proceed of the
Risk during the planning stage relates to the processing of the permit application & its acceptance. If
the permit weren't issued within two to three weeks from bylaw authorities, Rikert wouldn't be ready
to get permission from town department. Also, there is a risk that the applying would be returned
with the objection, as this can be ready to be highly probable, and if such happens than the
establishment phase would be further delayed.
In foundation phase, Rikert must locate any infrastructure that will be damaged as results of
construction activity which can cause significant financial penalties if not proceed with charge &
found guilty within the tip. After locating infrastructure, an inspection would be needed, but it's going

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to be a delay due to the timing of the inspection team. Structure phase is all about carrying on
construction, but the prospect would result to the untimely delivery of material within the finishing

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