Ethics: Should

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To vet examiner
Case harm Porter préjudice
Unduly Indûment
Duty Devoir
Foreseeable Prévisible
Deceive ( or mislead, trick or dupe) Tromper
confederate complice
Led to Conduire à
Compelling Irréfutable, convainquant
Despite Malgré
Increasing Augmenter
Distraught Contrarié
Dubious Suspect, douteux
Get go Dès le début

Research have to adhere to ethical guidelines. It must to be safely and ethically. Studies must
to be agreed by the community of researchers. Must research institutions have ethics
committee = to vet research proposals researchers. Ethical approval must be done before to
begin the study. The primary goal of psychological research is to maximise benefits and
minimising risks.
C’est un auxiliaire modale comme : must, may, might, could, can…
On l’utilise principalement pour :
 Donner un conseil, une reccomendation ex : people should worry more about global
 Parler d’une obligation ex : I should be at work now.
 Exprimer une probabilité ( assez forte) : Are you ready? the train should be here soon.
Comment construire une phrase avec should (valable avec tous les modaux)
Sujet + Should+ base verbale (sans « to ») ex: you should eat your vegetables.
L’auxiliaire modal est invariable.
Comment construire une phrase negative et interrogative avec Should ?
You should not eat your vegetables or you shouldn’t eat your vegetables.
Should you eat your vegetables?
On rencontre également les formes suivantes : sujet + should + have + participe passer :
You should have eating your vegetables: tu aurais du manger tes légumes.
He should have gone
C’est un jugement fait sur un fait passé : il est resté, mais il aurait pas dû.
Sujet + Should + be+ ing : I should be going = difference subtile avec I should go.
Back to ethics and psychology
They have a duty to respect the dignity and the rights of research participants. Special
precautions must be taken to vulnerable populations (children, patients with mental illness or
prisoners…) And also to animal subjects.
Researchers prepare a “Written informed consent form” ( formulaire de consentement éclairé).
It must be signed be the subject.
It is sometimes necessary to deceive participants conceal their identity like with a confederate
( an complice). Your meal explains the procedure and de deceive in the debriefing session.
( e.g = par ex).
Self-détermination are the right of participants to be treated as autonomous agents wich
means that they should be physically and mentally capable of making decisions and choices
regarding their entering and participating in the study.
Informed consent is how participants have adequate information about the study in order to
make an informed decision regarding whether or not to participate.
Confidentiality is removing identifying information provided during data collection,
replacing it with an identification code and securing the file containing the participant’s
information and their corresponding codes.
Anonymity is collecting data in a manner in which no participant’s name, demographic
information, individual codes or any other personal identifier appears on any research study
item, including hard copy forms and data, electronic and web-based forms of data, and audio
and video recordings they have provided to the researcher.
Controversial experiments
1. The Milgram obedience experiment
What was the experiment about?
After he looked at the Shoah, he asks how it was possible that ordinary people could act
inhumanely, without any limitation of conscience. He wanted to look at the issue of authority:
under what conditions would a person obey authority against their own conscience?
He started his experiments in 1961, he developed an intimidating shock generator with shock
levels starting at 30 volts and increasing in 15 volt increments all the way up to 450 volts. The
many switches were labelled with slight shock, moderate shock and danger : severe shock.
The final two switches were labelled simply with an ominous “XXX”. Each participant tool
the role of a teacher who would then deliver a shock to the student whenever an incorrect
answer was given. While the participant believed that he was delivering real shocks to the
student, the student was a confederate in the experiment who was simply pretending to be
 65% of the participants delivered the maximum shocks.
 Many of the subjects became extremely agitated, distraught and angry at the
experimenter, but they continued to followed orders.
Why did so many of the participants in the experiments did it?
 The physical presence of an authority figure dramatically increased
 The fact that Yale sponsored the study make believe that it was safe
 Participants assumed that the experimenter was a competent expert.
 The shocks were said to be painful, not dangerous
Later experiments conducted by Milgram indicated that the presence of rebilious peers
dramatically reduced obedience levels. When other people refused to go along with the
experimenter’s orders, 36 out of 40 participants refused to deliver the maximum shocks.
Milgram’s experiments have long been the source of considerable criticism and controversy.
From the get-go, the ethics of his experiments were highly dubious. Participants were
subjected to significant psychological and emotional distress.

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