Speaking Test Part 3 Simulated Situation

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I’m going to describe a situation to you…

Your friend has invited you to his / her birthday party. It’s his / her 16th
birthday and you want to surprise him / her with one of the following things.

Discuss your opinions and decide what you are going to do…

 writing a poem (Gedicht)

 preparing a meal
 singing a song
 making a special birthday cake
 buy two bottles of whiskey

 I’m going to describe a situation to you…

In summer you have booked a language course in Great Britain. There is a trip
to London planned, where you can spend the day with your partner.
What would you like to see and do there?

Discuss your opinions and decide on two of them.

 going shopping
 visiting the Tower of London
 seeing Big Ben and Buckingham Palace
 doing an open-top bus tour
 relaxing in Hyde Park
 I’m going to describe a situation to you…

Your English teacher is in hospital and your class would like to give him / her a

Discuss your opinions and decide on one of them.

 favourite music - a CD
 a book
 a photograph of the class
 some sweets
 a packet of cigarettes

 I’m going to describe a situation to you…

For a TV show candidates are sent to a lonely island in the Pacific Ocean. They
have to stay there for four weeks without any help from outside. Each team
can agree on one of the following things to take with them.

Discuss which one you would choose and agree on three of them.

 my Smartphone
 a torch (Taschenlampe)
 a knife
 a compass
 a tent
 a first aid kit (Erste-Hilfe-Koffer)
 I’m going to describe a situation to you…
You have won a week’s holiday for you and two of your friends. You can
choose between the following options.

Discus your opinions and decide on one.

 shopping in London
 a musical in New York
 adventure holiday in Australia
 sight-seeing in Berlin
 three days at Disney Land, Florida

 I’m going to describe a situation to you…

You and your friends have booked a journey to the US this summer. You are
planning to spend a day in New York City with your partner. What would you
like to see or do there?

Discuss the suggestions and agree on two of them.

 going shopping
 visiting many museums
 going to the Statue of Liberty
 walking through Central Park
 going to a musical at Broadway
 I’m going to describe a situation to you…
A friend has asked you to look after her 5-year-old son Sam next Saturday
afternoon and you need to decide what you will do with him. Decide together
where you will take Sam.

You will only have time to do two things. Explain why and discuss your

 going to a playground
 going to the cinema
 having something to eat at Burger King’s
 going swimming
 walking up to the old castle

 I’m going to describe a situation to you…

Your school wants to open a shop for pupils. Talk together about the type of
things the shop should sell and which two things would be the most popular.

Explain why and discuss your opinions:

 workbooks and exercise books

 ice-cream and sweets
 pencils, rulers and other things you need at school
 magazines
 pizza and burgers
 I’m going to describe a situation to you…
One of your teachers will leave your school and you want to find a
present for him/ her.

What would you like to buy? Explain why and discuss your opinions.

 a new pair of trousers

 a CD of his favourite band
 a t-shirt that your class has designed
 a photo of your class
 something to eat or to drink
 two tickets for a musical
 a weekend of wellness

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