Final Exam (40%)

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PART I: True / False Questions (5%)

Choose TRUE if the statement is correct & FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

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1. Email *

2. Latent Heat of fusion is the heat absorbed or released when * 1 point

matter vaporizes, changing phase from liquid to gas phase at

constant temperature.
Mark only one oval.



3. Heat is a NON-spontaneous flow of energy into or out of a * 1 point

system caused by a difference in temperature between the

system and its surroundings.
Mark only one oval.


4. The image formed by a plane mirror is always virtual. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.



5. The total energy in simple harmonic motion (SHM) is directly * 1 point

proportional to the square of its amplitude.

Mark only one oval.



6. A  magnetic field can be produced by either a current carrying * 1 point

conductor or moving charge.

Mark only one oval.



Choose the best answer for the

PART II: Multiple Choice
following questions.
Questions (14%)
7. The temperature of a given laboratory is 25ºC, what is its * 1 point

temperature in Fahrenheit

Mark only one oval.





8. Kirchhoff’s loop rule is based on conservation of ____________ * 1 point

Mark only one oval.





9. In simple harmonic motion (SHM) the acceleration is * 1 point

opposite in direction and directly proportional to_____________

Mark only one oval.



Angular Frequency

10. Electric field lines near negative charges is_________________ * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Radiate inward(absorbed)

Circle clockwise

Radiate outward(emitted)

Circle counter-clockwise

11. A total resistance of 3Ω is produced by combining unknown * 1 point

resistor R with a 12Ω resistor. What is the value of R and how

is it to be connected to the 12Ω resistor?
Mark only one oval.

4Ω, series

2.4Ω, parallel

4Ω, parallel

2.4Ω, series

12. Which of the following is TRUE about a PNP transistor * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

The base is P type

The emitter is N type

The emitter and the collecter is P type

The base is heavily doped

13. Which one of the following is Correct about Faraday’s law of * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Induced current is in the direction that creates a magnetic field that opposes
change in magnetic flux.

Induced current is in the direction the same as change in magnetic flux.

Emf induced is directly proportional to the time rate of change of the

magnetic flux.

14. Which one of the following expression represent electrical * 1 point

potential energy.
Mark only one oval.

Option 1 Option 2

Option 3 Option 4
15. Which one of the following is TRUE about the image formed * 1 point

by concave lenses?
Mark only one oval.





16. Which of the following statement is Correct about magnetic * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Have no charge.

Are found in abundance in the most distant parts of the universe.

Do not exist anywhere in the universe.

Are the antiparticles for magnetic dipoles.

17. Which of the following statement is FALSE about magnetic * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

The magnetic force acts perpendicular to the magnetic field.

The magnetic force acts on a charged particle only when the particle is in

The magnetic force does work in displacing a charged particle.

The magnetic force change(deflect) the direction of moving charge.

18. Which one of the following diagrams shows the electric field * 1 point

pattern surrounding two equal, positive point charges?

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 Option 2

Option 3 Option 4
19. Which one of the following expression describes first law of * 1 point

thermodynamics for
adiabatic process?
Mark only one oval.

∆U = Q + W

∆U = Q

∆U = W

∆U = Q - W

20. The zeroth law of thermodynamics allows us to define: * 1 point

Mark only one oval.




Internal energy

Match the following questions.

PART III: Matching Question (5%)
21. Match the instrument in the column A with correct physical * 5 points

quantity it measures in column B

Mark only one oval per row.

electric potential electric

heat temperature
resistance difference current






Write the correct answer on the blank

PART IV: Fill in the Blank:

22. _________________ is the types of wave where particles of the * 1 point

disturbed medium oscillates perpendicular to the direction

of the wave motion.

23. _________________  lenses are thicker at the center than at the * 1 point

rim and will converge a beam of parallel light to a real focus.

24. _________________ is the process of adding impurity to a pure * 1 point

semiconductor crystal to improve its conductivity.

25. The process in which an AC voltage is converted into a * 1 point

unidirectional (D.C) voltage is known as _________________

26. _________________ is the measure of average kinetic energy * 1 point

of the particles of a substance.

27. _________________ is a measure of a material‘s ability to * 1 point

conduct or transmit electricity.

Choose the best answer for the following

PART V: Short Answer

28. Draw the symbol and truth table for NAND gate? * 2 points
29. List the heat transfer mechanisms. * 2 points

Solve the following question and show all the

necessary steps clearly.
Out (6%)

30. An object of mass 5 kg oscillates with simple harmonic * 3 points

motion along the x-axis. Its position varies with time

according to the equation x(t) = 3sin ( 4 πt+ π/2 ) m where t
is in second and the angles in the parentheses are in

a) Determine the frequency and period of the motion.

b) Express the velocity of the object at any time t.
c) Express the acceleration of the object at any time t.
31. For the circuit given below Calculate
* 3 points

a) The equivalent resistance.

b) The current through each resistor.
c) The potential drop on each resistor.

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