Quiz 1

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Monday, July 11, 2022

College of Technology
General Physics (Phys1011)
Quiz 1 (5%)

Name ID №

Allowed time : 30 min

PART I: Multiple Choice Questions (2.5%)

Read each question carefully, then write the letter of the correct on the blank in front of question. (0.5 ₧ each)

1. A mass of 1.0 × 10-3 μkg is the same as:

A) 10-12 g C) 1 kg
B) 10-6 g D) None

2. A Newton is equal to which of the following?

A) kilogram-meter per second
B) meter per second squared
C) kilogram-meter per second squared
D) kilogram per meter-second

3. The closeness of a measured value to the ‘true’ (standard or known) value refers to………...
A) Accuracy C) Precision E) All of the them.
B) Error D) Measurement F) None of them.

4. Which one of the following NOT correct about systemic error?

A) It arise from procedures, instruments, bias or ignorance.
B) Systemic error bias every measurement in the same direction.
C) It consistently offset the measured value from the true value.
D) Making multiple measurements can reduce the effect of systemic errors.

5. Suppose two quantities, F and Δx, have different dimensions. Determine which of the
following arithmetic operations could be physically meaningful.

A) F + Δx C) F · Δx
B) F - Δx D) None of the above.

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Monday, July 11, 2022

PART II: Fill in the Blank: (2%)

Read each question carefully, then write the the correct answer on the blank. (0.5 ₧ each)

1. is defined as the difference between an observed value and a true value.

2. Write the following physical quantities in scientific notation and using SI prefixes.
Physical Quantity Scientific Notation SI Prefixes
95 000 000 W
0.000076 s

3. A reading from digital Balance (digital device) is 5.7513 kg, the uncertainty in a digital balance is
σx =

PART III: Short Answer/ Problems (2%)

Read each question carefully, then write the short and correct answer for the question. (0.5 ₧ each)

4. Suppose the accepted value of gravity is g = 9.80665 m/s2. If the measured value is g = 9.81 m/s2,
calculate the absolute and percentage error.

5. How many significant figures do each of the following numbers have:

(a) 78.9 ± 0.2
(b) 3.788 × 109
(c) 7.03,
(d) 0.0386,

6. Given three vectors A=3 ^i+ 4 ^j , B=−3
⃗ ⃗ ^i−2 ^j . assume all the vectors start at
^i + ^j and C=
the origin.
(a) Show the three vectors in the xy-coordinate system.
(b) Find A ⃗ +B
⃗ , A ⃗ +C ⃗ and A− ⃗ B+3
⃗ C ⃗
(c) Find the dot and cross product of A ⃗ and B ⃗

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