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Radiation Oncology

Mannat Narang, Pranshu Mohindra, MD, Mark Mishra, MD, William Regine, MD,
Young Kwok, MD*

 Radiation oncology emergency  Palliative thoracic radiation
 Spinal cord compression  Superior vena cava syndrome  Hemoptysis
 Airway obstruction  Atelectasis

 Corticosteroids and surgical consultation must be started promptly initiated in patients
suspected of or diagnosed with spinal cord compression.
 A randomized trial has unequivocally demonstrated that direct decompression and stabi-
lization of spinal cord compression leads to improved ambulatory rate.
 Chemotherapy should be promptly initiated in pediatric spinal cord compression patients
unless there is a rapid progression of neurologic status that requires surgery.
 Palliative thoracic radiation is highly effective in hemoptysis and superior vena cava syn-
drome. The roles of metal stents for superior vena cava syndrome and continuous positive
airway pressure for atelectasis before radiation remain undefined.
 Neurologic emergencies like pending brain herniation or hydrocephalus from brain metas-
tasis or leptomeningeal carcinomatosis require urgent neurosurgical intervention before


Radiation oncology emergencies arise most commonly in patients with metastatic dis-
ease. As cancer therapies and survivals of such patients improve over time, it is likely
that the incidence of these emergencies will increase. As with other emergencies, ra-
diation oncology emergencies require quick and accurate diagnosis. Treatment ne-
cessitates prompt multidisciplinary teamwork, including efficient mobilization of
radiation oncology staff as well as coordination of other medical specialties. This
article focuses on the most common emergencies encountered by the radiation oncol-
ogist, including malignant spinal cord compression, superior vena cava (SVC) syn-
drome, hemoptysis, and airway compromise.

Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclose.

Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 22 South
Greene Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Hematol Oncol Clin N Am 34 (2020) 279–292
0889-8588/20/Published by Elsevier Inc.
280 Narang et al


Malignant spinal cord compression affects 5% to 10% of all patients with cancer.
More than 20,000 cases of metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC) are diagnosed
annually in the United States.1,2 It is considered a true medical emergency. Up to one-
third will survive beyond 1 year. Therefore, aggressive therapy should always be
considered to preserve or improve quality of life.3

MSCC develops primarily through:
a. Continued growth and expansion of vertebral metastasis into the epidural space
(Fig. 1);
b. Neural foramina invasion by a paraspinal mass (Fig. 2);
c. Destruction and collapse of vertebral cortical bone followed by retropulsion of bony
fragments into the epidural space (Fig. 3); or
d. Rarely primary hematogenous seeding to the epidural space.
Epidural tumor extension causes epidural venous plexus compression, which leads
to intramedullary edema (Fig. 4). This increase in vascular permeability and edema
cause increased pressure on small arterioles. Capillary blood flow diminishes as the
disease progresses, leading to white matter ischemia, ultimately leading to white
matter infarction and permanent cord damage.4

Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis, and Prognosis

The vast majority of patients with MSCC have a cancer history. The most common tu-
mor types are breast cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer.5 New-onset back pain
or radicular symptoms in patients with cancer need to be taken seriously and worked
up promptly. Even without a prior cancer diagnosis, MSCC should be suspected
in any high-risk patient (eg, long-time smokers) who presents with progressively

Fig. 1. Vertebral body metastasis with direct tumor growth into epidural space. The post-
contrast sagittal T1-weighted MRI demonstrates an enhancing tumor in the epidural space
that causes cord compression.
Radiation Oncology Emergencies 281

Fig. 2. Neuroforaminal invasion by a paraspinal mass. The axial T1-weighted MRI demon-
strates a large paraspinal mass with invasion through the neuroforamen into the epidural
space causing cord compression.

worsening back pain, incontinence, or paraplegia. The most common level of the
MSCC involvement is in the thoracic spine (60%–80%), followed by lumbar (15%–
30%) and cervical spine (<10%); multiple levels can be involved in up to one-half of
patients.5 Back pain is the most common presenting symptom (70%–94%), followed

Fig. 3. Retropulsion of bony elements after vertebral collapse. The sagittal T2-weighted MRI
demonstrates a collapsed vertebral leading to retropulsion of a large bony element that
causes cord compression.
282 Narang et al

Fig. 4. Intramedullary metastasis. The sagittal T1-weighted MRI (left) demonstrates an intra-
medullary metastasis. This causes a significant amount of edema as seen in the sagittal short
T1 inversion recovery-weighted MRI (right).

by weakness (61%–91%), sensory deficits (46%–90%), and autonomic dysfunction

MRI is the standard modality for spine imaging.6,7 Because patients can have syn-
chronous, multifocal MSCC, an MRI of the entire spine with and without contrast
should be promptly performed. A high-resolution computed tomography scan or
computed tomography myelogram of the spine should be performed for those with
contraindications to MRI.
One of the most important prognostic factors predicting ambulatory outcome is the
rapidity of symptom onset but others include radiosensitive histology (eg, multiple
myeloma, germ cell tumors, small cell carcinoma) and pretherapy ambulatory func-
tion.8 In a prospective study, Rades and colleagues separated patients into 3 groups
according to the time to motor deficits before radiation therapy (RT):
 1 to 7 days (group A),
 8 to 14 days (group B), and
 More than 14 days (group C).
The ambulatory rates after therapy for groups A, B, and C were 35%, 55%, and
86% (P < .001), respectively. The symptom improvement rates for groups A, B, and
C were 10%, 29%, and 86% (P 5 .026), respectively.8 Rapid deterioration is pre-
dictive of irreversible cord infarction. Therefore, prompt diagnosis and treatment
are essential.

Corticosteroids must be started as soon as possible in anyone suspected of having
MSCC because it effectively decreases cord edema and can serve as an effective
bridge to definitive treatment. Sorensen and colleagues9 randomized patients with
MSCC to a 96 mg intravenous (IV) bolus of dexamethasone followed by 96 mg orally
per day for 3 days and a 10-day taper versus no corticosteroid therapy. This study
Radiation Oncology Emergencies 283

demonstrated 3-month and 6-month ambulatory rates of 81% versus 63% and 59%
versus 33% (P < .05), respectively, in favor of high-dose dexamethasone. Vecht and
colleagues10 randomized patients with MSCC to 10 mg versus 100 mg IV loading
doses, followed in both arms by the same oral regimen of 16 mg/d. There was no dif-
ference between the 2 arms with respect to pain reduction, ambulation, or bladder
Very high doses of corticosteroids are associated with significant side effects.
Heimdal and colleagues11 reported a 14.3% incidence of serious gastrointestinal
side effects in 28 consecutive patients treated with 96 mg of IV dexamethasone per
day. Subsequently, the dexamethasone dose was decreased to 16 mg/d for the
next 38 consecutive patients. There were no incidences of serious side effects (P <
.05) and the ambulatory rates were not different.
Based on these data, a loading dose of 10 mg of IV dexamethasone followed by a
maintenance dose of 4 to 6 mg every 6 to 8 hours should be sufficient before being
tapered. Patients can be safely switched to an oral regimen after 24 to 48 hours
because there is very good oral bioavailability of corticosteroids. Furthermore, pa-
tients should be started on a proton pump inhibitor for gastrointestinal prophylaxis.12
In the rare case when non-Hodgkin lymphoma is suspected in MSCC, dexamethasone
should either be delayed or lowered to minimum effective dose until a biopsy can be
promptly performed.

Radiation for nonradiosensitive tumors typically takes several days to have an effect
and does not stabilize the spine. In contrast, surgery allows for immediate cord
decompression and provides an opportunity to stabilize the spine. An early trial by
Young and colleagues13 randomized 29 patients with MSCC to decompressive lami-
nectomy followed by RT versus RT alone. Although this randomized trial did not show
a benefit to surgery before RT, it is difficult to draw any conclusion because of the
small sample size. Earlier studies used posterior laminectomy in conjunction with
RT; however, most lesions involve the anterior portion of the vertebral body. Therefore,
a laminectomy as done in the randomized trial by Young and colleagues13 may
actually worsen the stability of the spine.
Authors have advocated the use of direct surgical decompression, tumor debulking,
and spinal stabilization before RT. Patchell and colleagues14 reported the first phase III
randomized trial testing the efficacy of direct decompressive surgery in patients with
MSCC (Table 1). The study compared RT alone (standard 30 Gy in 10 fraction) versus
circumferential decompressive and stabilization surgery within 24 hours of diagnosis
followed by the same RT (within 2 weeks of surgery). The trial was terminated early
when early stopping rules were met regarding the primary end point of ambulation af-
ter treatment (84% vs 57%). This trial definitively demonstrated an advantage to sur-
gery for every end point at statistically significant levels. For nonambulatory patients,
the combined treatment led to a significantly higher chance of regaining the ability to
walk after therapy (62% vs 19%), and the combined treatment led to a significantly
higher chance of maintaining ambulation (94% vs 74%) in ambulatory patients.
If operable, patients should undergo surgical decompression and stabilization fol-
lowed by RT. Even for radiosensitive tumors, surgery can often stabilize the spine.
Therefore, all patients with MSCC require an evaluation by a surgeon.

Although a total of 30 Gy in 10 fractions is the most frequently used fractionation
schedule, multiple fractionation schemes have been reported. In one of the largest
284 Narang et al

Table 1
Key findings of a phase III study of patients with metastatic spinal cord compression by
Patchell and colleagues

Surgery D Radiation Radiation Alone

(n 5 50) (n 5 51) P Value
Primary end point
Ability to walk after treatment
Rate 84% (42/50) 57% (29/51) .001
Timec 122 d 13 d .003
Secondary end pointsc
Maintenance of continence 156 d 17 d .016
Maintenance of ASIA scorea 566 d 72 d .001
Maintenance of Frankel scorea 566 d 72 d .0006
Overall survival 126 d 100 d .033
Other end points
Mean daily morphineb 0.4 mg 4.8 mg .002
Mean daily dexamethasoneb 1.6 mg 4.2 mg .0093
In patients ambulatory at study
Ability to walk (maintaining)
Rate 94% (32/34) 74% (26/34) .024
Timec 153 d 54 d .024
In patients nonambulatory at
study entry
Ability to walk (regaining)
Rate 62% (10/16) 19% (3/16) .012
Timec 59 d 0d .04

Abbreviation: ASIA, American Spinal Injury Association.

Measures of spinal function after injury.
Converted into equivalent doses.
Reported time (days) are median values.
(Data from Patchell RA, Tibbs PA, Regine WF, et al. Direct decompressive surgical resection in the
treatment of spinal cord compression caused by metastatic cancer: a randomised trial. Lancet

and most cited studies to date, Rades and colleagues15 published a retrospective
series of 1304 patients with MSCC treated with radiation. The patients were sepa-
rated into 5 schedules: 8 Gy  1 in 1 day (n 5 261, group 1), 4 Gy  5 in 1 week
(n 5 279, group 2), 3 Gy  10 in 2 weeks (n 5 274, group 3), 2.5 Gy  15 in 3 weeks
(n 5 233, group 4), and 2 Gy  20 in 4 weeks (n 5 257, group 5). All of the groups
had similar posttreatment ambulatory rates (63% to 74%) and motor function im-
provements (26% to 31%). However, in-field recurrence rates were much lower
for the protracted schedules. The 2-year in-field recurrence rates for groups 1, 2,
3, 4, and 5 were 24%, 26%, 14%, 9%, and 7% (P<.001), respectively. They recom-
mend that a single fraction of 8 Gy should be used in patients with MSCC with
limited survival expectations, and that fractionated regimens should be used for
all other patients.
Maranzano and colleagues16 have reported on 2 randomized trials evaluating short,
RT schedules. It is very difficult to interpret these results because none of these trials
Radiation Oncology Emergencies 285

included a fractionation that would be considered a standard (ie, 30 Gy in 10 fractions).

A more relevant randomized trial was reported by Rades and colleagues17 comparing
a short course regimen of 20 Gy in 5 fractions with 30 Gy in 10 fractions in patients with
MSCC and a poor to intermediate survival prognosis. The primary end point was mo-
tor function response rate showing improvement or no progression of motor deficits at
1 month. The 1-month response rates were similar for both RT regimens (87.2%–
89.6%; P 5 .73), and the 3- and 6-month response rates after treatment were also
similar. Local progression-free survival and overall survival (median, 3.2 months)
were similar for both arms. Based on this trial’s results, 20 Gy in 5 fractions was
deemed noninferior to 30 Gy in 10 fractions, and should be strongly considered for pa-
tients with a poor prognosis in whom limiting treatment time and discomfort should be
a high priority.
For patients receiving palliative RT for MSCC from solid tumors, 30 Gy in 10 frac-
tions is considered the standard of care. Shorter fractionation schedules, such as
8 Gy  1 or 4 Gy  5, should only be reserved for those with clear evidence of pro-
gressive disease refractory to systemic therapy in whom survival expectations are
poor. If the patient is found to have a good performance status, oligometastatic dis-
ease, and controlled primary disease, then consideration should be made to esca-
late the total dose beyond 30 Gy because in an effort to achieve greater long-term
gross tumor control. Special techniques such as intensity-modulated RT or frac-
tionated stereotactic body RT (SBRT) should be considered to safely escalate
the total dose. Investigators at Memorial Sloan Kettering have described the
NOMS (neurologic, oncologic, mechanical instability, systemic disease) decision
framework for the treatment of spinal metastasis. A significant component of
NOMS is the use of SBRT. How advanced techniques such as SBRT and the
NOMS algorithm fit into the treatment of MSCC can only be ascertained through
prospective validation with randomized trials like STEREOCORD (SBRT vs surgery
followed by RT).18–20

Pediatric Spinal Cord Compression

Histologic subtypes commonly encountered in children (eg, neuroblastoma, Wilms’
tumor, and Ewing sarcoma) rarely occur in adults. In adults, most cases of MSCC
are caused by direct invasion into the epidural space by metastatic vertebral body tu-
mors, although in children most are caused by direct neural foraminal invasion,
causing the characteristic dumbbell tumor. Chemotherapy plays a central role in the
treatment of pediatric MSCC.21
Neuroblastoma is the most common histology of pediatric MSCC. The French So-
ciety of Pediatric Oncology protocol NBL-90 included 42 nonmetastatic neuroblas-
toma patients with intraspinal extension and consequent MSCC.22 All patients were
treated with initial chemotherapy, and this resulted in intraspinal tumor shrinkage,
avoidance of surgery, and neurologic deficit improvement in 58%, 60%, and 92%
of the patients, respectively. Severe neurologic sequelae occurred in only 6 patients
Emergent surgery should be offered to any pediatric patient with rapid neurologic
progression at initial presentation or while on chemotherapy. In most circumstances,
this treatment should be followed by definitive chemotherapy. In stable or mildly
symptomatic patients, chemotherapy can obviate the need for emergent surgery,
which is often associated with long-term skeletal deformities. RT should be reserved
only for those who require palliation for progressive disease after multiple systemic
regimens, or those who progress neurologically despite the initial treatment with
chemotherapy or surgery.
286 Narang et al

Intramedullary Spinal Cord Metastasis

Intramedullary spinal cord metastasis (ISCM) is rare, representing only 1% of all intra-
medullary tumors. It is most commonly secondary to a lung primary (54%), followed by
breast cancer (11%).23 Although back pain is common in more than 90% of patients
with MSCC, back or neck pain was seen in only 38% with ISCM. However, high sen-
sory deficits (79%), sphincter dysfunction (60%), and weakness (91%) are more com-
mon in ISCM. The most striking difference between ISCM and MSCC is the high
incidence of synchronous brain metastasis (41%) in patients presenting with ISCM.
An MRI of the brain should be obtained.
The treatment of ISCM should be approached very similarly to MSCC, except for the
role of surgery. Most surgeons are reluctant to operate in ISCM because surgery
carries a high morbidity rate. Corticosteroids as well as RT should be initiated
promptly. Unfortunately, a diagnosis of ISCM portends a poor prognosis with median
survival of only 1.0 to 5.5 months.24


Primary lung cancer afflicts more than 225,000 Americans each year and even more
patients have metastatic disease to the lung.25 Many of these patients develop symp-
toms associated with their intrathoracic disease that are directly life threatening or can
impact their quality of life. The most immediate life-threatening conditions are hemop-
tysis, SVC syndrome, and airway obstruction. The role of RT in alleviating these symp-
toms is described here.

Hemoptysis is a life-threatening symptom of progressive intrathoracic disease. It can
start as small amounts of bleeding from friable endobronchial tumor or a tumor
eroding into a small intrapleural vessel, or a dramatic, copious, and often fatal amount
of blood from a tumor eroding into one of the major vessels of the thorax.26,27 The first
step in the management of hemoptysis in patients with cancer is to ascertain its cause
and exact location. In non–life-threatening hemoptysis, bronchoscopy establishes the
diagnosis and location of the bleeding source, which facilitates targeting with RT. In
massive hemoptysis, the role of bronchoscopy is both diagnostic and allows the op-
portunity to control the bleeding and stabilize the patient. In patients who have an
established diagnosis of malignancy, such as lung cancer, the source and even loca-
tion of the bleeding can be ascertained from a high-resolution computed tomography
scan. Once the location is established and/or the acute bleed is stabilized, RT should
be initiated as soon as possible.28
In a report from the University of Maryland, 568 patients were irradiated for intratho-
racic disease, 113 of them for hemoptysis.29 Symptomatic improvement of hemopty-
sis was achieved in 84% of all patients. A multi-institutional study performed by the
RTOG reached a similar conclusion.30 RTOG 73-02 randomized 409 patients with
inoperable advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) to a 40 Gy split course,
30 Gy continuous and 40 Gy continuous, 93 patients reported hemoptysis upon
entering the study and 76% reported relief upon completion of RT. In the meta-
analysis by Fairchild and colleagues,31 the complete and overall response rates with
palliative RT were 73.7% and 81.2%, respectively.

Superior Vena Cava Syndrome

The management of SVC syndrome is highly dependent on the clinical presentation.
The majority of patients with SVC syndrome present without respiratory or
Radiation Oncology Emergencies 287

hemodynamic instability. They usually present with engorged chest wall veins that can
be appreciated both clinically and radiographically. This engorgement is reflective of
collateral vessel formation and of a slowly progressing, chronic disease process. It
is essential to obtain a tissue diagnosis and perform the appropriate staging workup
in these clinically stable patients. The most likely malignant etiologies are small cell
lung cancer, NSCLC, and lymphoma. Selection of appropriate treatment for SVC syn-
drome is driven by histology, stage, and the degree of emergent need. In some cases,
a patient presents with a rapidly developing syndrome marked by respiratory or hemo-
dynamic instability. For these, RT is an appropriate emergent treatment option.
Ninety-seven percent of all cases of SVC obstruction are related to malignant
Recently, there has been more experience of inserting endovascular stenting before
palliative RT, especially in those with instability and rapidly progressing SVC syn-
drome. Stents can immediately relieve obstruction, whereas responses from RT
may take several days to weeks. Lanciego and colleagues32 have demonstrated com-
plete and overall response rates of 59.1% and 69.7%, respectively, with self-
expandable metal stents. In a review by Rowell and Gleeson,33 the effectiveness
steroids and the optimal timing of stent insertion remain uncertain. Given this contro-
versy, Wilson and colleagues34 at the Princess Margaret Hospital initiated a random-
ized trial comparing palliative RT versus immediate stenting followed by palliative RT.
This trial however closed early secondary to poor accrual.
The effectiveness of RT in palliating SVC syndrome has been well established. In a
report by Slawson and colleagues,35 64 patients with SVC syndrome secondary to
lung cancer were irradiated using 3 different RT schedules that included 20 to
25 Gy in 1 week, 20 to 30 Gy in 1 to 2 weeks, and 8 to 10 Gy per fraction for 1 to 3
fractions separated by 1 week. The complete and overall response rates were 86%
and 92%, respectively. In a retrospective report from Belgium, 76% of patients with
NSCLC responded to therapy with the majority responding within 3 days.36 Patients
with chemotherapy-refractory or recurrent small cell lung cancer responded 94% of
the time. Armstrong and colleagues37 have reported similar results in a retrospective
analysis of 125 patients. High initial dose RT (3–4 Gy daily for 3 fractions) yielded good
symptomatic relief in less than 2 weeks in 70% of patients.

Airway Obstruction
Despite recent advances in the management of lung cancer, control of disease within
the thorax remains challenging. Experiences with RT in palliating atelectasis and/or
dyspnea have shown only modest results.30,38–42 Therefore, patients who require
emergent management of airway compromise should not be managed initially with
RT. A patient who is medically unstable because of airway compromise will receive
much faster and more effective palliation from bronchoscopic stenting and/or laser
ablation of endobronchial tumors. In a report from the University of Maryland, patients
with atelectasis of a lobe or an entire lung treated with RT only rarely achieved re-
aeration of the affected area.38 Only 23% of patients had palliation of their atelectasis
with RT. If, however, the patient was experiencing dyspnea without atelectasis, the
chance of successful symptomatic palliation was 60%. Similarly, an Italian group
demonstrated a 64% response rate; however, only 13% had their dyspnea completely
resolve with RT.40
In RTOG 73-02, palliation of dyspnea occurred in 40% of patients.30 In the pro-
spective trial reported by Cross and associates,40 patients received 2 fractions of
8.5 Gy 1 week apart. Dyspnea improved in only 30% of patients.40 In addition to
the relatively poor overall response of atelectasis and dyspnea to RT, the time to
288 Narang et al

palliation of symptoms is less than ideal. For example, Cross and coworkers re-
ported that no patient experienced relief until 1 week after the completion of RT.
Thus, RT is an inadequate modality for the initial management of emergent airway
compromise. However, given that up to 60% of patients may eventually experience
palliation of dyspnea with RT, it should always be considered as way to improve the
quality of life.
Recently, Appel and colleagues43 reported the first case of using continuous posi-
tive airway pressure to re-expand a collapsed right upper lobe before RT. By re-
expanding and increasing the lung volume, the gross tumor volume, clinical target
volume, and planning target volume decreased by 46%, 45%, and 38%, respectively.
Before this case report, Al Mutairi and colleagues44 demonstrated in a randomized trial
the beneficial effects of early use of continuous positive airway pressure in patients
with acute atelectasis after cardiac surgery. Multiple and larger experiences are
required before continuous positive airway pressure can be recommended in the
routine treatment of airway obstruction from cancer.

Dose and Fractionation

Multiple retrospective and prospective randomized studies have compared different
dose and fractionation regimens with respect to efficacy, durability, and survival.
Toy and colleagues45 examined 12 prospective randomized trials comparing dose
regimens, which ranged from 10 Gy in 1 fraction to 60 Gy in 39 fractions. All but 2
of the studies reviewed concluded that there was no difference in symptom control
among the various dose regimens studied. With respect to survival, 2 studies showed
a significant survival benefit for patients treated with higher dose regimens.46 In addi-
tion, the Medical Research Council study showed a more rapid palliation of symptoms
with 17 Gy in 2 fractions (1week apart) when compared with 39 Gy in 13 fractions. The
authors of the review concluded that the majority of patients should receive short
courses (1 or 2 fractions) of hypofractionated RT, and that selected patients with
good performance status should be considered for higher dose regimens. In patients
for whom RT is being used emergently, a high-dose short hypofractionated regimen
using 4 to 8 Gy fractions offers the same likelihood and potentially more rapid palliation
than the more standard fractionated courses such as 30 Gy in 10 fractions. Further-
more, a short course may improve patient safety by minimizing the time an unstable
patient spends in the radiation oncology department.
In patients with good performance status whose palliation is not an emergent issue,
more standard fractionation schemes are appropriate. Kramer and colleagues47 ran-
domized 297 patients with advanced lung cancer requiring palliation to the standard
30 Gy in 10 fractions versus 16 Gy in 2 fractions. The standard 30 Gy offered a
more prolonged symptom relief and a longer 1-year overall survival (19.6% vs
10.9%; P 5 .03).48 In a review of 13 randomized trials involving 3473 patients, Fairchild
and colleagues31 observed that an RT dose of 35 Gy(10)BED [eg, 30 Gy in 10
fractions 5 35 Gy(10)BED vs 20 Gy in 5 fractions 5 29.6 Gy(10)BED] is associated
with greater symptoms improvement (65.4% vs 77.1%; P 5 .003), higher 1-year sur-
vival (26.5% vs 21.7%; P 5 .002), and lower retreatment rate, although it is associated
with a higher dysphagia rate (20.5% vs 14.9%; P 5 .01).

Use of Concurrent Chemotherapy

The use of concurrent chemotherapy with palliative thoracic RT is controversial. Con-
current chemotherapy should not be given to those with limited life-expectancy.
Recently, the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) updated their
consensus recommendations regarding the radiation management for NSCLC.49 In
Radiation Oncology Emergencies 289

the rare stage III NSCLC patient receiving palliative hypofractionated RT, ASTRO rec-
ommends a platinum doublet chemotherapy to be given concurrently. The recommen-
dation was based on 3 randomized trials. However, ASTRO does not recommend
concurrent chemoradiation for stage IV NSCLC based on the lack of level I evidence.
Other emergencies
There are other situations that may require emergent attention from the radiation
oncologist. Patients presenting with massive gastrointestinal or gynecologic hemor-
rhage must immediately be hemodynamically stabilized before palliative RT can be ur-
gently initiated. A standard fractionation such as 30 Gy in 10 fractions is highly
effective in controlling the hemorrhage.50,51 Shorter regimens like the QUAD SHOTS
(14 Gy in 4 fractions, twice daily for 2 consecutive days), originally described for palli-
ation of incurable head and neck cancer, have also been described to be very effective
in pelvic tumors.52,53 Conditions such as pending brain herniation or hydrocephalus
from brain metastasis require urgent neurosurgical intervention before radiation
because, save for radiosensitive tumors, a response to palliative RT can be prolonged.
Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis on the other hand is typically treated with radiation
alone since the prognosis is very poor.


RT is an important and effective treatment modality when used in the management of

oncologic emergencies. Optimal management hinges on efficient multidisciplinary
evaluation and communication to arrive at a treatment plan, which is tailored to the in-
dividual patient. Therapeutic interventions include corticosteroids, surgery, chemo-
therapy, RT, and/or bronchoscopic intervention. Radiation dose and fractionation
schedule should be tailored to the disease setting and life expectancy of the patient.


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