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Putting the

Green into IT

an IT Management eBook
[ ] Putting the Green into IT

This content was adapted from internet.com's

ServerWatch, InternetNews and EnterpriseITPlanet
Web sites, and EarthWeb's EnterpriseStorageForum
Web site. Contributors: Drew Robb, Paul Rubens,
Pedro Hernandez, Marty Foltyn, and Jennifer Zaino.

5 Greening Your Data Center

Paul Rubens

8 Server Disposal Goes Green

5 8 Drew Robb

11 Green Is Hot For

Storage Managers
Marty Foltyn

15 How Green Is Your Storage

Jennifer Zaino
11 15

Putting the Green into IT, An Internet.com IT Management eBook.

© 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]

Putting the Green into IT

show that environmentally friendly businesses also raise

et's just say for the sake of argument that your
business is running at or near peak efficiency, your employee retention and productivity rates.
current business model is on or above target, and
the organization is running smoothly. Even in this per- Office Space
fect scenario, the need to continue to push for
Let's start with implementing an effective and easy-to-
improvements will persist and when it comes to IT,
establish, company-wide policy.
regardless of how small or insignif-
First, have all employees config-
icant a possible enhancement may
ure their monitors to turn off
seem, the effects are going to be
after 20 minutes of inactivity,
compounded many times over.
configure the hard drives to turn
off after 30 minutes of inactivity,
So let's take a look at a few easy
and the desktop computers or
ways for us IT professionals to
laptops to go into standby or
push for a greener, more energy-
sleep mode after 70 minutes of
efficient work place.
inactivity (this gives you 10 whole
minutes to get back from lunch
For most businesses there are
or that hour-long meeting).
many changes their IT department
can easily make to move in a more
Next, purchase Smart Plug Strips
efficient, or green, direction.
for devices such as printers,
Saving energy on electricity-guz-
monitors, calculators, or type-
zling items such as monitors, com-
writers that do not need to have
puters, office lighting, and server
power reach them unless they
farms is easy and always a cost-
are being used. These plug-
effective method of reducing that
strips cost about $10 to $20
dreaded carbon signature.
each and they can reduce the
carbon output of your organiza-
The savings on the energy costs alone stack up quickly,
tion by up to 290 pounds each per year. Multiply that
and can be supplemented by possible incentives, envi-
by each office or cubicle and you can get an idea of
ronmental conservation, and a positive image. Studies
how much pollution and energy your business will

Saving energy on electricity-guzzling items such as monitors, computers, office
lighting, and server farms is easy and always a cost-effective method of reducing
that dreaded carbon signature.

2 ” An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]
reduce by this simple investment. Installing a thermostat with a built-in timer to allow for
higher temperature settings during off-peak hours
Finally, install motion-detecting light switches wherever when servers are not likely to overheat would be the
possible. Replacing wall switches with automatic safest approach.
motion detectors is an extremely effective way to cut
pollution and energy costs from indoor lighting. Also, having a rigorous maintenance schedule for the
HVAC unit responsible for the server room space is also
This common sense approach to dealing with energy critical. These system filters, duct work, and monitoring
costs has other added benefits as well, such as sheer systems should be kept in perfect working order at all
convenience and sleek appearance to employees, cus- times. And please, remember to keep the server room
tomers, and other visitors. Keeping the lights off when doors shut.
they're not in use can also extend the life of the bulb
and reduce unwanted heat while keeping an average Next are your servers themselves. All of the top proces-
of 265 pounds of carbon per office out of the air each sor manufacturers including Intel, AMD, IBM, and Sun
year. Microsystems, are now focusing much of their resources
into designing and building new energy-efficient
The Data Center processors and all are sponsors of the

Now that we took care of the low

hanging fruit in our offices, let's see
what we can do in the computer

Most businesses
cannot afford to go
initiative known as The Green Grid, a
consortium of technology companies
focused on energy efficient datacen-
ter power management.
around upgrading
their servers for the Most businesses cannot afford to go
While saving energy and reducing around upgrading their servers for the
cost for the server farms, computer sake of preventing a
sake of preventing a few hundred
racks and other IT related apparatus few hundred pounds pounds of carbon from escaping into
may not be as effortless as clicking a of carbon from the atmosphere each year. This
button or even swapping out a light escaping into the method of conservation, however,
switch, it can be a enormous place to should be at the top of your list when
cut down on your overall carbon sig-
atmosphere each
phasing out obsolete equipment.
nature. And for anyone who didn't see year.
the "Al Gore documentary," this is a And while we're speaking of obsolete
good thing.

Since the top two issues for server farm efficiency are
power management and cooling, let's start with the
” equipment, every one of those com-
puters, laptops, servers and even that Blackberry, PDA
and mobile phone in your pocket contains heavy met-
als including lead and mercury which damage both the
HVAC unit that you have keeping temperatures cool. environment and human health. These devices contin-
Typically these are huge, redundant, energy-wasting ue to multiply exponentially with an estimated 130,000
beasts. The good news is these beasts can be tamed. computers packed into landfills each day with poisons
So how do we improve cooling efficiency without com- that seep into our waterways and then into plants, fish
promising reliability? and animals. And in case no one is paying attention,
that's the stuff we all need to live. You can help by fol-
We start by setting the server room thermostat to a lowing the guidelines set forth by the Environmental
comfortable 75 degrees Fahrenheit or 24 degrees for Protection Agency.
all you folks measuring in Celsius. The recommended
operating range for most business class servers is 68 to If saving the world from climate change and toxins isn't
86 degrees Fahrenheit (20° to 30°C) so there are some incentive enough, then talk to your superiors about the
considerations to keeping the temperature setting at or one thing that corporations can relate to, and that's
near the environmental threshold due to increased money.
temperatures in the server room during business hours.

3 An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Taking steps to conserve energy should be appealing
released a report in August detailing what's in store enough to the corporate kings for the simple fact that
energy-wise for data centers in the next few years. you will not only appeal to your increasingly eco-savvy
customer base and help your business to gear up for
According to the report, data centers consumed about changes in the regulatory wind, but you'll also save
60 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) in 2006, roughly 1.5 per- money in the present. You can also mention that taking
cent of total U.S. electricity consumption. Of this, feder- diligent measures now is sure to keep environmental
al servers and data centers account for approximately 6 and corporate watchdogs, various consumers groups,
billion kWh (or 10 percent), at a total electricity cost of and the bloodthirsty media from centering your busi-
about $450 million per year, a press release summariz- ness in their crosshairs.
ing the highlights said.
You've all heard it before and the truth is that if we all
The energy consumption of data centers (and servers) did our part to help conserve energy and reduce pollu-
has doubled in the past five years and is expected to tion, we would all be better off in a multitude of ways.
almost double again in the next five years. The report Just for starters, we would see reduced energy costs
estimates it will reach close to 100 billion kWh. In other and a cleaner and healthier place to live and work for
words, about $7.4 billion will be spent annually on all. ■
power come 2011.

4 An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]

Greening Your Data Center

by Paul Rubens

The writing has been on the wall for some time. tions, and costing $2.7 billion - about the gross national
product of an entire country like Zambia or Nepal.

lectricity use in data centers is skyrocketing, send-
ing corporate energy bills through the roof, creat- Unless data centers go green, energy costs could soon
ing environmental concerns and generating nega- spiral out of control, according to Rakesh Kumar, a vice
tive publicity for large corporations. president at Gartner. In a report titled "Why 'Going
Green' Will Become Essential for
Because IT budgets are limited and Data Centers" he says that
because governments in Europe because space is limited, many
and the United States may soon organizations are deploying high-
impose carbon taxes on wasteful density systems that require con-
data centers, something's got to siderably more power and cool-
give. Data centers are going to ing than last generation hardware.
have to "go green."
Add to that the rising global
It's not as if no one saw this coming. energy prices, and the proportion
The aggregate electricity use for of IT budgets spent on energy
servers actually doubled between could easily rise from 5 percent to
2000 and 2005, both in the U.S. and 15 percent in five years. The
around the world as a whole, mooted introduction of carbon
according to research conducted by taxes would make this proportion
Jonathan Koomey, a consulting pro- even higher. "When people look
fessor at Stanford University. at the amount of energy being
consumed and model energy
In the U.S. alone, servers in data prices, and think about risk man-
centers accounted for 0.6 percent agement and energy supply, they
of total electricity usage in 2005. But that's only half the should begin to get worried," Kumar said.
story. When you include the energy needed to get rid
of the heat generated by these servers that figure dou- It's Not Easy Being Green
bles, so these data centers are responsible for about
Since most data centers historically have not been
1.2 percent of total U.S. electricity consumption, equiv-
designed with the environment in mind, Kumar says
alent to the output of about five 1000MW power sta-
more than 60 percent of the energy used for cooling

Since most data centers historically have not been designed with the environment in
mind, more than 60 percent of the energy used for cooling purposes is actually wasted.

5 ” An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]
purposes is actually wasted. This is bad for the environ-
ment and reflects poorly on the organizations con-
Green Wireless
cerned - especially if, as increasingly is the case, they
have corporate social responsibility commitments. And
as a growing number of companies are adopting a
"carbon neutral" policy (either out of genuine concern
By Adam Stone
for the environment of for the positive PR this can pro-

duce) pressure from head office to reduce the carbon
hat's the only thing harder than
footprint of the data center, to help reduce overall car-
building an environmentally friend-
bon emissions, will become more intense. "There's no
ly skyscraper? Rigging it up for
doubt that in the short term this problem is a financial
wireless service.
one, but behind that there is the need of organizations
to be seen to be green," he said. Opened in June 2006, the 46-story Hearst
Tower in New York City boasts a range of
So what can be done to "green" the data center? "green" features. Activity sensors manage the
"There is no one solution that will solve the problem - lights. A rooftop collector reduces the amount
this is a collective issue and it will require a raft of solu- of rainwater dumped into New York City sew-
tions," Kumar said. "You need to start by getting some ers. A "diagrid" construction system reduces
metrics to understand the problem, because it's not the need for vertical steel beams, and allows
going to go away," he said. for more natural light.

The ideal solution is to start from the ground up by Thanks to MobileAccess Networks of Vienna,
designing and building a new data center with energy Va., the building also has about 856,000 square
efficiency in mind. This includes looking at the thermal feet of wireless connectivity to provide cover-
properties of the building being constructed, the layout age throughout the building. The network
of the building for maximum cooling efficiency, and even employs roughly eight access points on each
the site of the building: Locating a new data center far floor. These in turn are managed and secured
from urban areas means that it might be more feasible to by four Cisco 4404 WLAN controllers, each of
incorporate renewable energy sources such as wind tur- which can handle up to 100 APs.
bines or solar panels into the design, for example. For That part is easy. It's all those acres of glass
more specific guidance, organizations can turn to stan- that make the job tricky.
dards such as the U.S. Green Building Council's
As part of his environmental stance, architect
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certifica-
Norman Foster made extensive use of natural
tion. Vendor programs such as the Green Grid, an infor-
light, and that created an aesthetic challenge
mation network sponsored by AMD, IBM, HP and Sun,
for wireless designers looking for discreet
may also be a useful source of information. locations to house access points.

Assuming you're not quite ready to tear down your "You have an interior architecture that has a
buildings and start again, there's still plenty you can do lot of glass -- it has a lot of very decorative
to reduce your electricity bill and reduce your carbon areas," says MobileAccess CEO Cathy
footprint. Perhaps the most effective action you can take Zatloukal. "These are areas where you would
is to reduce the number of servers in use at any one not want to put a lot of active electronics in the
time. Each server you switch off can reduce your electric- ceiling, not because you would see them but
ity bill by up to $500 per year (and reduce the amount of because if you ever needed to do a mainte-
carbon dioxide released into the air annually by perhaps nance action, it could be unsightly."
2000 pounds) directly, with about the same savings again
realizable from reduced cooling requirements. This aesthetic concern directly informed the
technological choices behind the project. First,
It may be that you have servers that don't need to be MobileAccess technology fits snugly in a
on at all hours of the day and night, but it's more likely

6 An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]
that you can reduce the number of severs you need
through virtualization. If you run corporate applications Hearst’s Green Wireless
on separate servers, many may be only 10 to 20 per-
cent utilized. Virtualization can dramatically cut the telecommunications closet for discreet access.
number of physical servers you need, while technology Moreover, the solution need not be tweaked
from companies such as VMWare can ensure that your very often, if all goes as planned.
virtual machines can be switched to higher-capacity
physical machines during peak times. Zatloukal didn't want to create a solution that
would require frequent re-working of infra-
If you do retire some servers, it obviously makes sense structure, with building owners having to alter
to get rid of the older ones. This has the added benefit the network each time wireless services went
of increasing your overall server energy efficiency through changes and upgrades.
because newer multi-core chips can offer significant
performance gains over older ones, whilst using almost Without a sufficiently robust solution, it would
50 percent less power. Power management technolo- be easy to get locked in, to become a prisoner
gies such as Intel's Demand Based Switching can fur- of every new change in the world of wireless
ther reduce individual processor electricity consumption offerings. "Say Sprint launches their WiMax
network next year," Zatloukal says. "Now what
by up to 30 percent.
happens? You have to deploy a whole new net-
Another area where you can make significant power sav-
ings is server power supplies themselves. That's because
Zatloukal prefers what she calls a combined
they can vary enormously in efficiency, especially under solution, one that integrates cellular and wire-
certain loads. Bad power supplies waste about half of less infrastructure into a seamless whole. "If
the energy they consume (and thus the same again used you do it right, these future services become
by cooling systems to dissipate the heat generated by just another blade plugged into the network,"
this wasted energy.) To compound this, power supplies she says. As new protocols become available, it
running at a small fraction of their rated capacity are should be relatively easy to simply swap out
often even more inefficient. Look for power supplies with access points, which are tucked away in wiring
the 80 Plus certification - this means that the power sup- closets.
ply will run at least 80 percent efficiency even when run-
ning at just 20 percent of its full capacity. By combining and "conditioning" cellular and
WLAN signals, Zatloukal says, it becomes pos-
It's a Long Way to Tipperary sible to extend a wireless network over sub-
stantial distances while maintaining signal
The answer to the question "how do you make your integrity and leaving open the possibility of
data center greener" is similar to the traditional ques- future uses. In the Hearst building, the present
tion from the Emerald Isle: "How do you get to architecture should be able to easily incorpo-
Tipperary?" The answer in both cases is "If I were you I rate a range of new mobility services, includ-
wouldn't start from here." What this means is that while ing location and asset tracking, voice over
you can certainly make savings by switching power sup- wireless LAN, advanced security and guest
plies and switching off unused machines, the real solu- access, as such features evolve. ■
tion requires a total rethinking of the data center. This
ranges from the design of the buildings and cooling
systems they contain, to the extensive use of virtualiza-
tion to increase server utilization, all the way down to
the use of energy efficient equipment, from power sup-
plies to smart, power-managed processors. It's not a
cheap undertaking, but one that may prove vital for the
survival of the data center, the corporation, and per-
haps - in a small way - even the planet. ■

7 An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]

Server Disposal Goes Green

by Drew Robb

Getting the Lead Out

istorically, IT equipment hasn't been environ-
mentally friendly. Server vendors are only now
Bottle and can recycling programs have proven
working to change this. Getting the most pub-
extremely effective. Not only has the percentage wind-
licity currently are multicore chips, in-rack cooling sys-
ing up in landfills dropped drastically, but roadsides are
tems, and energy-efficient power supplies, which all
also no longer littered with discarded cans the way they
help cut down on electricity consumption and carbon
were in the 1960s. Municipal toxic waste collection pro-
dioxide emissions. The IEEE and the EPA are no
grams also help ensure that chemicals from batteries,
doubt driving this, as they
motor oil, paint and house-
develop benchmarks to show
hold cleaners don't wind up
exactly how efficient servers
in the ground water.
Electronic waste, however,
But there are other environ-
remains a growing concern.
mental implications that IT
Cathode-ray tubes (CRTs)
managers must take into
contain lead, and liquid
account, server disposal,
crystal display (LCD) moni-
being a prime example.
tors contain mercury.
Buying lots of new energy
Batteries and semiconduc-
efficient gear is only an envi-
tors contain cadmium. The
ronmentally sound practice if
flame retardant used in cir-
one disposes of the old gear
cuit boards is toxic, and
properly. Jupiterimages
wires are coated with PVC
insulation. This wasn't a big issue in the mainframe
"Compliance with environmental regulations and
days, but it certainly is now.
social responsibility are important," said Bob
Houghton, president of Redemtech, a Columbus,
In the United States, nearly a billion cell phones were
Ohio, company that disposes of used data center
manufactured worldwide last year; the year before,
gear. "You don't want to have to explain to sharehold-
130,000 computers a day were trashed. Research firm
ers or customers why the equipment is showing up in
Gartner said that it anticipates between 2006 and
a dump in Pakistan or going to a blast furnace in
2010, 925 million PCs and more than 46 million servers

A large portion of U.S. and European waste is being sent to countries in Asia and Africa
with lax environmental and employee safety regulations.

8 ” An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]
will be sold, mostly replacing older equipment. cleanses, along with the tests showing the data was
effectively erased.
As a result, more than 2 million tons of electronic waste
is already going to U.S. landfills every year. Even worse "The key to effective data management at the end of
is what happens overseas. A large portion of U.S. and the lifecycle is the audit trail," said Houghton. "You
European waste is being sent to countries in Asia and should be able to say 'I took these 200 hard drives out
Africa with lax environmental and employee safety reg- of service, these are the serial numbers, and here is the
ulations. This transfers the toxic burden to third-world record of sanitation.' That closes the information lifecy-
countries, despite agreements such as the Basel cle on those devices."
Convention on the Control of Transboundary
Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal - Handling the Hardware
designed to prevent such actions.
Once the data is cleansed, the next issue is what to do
"Businesses need to figure out their policy and their with the servers themselves. It is tempting to try to sell
plan for disposing of different types of equipment," them and recover any residual value, but O'Brien said
said Gartner research vice president Frances O'Brien. this is rarely cost-effective.
"It is part of the ongoing cost
of business, and they need to
plan for it."

Data Destruction

Disks can be degaussed or
shredded, but server disposal
"Some companies are skilled
at selling the equipment, but
more often than not they
aren't," she says. "It involves
a lot of labor and logistics."
Creating a disposal plan starts
specialists generally follow the U.S.
with knowing what equip- Department of Defense's standard Instead, she recommends
ment the company owns and ˜ three complete overwrites of the leaving it to a company that
the data it contains. disk with random 0s and 1s. specializes in the area. If the
"Most customers have pretty equipment is leased, the ven-

good processes for procuring dor will simply take it away at
new equipment," said Daniel the end of the lease period. If
Ransdell, general manager of IBM Global Asset it is not leased, you can often get the company selling
Recovery Services, which disposes of more than 22,000 you the replacement equipment to take it off your
machines weekly. "But when you ask them about end hands. Jim O'Grady, director of Technology Value
of lifecycle management, a lot of them look at you with Solutions for Hewlett-Packard Financial Services is
a blank stare." responsible for all of HP's lease returns, and as a result
he also oversees the disposal of much non-HP, cus-
A server asset management system must address both tomer-owned equipment.
the hardware and the data. When a server is taken out
of production, the data should be erased and the "We find all the stuff that they were hiding in cubes,
results fully documented. That evidence can then be warehouses and closets," he said. "Then, we get them
given to auditors showing that the company is in com- onto a refresh cycle that is more consistent and helps
pliance with regulations, such as the Health Insurance turn it into a value recovery proposition."
Portability and Accessibility Act (HIPAA) in the United
States or the Data Privacy Directive in the European There are also companies that focus strictly on equip-
Union. ment removal and disposal. Redemtech deals with a
wide range of equipment, but others, such as Network
Disks can be degaussed or shredded, but server dis- Liquidators and Missouri-based PC Disposal, specialize
posal specialists generally follow the U.S. Department in certain types of gear.
of Defense's standard - three complete overwrites of
the disk with random 0s and 1s. The overwriting soft- Once an equipment disposal company receives the
ware should then keep a record of all the disks it gear, it goes through a series of steps. First, it wipes

9 An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]
any data from the disk and reloads the operating sys- When a company is on a regular equipment upgrade
tem, if needed. Next, a series of tests is run on the cycle, the old equipment may have some resale value.
equipment. If it is in good shape, it is repackaged and The primary concerns, however, are data security and
resold. environmental compliance. Gartner's O'Brien said that
in most cases, you can expect to pay to have the
"There is a worldwide market for data center equip- equipment properly disposed of, but that is still less
ment," said Houghton. "Some [hardware] that is no expensive than the fines and bad PR resulting from
longer valuable in this country has value in developing data breaches and toxic waste dumping. She advises IT
countries in Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East." directors visit the premises of any equipment disposal
Some equipment is more profitable to disassemble and company they are planning to use to make sure they
sell as parts rather than as a whole unit. Anything do the job properly.
remaining then goes through a recycling process to
extract hazardous materials or precious metals, before "You have to verify who you are doing business with is
sending the remainder to a landfill. Ransdell said that doing it in a safe environmental manner," said O'Brien.
15 percent of what IBM takes in is converted to parts, "Some companies haul the gear away but just dump it
while less than 1 percent winds up in a landfill. at the side of the road or in a landfill, and the customer
then had to pay to get that equipment cleaned up." ■

10 An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]

Green Is Hot for Storage Managers

by Marty Foltyn

Storage Networking Industry Association board of

he concept of "green" may be cool, but pressure
is heating up as storage and network managers directors and principal engineer at Brocade.
around the world struggle with skyrocketing ener- "Combining technologies like server virtualization and
gy costs. IT departments can expect to spend half of storage virtualization can make significant reductions in
their total budget on energy, according to an EPA draft energy costs."
report on server and data center efficiencies.
Server virtualization - running multiple instances of an
One of the top issues for storage managers is to use operating system on a single platform - yields greater
energy more efficiently and meet productivity, supports multiple
environmental challenges while applications, and reduces the
storing more data and retrieving it need to purchase additional hard-
ever faster, according to Jonathan ware. Storage virtualization can
Storper, attorney and partner at create infrastructures for informa-
Hanson Bridgett LLP. Evaluating tion lifecycle management (ILM),
and implementing new technolo- where tiers of storage create dif-
gies that reduce energy use is a ferent energy consumption
way for storage managers to con- points, reducing carbon foot-
tribute to business growth and the prints.
bottom line, and Storper said vir-
tualization, tiered storage, and Implementing virtualization can
consolidation of data storage also pay off on the bottom line.
infrastructures are tools for California, Arizona, New York,
increasing energy efficiency. and Vermont now have utility-
based rebate programs for non-
In the last five years, companies residential customers who imple-
have moved to consolidate data ment virtualization and server
assets back to the data center and consolidation projects, and other
"manufacturers are being driven Jupiterimages states are expected to follow.
to come up with clever ways to store more data on a
smaller footprint," said Tom Clark, member of the Once assets are centralized, best practices such as poli-

Evaluating and implementing new technologies that reduce energy use is a way for
storage managers to contribute to business growth and the bottom line, and
virtualization, tiered storage, and consolidation of data storage infrastructures are
tools for increasing energy efficiency.

11 ” An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]
cy based-data administration and tiered storage can
IBM: Call Us help maximize energy efficiency by migrating data from

Big Green
higher energy usage devices to lower ones, such as
SATA, tape, or optical disk.

Incorporating a tiered storage solution combines the

By Pedro Hernandez
potential for energy savings with the ability to meet

business requirements of the data center, according to
aunched in the spring of 2007, IBM's
Mike Koclanes, chief strategy officer and senior vice
Project Big Green encompasses a vari-
president of sales and marketing at Plasmon. With new
ety of programs, services, and technolo-
compliance and regulatory requirements comes the
gy offerings across the company, in which it
need to preserve for the long term increasing amounts
plans to invest $1 billion a year.
of data that likely will not change over its preservation
Mike Daniels, Senior Vice President of IBM life.
Global Technology Services, outlined the many
eco-challenges faced by organizations, cen- "A number of organizations do not have the luxury of
tered primarily around power and cooling. The adding more data center space," said Koclanes, "but
foremost among them is that many IT shops still need to retain information like patient records,
are bumping their heads on power ceilings as trade information, and client data."
rates of energy consumption rise.
Archival solutions that incorporate technologies like
He cited some examples familiar to IT workers, Plasmon's UDO optical disk, he said, "offer the oppor-
such as the "whole nest of cables" that impede tunity to meet both electronic data discovery require-
airflow under raised floor panels. One option ments and green requirements by putting data that
is to transition to fiber, which despite the hefty needs to be retained but less frequently accessed on
price tag, may end up saving a company more cost-effective platforms that meet retrieval
money in other ways. Taken further, interested requirements but require less space, cooling, and
parties can contract IBM to develop a precon- power."
figured data center -- complete with network
infrastructure, servers, storage, power, and New technologies for file storage are also turning
cooling -- and provide it at an "attractive price." green, with a focus on reducing power requirements
This Scalable Modular Data Center is available
along with the total amount of storage required to con-
for environments occupying 500 to 1,000
tain corporate data. "We've been power efficient from
square feet.
day one in our architecture, and are now deploying
energy-aware storage solutions for consolidating infor-
Other IBM initiatives in this area include
Specialized Facilities Services to extend the mation from Windows, Unix, and Linux devices into one
benefits of green buildings to the data center file storage environment," said Narayan Venkat, vice
and an Energy Efficiency Assessment to meas- president of marketing at ONStor.
ure power consumption and provide a
roadmap for savings. ONStor clustered NAS solutions are part of the Climate
Savers Computing Initiative, which sets aggressive new
One of the most provocative of these offerings targets for energy-efficient computers and components,
is the Stored Cooling Solution, which essen- and promotes the adoption of energy-efficient comput-
tially time-shifts air conditioning. Described as ers and power management tools worldwide. ONStor's
a "patented thermal storage technology" the technologies, according to Venkat, save enterprises 50
product uses off-peak power to store and pro- percent on total cost of ownership, and deliver up to 95
vide cooling throughout the day. percent power savings, 90 percent fewer devices to
manage, and 90 percent space savings compared to
traditional direct-attached and networked storage envi-
continued ronments.

12 An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]
IBM: Call Us Big Green A Global Perspective
continued With many businesses now global, there is growing
attention to worldwide laws and regulations on environ-
Bill Zeitler, Senior Vice President of the
mental issues.
Systems and Technology Group at IBM, spoke
about how the company is bringing technology
Current US policy may lag behind the rest of the world
to bear on reducing the carbon footprint of the
in energy efficiency regulations and incentive programs,
IT industry. He underscored the multifaceted
nature of the issues that surround the green- but this will change within the next year or two. U.S.
ing of data centers, stating that the impending federal laws that took effect July 20 apply Energy Star
power crisis "not something that's going to be version 4.0 ratings to desktop computers, integrated
solved with chip technology." Though natural- computer systems, notebook computers, tablet PCs,
ly, this too remains an area that his company desktop derived servers and workstations. Midrange
continues to advance. and large servers, thin clients/blade PCs, handhelds
and PDAs are expected to be covered by January
In this respect, IBM is pushing virtualization 2009. Congress is expected to take action on an EPA
to help organizations chip away at the 80 per- data center energy report in 2007, and has mandated
cent of idle capacity in x86 servers not only to that all federal agencies reduce their energy use by 3
maximize existing server investments, but also percent per year, and 30 percent by 2015.
as a way to encourage the deployment of fewer
physical servers. "There are many different laws that cover environmen-
tal factors beyond the cost of energy, from recycling
IBM also plans to push application-specific equipment safely to reducing carbon footprints," said
engines, namely its WebSphere DataPower Clark. "All this brings increasing pressure on data cen-
SOA appliances and Cell processor, to speed ters "to balance the business requirements driving
XML and web workloads without devoting a exponential data center growth with cost and availabili-
comparatively inefficient standalone server to ty issues."
those tasks. Similarly, the BladeCenter plat-
form will figure prominently in the company's
E-waste is another green issue looming on the horizon.
efforts by highlighting the built-in switching
Recycling and proper disposal of computers and tech-
and interconnects that can lead to further
nological devices containing hazardous materials is criti-
energy savings and simplify infrastructure
build-out. cal, and legislators are responding to the challenge with
laws that apply to both manufacture and disposal. One
Even management software is getting in the example is the EU directive on restriction of hazardous
game. The company is working to make data substances (RoHS), which requires the elimination of
generated by PowerExecutive, the power man- certain hazardous waste such as lead and mercury in
agement features and software bundled with computers and computer accessories sold or distrib-
BladeCenter and System x, visible by Tivoli uted within the EU.
Monitoring, thereby linking performance over-
sight with power monitoring and management "Companies are now setting goals for new procure-
in the hopes of providing a good balance ments with regard to RoHS compliance," said Koclanes,
between both. ■ who said Plasmon's products conform to RoHS. RoHS
takes on more importance for U.S. manufacturers and
consumers with a recent extension that imposes a
series of requirements on consumer electronics that are
imported into the EU or otherwise placed on the EU
market. And even companies with no international
operations need to be aware of RoHS because of a
California regulation that requires compliance with EU
RoHS for products sold within the state.

13 An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]
Moving Forward structure, and keep costs under control will be very
Server, storage, and networking manufacturers are
working together to measure energy efficiency in stor- Storper suggests that storage managers keep abreast
age products. Industry organizations such as the Green of green storage issues in the three main areas that
Grid are advancing energy efficiency in data centers laws and regulations are focused:
and computing ecosystems with industry-wide recom-
mendations on best practices, metrics, and technolo- 1. Energy efficiency for servers and data systems.
gies that will improve overall data center energy effi- 2. Hazardous materials utilized in the production of
ciency. computers and other technological devices.
3. Recycling and proper disposal of computers and
"The Green Grid focuses on the entire data center, technological devices containing hazardous materials.
while the SNIA's emphasis is on storage networking,
including arrays and network components," said Clark. He also recommends that companies and individuals
get ahead of the regulatory curve by considering volun-
Many SNIA member companies are also members of tary action plans for energy efficiency, reduction of e-
the Green Grid, and SNIA "will be a great venue for waste, and using less toxic materials in production.
developing industry-wide metrics that apply to storage "Green law issues are here to stay," said Storper, "and
networking," he said. "The availability of metrics that there is no question that more regulations in this area
can be used to select equipment, design storage infra- will affect the storage and networking community." ■

14 An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]

How Green Is Your Storage?

by Jennifer Zaino

that information with respect to its importance and

f 2006 was the year of the energy-efficient server
movement, 2007 has been the same to storage plat- value to the organization, appropriately migrating data
forms. from one platform to another as it ages or becomes
less critical to present business requirements - individ-
A couple of weeks ago, HP announced new storage ual storage devices have proliferated to meet the
array technology designed to cut data center power needs of each lifecycle stage. And these all consume
and cooling costs by 50 percent, and IBM's Project space, power, and generate heat, and have to be
Green is putting a billion dollars toward increasing cooled to let the equipment work efficiently.
energy efficiency across the
data center. A Modular Storage
Meanwhile, Hitachi Data
Systems is touting efforts such "ILM is a good notion in
as its intelligent virtual storage terms of reducing the cost of
controllers and Dynamic managing information and
Provisioning software for delivering the right level of
improving utilization and sav- performance and application
ing power. of data, but it has also caused
companies to buy special-pur-
Pillar Data Systems, the stor- pose equipment to meet
age vendor funded by Larry these requirements, and
Ellison's venture capital fund, those consume space and
has its own take on what's power," says Russ Kennedy,
wrong with today's storage senior director of marketing
environment in terms of effi- and strategy at Pillar.
ciency - and how to fix it. With the explosion in data
only increasing, fixing it is going to become a priority Pillar's answer is to give organizations a modular stor-
for companies that want to lower costs, reduce com- age platform that could handle all the different proto-
plexity, improve utilization, and ensure performance cols to support their ILM needs. With unified storage
doesn't suffer. (NAS and SAN), and multiple technologies (FC, SATA,
fixed content) on one platform, companies could have
Pillar's argument is that power and cooling make up a single system to consolidate different applications
only half of the green story. Physical space consump- and needs across varying tiers of storage, establishing
tion is equally critical to storage efficiency, given the different performance levels for the different applica-
cost and expansion issues around data center space. tions and data, it argues.
With the acceleration of the ILM trend - in which com-
panies design a storage architecture and infrastructure "So you could serve up and manage tier-one applica-
to handle different type of information, and to manage tions like mission-critical database applications on the

15 An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

[ Putting the Green into IT ]
same platform as is used for data protection, archive, capacity drives in the same-size enclosures, and new
backup, and different secondary storage requirements, motherboards and server boards within its arrays that
without suffering performance penalties," Kennedy have almost double the performance and half the
says. "People have to understand how to reduce the power consumption of today's server components, it
cost of managing information in an environment that's says.
going to continue to grow. But you have to still deliver
on your service level requirements, on application avail- At the same time, Pillar is a participant in The Green
ability." Grid, a non-profit consortium dedicated to advancing
energy efficiency in data centers and business comput-
Pillar says IT pros really are starting to care about the ing ecosystems, as well as in the Storage Networking
efficient use of space, cooling and power, with nearly Industry Association (SNIA). Along with other industry
50 percent of respondents they recently surveyed say- players, it's trying to drive some consistent and indus-
ing these all matter a great deal in their storage pur- try-wide measurements for measuring storage plat-
chases. forms' efficiency.

In fact, he says, the market is driving more innovation Its own take on that is found in its EQ (Efficiency
among vendors, including Pillar's own sleepy drive Quotient), which basically is the result of taking the uti-
technology, due in 2008, that spins or slows down lized capacity of data used on a storage platform, times
drives to consume less power during times of inactivity. the performance of that platform, divided by the power
It's basically the same technology individuals have and space consumption of that particular platform, and
access to on their own desktops or laptops, but until which Pillar says can be applied to any type of storage.
now, "no one has let you power down pieces of a stor- "Associations are a bit of challenge in getting consis-
age array and do so via policies, via active manage- tency and consensus in moving forward," says
ment of information," Kennedy says. "The technology Kennedy, but he's confident progress will be made.
is there because the individual drives have that capabil- "The consumer and IT market will drive it." ■
ity. It just has not been applied yet."
This content was adapted from internet.com's
The Green Grid ServerWatch, InternetNews and EnterpriseITPlanet Web
sites, and EarthWeb's EnterpriseStorageForum Web
Pillar also is working on its own implementation of the site. Contributors: Drew Robb, Paul Rubens, Pedro
thin provisioning concept, due before the end of the Hernandez, Marty Foltyn, and Jennifer Zaino.
year in Version 3 of its platform, as well as higher

16 An Internet.com IT Management eBook. © 2007, Jupitermedia Corp.

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