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5/7/22, 1:29 Examen: Examen final - Semana 8

Examen final - Semana 8

5 de jul en 0:30

Instrucciones del examen

Pregunta 1 4 pts

Choose the best option to complete the sentence: 1/12
5/7/22, 1:29 Examen: Examen final - Semana 8

- I have to put these papers together but I can’t find the stapler

Pregunta 2 4 pts

Complete the sentence with the correct options:

A traffic warden
stopped us for incorrect parking. Fortunately he

didn’t give me a fine


Pregunta 3 4 pts

Choose the best options to complete the sentence:

When we heard that someone opened the backyard gate


we started to shake
because we thought it was a ghost.

Pregunta 4 4 pts

Choose the best option to complete the sentence:

- Esteban is the new head

of the sales department. 2/12
5/7/22, 1:29 Examen: Examen final - Semana 8

Pregunta 5 4 pts

Choose the best options to complete the sentence:

A firefighter
was injured during the rescue, after the

collapsed over the whole brigade.

Pregunta 6 4 pts

Complete the sentence with the correct option:

- The kids broke the window with the ball, so their father was really

Pregunta 7 4 pts

Complete the sentence with the correct option:

- Sue doesn’t like doing any housework, but she always cleans the
off the books and makes the bed in her room. 3/12
5/7/22, 1:29 Examen: Examen final - Semana 8

Pregunta 8 4 pts

Choose the best option to complete the sentence:

- Sam asked his boss for a raise

due to his commitment

and hardwork this term.

Pregunta 9 4 pts

Choose the best option to complete the sentence:

We had to call a handyman because there was a leak


the ceiling.

Pregunta 10 4 pts

Choose the best option to complete the sentence:

Brunno and Rose finally got married last week after being
for three years.

Pregunta 11 3 pts 4/12
5/7/22, 1:29 Examen: Examen final - Semana 8

Which sentence is correct?

We won’t be late, we will?

We won’t be late, won’t we?

We won’t be late, not?

We won’t be late, will we?

Pregunta 12 3 pts

Choose the word that best completes the statement.

It's freezing cold outside, I think [ Seleccionar ]

Pregunta 13 3 pts

Choose the word that best completes the statement.

As soon as we got to the parking, we realized we [ Seleccionar ]


Pregunta 14 3 pts

Choose the option that fits for both gaps. 5/12
5/7/22, 1:29 Examen: Examen final - Semana 8

Jhon: What a great car, Mike. How could you afford it?

Mike:  I didn't think I _____be able to until the salesman told me I _____make a
down payment and pay monthly.

would / could

would/ can

will / might

can / will

Pregunta 15 3 pts

Choose the word that best completes the statement.

They arrived late to my birthday party, so I was annoyed.


Pregunta 16 3 pts

Choose the word that best completes the statement.

I can’t find my purse now. I guess I have lost it.

Pregunta 17 3 pts 6/12
5/7/22, 1:29 Examen: Examen final - Semana 8

Choose the option that fits for both gaps.

Mike: I got my exam’s results . They got my address wrong!

Jhon: How could that happen?

Mike: When I did the test, I asked the secretary if she ______ it down correctly, and
she said she ______.

has written / did

wrote / has

had written/ has

had written / had

Pregunta 18 3 pts

Choose the word that best completes the statement.

There are no flowers in the garden yet.  The weather has been cold r

Pregunta 19 3 pts

Choose the word that best completes the statement.

I’ve never seen your boyfriend. What does he look like? 7/12
5/7/22, 1:29 Examen: Examen final - Semana 8

Pregunta 20 3 pts

Choose the word that best completes the statement.

We’ve been waiting for an hour and [op1]. Let’s go and grab something to eat.

Pregunta 21 40 pts

Slim Gyms is looking for a new manager. Listen to a job interview with Mrs
Daniels (The applicant) and complete the sentences below. Only one word is
necessary to complete each sentence. Use capital letters only where
necessary. 8/12
5/7/22, 1:29 Examen: Examen final - Semana 8

1:27 1:28 1x

Mrs Daniels wants to leave her present job because:

1. She is tired
of all the travelling.

2. She thinks it’s such a stressful

job. 9/12
5/7/22, 1:29 Examen: Examen final - Semana 8

3. The money is pretty good but she needs to spend

more time at

home and more time with her family


4. She thinks it’s important to get the balance

right between

and your personal life.

5. She thinks it’s time to change her job


According to Mrs Daniels, her main weakness is:

6. She is too competitive


7. If she doesn’t get what she wants, she can get a little upset

Slim Gyms should offer Mrs Daniels the job because:

9. She is a people
person and she is a really good communicator

10. When she does a job, she gives a hundred and ten percent

11. She is a winner

 and that’s what they need now to turn Slim Gyms 


Pregunta 22 40 pts

Read the article and choose the correct options below:

Learn to be lucky

In June 1980, Maureen Wilcox became one of the US lottery’s biggest losers.
She chose the winning numbers for both the Rhode Island and Massachusetts 10/12
5/7/22, 1:29 Examen: Examen final - Semana 8

lotteries. But unfortunately for her, the numbers she picked for The Rhode Island
lottery were the correct ones for the Massachusetts lottery, and vice versa.

We all know lucky people – they have good relationships, successful careers and are
very satisfiedwith their lives. But what makes them so lucky? Dr. Richard Wiseman
has spent ten years studying luck and has found that lucky people have a completely
different approach to the world.

The results of his work revealed that people aren’t born lucky.
Instead, fortunate people behave in a way that creates good luck in their lives.

They notice the opportunities that happen by chance more often than unlucky

people. They are also more open to meeting new people and having new

They tend to make good decisions by listening to their intuition.

They are optimists and arecertain that the future is going to be full of good luck. This
positive attitudeoften makes good things happen.

They are also good at coping with bad luck and often cheer themselves up by
imagining things could be worse than they are.

Dr. Wiseman tested his ideas by starting a luck school, where he helped the
volunteers spot opportunities that happen accidentally, trust their intuition more,
feel surethey are going to be lucky and become better at dealing with bad luck.

Dr. Wiseman’s ideas won’t help you win the lottery, but they might help you to be
more successful in your day-to-day life.

SECTION A - Complete the sentences:

1. Richard Wiseman studies luck

2. He thinks
some people are born lucky.

3. His research shows that people can

learn to be lucky.

 SECTION  B - Answer the questions:

1. Did Maureen Wilcox win the lottery? no

2. How long has Dr Wiseman been studying luck? a decade 11/12
5/7/22, 1:29 Examen: Examen final - Semana 8

3. Do lucky people have more new experiences than unlucky people?


4. What was the objective of Dr Wiseman’s luck school?

to teach people to be lucky

5. How many people were luckier after going to luck school?

about 400


Choose the best synonyms for these words from the article:

1. Accidentally: by chance

2. Behave: act

Examen guardado en 1:29

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