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Lesson Project

Form: 10
Topic: Shopping
Teacher: Dimova Maria
Hours: 2
Specific Competences:
• CS 1. Linguistic competence;
• CS 2. Socio-linguistic competence:;
• CS 3. Pragmatic competence;
• CS 4. Cultural competence.
Methods and techniques: Grammar-Translation Method, Direct Method, ALM
Resources: Student’s book, blackboard
Compete Lesson Teaching and Learning Activity Materials, Learning
nce units Stages Methods, Activities/
Techniques Evaluation
Evocation Greeting the pupils, checking attendance and creation of the atmosphere for a Greetings
productive lesson using warm-up activity. Checking the homework.
Warm up activity
Whole Class Direct
- Teacher directs pupils to quotation of the lesson “ The customer is always right.
work assessment
--Teacher directs pupils’ attention to еру DISCUSSION POINTS - Discuss the
a. Do you like shopping? Direct Method
b. What things do you like to buy?
c. Who does the shopping list in your family? Speaking
d. Are you always satisfied with the things you buy?
T directs pupils to the new words in the Word Study:.
department store — универмаг Whole Class
fishmonger— рыботорговец Work
baker— пекарь Direct Method
butcher— мясник
T asks a pupil to read the words and t explains the meaning if it is necessary.
-T directs pupils to read the text. Read the text below and find a catchy title for the
Realization tasks
passage. Explain your choice.
Meaning -Answer the following questions. Guided
a. Why did George fail to buy what he wanted? Reading
b. Didn’t he know enough English?
c. Did he choose a wrong way to ask for the goods he wanted? Direct Method
d. Did he use the wrong sentences?
The Simple Tenses Matching
Reflection Exercise 1 p. 81 – Fill in the blanks with the correct tense form:
In England, people … hands when they meet for the first time. (to shake) Individual
Exercise 2 p. 81 – Practise the negative and interrogative forms of work
the simple tenses:
Guided Performing
Writing tasks
Extension The teacher asks the students to make conclusion what they
have spoken much about.
The teacher gives and explain home-work- Ex 4 p. Fresh, boring, options,
mumbled. Incredible, agenda, grades, solution. WRITING
-The teacher says that she is pleased with the student’s work and evaluates them.

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