İNGİLİZCE 10. Sınıf 1. Dönem 1. Yazılı

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Name Surname :_____________________________

Class – Number :_____________________________ Point : ________


Hi! I’m Melis. I’m a student at a high school. I wake up at 7.30 a.m. and take a shower for half an hour before
breakfast. Then I get on the school bus. My lessons begin at 9 a.m. We have compulsory subjects until the lunch break at
noon. We study our optional subjects from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. When I come back home, I have a sandwich and fruit juice.
I listen to music and read a magazine. I start my homework at 4.30 p.m. I always do my homework. I also have a study
plan and revise regularly for my exams. At 7 p.m. I finish my studies and then I have dinner with my family. After that,
we usually watch a movie together. I also surf the net for my projects in the evening. I sometimes play chess with my
father. I like it. My parents and I go to the theater from time to time. That’s my mother’s favorite activity. Finally, I read a
book before I go to bed at 11 p.m.

Answer the questions. (Soruları metne göre cevaplayınız.) (5x4=20p)

Does Melis wake up at half past seven?
What does Melis have after she come back home?
Does she start her homework at half past five p.m?
Does She have dinner with her family?
What time does she go to bed?
A -) Match the questions and the answers. (Soruları ve cevapları eşleştiriniz.) (5x3=15p)
_______ 1. What does Alan do? a. He has lunch in a fast food café.
_______ 2. How old is Alan? b. He gets up at six o’clock every day.
_______ 3. What time does he get up? c. He’s twenty-five years old.
_______ 4. What does he eat for breakfast? d. He is a lorry driver.
_______ 5. Where does he have lunch? e. He eats cheese, olives, butter and jam.

B -) Fill in the gaps in Simple Present Tense (Boşluklari Geniş Zamana göre doldurunuz)
1. My uncle __________________________(teach) chemistry at university.
2. My father and I_________________________ (go) fishing every weekend.
3. I_______________________ (not/ speak) Chinese or Russian.
4. ____________ Jack _________________ (read) a newspaper every day?
5. My best friend ___________________(be) helpful.
C -) Circle the correct verb form (Doğru zamanı yuvarlak içine alınız) ) (5x4=20p.)
1. We will send / are going to send the invitation cards this weekend.
2. I think Arnold will win / is going to win the game.
3. Michael and Brandon will go / are going to go Bill’s fancy dress party this evening.
4. I hope you will pass / are going to pass the exam
5. My sister will study / is going to study physics at university.
Match the words with their meanings.( 1x1=10p)

( ) chemistry 1)to begin a journey or trip

( ) art 2)to meet or find by chance

( ) come across 3)give a passenger a lift

( ) check in 4)learning detailed information about plants, animals etc.

( ) biology 5)mix different chemicals and watch the reaction.

( ) promise 6)feeling or showing anger

( ) angry 7)make a painting with different colours and paints.

( ) hide 8)to announce or record one’s arrival at a hotel or airport

( ) set off 9)It is to say that you will do for sure

( ) pick up 10)It is to try not to let others see you

Choose the correct choice (Doğru seçeneği işaretleyiniz.) (5x3=15p)

A : ................ we go to cinema? a) Let’s b) Let’s not
B: Yes, that's a good idea. c) Why d) Shall
A : Why ................ we drink coke? a) don’t b) doesn’t
B : That’s a good idea c) shall  d) Let’s
A : Let’s have a picnic a) Let’s not b) Why
B : Yes, ................ c) That's great. d) I am sorry
A : What shall we do at the weekend? a) That is a good idea b) Let’s visit our teacher
B : ................ c) Yes, you are right d) Of course we do
A : Where shall we go in the summer holiday? a) Let’s play football b) Let’s have a lunch
B : ................ c) Shall we go to Antalya? d) Shall we buy a

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