ISILON - How To Run Tcpdump in Compliance Mode On Multiple Interfaces Across All Nodes - Dell US

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21/07/2022 13:31 ISILON: How To Run Tcpdump In Compliance Mode On Multiple Interfaces Across All Nodes?

| Dell US

Article Number: 000019451 Print

ISILON: How To Run Tcpdump In Compliance Mode On

Multiple Interfaces Across All Nodes?
Compliance mode requires slight changes to Support's usual tcpdump commands.

Article Content


1. Create a folder to save the packet captures.

1. mkdir -p /ifs/data/tcpdump/$(date +%F)

# Writes to Isilon_Support are protected, use /ifs/data/tcpdump/ instead.

2. Start the capture.

1. sudo isi_for_array 'for iface in `ifconfig | grep -B2 ether | grep flags | grep -v ISIINTERNAL | cut -d ":" -f1`;
do echo `hostname`; sudo tcpdump -i $iface -s1000 -w /ifs/data/tcpdump/$(date +%F)/`hostname`_"$iface"_$(date
+%F_%H%M%S).pcap &; done'

# Press Ctrl+C to return to the shell prompt after all tcpdumps have started.

# See the notes for expected output. (There are a number of errors that don't affect the capture)

3. Verify that the capture is running.

1. sudo isi_for_array "ps -auwwxx | grep tcpdump | grep -v grep"

4. Reproduce the issue.

5. Stop the capture and verify that it stopped on all nodes.
1. sudo isi_for_array "sudo killall tcpdump"

sudo isi_for_array "ps -auwwxx | grep tcpdump | grep -v grep"

# See notes for expected output

6. Upload the captures with a logset.

1. sudo isi_gather_info -f /ifs/data/tcpdump/$(date +%F)

Additional Information

When running the capture it is possible to see a number of errors about "do" unexpected; these can be ignored.

The following shows a successful capture start: 1/3
21/07/2022 13:31 ISILON: How To Run Tcpdump In Compliance Mode On Multiple Interfaces Across All Nodes? | Dell US

Isilon-1% sudo isi_for_array 'for iface in `ifconfig | grep -B2 ether | grep flags | grep -v ISIINTERNAL | cut -d ":" -f1`;
do echo `hostname`; sudo tcpdump -i $iface -s1000 -w /ifs/data/tcpdump/$(date +%F)/`hostname`_"$iface"_$(date
+%F_%H%M%S).pcap &; done'

Syntax error: "do" unexpected

Syntax error: "do" unexpected

Syntax error: "do" unexpected

Isilon-1: Isilon-1

Isilon-3: Isilon-3

Isilon-1: Isilon-1

Isilon-2: Isilon-2

Isilon-1: tcpdump: WARNING: unable to contact casperd

Isilon-1: tcpdump: WARNING: em2: no IPv4 address assigned

Isilon-1: tcpdump: WARNING: unable to contact casperd

Isilon-1: tcpdump: listening on em1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 1000 bytes

Isilon-1: tcpdump: listening on em2, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 1000 bytes

Isilon-3: Isilon-3

Isilon-3: tcpdump: WARNING: em1: no IPv4 address assigned

Isilon-3: tcpdump: WARNING: unable to contact casperd

Isilon-3: tcpdump: WARNING: em2: no IPv4 address assigned

Isilon-3: tcpdump: WARNING: unable to contact casperd

Isilon-3: tcpdump: listening on em1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 1000 bytes

Isilon-3: tcpdump: listening on em2, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 1000 bytes

Isilon-2: Isilon-2

Isilon-2: tcpdump: WARNING: em2: no IPv4 address assigned

Isilon-2: tcpdump: WARNING: unable to contact casperd

Isilon-2: tcpdump: WARNING: em1: no IPv4 address assigned

Isilon-2: tcpdump: WARNING: unable to contact casperd

Isilon-2: tcpdump: listening on em2, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 1000 bytes

Isilon-2: tcpdump: listening on em1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 1000 bytes

# Pressed Ctrl+C to return to shell


When checking running processes, expect to see something like the following:

Isilon-1% sudo isi_for_array "ps -auwwxx | grep tcpdump | grep -v grep"

Isilon-3: root 71317 0.0 0.3 90240 6188 - SN@ 3:25PM 0:00.01 sudo tcpdump -i em1 -s1000 -w

Isilon-3: root 71322 0.0 0.3 90240 6188 - SN@ 3:25PM 0:00.01 sudo tcpdump -i em2 -s1000 -w

Isilon-3: root 71323 0.0 0.4 70236 7816 - SN 3:25PM 0:00.02 tcpdump -i em1 -s1000 -w

Isilon-3: root 71324 0.0 0.4 70236 7820 - SN 3:25PM 0:00.02 tcpdump -i em2 -s1000 -w

Isilon-1: root 76007 0.0 0.3 89984 6088 - SN@ 3:25PM 0:00.01 sudo tcpdump -i em1 -s1000 -w

Isilon-1: root 76012 0.0 0.3 89984 6088 - SN@ 3:25PM 0:00.01 sudo tcpdump -i em2 -s1000 -w

Isilon-1: root 76013 0.0 0.4 70236 7736 - SN 3:25PM 0:00.02 tcpdump -i em1 -s1000 -w

Isilon-1: root 76014 0.0 0.4 70236 7736 - SN 3:25PM 0:00.02 tcpdump -i em2 -s1000 -w

Isilon-2: root 51721 0.0 0.3 90240 6180 - SN@ 3:25PM 0:00.01 sudo tcpdump -i em1 -s1000 -w

Isilon-2: root 51726 0.0 0.3 90240 6180 - SN@ 3:25PM 0:00.01 sudo tcpdump -i em2 -s1000 -w

Isilon-2: root 51727 0.0 0.4 70236 7752 - SN 3:25PM 0:00.02 tcpdump -i em2 -s1000 -w

Isilon-2: root 51728 0.0 0.4 70236 7752 - SN 3:25PM 0:00.02 tcpdump -i em1 -s1000 -w

After killing tcpdump, expect to see the following:

Isilon-1% sudo isi_for_array "ps -auwwxx | grep tcpdump | grep -v grep"

Isilon-2 exited with status 1

Isilon-1 exited with status 1

Isilon-3 exited with status 1

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21/07/2022 13:31 ISILON: How To Run Tcpdump In Compliance Mode On Multiple Interfaces Across All Nodes? | Dell US

Affected Product


Last Published Date

20 Nov 2020


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