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Culture, Family, and


Presented By Group 5




Competent Nursing Care in Community Setting
Nurses practice in many settings:

Community worksites Schools Physician's office

Healthcare program public health

Clinic Churches departments
Competent Nursing Care in Community Setting

Cultural data

are prerequisite to
successful nursing
important in the care of intervention in community
clients nursing.

Cultural competence requires that the nurse understand the

family lifestyle and value system, as well as those
cultural forces that are powerful determinants of health-
related behaviors.
A Transcultural Framework



Effective community nursing practice must

reflect accurate knowledge of the causes and
distribution of health problems and of effective
interventions that are congruent with
the values and goals of the community.

can be used by the

community nurse to:



Socio-ecological approach emphasizes

that health promotion should focus not only
on intrapersonal behavioral factors but
also on the multiple-level factors that
influence the specific behavior in question.
Identify subcultures and devising specialized
community-based interventions


helps the nurse to to devise community-

identify subcultures based interventions Interventions that are successful in one
within the larger that are specific to subgroup may fail with another subgroup of
community community health and the same community, and often, the failure
can be attributed to cultural differences or
nursing goals.
barriers that arise because of these
differences. Often, the community location of
a diverse subculture reflects distinctive
aspects of the cultural group.
Identify the Values and Cultural Norms of a
helps the nurse to
TRANSCULTURAL FRAMEWORK identify the values and
cultural norms of a

are universal
features of all culture
serve as the community’s
acceptance and use of health
their types and expression vary widely, resources
even within the same community group’s participation in community-
based intervention programs to data
and collaborate with clients and
serve as the families to establish mutually
foundation for: acceptable goals for nursing care,
Cultural Issues in Community Nursing Practice


Diverse Client

Cultural Differences differences in health status or in

the distribution of health
resources between different
population groups, arising from
the social conditions in which
people are born, grow, live, work
and age.
Health Inequalities

Cultural Influences on Individuals and


Values Norms

Beliefs Behavior

Cultural influences that

have profound effect on
Cultural Influences on Individuals and
The community nurse should carefully examine the following when assessing
individuals and families:

1. Family roles, typical family households and structure, and dynamics in the family,
particularly communication patterns and decision making.
2. Health beliefs and practices related to disease causation, treatment of illness,
and the use of indigenous healers or folk practitioners and other
alternative/complementary therapies.
3. Patterns of daily living, including work, school, and leisure activities.
4. Social networks, including friends, neighbors, kin, and significant others, and how
they influence health and illness.
5. Ethnic, cultural, or national identity of client and family, for example,
identification with a particular group, including language.
Cultural Influences on Individuals and

6. Nutritional practices and how they relate to cultural factors and health
7. Religious preferences and influences on wellbeing, health maintenance, and
illness, as well as the impact religion.
might have on daily living and taboos or restrictions arising from religious beliefs
that might influence health status or care.
8. Culturally appropriate behavior styles, including what is manifested during
anger, competition, and cooperation, as well as relationships with health care
professionals, relationships between genders, and relations with other groups in
the community.
Subcultures or Diversity within

Lillian Wald, an early nurse leader,

founder of public health nursing, focused
on caring for diverse groups within the

Home care was provided to inner city residents, particularly

recently arrived immigrants. Nurses who were not from the
same cultural background as their clients, deal with cultural
differences between themselves and the persons in their care.
(Degazon, 2012)
The focus of community nursing is on diversity in the U.S across and within

Subcultures "Distinctive patterns of living

with sets of rules, special values,
Subcultures are values and
and practices that are different
norms distinct from those of the
from the dominant culture"
majority and are held by a group
(Leininger, 1995, p.60).
within a wider society. In the
United States, subcultures might
include hippies, Goths, fans of
hip hop or heavy metal and even There can be diversity within
bikers - the examples are each subculture.
endless. One area of particular Ex. Hispanic culture as a group
interest has to do with deviant includes Mexican American,
subcultures. Puerto Ricans, Dominicans,
Cubans, and Central and South
Refugee and Immigrant Population

Immigrants Refugee
An immigrant is someone from a Refugees are forced to
foreign country who relocates to live in relocate for reasons such as
another country. They may or may not natural disasters, fear of
be citizens. Immigrants move by choice MOVER persecution or suffered
and due to promise of a better life.
The main reasons include better
persecution due to at least one
economic conditions, education and of the following: race, religion,
family reasons. However, they still have nationality, membership of a
a choice to return to their own country particular social group or
at any time.
political opinion.

Many persons come to the United States, Canada, and Western Europe without the proper
documentation. In the United States, they usually referred to as "undocumented" migrants,
"illegal immigrants," or "illegal aliens."

Show respect for the

undocumented immigrant as a
human being.
Be open-minded and aware of
these experiences.
Planning Nursing Care for Refugee Families and
Important Factors to Assess:
Length of time since the client and family left their country of origin

The different locations (countries/refugee camps) and no. of years spent

prior to resettlement.
Language spoken in the home and language skill in English.

Nonverbal communication style

Religious practices
Ethnic affiliation or identity
Family roles and how they are influenced by the resettlement experience.

Social support or networks, especially relatives/family members in the new

Maintenance of Traditional Cultural Values and

An important aspect of
transcultural nursing is the
collection of cultural data and the
assessment of traditional values
and practices and how they are
maintained over time.
How immigrants and refugees adapt and change over time in
a new country?

Assimilation Acculturation
It refers to the degree to which Acculturation is a process of cultural
immigrants GIVE UP their CULTURE of contact and exchange through which a
ORIGIN and TAKE ON the person or group comes to adopt
characteristics of the NEW CULTURE. certain values and practices of a
culture that is not originally their own,
Integration to a greater or lesser extent. The
result is that the original culture of the
A better term to describe the experience.
person or group remains, but it is

changed by this process.

It implies that an immigrant or refugee
incorporates certain aspects of the new
culture into his/her lifestyle, such as
language and food, while still maintaining
his/her cultural tradition and values.
Assessment of Culturally Diverse Communities

A cultural assessment is a systematic way to identify the beliefs, values, meanings, and
behaviors of people while considering their history, life experiences, and social and physical

to obtain accurate information from the patient that will allow the nurse to formulate a
mutually acceptable and culturally relevant treatment plan for each patient problem

In a brief cultural assessment, you should ask about

ethnic background family patterns eating patterns

religious preference food preferences health practices

Assessment of Culturally Diverse Communities
A community nursing assessment is a process by which the nurse collects data about the
community in order to identify factors which may influence the deaths and illnesses of the
population, to formulate a community health nursing diagnosis and develop and implement
community health nursing interventions and strategies.

Improvement in the health status of a group of people.

Community nursing assessment requires:

Gathering relevant data Interpreting the data

(including problem analysis
and prioritization)
Identifying and implementing intervention activities for
community health

The meaning and purpose

All cultures must be viewed of the behavior must be
in the context in which they interpreted within the
have developed. context of the specific

There is such a phenomenon as intracultural variation.

Take-away Questions

1. As a nurse working in a diverse community, how would you

deal with the discomfort brought on by individual/family
beliefs that are difficult to negotiate?

2. In your own opinion, how can you, as a nurse, provide

culturally competent care within the community?

3. What are the impacts of transcultural/socio-ecological

approach in the delivery of nursing care?
Thank You

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