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Ciberseguridad en Costa Rica.

Andres Dinarte Castro

What is the state of Cybersecurity in Costa Rica? Consider the fact that video is from

The state of Cybersecurity in Costa Rica has progressively improved in aspects such as:
National Cybersecurity Strategy, Redundancy of Communications, User Comprehension of
Online Information Protection, in awareness, in the framework for training and in the legal
frameworks. So much so that Costa Rica also has to continue improving on the subject of
Software Quality, Cryptographic Controls, Cyber Security Market

What is social engineering and what does it consist of?

Social engineering is a set of techniques used by cybercriminals to trick unsuspecting users

into sending them sensitive data, infecting their computers with malware, or linking to
infected sites.

What measures can you recommend for data protection at the level of Institutions,
Companies and Individuals?

Train staff, review tactical actions and key security controls that may have been
overlooked, check remote systems, Monitor the set of technological systems, devices,
software and services that are outside the control of the IT department

What is digital culture and what role does it play in terms of Cybersecurity?

Digital Culture is all that change that is being generated by technology and the Internet,
which, in just a few years, has transformed the world and the way we interact in it. In a
society that remains in constant growth and transformation, Digital Culture emerges with
new social practices that reconfigure most aspects of our lives.

Regarding the National Cyber Security Strategy mentioned in the Video, what is your
opinion about it?

I completely agree since the issue of cybersecurity is very sensitive and as citizens, we can
be calm if this strategy is followed to the letter to avoid so many cyberattacks.

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