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Quezon St., Brgy. Sto Niṅo, Panabo City


1ST SEMESTER, SY: 2022-2023


Name: ____________________________________________ Section: ______________ Score:

GENERAL Ma’am Nelcy Mae T.Read
and analyze each question.


Direction: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer before each number.
______1. Which of the following classification of hotels is used for regular reception, accommodation, or lodging for travelers and
tourists with a provision of services for a fee?
A. apartel B. hotel C. resort D. tourist inn

______2. Which quest room offer some additional amenities such as bath robe, slippers, mini refrigerator, coffee set, among others?
A. Deluxe Room B. Economy Room C. Standard Room D. Studio Room

______3. How would you describe a family room briefly?

A. Has one double bed plus an additional single or sofa bed.
B. Has two double beds or two queen beds.
C. Has two double beds.
D. Has two single beds.

______4. A group of five arrived at the hotel for check-in. They requested to be in one room that is comfortable enough for them to stay
overnight and with their limited budget. Which room would the staff suggest?
A. Deluxe Room B. Double Room C. Triple Room D. Twin double Room

______5. Past twelve midnight a dogged guest is requesting for liquor that is against the policy of the hotel, what would be the best
answer of the housekeeping attendant?
A. I will check first if the guests beside your room is already asleep.
B. I will grant your request as long as you pay double of the prize.
C. I will request for the room boy to accompany you at the lobby.
D. Drinking beyond twelve is prohibited.

______6. Complete the Analogy G:Parking available - : Complimentary use of health facilities
A. Code E B. Code F C. Code G D. Code H

______7. Chelle is currently check-in in the Rose Hotel for her short vacation in Davao. She received a Hotel Code W which is a
complimentary wine and cheese to be added on her dinner. Complimentary means .
A. additional charge B. free of charge C. approval of request D. None of the above

______8. Alice, the room attendant for the day, is scheduled to sanitize and clean the room of Miss Chelle, who is currently check-in.
Before she starts cleaning she must change first the room status from occupied to . Alice should select which of the following
room statuses?
A. On-change B. Vacant Dirty C. Do not disturb D. Cleaning in progress

______9. Hotel rules are designed for, which one is true?

A. discipline B. mastery C. security D. All of the above

______10. Interpersonal skills or people skills are the life skills we use in communicating and interacting with people. Below are
examples of interpersonal skills except for
A. ability to manage conflict. C. ability to listen
B. ability to communicate clearly D. ability to cope with change

Test II: Modified True or False

Direction: Read each sentence carefully and identify whether it is correct or incorrect. Write T if the statement is true, and F if the
statement is false.

11-12. Hotel rules are designed for security purposes.

13-14. The room attendant follows the three-knock, two announcement hotel rules
15-16. Guest must be oriented on the hotel house rules before he/she checks in.
17-18. Hotel rules are management policy or agreements between the guest and the hotel.
19-20. Guest registration card is given to the guest at the time of check in.
21-22. During the stay, the housekeeping status of the guest room changes twice.
23-24. Maintaining timely housekeeping status requires close coordination and cooperation between the front
desk and the storekeeper department.
25-26. The ability to control emotions is interpersonal skills.
27-28. Safety, security and satisfaction are the common denominators of all housekeeping personnel.
29-30. Seventy-five percent (75%) is required for a down payment as confirmation of reservation.


Direction: Complete the crossword by filling in a word that fits each clue. Fill in the correct answers, one letter per square, both
across and down. There will be a black space between multi-word answers.

2. any form of communication that
uses words to express its message.
6. the skills that completes the
communication loop
7. a great way to initiate a
conversation, demonstrate interest
and can instantaneously draw
someone into your desire to listen
8. is the transmission of messages
or signals through a nonverbal
platform such as eye contact
9. the ability to understand the
emotions, need and concern of other
10. the fact of being responsible for
what you do

1. allows someone controls his/her
3. are traits you rely on when you
interact and communicate with
4. it also means standing up for what
you believe in
5. the basic etiquette that makes
other interpersonal skills come


Direction: Identify the following Room Status Terminology. Write your answer on the space provided.

Sleep Out 1. A guest is registered to the room, but the bed has not been used.
Occupied 2. A guest is currently occupying in the room.
Do not disturb 3. The guest has requested not to be disturbed.
Cleaning in Progress 4. The room attendant is currently cleaning the room.
Skipper 5. The guest has left the hotel without making arrangements to settle his or her account.
Check-Out 6. The guest has settled his or her account, returned the room keys and left the hotel.
Locked Out 7. The room has been locked so that the guest cannot re-enter until he or she is cleaned by the hotel
On-change 8. The guest has departed, but the room has not yet been cleaned and ready for sale.
Stay Over 9. The guest is not expected to check out today and will remain at least one more night.
Late Check-Out 10. The guest has requested and is being allowed to check out later than the normal / standard
departure time of the hotel

Ephesians 5:1
Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are His dear children.

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