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Name: Jonna Mae C.


Course/Year: BLIS IV

“SEW Reflection Paper”

In Psalm 37:4 says that “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your
heart. My reflection paper about spiritual emphasis week preach by Pastor Paul Abraham in
title of “Acts 20:24, I might finish my course” said by Apostle Pablo also known us Soul but the
course that he said that is not all about a degree or the status in life. Apostle Pablo want a
direction, destination and destiny in life and these are really important no matter how long or
short our life is these will give us the meaning of our life.

Apostle Pablo started the course of his life when he enrolls in the school of life where he
meets his great master teacher. He knows that his destiny is to testify the gospel of God found
from the bible in Acts 20:24 says that “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my
only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of
testifying to the good news of God grace. The direction of life as a child and servant of God is
preaching the kingdom of God found from the bible in Acts 28:31 say that “He proclaimed the
kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ – with all boldness and without
hindrance. The importance of life as a child and a servant of God according to Apostle Pablo
where he said that the first law of nature is self-preservation were we are afraid to being been
hurt. If it is the direction of your life to preach the kingdom of God the last chapter of Acts that
written by Apostle Pablo is “Unhindered” the preaching of the words of God cannot be
controlled and cannot be stop. The bible teach us in John 8:32 were Christ Jesus said, “Ye shall
know the truth shall make you free.

In the last the speaker asks if have you been set free or you are still slave to sin? All you
need to do is to finish your course which seek first the kingdom of God is to preach the word or
the gospel of God.

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