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Structures Germ layer origin Specific Origin Fate Function

telencephalon controls voluntary actions, senses and memory formation

1 prosencephalon
diencephalon regulation of visceral activities and metabolic homeostasis
2 mesencephalon neural tube mesencephalon visual and auditory reflex center
metencephalon muscle coordination
3 rhombencephalon
myelencephalon controls autonomic functions: respiration, heart rate, blood vessel dilation and constriction; reflex center
1st & 2nd ventricle (telocoel) CSF passageway; communicates w/ olfactroy bulbs
4 prosocoel
3rd ventricle (diocoel) CSF passageway; communicates w/ lateral ventricles
5 mesocoel optic vesicle & aqueduct of Sylvius CSF passageway; connects w/ cavities of the optic lobes

BIO 12.1
6 rhombocoel 4th ventricle (rhombocoel) CSF passageway
7 epiphysis pineal gland secrete melatonin; controls biologicl rhythm
8 infundibulum posterior pituitary gland secretes oxytocin, vasotocin and antidiuretic hormone
9 hypophysis anterior pituitary gland secretes follicle stimulating hormone, luteneizing hormone, prolactin and growth hormonone
10 anterior choroid plexus neural tube anterior choroid plexus deposits and regulates CSF in brain vesicles, secretes growth and trophic factors
11 posterior choroid plexus posterior choroid plexus deposists CSF in brain vesicles

1ST SEM, AY 2022-2023

12 basal plates dorsal horn of the spinal cord Tadpole: motor functions; Frog: receives sensory stimulations
13 spinal cord spinal cord sensory and motor functions
14 central canal ectoderm neurocoel central canal CSF passageway
15 optic cup iris/optic cup regulates light to lens
16 pigmented epithelium neural tube pigmented epithelium nourishes optic cup and wall of the primary optic cup
17 retina retina photoreception

18 optic lens optic lens gathers light, bends and focuses it into the retina
19 otic vesicle inner ear sense of balance and equilibrium
20 olfactory epithelium epidermal olfactory epithelium protective lining of the olfactory canal
21 olfactory canal ectoderm olfactory canal air passageway that leads to the internal nares
22 external nares external nares for breathing; air passageway
23 internal nares internal nares air passageway
24 optic nerves (II) diencephalon optic nerves transmit visual information to brain
25 trigeminal ganglion (V) trigeminal nerve sensory and motor nerve; innervates the jaw
acoustico-facialis ganglion neural crest,
26 ectodermal facial (VII) and auditory (VIII) nerve VII - innervates taste bud and facial muscles; VIII - innervates inner ear
glossopharyngeal placodes
27 glossopharyngeal nerve innervates tongue
ganglion (IX)
28 epidermis skin protection and respiration
29 melanophores neural crest melanophores contains melanin for pigmentation
30 oral suckers disappears Tadpole: for anchorage/attachment; Frog: none
rupturing of oral
31 oral cavity mouth cavity food intake
32 stomodeum depression lining of mouth cavity supports mouth cavity
33 pharynx pharynx passage for food
thymus, carotid gland, eustachian Tadpole: feeding + gas exchange; Frog: thymus - thymosine expression, carotid gland - secrete anti-venom,
34 pharyngeal pouch
tube, parathyroid gland eustachian tube - regulates tympanic tube pressure, parathyroind - secretes parathyroid hormone

BIO 12.1
35 external gills disappears Tadpole: respiration; Frog: none
36 lung buds lungs Tadpole: none; Frog: respiration
37 trachea trachea Tadpole: none; Frog: windpipe for passage of air
38 esophagus endoderm esophagus passage of food (peristaltic movement)
39 stomach stomach digestion

1ST SEM, AY 2022-2023

40 liver liver secretes bile
41 gall bladder gall bladder stores bile
42 midgut small intestine, duodenum further digestion
43 hindgut large intestine digestion and reabsorption
44 cloaca cloaca expels feces, urine and gametes
45 notochord chordamesoderm disappears Tadpole: axial support; Frog: none

dermis, connective tissues, other
46 dermatome provides protection to body and allows respiration
layers of the skin
appendicular skeleton, muscles of
47 myotome supports the body
appendages and trunk
mesoderm epimere
48 sclerotome axial skeleton supports the head, chest and back
49 branchiomeric muscles muscles of the mouth supports pharynx
50 parachordal cartilage parachordal plate supports the floor of the cranium
51 prechordal cartilage chondrocranium houses brain & auditory organ
ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm
52 visceral arches visceral skeleton supports the floor of the mouth and pharynx
53 hypobranchial cartilage epimere mylohyoid supports the pharynx
54 pronephros kidney disappears Tadpole: filters blood; Frog: none
mesoderm mesomere
55 pronephric duct mesonephric/Wolffian duct collects urine from kidneys, drains to urinary bladder
56 pericardial cavity coelom pericardial cavity space that surrounds the heart
57 parietal pericardium parietal pericardium lines the pericardial cavity
58 visceral pericardium visceral pericardium protects and secures the heart in place

BIO 12.1
59 peritoneal cavity coelom pleuro-peritoneal cavity cavity where the lungs and other internal organs are found
60 parietal peritoneum parietal peritoneum lines the abdominal cavity
61 visceral peritoneum visceral peritoneum protects and secures the internal organs in place
62 efferent branchial vessels internal carotid; 2nd-4th branchial brings blood away from the gill capillaries
63 afferent branchial vessels external carotid; 2nd-4th branchial brings blood to gill capillaries

1ST SEM, AY 2022-2023

64 dorsal aorta dorsal aorta supplies blood to the lumbar region and kidney
65 truncus arteriosus truncus arteriosus brings blood to afferent branchial vessels
66 bulbus/conus arteriosus conus arteriosus brings blood to truncus arteriosus
67 atrium right and left atrium Tadpole: brings blood to ventricle; Frog: left
left- -receives
receives blood
blood from
from theorgans; right
lungs; right - receives
- receives blood
blood fromfrom lungs
the body
68 ventricle splanchnic ventricle pumps blood to conus arteriosus

69 common cardinal vein common cardinal vein brings blood to the sinus venosus
70 sinus venosus sinus venosus controls and regulates heartbeat
anterior cardinal vein; branches to Tadpole: drains blood from the head; Frog: jugular - drains blood from tongue & lower jaw, subclavian -
71 anterior cardinal vein
jugular and subclavian veins drain blood from forelimb
72 posterior cardinal vein posterior cardinal vein brings blood to the common cardinal vein; drains blood from posterior regions
73 caudal artery disappears Tadpole: supplies blood to tail; Frog: none
74 caudal vein disappears Tadpole: drains blood from tail; Frog: none
75 gill capillaries disappears Tadpole: site of gas exchange; Frog: none

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