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How can we refrain others from trolling? Trolling is much like an act of teasing or fooling someone. We
all have experienced being trolled or sometimes we’re the ones who troll others. For some people, they
find trolling as a way of enjoyment to themselves. It is very rampant in social Medias like there are very
low chances that you will not see any kind of trolling when viewing the comments on the posts of
others. And many of us, netizens, are being affected by these attention seekers. We can stop them from
doing such things by voicing out what do we feel so they will be aware that, what are they doing is
causing troubles to somebody. Another way is by reaching out to them. Try to talk or ask them in a nice
way, “Why did you do that? Are you aware that it’s bad?”, “Are there reasons why did you post that
annoying comment?” or “Did I do something bad at you that’s why you’re getting revenge?” In that way,
we’ll be able to solve the conflict and avoid it from getting bigger. Also, we can give assistance and help
them to change their habit. Remember that making someone feel humiliated, especially in social media,
can cause them to hurt themselves and commit suicide. So we must be aware of our actions. And always
think before you click!

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