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Critical background/ contextual information

The Water Hyacinth is one of the world most invasive weeds and possess numerous
problems to society (Malik 2007).

With the use of biotechnologies the concern about the greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions and global warming issues were grown up within few last decades (Fini
et al., 2016, Mccready and Williams, 2008). It is known and widely accepted that
biomaterials free greenhouse effect due to the conversion of CO2 naturally (Xue
et al., 2014). Biomaterials are one of the major areas of interest within
the field of pavement engineering for their renewable resources,
lower price since locally produced, environmentally friendly, and
lower energy consumption compared to petroleum materials
resources (Mamat et al., 2015, Azahar et al., 2016b, Sun et al., 2017b,
Pouget and Loup, 2013, Hill et al., 2016, Gong et al., 2016, Lei et al.,

Although there are certain drawbacks, several earlier studies stated that bio-oils had
good potential for usage as a bio-asphalt binder. These limitations motivate researchers
to carry out more research in this area.

(Sun et al., 2017b)

Because of changes in the price of petroleum, interest in the use of biomaterials in

pavement building has grown recently. In order to find an alternative green technology
for asphalt binder for use by industries, sustainable design, construction, and
maintenance of pavement are required due to the majority of bio-waste resources and
the yearly increase in traffic loads.

(Ramana et al., 2014, Azahar et al., 2016a, Peralta et al., 2013, Mousavi et al., 2016,
Movilla-Quesada et al., 2017).
Water Hyacinth plants are damaging because they have the capacity to produce

Rivers or wetlands can become shallow and harm the environment. Though hyacinth
plants can be

exploited as a substitute for Portland cement filler on road pavement Asphalt Concrete

N Widyaningsih and B Sutanto 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 453 012043

Thus the water will be reduced quickly, thereby reducing inundation on the surface. Coarse aggregates
well arranged on porous asphalt will increase the friction between the tire and the road surface so that
the vehicle does not slip easily [1-3].

. In another context, the rapid growth of traffic volume will give impact to the need of building
pavement structures and the use of materials used. Especially for the condition of pavement structure in
Cebu City traffic loads that exceed the boundary conditions often occur so that there is a need for
special consideration in planning the mixture of asphalt including improving the quality of asphalt. The
idea of modifying asphalt using biomaterials.

The manufacturing process, characteristics, motivations, and challenges

associated with using water hyacinth as a substitute material in asphalt pavement
and concrete materials are explored in this paper to better understand and
promote based green bio-materials for sustainable construction.

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